Friday, August 27, 2010

Just why would a cardiology Nurse have so much medical knowledge?

Question 1
Just why would a cardiology Nurse have so much medical knowledge?...  Do you think certain people on here are paid by pharmaceutical companies to promote vaccines?

1)   So just because these skeptics doubt and refute the lies of the anti-vaccine lobby they're automatically paid shills of pharmaceutical companies? Proof please? Also, it's insulting that you would imply that a nurse should have so little medical knowledge. Of course she would have medical knowledge, she's a nurse! I also think it's hypocritical that you would so easily discard her answers while at the same time accept the quackery of people who have not studied science and medicine and are not medical professionals.

Please provide proof of your claims that skeptics are paid by big pharma. If not, then please provide real proof that vaccines cause autism and all other diseases you claim they cause. - angrydoc

2)   Look. You came on here, claiming vaccines are linked to various diseases. You were shown links that disproved your claims. You didn't attempt to refute any of the links provided and you couldn't substantiate any of your claims. Now you've resorted to your default of ad hominem, very mature. Quite the fail.

I'm quite happy to go through data with you and any claims you think show vaccines are unsafe or ineffective, but if you're going to be childish, then it's conversation over.

I do not work for Big Pharma, an uneducated antivaxxer on the infectious diseases board started that stupid rumour because I said he was a douche for not allowing his daughter to have the HPV vaccine. Like you, when he was unable to support his position, and was shown data disproving his beliefs, he started with the conspiracy theories and personal attacks. He even threatened to rape me. You people are quite uncivilised.

I've never met an honest antivaxxer, or a sane one for that matter, you seem to be keeping that record going. - Rhianna

3)   Do you want someone to work on your heart if they know nothing about the human heart? That is truly a dumb question!

And for the second question: Yes. They are called sales persons! - bearwithblueeyes

4)   Pretty sure I wouldn't want someone doing anything with my heart if they didn't have any medical knowledge

I think she has a degree in Physiology or something. - Mark

5)   I think that no pharmaceutical company - with an ounce of common sense - would waste the money, time or effort to plant a vaccine crusader on the Yahoo Answer Alternative Health section to attempt to talk sense into anti-vaccinationfanatics.

What would be the purpose? What would the chance of success be? What would be the likely ROI (return on investment)? Little to none.

Do people who believe in conspiracies have ANY common sense at all? It doesn't seem like it. - Joe

6)   I would hope nurses have medical knowledge. And education on vaccines is part of medical and nursing school. - P H

7)   Are you serious? Nurses need medical knowledge in every day routine and procedures. Wake up.

Pharmaceutical company would never waste time or money to have someone here trying to reason with people who are against the idea.

Sales about finding people who are interested, not in converting people. - Yeah Right

8)   You anti-vaxxers can't help yourselves can you? Why the personal attack - don't you think thats just a little "rude"?

You and your ilk are responsible for the current increases in whooping cough and other diseases, and the deaths of small children.

There is very little profit in vaccines - and I can assure you Rhianna is not on the Big Pharma pay roll. Your little conspiracy theory is a fail.

Perhaps you are on the Big Alt Med payroll? - Gary Y

9)   whatever knowledge they may have is allopathic in nature, in other words, not about restoring health, but managing crises through attempts at symptom suppression. strangely, they seem to presume that what they do is about restoring health. of course if this were so, following treatment their patients should be well. of course, they are not, evidenced by their continued use of symptom suppressing drugs and repeated crises. in fact, complete ignorance of the cause of most illness insures that their patients have no hope whatsoever of regaining their health. - Mr E

10)   1) Because its required and necessary.
2) No. - Tink

11)   Conspiracy troll is conspiratorial. - Gary

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Question 2
what do cigarettes do ?...  i want like a scientific breakdown of what they do . like , i know its supposed to help you . but like , what is it that when you inhale the smoke , that calms you down ? does a chemical in the smoke release into your brain or like what ? i just want to understand what benfit cigarettes have . btw , i dont smoke . my mother does and i just wanna understand like what they physically do .

1)   they fuck you up - Becs

2)   Your brain is made up of billions of nerve cells. They communicate by releasing chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Each neurotransmitter is like a key that fits into a special "lock," called a receptor, located on the surface of nerve cells. When a neurotransmitter finds its receptor, it activates the receptor's nerve cell.
The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine and its receptors are involved in many functions, including muscle movement, breathing, heart rate, learning, and memory. They also cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite, memory, and more. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of acetylcholine.
Nicotine also activates areas of the brain that are involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward. Recently, scientists discovered that nicotine raises the levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the parts of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward. Dopamine, which is sometimes called the pleasure molecule, is the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addictions to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Researchers now believe that this change in dopamine may play a key role in all addictions. This may help explain why it is so hard for people to stop smoking. - Mike

3)   Cigarettes help you die... lung cancer - Coolio1432

4)   They coat your lungs with tar and other poisons and eventually kill you slowly and painfully in the form of lung cancer. I lost two grandparents to lung cancer because they smoked. - Christine

5)   It does not help you in anyway, the nicotine gets your nervous system hook on it and your body craves it. It causes cancer and bad health in general (that's why insurance companies charge more for smokers) - warrenjudew

6)   Smoke is just something people do for myths like that it can help yeah right. Smoking will not help it addicting and can kill you it has over 2000 posions in it. The people who smoke it are myth believers or addicted to it. It bad the thing that calm you down are illegal drugs. Don't do it if you Don't need to like addicters. - Mickey

7)   It's actually the motion of your arm going up and down that calms you down. The ironic part is that smoking actually makes you nervous. - TPleezy

8)   after a while when people smoke they get addicted, obviously. and since they are used to the nicotine in their system they become dependent on it. whenever they get stressed and then smoke that nicotine gets released into their body calming them down. my mom hasn't smoked in 48 hours and is a total meany. shes going through withdraw. its like taking a heroine addicts syringe away. as simple as that. - sarahh

9)   Out of all 8 questions nobody answered it haha.
I used to smoke cigarettes, not often though. Usually just like 2 a month when I'd be pissed off or something, sometimes none a month, sometimes more then 2.
I don't know what chemical helps you calm down but when you inhale the smoke it calms you're brain and gives you a happy feeling and kind of like butterflies in you're stomach, little ones though not big ones. It feels great.
I'm sorry I couldn't help tell you what chemical does that, maybe its the nicotine? I don't know.
Oh and I don't smoke anymore. - Danny

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Question 3
Easily hooked on weed?...  Im just asking for curiosity sake, how likely are you to be hooked on cigarettes or marajuana after just one use? NO I dont have a single intention on using, but Im just curious. Thank you (:
(PS statistics would be nice)

1)   Weed is not addictive, cigarettes are. - Lyd

2)   cigarettes are not that addictive at first, but after about a month or so, depending on person, they ll get hooked. marijuana is not addicting whatsoever. thats why people prefer it over cigarettes cuz you can easily stop, its usually the high that people get addicted to. - @ng3L

3)   After one use I totally don't know. I have heard that cigarettes (nicotine) is the most addictive drug over all drugs though. Seriously don't experiment. I have heard of people recovering from all forms of addiction but are unable to defer from nicotine. Marijuana can be mentally addictive, just about anything can in that regard, but who knows what else has been included in that mix. - Jedi Jan

4)   Every one else has probably said the same thing but I'll say it again.

Weed isn't addictive. At all. It's impossible to become chemically hooked on it.

Tobacco (aka nicotine) is very addictive, and its different for everyone as to how many ciggs you have to smoke before ur addicted. I've never heard of someone becoming addicted after one ciggarette, though. - James F

5)   i have been on marijuana for a few month's off and on and cigarettes for a couple weeks., you can get hooked on cigarettes if you do them for a few weeks, but the only addiction of marijuana is mental you just want it bad and you are just a little irritable but you only get that if you are used to smoking med-high amounts of it. but some people like me are highly resistant to addiction and don't have many withdrawal symptoms. hope i helped - Scotty K

6)   One cigarette does not supply your body with enough nicotine to become "hooked". Marijuana is not addictive. It's a nice high, but has no addictive chemicals in it. If you desire it again, it is simply because you would like to relive the experience. You can become addicted to heroin and crack and cocaine, to certain optiates, and to certain pain killers. Cigarettes, over time will become addictive. But you can quit MJ anytime you want. There is no "reefer madness". - Marco's girl

7)   Its more likely for cigs. I smoke both and i can speak from experience. I can go days... weeks with out toking, but i HAVE to have my cigarettes. The 1st time you smoke a cig you'll get a really big buzz and that's about it. You wont get addicted on your 1st one, but it's likely you will smoke another. Addiction isnt fun, please dont start smoking cigarettes. - Cannabliss

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Question 4
My cats dying of poison, help quick please!?...  We think he drunk drain cleaner out of the bath tub yesterday..
he's on the floor breathing fast with occasional deep breaths, he won't look at me, if I move him he'll stay in whatever position I put him in...

All of the vets are closed, he wont move to drink any water, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

1)   Sorry I haven't a clue. Try google. Best of luck to you. - Brandon Bliss

2)   Google emergency vets or animal hospitals. That's your only hope. - kari t

3)   Look for a 24 hour vet in the phone book.....Ask this in cats....and I'll say a prayer for you and your kitty buddy. - Tink

4)   Call poison control to see if they recommend anything for your cat. Then try to seek a 24 hour vet center whether it be online or in your local telephone book. - dopey_830

5)   If you are being serious and not taking the p*ss then you need to get in touch asap with a vets, they should have emergency contact numbers so phone a few and if you get a recording it might give you the number to call so have pen and paper ready. If it happened yesterday and the symptoms are only showing now that could suggest something else but I'm no expert.

You need to get off YA and pick up the phone and call around. Hope it all goes ok for your cat, sorry I can't be of more help. - Irish

6)   There are emergency vet clinics open 24 hours. I would help you find one but I don't know where you're located. Just type in yahoo, 24 hour emergency pet hospitals. You should find one that way. Good luck! - simplicity4888

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Question 5
Why is sleeping more rejuvenating than just laying down awake?...  Why is it that if you were to sleep through a night rather than just lay there awake you have more energy in the morning? What is going on while your sleeping that give you energy?

1)   Oxygen gets to your brain when you sleep. - SJS

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

3)   While you are awake and lying down most of your senses still really active and your conscious still active, so your brain doesn't really rest. D:
(he never sleeps but, rests )
when you are asleep you are not conscient because the active is your Subconscious So your brain can rest. :3 - Camila Merino

4)   Your brain actually releases chemicals into your body while you sleep. You also don't use as much energy while you sleep, even if you're only laying down. Sleeping is your body's way of resting. Organs don't have to work as hard. Also, this is when your body heals. Cells fix themselves and other things. Have you ever heard of this? If you don't go to sleep, you will die after a certain amount of time. This is because your body heals itself when you sleep. You can get better explanations on the net, you can just search about it here on yahoo. - simplicity4888

5)   Your brain makes your body shut donw to store your thoughts, let your body rest. You also heal when you are asleep. Certiain chemicals go on in the brain that makes you urn more caleries. - Rick Deckard

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