Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4th month off weed? :):)?

Question 1
4th month off weed? :):)?...  So I have been four months clean after smoking weed for about a year. I would have at least 2 blunts a day back then. My only problem is now my thoughts aren't the same when I was smoking & off the drug. I have like weird that's sometimes that I would always push aside when I was clean like death & **** like that. What can I do to help get my happy thoughts back & start being the old worry free me?

1)   by smoking again:)

btw : FIRST lol - xboxboy17

2)   Weed depletes (takes away) nutrition and certain nutritional deficiencies can cause anxiety, stress, depression, etc... alot of emotional distress. Seriously, google it to see for yourself! If you're low in potassium, zinc, iron, copper, vitamin B12 and most of the other B-Vitamins, you can get depression-like symptoms! You might want to go to the doctor/nurse to get your nutrients for these nutrients in particular checked. they will take a blood test to see if you lack any of them. Make sure you're eating healthy (include red meat, calf liver, and spirulina in your diet) and take a multivitamin daily, to ensure proper nutrition.
PS: medication, drugs, coffee, and sicknesses deplete nutrition! - skittlesss

3)   I am glad you decided to stop weed. That is the right choice. I am an ex smoker myself and trust me, most the people I hung around and shared joints with all the time, haven't gone much further then where they used to be.

It's going to take about a year to get your mind clear. If you had two blunts a day you have trained your mind to think, that's what it needs to feel a sense of calmness. It takes a lot of time and patients to recover from using the drug to using your own spirit to bring a smile to your face every day. It took me 6-8months to start thinking different. Once you start thinking different, you will love it. You will in control again, knowing that you don't have to depend on the drug to feel happy or bring a sense of calmness to your day. You can do it on your own!

You will love and respect yourself more. You won't be a slave to the weed. You will see the world for what it is. Being sober is a beautiful life style and quitting weed after smoking it constantly for 2 years was one of thee best choices I will ever make in my entire life :)

Good luck.

Peace!!! - Dogo

4)   I think these answers are complete bullshit. I've been smoking for a year now, I don't have depression, anxiety or anything else they said. I see it as a harmless and fun drug. It only causes problems if you're completely dependent on it IE; spending all of you're money on it as soon as you get it, and need to smoke everyday or you feel like shit. For me, I usually maximize myself at $40 a week for weed, but I rarely spend that much on it anyway, usually $20(2 bowls a night). And can easily go without it if I need too. If I were you I would start smoking occasionally again, I mean, it's much better for you than alcohol could ever be, so why not instead of having a few drinks occasionally, have a blunt occasionally. Especially if it makes you happy, and if you don't want depression or demotivation smoke only Sativa strains instead of indicas. Indica is the kind that makes you tired, and want to do nothing. Sativas are the ones that motivate you and make you more crative. - Jesus Christ

5)   Never mind the folks implying you should go back to smoking - that's a bad idea.

I used to smoke a LOT, for close to a decade. It takes quite a while for your thoughts to get back to normal. In some cases, what will bother you are things that ARE normal. Being worried about death IS one of those things. It has bothered all humans since they realized they were mortal. Shoot, it is the very basis of philosophy (and religion)

Learn to wear life like a lose garment.
(In other words, don't take life (and yourself) so darned seriously!) - Tink

6)   Positive affirmations! Research and practice telling yourself happy thoughts. In no time you will have retrained your brain to think good thoughts.
Also, feel gratitude in your life. The law of attraction will bring you more and more good so long as you are feeling good and thinking good thoughts. Its simple and powerful.
Good Luck! - CM

7)   dont scare yourself.. the effects of weed wear off after about an hour, and it doesnt alter your mind and shit like that - Scratch My Back PLEASE

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Question 2
What oil can I burn to prevent mould growth in my daughter's room?...  She is two and suffers a lot of colds and possibly asthma. We live in a very cold/damp house.

1)   Have you used any medicine related to Asthma if no then James South is recommendation to stay away from Asthma i read every feature of James South from http://goo.gl/pPwV9 - Jani Date

2)   You need to use a bleach solution. Oils don't work and will make her asthma worse.. - Ginny Jin

3)   I don't know about oils but we just recently purchased a Himalayan Salt Lamp for each bedroom and it has made a big differance to the air in the rooms (our place is very mouldy). I also wipe down the walls with vinegar every once in a while to keep on top of it. - leaf

4)   You can buy cans of desiccant at any hardware store. Reducing the amount of moisture reduces the potential of mold. Not essential oils. You would have to paint the walls with them frequently, and that itself would be awful for someone with breathing trouble.... - Tink

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Question 3
What is the best way to quit smoking?...  I'm 22 and have smoked ever since i was 18. I am a socially sensitive person (self-counscious, no self-confidence, easlily hurt, hate uncomfortable eyecontacts, always dont know what to say....you name it!) so i get really stressed out when i have to face all the people in school and smoking has always been my only way of relaxing. Like all smokers i know smoking is very bad for me, and like most smokers i have wanted to quit for a long time but havent been able to. More than my other smoking friends, tobacco has effected my health in a really obvious way already. I get constant heart aches, my voice is always dry, i get head aches, throat pains and lately i got bronchitis. Even though, i still cant quit. I have tried exercising but if i move too much i cant breathe. I feel like i really need thoses freaking ciggs to make it through each day. So what should i do? I cant quit or take a yr off from school it is really not an option. More confidence? Dont think that i havnt tried.

1)   Try special gum or tablets that are on the market to help. Write a list of all the things you want to do but cant do because of smoking. it might help too. Also one of my friends tried snuff... it apparently helped too. - Nina Fox

2)   when u die - C A

3)   Try to find something to replace the tobacco such as candies and dry fruits.I have a friend who used to be a smoker.He always bit the pen when he wanted to smoke.Even though many pens were broken.But he did it.He quited the smoking successfully.However, relaxing by the other ways,music and exercise will be good to you.Make up your mind that far away those friends who are smokers when you are quiting smoke.Most importantly,you should have determination to quiting.Think you parents who give you life. - Chucky Man

4)   My god, I began smoking since I was 16 and I've been trying to stop for quite some time too. The craving was too much, especially with drinking, I had tried a lot products & a few failed new year resolution. I'm just too happy that I'm finally weaned, great for me & better for my boys. All I needed to do was to ease myself out of smoking, I found these vapor cigs allow me to do precisely this. I made up my mind to lower my intake everyday. I've been completely weaned for 3 months now. You need to check these out here for info on how begin: www.fasteciginfofocus.tk

Best of luck to you, stay focus and stay on the path. - Billie Penson

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Question 4
Hair test and thc, way to pass?...  I have a hair drug test in 5-7 days .Is there any way to pass this test?
I would like to hear from people who have tried before and I know that I shouldn't have even done it in the first place so you don't have to let me know that .
Thank you in advance

1)   THC stays in your hair follicles for months. If you've smoked marijuana recently, you're screwed. Even if you shave your head, there's hair all over your body that can be plucked and tested. - Mary Kontrarry

2)   Im not sure if this works, but one of my friends is a regular smoker and he said he soaked his hair in vinegar for a while and he passed it. They take hair from your pubes, armpit hair, and your head. Hair tests are probably one of the hardest ones to pass, as thc stays in your hair for years even after you stop smoking. It is stored in all of your fat as well as your hair follicles so theres always a trace of it on you. - Big Tony

3)   There are many do-it-yourself methods online, however there are also shampoos that lock the THC into the hair follicle. Keep in mind they may also test your urine and keep the hair only for redundancy in the case that there is a problem with your urine sample. Hair testing is not inexpensive... - passadrugtest.com

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Question 5
Does anybody know what does a power balance bracelet do?...  Was checking it on amazon. Looks cool

1)   Nothing.

I notice even on their site they don't make any claims about what it does or how it works, in the "technology" section of the site, the closest to an explanation they come it "made by athletes for athletes." If you want a dodgy looking wrist band which they don't even claim a use for and you don't mind paying $30 for it, go right ahead. - Dan van

2)   I think they are complete bullshit, my friend had one and we did a test to see if it made you balance better and it made no difference whatsoever, I think it's a stupid scam for idiots to buy if they believe into that shit. But hey if I could start a company that sold 5 cent bracelets for $30 claiming they make you balance better I would do it. - Jesus Christ

3)   nothing. Expensive, worthless bling. - Nitram

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