Saturday, October 16, 2010

I took two 500mg paracetmol tablets is this dangerous?

Question 1
I took two 500mg paracetmol tablets is this dangerous?...  

1)   no but dont take any more - Amokachi

2)   yes - .^.

3)   No i'm sure you'll be fine as long as you're not allergic to paracetamol or something? That amount shouldn't do any harm (i do it myself)! just don't overdo it too frequently :) - Steph

4)   No I often do that to get rid of a bad headahce. Dont take any more though lol - K-K

5)   500 mg is the standard dose per tablet and therefore every time you take 2 tablets, (the recommended dose for adults), you are taking 1,000mg. Just don't take any more for the next 4 hours. - Greg

6)   The recommended adult dose of Paracetamol is 1000mg (2 tablets) every 4 hours, up to a maximum of 4g (8 tablets) in any 24 hour period. Thus, what you have taken is only dangerous if a) you are allergic to Paracetamol, b) you are not an adult, c) you have liver or kidney problems, or d) if you are an alcoholic. There may of course be some other rarer conditions which can also lead to problems, but by and large Paracetamol in this dose will not cause any problems to an otherwise healthy adult. That's not to say though that it doesn't have any side effects. Speak to your doctor if you are concerned. - Dr G

7)   Since you're taking the as normal recommended dosage of 1000mg per day, I'm sure you're going to be alright. - George

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Question 2
do pharmacists make the drugs? or do they just prescribe them?...  if they only prescribe them, who are the ones that actually make them?

1)   Drugs are made in factories by Pharmaceutical companies and sold in bulk to pharmacies. - Gnoll Gnerd

2)   Companies manufacture them in factories and then sell them to the pharmacy. -

3)   Industrial pharmacists make drugs, retail pharmacists dispense drugs. They DO NOT prescribe drugs; Doctors prescribe drugs. - Terris

4)   No, they are made by drug manufacturers. After they are made, they are send to a testing facility where each pill is tested for safety reasons. Each individual bottle is checked by two different testing facilities before it passes on to the pharmacies. The doctors prescribe the medication to the patient, the patient goes to the pharmacy, and the pills are sold to the patient by the pharmacist. - @.@

5)   Neither. Pharmaceutical companies make the drugs, doctors prescribe them and pharmacists dispense them, following receipt of the doctors prescription.

There are however exceptions, such as drugs/medicines which are classed as "GSL" (General Sales List") which can be sold over the counter, and "P" medicines which can also be sold by the pharmacist without a doctor's prescription. Any drugs which require a prescription are classed as "POM" ("Prescription Only Medicines).

Some pharmacies in certain areas also operate a "Minor Ailments Scheme" which allows pharmacists to prescribe a selected number of medicines for certain minor ailments, thus avoiding the need for people to attend their doctor. - Dr G

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Question 3
weed laced or not ?Q?...  well about five months ago i indulged for the first time with a small bud in my bros pipe could have been laced dunno, no one was home at the time, after i indulged i put the weed away sat down on the computer and watched porn, and then i got a bad thought that i was going to experience a bad trip, and i dunno if it was laced but my heart was beating about 170 bpm which then got me into a panicky state of mind i stood up walked back and forth sat down watched t.v (because you know what they say just relax) bullshit this feeling was still lingering. I could actually hear my thoughts (my mother yelling my brother trying to explain the weed situation) I tried to sleep it off but it wouldn't go away my heart was still pounding. so i ran across the road to the neighbours and they rang the ambulance. the got a small dose of my blood and checked it with a piece of paper and hooked me up to a medical bag with watery like substance in it and placed red stickers on my body. the next day we got the medical slip saying i was on weed but im sure it was laced. 3 months of feeling alone sadness and i have no judgment as to whats funny or whats not/lack humor. i am just wondering from all you drug experts could this weed have been laced and how long do the effects of a one off bad experience with weed laced or not take to go away? is it possible that this was a panic attack? i had no hallucinations, i was scared and alone at the time. and yes i am stupid for trying it im just 17 curious and keen to get my life on track. but cheers yahooers

* 18 minutes ago
* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details
I forgot to say i also have blurred vision which made me feel depressed because i felt like i was in a dreamy like state, i now have contacts and glasses which makes me feel a little bit better. but i also have no sense of humor because i have a constant thought that ive lost my funny side and can no longer see the funny side of things eg: laugh at funny things. this is all from a one off experience with (laced) weed

13 minutes ago

1)   Most likely not laced.
"Lacing" is mostly urban legend, a dealer would not waste his product on "Sneaking" a bonus into your purchase. - BobberKnob

2)   I think you are just making yourself like this. Like not YOU, but just your mind.. if that makes sense..? Your mind has convinced itself of being just really blah and blank. Soo.... as weird as this might sound.... Maybe you should try to jump around and yell and laugh (even if you aren't happy) and see what happens. Watch some comedy or listen to music or something. I think the experience has just traumatized your mind, without you really being aware of it.. So you think there is something wrong with you but there isn't.. Like the people tht make themselves paralyzed after an accident because they believe that they can't walk. weird stuff man o: - Leena

3)   I think you just got really high, and prob came close to greening out. Ive literally thought i was gonna die because i was greening out so hard.... - Lil Tea Pot

4)   That's what happens when you smoke, bro. It wasn't laced. There's no reason for a dealer to lace their weed with anything. It'd be a waste of their time. You were high. Your heart beats faster when you're high; it's a side effect. Nice job making yourself look like a complete and total dumbass. And uh, no drug that I know of will destroy your sense of humor after using it one time. It's all in your head. Now, quit being a bitch and go smoke a bowl - Gary Footface

5)   marijuana can trigger paranoia as well as psychosis. i get paranoid when i smoke really strong weed or smoke too much of it. i doubt it was laced, if its laced you really will know. - Lynds W

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Question 4
would a chiropractor help with a torn rotaty cuff?...  Please dont leave an answer if you dont believe in Chiros. Thanx

1)   No. An orthopedist would be much more helpful. - James Ford

2)   If you really tore your rotator cuff you will need surgery to repair it. - Cathy G

3)   I believe in chiropractors, but not for this condition. I'd say corticosteroid injections plus physical therapy are the way to go, followed by surgery if there is limitation on your range of motion or the other options fail. - Jacob K

4)   there are some instances where surgery is indicated, but first, you need an accurate assessment of the injury. it may be that chiropractic alone will be sufficient to help the injury heal and help prevent recurrence. most such injuries are predisposed by neurogenic weakness of the injured muscle, which is certainly a matter demanding chiropractic correction. - Mr E

5)   For a partial tear of the ROTOTOR CUFF (which comprises of 4 muscles) probably.
If you had a complete tear I'm sure it would have been identified by now. - Lightning

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Question 5
How long will weed stay in my system?...  I have not smoked weed since July, and i smoked tonight. I do cardio and weight training everyday and drink lots of water. Im 5'9 and weighing 192. How long will it stay in my system the longest?

1)   ayyy maaannnnn it last leik forever man so leik dun do it if yous like lookin for a job man or if you parnts gon test u man

Edit: To person below me, I'm screwing with them. - Johnny B

2)   haha this Johnny B guy sounds like he knowwsss if you get wut im sayinn o:
hahaha I know it stays in ur hair for a long time. the working out and drinking water will help it out from like sweating and such... - Leena

3)   Well the effects wear off within a few hours but the chemicals in weed stay stored in your fat cells for about a month. That is why weed can be detected on a drug test for up to a month. Because you haven't smoked it in a while, it probably won't be a full 30 days but maybe more like 15-20 days. How much exercise and water you get doesn't change anything. It all has to do with your metabolism and how often you smoke it. - Guide

4)   a long time my friend. it clings to the fat cells in your body for months - Lynds W

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