Lice!! home-made remedies?? What worked best 4 you?... Great! I just caught lice! :( I'm moving Friday and I need it to be gone ! I found out last night and freaked out , ran to the store and bought mayonnaise and ceran rap lol... I have 2 major schhool exams this week! FML! Plz ppl help me... I've herd of tea tree oil, vinegar, pepper, olive oil... N e thing else? I'm going to a get a comb I mean I literally had to wake up at 430 am to wash this shit out my hair
Plz someone .. Tips?
Oh and should I get a electric comb or will I b good wit a regular lice comb
I had this when I was younger and using the comb and mayyOnaise worked good , I just need this to be gone pronto!
O ya n I will not use any product like Nex or nix w/e u call it...
But plz help
O n how shud I keep my hair during this... Tied back, Down?
Also do lice like clean hair or dirty oily hair?!?
Should I try tanning oil maybe?! Don't laugh ...
Thanks hope u can answer all my questions now
1) Rid™.
It's real medicine. And it works! - Psychobenzaprine
2) You can get tea tree oil based products at the health food store that work and are non-toxic. They don't smelll like Raid.
Drugstore preparations are essentially chemical poisons (Rid, etc.) like any other insect killer.
You need to wash your bedding, etc. in very hot soapy water. - thenoseknows
3) A doctor will tell you not to wash your hair everyday, the natural oils prevent them from clinging to your hair.
Use Rid, it is over the counter and works great. - itsamini1
4) Its mayo or medicine. - Bob Rat
5) just goto the pharmacy and get something. Geez it's hardly the end of the world. - Nitram
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Question 2
what is the best way to pass a urine screen? 10POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?... so i have till july six to clean my system of marijuana,, ive been trying to quit so i don't have, anymore of it in my system, but i know i will still have it in my system what is the best way to clean out my system, from pot residue or whatever you wanna call it? i need help this is over my JOB! i can't lose my job i'm supporting three other people two of which are kids... help????
1) The best way to pass a urine test is by not doing drugs or any other illegal substances. - Optimus Prime
2) First off, don't smoke it ever again. But go to a health food store and get some charcoal pills. They might be able to absorb it. - catalyst
3) Detoxification pills, watter pills, cranberry juice, green tea, and lots and lots of water, and time. This process usually takes 3 weeks to a month depending on how much you smoked but not to worry all the items ive listed above will help the process move along faster. - Cpt. Kush
4) What you need.
Vinegar, turkey baster and a clean urine sample. - Johnny Dough
5) You have plenty of time to pass without risking your job.
The first thing to do is stop trying to quit and quit!
Now you need to eat a diet of high fiber foods. This will help clear up and make your digestive system stronger. A healthy diet will help the liver clean up your system.
Last you need to walk fast for 30 minutes everyday if you are not getting any exercise now.
Drink one gallon of water per day with a pinch of salt and a splash of lemon juice in it. This keeps the entire body well hydrated and functioning properly.
Your body will "detox" itself if you will help the liver and kidneys by not eating lots of food and beverages loaded with sugar, salt, and chemicals.
Or you can go to a head shop and risk trying to sneak in a clean sample.
Your choice. It is always your choice.
I have never heard of anyone being given a 5 week notice for a drug test. Someone at work is looking out for you? Or a policy change? - EddySays
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Question 3
Is high blood pressure medication blood thinners?...
1) not sure. i think so.. if i use my common sense it sounds like it would be lol. - Dylan
2) Google it. - Frank Frank
3) Not Sure..... - Jayden Gavin
4) Nope. The many kinds of blood pressure medications work in many ways such as making your blood vessels dilate, making your heart rate slower, or by making you get rid of excess fluid by making you pee.
Blood thinners on the other hand are given to those who are at a higher risk for stroke or a heart attack. This may includes people who have high blood pressure. - angrydoc
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Question 4
Is there any cure in homeopathy for low testostorene?... if a person is suffering from low testos can it be cured with the help of homeopathic medicine and in how much time.
1) Homeopathic treatment triggers your body to heal itself, so it will correct the cause of the low testosterone levels and balance them. The time it takes to resolve a health issue can't be predetermined because each person is an individual and responds differently. Someone who is elderly, who has extensive iatrogenic (drug caused) disease, and is in poor physical condition will respond much more slowly to treatment. - thenoseknows
2) There's no scientific evidence that homeopathy does anything, much less cure low testosterone. - Goo Z
3) Testosterone is made from cholesterol as it's base and requires precursors also made from cholesterol to produce it. Many times the problem is that the precursors are prioritized by the body to make other hormones and this reduces the availability to make it. Additionally, as we age some of the testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone that is a negative hormone causing male pattern baldness, etc.
Eating high carb diets, low fat, low salt, and no red meat can cause high cortisol production and blood sugar issues that the body has to deal with due to a perceived stress. A focus on becoming healthy by eliminating toxins and an improved diet will go a long way to getting that testosterone up. Exercise can also be very helpful. Improving your digestion and increasing your metabolism by removing ALL SOY products from your diet and eating lots of coconut oil, etc. will go a long way to improving your situation.
good luck to you - onlymatch4u
4) Figs. Eat a fig or two each day. Some of the foods we eat in the vegetable realm are designed to help a particular part of the body. Carrots for the eyes, kidney beans for the kidneys, beets for the blood, and figs for the testes. There are others as well but I can't think of them at the moment.
Have you tried a search for homeopathy and low testosterone levels? Or you can search for homeopathic remedies, or natural remedies, etc...
Good luck. - Paul L
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Question 5
Is tramadol a narcotic? ?...
1) Some say no, but they say it's similar.I can tell you for a fact that it is.I was addicted to it, along with another prescription drug for years, and I mean severely addicted.It was hell coming off of, I almost died from the unspeakable, horrific with drawl from tramadol.It is definitely a narcotic. - bbtalk
2) I agree with the previous answer. Most people say its "narcotic-like" which doesn't make sense because imagine having a drink that gets you drunk and they call it "alcohol-like." Either it is or it isn't. The true meaning of the word narcotic is very rarely used properly. Cocaine isn't a narcotic. A narcotic in it's true meaning is something that causes drowsiness and other such effects. The FDA and DEA abuse the word narcotic as a blanket statement for all sorts of drugs. But back to Tramadol, it is an opioid or synthetic opiate. But according to the current laws that are put in place, Tramadol is non-narcotic. - Deep Thinker
3) According to this,it is. - Just another statistic
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