Thursday, March 31, 2011

How i can rise early in the morning ?

Question 1
How i can rise early in the morning ?...  

1)   Get into the habit of going to bed earlier over the span of a week, each night, turn out the lights 15 minutes earlier. Also, before bed, try to read, write, or do something relaxing that doesn't involve bright lights (T.V,computer,etc.) Worked for me! - G

2)   use ur alarm Clock dear its the best way OR else before sleeping have a aim in your mind that "I have to wake up at 6 o' clock and decide it then sleep u'll see thst u are automatically rosed at 6........

it really works.......just set ur mind before sleeping to wake early and see next morning...
All the very Best :-) - FuNKy FuN......

3)   Get an annoying pet. It works for me, even though that wasn't my objective. - joe friday's grrl

4)   A strong will to awaken early with the help of an alarm clock. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

5)   It's common for many people to get off the bed when they know they absolutely HAVE TO or a MUST, or else they're gonna be late for work/school (PAIN). Next time, visualize the pain and exaggerate it, make it bigger and louder in your head until you're compelled to get up or else something bad will happen.

Or you can try the opposite approach which works for some, including me. What music/song motivates you? Energizes you and makes you "come alive"? Good examples could be theme from Chariot of Fire, Rocky etc. Put your favorite motivational tune as the alarm, and you'll feel motivated to wake up. - HT

6)   Sleep early at night...Have this practice and then you will be able to get up early in the morning by keeping alarm. - Aarti

7)   Drink a large pitcher of water before bed. - Tink

8)   figure out what time you want to get up. Then subtract the number of hours you want to sleep.

This will give you the bedtime.

Then start taking 5 mg of melatonin 1/2 hour before the new bedtime.

Melatonin can rest the body clock. - janie

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Question 2
Can a girl masrubate with a hotdog?...  my friend and i got in an argument. she says ypu cant i say you can

1)   ……………………………………..________
……………………………..,< `.._|_,-&``................`\ - bigisland4ever

2)   A girl from my school did it in the bathroom stall and had to call an ambulance because it broke off in her, they had to get it surgically removed. I really hope your not THAT desperate though. Kinda gross. - Ilovemymarine

3)   Masrubate? - Gaz

4)   You probably could try, but bananas and cucumbers are better. - feelfree

5)   If you have to ask I think you have no business masturbating, - Brodie_Knows

6)   I don't. I use my shower massage, or my fingers.

You can, it's your Vagaygay! - Seeya

7)   sure you can. Best take it out of the bread first though - avoid mustard - Nitram

8)   I'm trying to figure out how the submitter selected the Alternative Medicine section for this question. lol - Opie K

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Question 3
If I Have A Small Bag of Marijuana, Can I Eat it And Have Similar Effects to Smoking it?!?...  I live alone and there are no stores that carry rolling papers in my neighborhood.

1)   Make a bong. Google it. - Nonsense

2)   why would you consider eating it? dont have a liter or something
buy a black and mild, and use the paper on that. - Jairus Roque

3)   Grinding it up and sniffing would work better than eating it. - Wolfgang2049

4)   Nooo. You're better off looking for a pipe or something to smoke it with out of your house. You can only eat the part with the stems I believe & you typically have to bake it into something. - Maybe I'm Dreaming.

5)   if you eat it, it would have similar effects but you need to eat a lot more. If you want to waste all of your weed for an average high, then by all means...
Otherwise, you've got a few options for a DIY smokefest.
-G-Bongs, (gravity bongs),
Items needed: Empty gallon of milk/water, rinsed/bucket; empty 20oz soda or gatorade bottle; socket from a tool kit, any size. (if you cant find a socket or arent sure what I mean, you can also use tinfoil over the mouth of the bottle, press it in to make a ditch for the weed and poke several holes in it- be careful not to rip it!)
1. Cut the top off of the gallon
2. On each nub on the bottom of the soda bottle, use a lighter or a knife to burn/cut a SMALL hole into each nub. With a gatorade bottle, do the same thing around the bottom edge, make sure they're spaced out.
3. Using a knife, cut a hole smaller than the diameter of your socket, then melt the plastic around the hole with your lighter a bit and push the socket in. Keep reheating if you have to, the socket should be embedded in the cap, with an end coming out each side. It should be airtight also, this step can test a stoners patience. If you dont have a socket just do the tinfoil thing.
4. Fill the gallon/buck half-3/4 way full. Hold your bottle in the water until it fills through the bottom. Pack the socket with a bit of jane/put a little in your tinfoil AFTER the bottle is full, the light it as the water is draining out.
5. The water draining pulls a thick cloud of smoke, which you can then unscrew your cap and inhale once the water is gone! This is great for conserving weed, and you can reuse it a bunch.

"Lungs"(Bread bag G)-
Items you need:
-Empty bread bag
-Two liter bottle, bottom cut off
-Socket cap (see instructions in step 3 G Bong) or Tinfoil with a indent and holes poked in it for the grass

1. Tape bread bag around bottom of bottle, as in the open part of the bag goes around the open bottom of the bottle. Tape it there.
2. Stuff the bag inside the bottle
3. Screw on cap/tinfoil, pack with jane
4. Light while SLOWLY pulling the bag out of the bottle.
5. Unscrew cap/foil and enjoy your smoke!

Items you need:
Tin can

1. Make a indent in the side of the can, poke holes in it.
2. Put your grass in the indent, poke more holes if needed, inhale through can mouthpiece.

"Steamroller" 2
Items you need:
Empty soda bottle

1. Cut a small hole in the side of the bottle.
2. Make a bowl shape with the tinfoil, place in the hole and have the edges of the foil keep it balanced on the bottle.
3. Poke holes in the foil, pack your grass and inhale through the bottle opening.

Happy smoking, friend.Never eat your weed unless you have alot of it, and its in brownie form. - oheyy

6)   Make an apple pipe. Those things are the sh*t. I have a friend that buys a ton of apples (not literally) a week because he only uses them to smoke out of. Just do a search. You can about make a pipe out of anything. I used to smoke with a 60 year old man that smoked out of a pipe he carved himself. - Jebus Knight

7)   Based on my Research studies on psychoactive drugs, the effects of eating marijuana ,say in the form of, cookies are significantly less than smoking or sniffing it. In such a case, it does not seem to interfere with long term memory.
The long term results, on the nervous system, associated with the accumulation of tetrahydrocannabinol ( the active ingredient) found in cannabis within the brain have not yet been identified. Therefore, just to be on the safe side it is better to avoid any type of psychoactive drug.
If you are interested in altering your state of consciousness try to get involved in activities that have no side effects, such as Meditation. Regardless of which drug you use you will likely develop a tolerance (or resistance) to it, after a time, then you will be forced to get a 'high' from something stronger like opium! - Nabil

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Question 4
urgent!! please help: apple cider vinegar/yogurt - cure for yeast infection? will it work?...  i want to treat my yeast infection with home remedies because drugs don't seem to work for me and it's too expensive. so i got some apple cider and have plain yogurt too. i heard that if you add a cup of vinegar in your bath and stay in for about 15 mins it'll help.
and then that you keep eating the yogurt and also soak a tampon in it and insert it. should i use both of these treatments? or just one? do they word?
i'm seriously annoyed because it's just so itchy and burns and i keep getting the discharge and i just wanna get rid of it! this is like the second day and i cant handle it anymore!!
also could the cause be my medication (pills) for iron in my blood? cause i have anemia. i used to use different brand before and had no problems. thanks!

1)   you need a doctor and urgent. - karen2625

2)   CAKE sour cream on will take the burn away and the cultures will take care of the yeast. - Asparagus

3)   Please just go get some Vagisil or something. At least we all know that WILL definitely work. Tampon in yogurt? I don't even know... - G

4)   Tough one. I've heard of those remedies working for minor cases, but I'm doubtful it will work if the other things you tried haven't. I think a doctor visit's necessary. - joe friday's grrl

5)   about it you can get information from here - Ally Pedley

6)   Actually, the burning may be caused by an allergic reaction. A small percentage of woman are allergic to one of the active ingredients in monistat called micanazole.

If you're suffering from an allergic reaction you should let your doctor know so he/she can recommend another cream to use. If you self diagnosed your infection, it would probably be a good idea to stop using it and try something else.

Personally I think the best approach is the natural way. Basically the reason you have a yeast infection is because there's an imbalance in your body. A healthy person has a balance between the yeast in their body and the good bacteria in their body.

Too much yeast, you have a yeast infection. Too much bacteria, you have a bacterial infection.

So, when you have a yeast infection you essentially have too much yeast in your body. The natural way to treat it and bring back that balance is to starve the yeast and introduce more good bacteria into your body.

Oh and BTW - That's why you often get relief from using the over the counter meds temporarily, and then the yeast infection comes back. The creams aren't changing the source of the problem. They are just killing the yeast they come in contact with, and not balancing the yeast/bacteria in your body and actually sometimes end up making things a lot worse.

Oh BTW2 - That's also why many times you'll get a yeast infection after using antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, the good and the bad. When that happens the balance between the yeast and good bacteria is off once again and you get a yeast infection.

Things you can add to your diet (to help promote good bacteria) are live yogurt cultures (or take Acidophilus), plenty of water, fresh vegetables, lots of protein rich foods, whey protein, raw garlic, nuts, seeds, oils, millet, rice and oat brans.

Things you should remove from your diet (to starve the yeast) are all sodas, sugars, fruit, fermented foods, foods containing white flour, alcohol (especially beer), antacids and any product that has yeast or mold.

You can change your diet in conjunction with using the creams that you've been using and that will speed up the recovery significantly. But what I would also recommend is to use a homeopathic solution instead. I always feel if there's a natural way to do something, then it's best to avoid the chemicals. I would look for an natural product, that can be taken orally to promote re-growth of the good bacteria in your body.

There are a few out there, I think they are probably all pretty good. One that I have used and was very effective for me was is yeastrol.

If you're interesting in finding out more I've added a link that has some more info. - eileen Pistou

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Question 5
Do you know of any good teas to restore yin energy?...  too much Yang, unbalanced.

1)   You need a chi transplant. Start looking for a donor. - Heisenberg

2)   Mind creates matter.

If you understand this,
you won't need teas,
you won't need supplements,
and you won't need poisonous pills. - omoikane

3)   I am more knowledgeable about tea than about Chinese herbal medicine and the theory of yin / yang and energy balance, however, I have heard others talk about this topic.

My understanding is that the teas that will help you get a more Yin energy are those that tend to have a lighter, fresher aroma, and those that are less processed. Green teas, especially Japanese ones, should have this effect. Greener oolongs, such as Taiwanese Jade oolong, with a light roast, or green Tie Guan Yin, or other greener Anxi oolongs.

Teas to avoid (if Yin is what you want), which have a more Yang energy, are black teas, aged Pu-erh tea, and heavily-oxidized or heavily-roasted oolong teas (generally avoid the Wuyi oolongs).

If you want a good source of these, I actually have sampled many of the greener oolongs from Life in Teacup and it's probably my favorite source for Anxi oolongs. If you read my reviews, or their website, you'll be able to locate the ones with the greener quality. Here are my reviews:

You're probably going to be fine with any green teas, except roasted green tea (hojicha). However, if you're going for Yin, you probably want to make sure to get fresh, loose-leaf green tea. Any sort of processing of food tends to move it away from yin and more towards Yang, in general, which is why I emphasize the freshness. I have a section on my tea review site about green teas with a lot of general info:

I don't know about the specific varieties that are higher in yin energy. I've heard dragon well is good in it but my intuition is that there are probably better choices. In terms of the taste / feeling, my intuition would be that you might be better off with Japanese teas.

Good luck! Like I said, I know a lot about tea but only a little bit about the yin / yang theory, but I hope that you find this helpful. I definitely know that, in according to that theory, I tend to like to drink more of the "yang" teas in winter, and I find they feel better for me then, which is what that theory says should be the case, so I think that theory has a lot more credibility and truth than most people realize. - cazort

4)   You probably need more alkaline in your overall diet. That means more vegetables and less meat and dairy stuffs. A good drink would be wheat grass powder which is high in alkaline value.

Stress also reduces yin energy. So, whenever you notice that you're about to get stressful, take a few moments to simply breathe...yes, a few slow breaths should help balance your energy and flush out those tensions - HT

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What would happen if i smoked 2 year old weed? would i get sick? ?

Question 1
What would happen if i smoked 2 year old weed? would i get sick? ?...  It has been sealed in a dime bag for the whole two years and only been opened a few times. What would happen?

1)   Lol I don't think so - ?

2)   U crazy xD - Dominic

3)   I smoked a 25 year old joint and it made me pass out, but it creeped up on me, I didn't get sick or die, so I would assume its ok - Sheena D

4)   i remember i found an old kush blunt i lost and a blazed it up. i'm not ure how old it was but it was at leasy 1 and 1/2 years old, i still got pretty faded =)

it does go down a grade thouh
kush + 2 years = chronic
chronic + 2years = stress (shwag)
(shwag)stress + 2 years = nastier stress(shwag) - OJ

5)   Idk probably not. - Beth Holland

6)   I doubt you will get sick but that shit probably won't even really get you high. Only one way to find out.. :) - Tea

7)   I have a dime bag hidden from my parants, it's been there for 2 years waiting for the right time, nothing would happend bro. Blaze it up - David Sanchez

8)   No you won't get sick, you'll get crazy high.
Weed gains more THC the longer it sits and dries out, just as long as it was tight in that bag. It'll be dry though, so if that bothers you (hurts your throat) cut a square of an orange peel and put it in the bag overnight. It'll moisten it for ya. - jane

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Question 2
Can you hallucinate if you stay up on two 25 mg diphenhydramine (sleeping) pills?...  

1)   Why are you staying up when you took sleeping pills? Lack of sleep can make you see funny things out of the corner of your eye.

If you are having full blown hallucinations, go to the ER. - Leo D

2)   Without using the sleeping pills (???), it would take about 100 hours of staying awake to start hallucinating. - Bco4th6th

3)   No, it takes a lot more than 50mg but I wouldn't recommend it from personal experience. It's often frightening and you have no idea what's going on. You do things only to realize that you didn't. Imagine getting up from a chair, changing your clothes, and sitting back down only to realize that you were in the same clothes as before. It might sound fun, but it's not. - Echo

4)   One of my friends loves doing this ever since I told him about it, but I really don't like it much at all because it's pretty scary.

But no 50mg is nowhere near enough. You'll probably need about 350-400. That's how much I take when I actually do it and I only weigh about 120 pounds. - CrazyGuyYouNeverWannaRunInTo

5)   No not really. I got some from my shrink and it actyually gave me really bad duahrrea, and my shrink said well thats what it does lol. So if u really wanna get high try hooka. Im not sure if i spelled it right, but when i went and tried i woke up at my friends with a handful of glitter in my underwear lol not joking but make sure you try pina colada flavor it will make you soo horny - llamalillyy

6)   haha people why did you even take this seriously?? this guy is a goon. - Andrew

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Question 3
what vitamins, herbs, and minerals should we take daily?...  which ones are most important to take and why. i dont want to take too many pills in one day... m 45

1)   Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex,fish oil, Vitamin D, C - chase

2)   You should get most of your vitamins from micronutrients from the foods you eat, like fruits, vegitables, If you eat fish at least once per week, you should be good too. If not, the only vitamin I would recommend taking is Vitamin B12. You can go to your doctor and ask about this too. - Pink22

3)   Things like calcium for bone health, Vitamin C for your immune system, vitamin D, E, B, B6, etc. Also whole grains are important. I take one a day mens, and for whole grains I eat whole grain cereal once a day. There are more though, I'd research more about it. - Adam

4)   You could try a multi vitamin these have a bit of everythin in them and you only need to take one tablet a day - anon

5)   There is no such thing as having to take a herb every day for health. Herbs are essentially medicines and you take them for a condition that you might have.

As for vitamins and minerals, if you don't like too many pills, take a one-a-day multi which has most of the vitamins and minerals at 100% RDA ( look at the ingredient list ).
It's not possible to fit calcium and magnesium into a one-a-day multi at 100% RDA, therefore if you have a need for these get a separate supplement for these two. If you're male and you eat right, you probably don't need additional calcium and magnesium.

I would suggest a separate supplement for Vitamin C as an addition, as anecdotally, a higher intake than the RDA is said to be beneficial. - Indigo

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Question 4
What will happen if i smoke 2 year old weed? will i get sick off of it? ?...  

1)   Smoke it. You'll be fine! - MysticYeti

2)   just like pills, all that's going to happen is loss of potency. you'll be fine. - Andrew

3)   Yes. Don't do it. - foreverxlovee

4)   All herbs loose some of their contents with time. Some evaporate faster than others.
Anyway, smoking is always bad for your lungs. What might happen is that you get no effect but just hitting your lungs for nothing.
Better try it in cookies that can be easily prepared. And save your lungs!!! Many years later you will be grateful.
No coughing!!

lilly 4 u - Lilly Nuh

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Question 5
Help please. How much to pay for vicodin?...  So the pills are 7.5mg and I want maybe 26 or so.. How much would I need to pay? And if I want 26 or so Oxy how much would I need to pay? Idk what the mg is for the Oxy tho... What do the Oxy come in( like the mg) thanks

1)   U do drugs noone will help u with that question talk to your docter - Dylan Case

2)   You're asking for advice on doing something illegal. Expect to see this question disappear. - dbraunofva

3)   One Million Dollars! Whaa Ha Ha Ha! - Bob and Dana rock

4)   Well 7.5 usually sell for $4 or $5 a piece but if you buying a bunch usually people work out a deal. and as for Oxys they can be alot. Oxy 40's go for $25-$30 and the Oxy 80's go for around $50 (give or take $5)...but if your buying a bunch it might be cheaper but will still cost you a few hundred dollars...Just go to the Doctor and complain of a tooth ace if you have will be alot cheaper for the Viks.. - Aries

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Monday, March 21, 2011

I need some energy, what are the best energy supplements besides 5 hour energy ?

Question 1
I need some energy, what are the best energy supplements besides 5 hour energy ?...  My job requires so much movement manual labor its like I simply don't have the energy to do my job anymore. I am dreading going to work tomorow because I'm freakin tired please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

1)   You need to eat more banana's to build up your potassium level. Sounds very low. Over doing with energy supplements will cause you to crash harder each day, more & more.

Stop using them and take One a day with iron, zink and eat more solid foods. - Dating Coach

2)   coconut water and green leafy veggies, don't under estimate the veggies. - Matt

3)   Are you getting enough complex carbs? That's what keeps ya going through heavy labor. - Tink

4)   Take your vitamin B's. I take Nature's Plus Source of Life (multi-vitamin with an emphasis on energy)and they have all kinds of vitamin B and extra other vitamins and minerals that are all organic for energy and these seem to work for me. I do supplement with 6 Hour Energy (as opposed to the 5 Hour) sometimes, or an energy drink. Watch what you eat, like no fatty foods or chinese food or turkey because these can make you feel tired. - AtLarge

5)   Eat lots of complex carbohydrates. That will be longer lasting and healthier than chemicals. You should be eating a balanced diet and getting proper sleep. If not, you may need to take a vitamin supplement, especially for B's and Mg. - Barefoottrimmer

6)   Spirulina tablets every day will boost your energy level. - Susan Yarrawonga

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Question 2
Is it safe to fast for four days?...  I plan on drinking only water and tea with supplements if possible.

1)   Well, even though water can sustain your body for a period of time, and tea contains only SOME of your daily nutrients that you need, it is pretty risky... If I were you, I wouldn't try it. No longer than 1 1/2 days... - LOTSOFQs

2)   Yes, but you may begin to feel bad. - Clayton

3)   Yes, it is safe to fast. When you break your fast, make sure to eat plenty of green vegetables and lean complete protein to replenish your reserves. - .

4)   i dont think its healthy, if youre trying to lose weight it wont work, your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down, youd be better off eating small meals. - Lauren

5)   While it is safe to fast for four days but on your own is Very Risky. Do it under the
supervision of a trained health practitioner (not your medical doctor) and you just cannot
go wrong. Good luck and God bless. Cheers! :o) - Sudhakar B

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Question 3
graphites use of homopathy medicine?...  whats use of graphites

1)   It's a leading remedy for people with serious skin problems (among other things). But it should always be remembered that homeopathic remedies are never prescribed on a takethisforthat basis like allopathic drugs. The prescription needs to be matched to the individual's total symptomatology. If it isn't, it either won't work, or the patient can end up with symptoms s/he never had before which is hardly the intention.
You can find decent remedy descriptions on the web at ABC Homeopathy. - thenoseknows

2)   Homeopathic remedy graphites is made using using powdered form of pure graphite, a mineral in the form of carbon, and is used to treat different and dissimilar ailments mostly skin conditions. - Janice

3)   Graphites is used to cure Eczema , Fatty accumulation under skin ( Bump) , Psoriasis of skin etc. skin related diseases according to symptoms of the person effected . Its mother tincture ( Q potency & 200 potency are effective ) . To dissolve fat accumulation under skin & for Psoriasis its 200 potency is generally used. In Eczema & ring worm its Q potency is used for application over the effected area. - Hirday Prakash

4)   Graphite can be a skin irritant, so following homeopathy's law of similars (like cures like), homeopathic graphite is used to cure skin conditions. Its also used used for digestive problems, and I'm sure this is because swallowing graphite would lead to all sorts of digestive problems. However your body's 'vital forces' will know which condition the remedy is for - so if you use it for a skin condition it won't have an effect on your digestive system.

I have two problems with this:

The law of similars is bogus - it has no basis in reality.
The remedy itself will be so dilute that not one molecule of the graphite will remain.

Homeopathy has never been able to be substantiated to work beyond placebo for any condition - hardly surprising. Don't waste your money. - Gary Y

5)   a dilution factor of 200... would mean that it is more dilute than if you had 1 molecule of graphite, in all the atoms of the observable universe put together.

MORE dilute than that - kelly d

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Question 4
Will hot tea help my sore throat?...  ???

1)   It might temporarily relieve pain, but it won't make it go away any faster. - Nate

2)   It will soothe your throat, especially if you ad honey. You can also gargle with warm salt water. Chloraseptic will numb your throat. - AtLarge

3)   Gargle some salt water
Then add 1tspn of apple vineger with 1 tspn of honey with a small pinch of cayenne pepper to hot water.

Then have some peppermint tea s the salt water can make you feel naseous. - Rank13

4)   absolutely. I have tried that and it makes a relief with my throat. - Janice

5)   Yes, it will. I recommend Theraflu. They sell it at CVS. Or just original tea. Add some honey. It will help ;) - Christian

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Question 5
I need some serious supplement advice. Help?...  I'm 5'8" and about 138 pounds. I've gained about 15 pound in the last year or so, and Ive lost some, but need some help with the last 10. I bought a benonite detox, powdered psyllinium husks, glucomananan, slimming tea, green tea, and some greens low sugar high protein powder from after workouts and meal replacements. Now I realise that I bought this stuff due to marketing and desperation, and am not sure how to use any of it. How should I use these, when, and in what combination?
I must have spelled 1/2 of that wrong and am completely in over my head.

1)   Well meal replacements, are BS. You need to continue to feed your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Regardless of if your losing weight or gaining it, Whey protein powder works well ( muscle milk, tastes better :) ). Drink it with meals. Its recommended, to have at least 2-3 a day. Definitely before and after your workouts.
If your looking to detox your body, eat strictly brockely for two weeks. It cleans out your body, and fills your appetite fast. - Tink

2)   You are going to be underweight... - crystaldreams8

3)   You better try some other alternative medicine like Yoga and other exercise. Nowadays, we should be healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. - Janice

4)   Weight loss supplements and especially detox products do virtually nothing. Eat less and exercise more. - Gary Y

5)   Yes, "eating less and moving more" is the key to losing weight, As hard as it may sound yet simple..

i would def take the green tea. And also if you are worried about supplements I would take a blood test at ur doctors to see if you are deficient in any vitamins.. like iron, vitamin D etc.

Apple cider vinegar works great to suppress appetite. - Rank13

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Help please!! Tell me why this is happening please! I'm really worried! T.T?

Question 1
Help please!! Tell me why this is happening please! I'm really worried! T.T?...  Ok I need some information.. One of those baby kitchen things fell on my leg and it kinda took off some skin. The next day my dad belted me and hit me 2 times on the place the baby kitchen fell on. It has a bump form now and there's purple lines next to it. What does that mean? I put neosporin and a bandage over it. Can u tell me y this is happening

1)   Someone tell me what a baby kitchen is!!!! - Carmen

2)   First of all, Why in hell is your dad hitting you? Second, those purple lines are bruises and third the bump is just a way of the skin protecting it self. Keep applying neosporin for a couple of days. If it gets infected visit a doctor and while you are there tell him your dad belted ya! >=0 - Sweet Surrender

3)   It might just be irritated from being hit. Depending on when this happened it might be too early to tell if it's infected or not. - Seth Thesing

4)   Just basic irritation. Neosporin is good since the skin was broken. Keep it clean and keep using neosporin.

Now on to the more obvious problem - your dad is belting you? What is this, 1950? Are you an American or from another western country where it stopped being acceptable to beat a child to the point of leaving marks 60 friggen years ago? Tell your dad to get some actual parenting skills instead of beating his daughter every time she spills his 23rd beer for the night. - AJdrk23

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Question 2
What do you think of smoking weed for the first time on the spring equinox...?...  Okay, so I want to smoke weed for the first time on the spring equinox, on the highest point of a mountain ( currently the highest oint of my city) listening to Here Comes the Sun?

So what do you guys think about this? and please do not tell me that Marijuana is bad, I'm aware of everything I need to know, and I will use it only for recreational use.

Hoping for good answers :D
Why the quinox? Because its a day when day and night are of equal lenght.. well that sounds somehow special to me :)

1)   i dont understand the significance of the equinox, unless its sorta sort of religious thing for you. But go for it - Kirsten Kira

2)   are u rly making that big of a deal over marijuana?!?!!?


3)   I don't want to sound like your mother, but smoking weed is BAD, even if it's for recreational use. Still, if you insist on it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. - stephanie park

4)   The "smoking weed is bad" lady is talking out of her a$$. Notice she doesn't name any of the ways it's "bad" as most of the common claims are baseless in nature.

As for as the equinox.... uhhh... sure. Why not? It won't be any different than any other day. Do you even ever actively notice the equinox?

"Hey guys, you dudes wanna come over and use stopwatches to measure how equal the day and night is on the first day of spring??? We can get stoned and talk about how more equal the light and darkness was today than it was yesterday!!"


Smoking anything is not healthy. I am pretty sure this is already known by the asker of the question, as well as every 5 year old alive. Do I think Marijuana is more harmful than smokable, perfectly legal tobacco products? Absolutely not. - AJdrk23

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Question 3
What does inhaling dust-off computer cleaner feel like?...  What does the high feel like? What do you see? What do you feel? HOW do you feel? Things like that.

1)   I know a kid who was driving his friends and one sprayed the dust-off air for him to breathe and he instantly passed out and the car crossed 2 lanes of traffic jumped the sidewalk, crossed an embankment and crossed a bank drive-up lane and crashed into the bank. So, basically it hurts your brain. - Joanna

2)   The high is about 20 seconds - 1 minute long depending on the length of what you inhaled.

It's only a little stronger than if you were to inhale hairspray.
Regardless, it's stupid.

You see normally, but your pulse gets really loud, and everything else feels far away.
It feels good, but like if you were choking.

I don't know, I'm going off of what someone told me. - Jordan

3)   It's difloroethane, it's not different than inhaling lighter fluid and will affect your heart so don't do it. - Brian 333 I'm only half bad

4)   IT fcks you up for about 10-30 seconds, and if you do it enough you start hearing sounds. I thought I thought I was hearing UFO sounds a couple times. but I also heard there is this thing called ssd meaning sudden sniffing death or something like that where some people died after the first hit. So be careful. - No World Order

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Question 4
what is your take on crystal healing?...  do you believe that crystals and certain gems contain energies that can help us with health issues or boost our intuition?

1)   only if you actually believe, because then it's the same as a placebo. (which does work on occasions) - Do You Have The Funk?

2)   If they had any kind of power, there would be at least SOME scientific proof. There isn't. Just scam artists and people who believe in garbage. - Artemisc

3)   whah - ANNA

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Question 5
What kind of medicine pills can I take for a stuffy/stopped up nose?...  Powerful enough for it to work in 1 day.

1)   Advil:cold&sinus - Tayler Kinger

2)   you can log on to know your needs.. - Jasion Boen

3)   Sudafed, caffeine, also try hot peppers and spicy food as thoughs clear your nose - Max p

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can you make yourself throw up?

Question 1
How can you make yourself throw up?...  Before any of you flip out, I DO NOT have an eating disorider, Im fine with my weight.
But I feel incredibly miserable and sick, i have this nauseating feeling in my stomach and this lump in my throat. I need some ways to make myself throw up, I know I'll feel so much better. Im in a lot of misery right now.

1)   just stick your fingers in the back of your throat a couple times, after the second or third time you will start vomiting. - Calvin Gil

2)   Watch twilight - Helen

3)   If you truly are sick and in need of throwing up, then drink some water. Your body will vomit it and maybe vomit out whatever is causing you to be sick. If you are not sick though, it would be unhealthy to vomit. - Nathan

4)   Tickle the back of your tongue. - Zach

5)   Google 2 girls 1 cup. It works - Immortal Technique

6)   Ya google 2 girls 1 cup , that will make you throw up - D S

7)   Try homeopathic Mike Adams. - Gary Y

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Question 2
Is something I can eat along with fish oil pills to prevent burping?...  I know there are burp free kinda but I already have a large amount that I want to take, but they are very "burpy" thanks :)- v

1)   Not really...that just kinda happens with Fish Oil. I recommend brushing your teeth after taking them...they give you bad breath. - Keyboard Warrior

2)   You get used to them in short notice. I take them along with other vitamins . .and I don't even register whether I burp or not anymore - Fred

3)   yummy - Karlee

4)   umm, if you have good blood pressure, i don't recommend you consume alot of fish oil. fish oil relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. too low of a blood pressure is not good. but the burping... that's just what happens when you eat something... i take my omega-3 with a glass of water, and get no fishy backfire burping. but i follow it up with a meal. have you tried eating something after taking the fish oil?... it might alleviate your problem. - AO

5)   Try keeping them as cold as possible. They break down in the stomach slower when you keep them in the fridge. - ROBERT

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Question 3
How can i become a Cannabis Doctor?...  i have no idea. i really want to be one . im down to study various years for it

1)   idk - xxoSummer

2)   Are you a pothead? Lol. You can't be just A cannabis doctor I think. But there's a way, be a doctor in the streets? - Immortal Technique

3)   Accredited Medical school, pass the medical boards in your state and otherwise qualify for a license to practice medicine, then 1 year of internship, 1 year as a resident and you're good to go. Figure about 7 years after finishing your undergraduate degree, an additional year if you attend a medical school out of the US, but with an accredite curriculum.

Sorry, a mail order course from alternative, holistic, this or that, won't do. - squeezie_1999

4)   By the time you get through med school, you will have almost forgotten about cannabis. - Gary Y

5)   I'll bet you would want to become a cannabis doctor . . I can't think of anything more rewarding than writing scrips for stupid people with phony aches and conditions so they can get their legal dope.
You would actually have to go through medical school. . . but you know . . you could probably go to a phony dope doctor and get yourself a scrip and get your legal dope . . Maybe you could get a job selling the dope . . you could be a specialist . . .explaining all the different types of dope you sell and how people react to them, and which ones are the strongest . . mellowest, Wackiest . . That would be a real rewarding job you could train for just by smoking the stuff. But just remember . . you couldn't go to work high, because you'd be handling money . . .best not to combine doping with activities that require mental clarity.

As a matter of fact . . let me look at your eyes . . .yeah . . I thought so . . they're pretty big and saucer like . . almost spun . . have you been taking ecstacy again? - Fred

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Question 4
What is it in regular deodorant (vs. natural deodorant) that makes it work so well?...  I've never had any body odor embarrassing moments until last year when I started using natural deodorants because I don't want those toxic chemicals in my body.

I had an embarrassing moment last week and I got fed up and decided that I never want to go through that again so I started wearing my mom's deodorant (Secret) just for this year because I have gym. I almost forgot how well real deodorant worked. After gym I even smell good. But with natural deodorant, the scent mixes with my underarm sweat and causes me to stink even more and works as if I'm wearing nothing at all.

I mean, I can get away with it, I don't walk around stinking all the time and I rarely stink and don't sweat much, but sometimes if I do like if I'm doing some intense exercise, the deodorant doesn't work at all!

Why can't natural deodorant work like this? What is the ingredient or ingredients in deodorant that makes it work like this? I've been trying so long to find something natural that actually works.

1)   Toxic chemicals are what makes it work - :)

2)   Aluminium chloride, aluminium chlorohydrate, and aluminium-zirconium stop you from sweating so much which stops bacteria from growing in the area. - 354gr

3)   You're probably not comparing like with like. Most regular deodorants are both a deodorant and an anti-perspirant. The anti-perspirant uses a form of aluminium to clog the pore and so prevent perspiration. Without this, you would probably find that the regular deodorant is similar in effectiveness to the natural deodorant.

Crystal deodorants work by using an aluminium salt which neutralises the odour, so you will have a smell initially until the neutraliser starts working. One way to impact the smell of your perspiration is by improving your diet (no highly proessed foods, lots of fresh fruit and vegies, less meat, more water, less alcohol, etc). The perspiration then has a much healthier, less unpleasant smell. - Theresa

4)   Ingredients depends on whether the product is a deodorant, antiperspirant or a combination. In any case the active ingredients are only toxic if you receive a toxic dose of them; and that's virtually impossible. I would add that there is no link between antiperspirants and breast cancer, which seems to be a common misnomer. - Gary Y

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Question 5
Is vicodin bad to take? ?...  So Uhm... My grandpa gave my dad pain pills and he said that he thought it was oxy so I took a few then I found out its vicodin.. I know oxy is bad to use but is vicodin also bad to take? It really helps me sleep which I really need... Is it bad for me? Is it addictive?

1)   You should not take any pills that are not prescribed directly for you. Vicodin can be highly addictive. - Kayla

2)   It can be addictive. It can only be damaging if you take to much. I will do very bad damage to your liver if you overdose too much. - Brianna

3)   Vicodin isn't bad to take, but watch out, vicodin is highly addicted. Not like cocaine or heroin, but still pretty high up. Lots of football players gets hooke because they try it when they're in pain. Brett farve is a famous example, as he was addicted to vicodin, and the toll it took on his body after years if drug abuse. So I would stay away. - Ryan Nguyen

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Monday, March 14, 2011

ever since i smoked k2 i don't feel alive anymore, how di fix this?

Question 1
ever since i smoked k2 i don't feel alive anymore, how di fix this?...  im 17, i got put on probation for smoking pot. I was adicted to getting high so i started smoking k2. it was good, i smoked it for about a month untill it went down hill. I smoked it and i thought i was going to die, it was the worst feeling ever, but once i went down from the high, i was all fine. the next day i smoked it while i was by myself, i took one hit and i started shacking like i was having a seizer. ever since then i dont feel alive anymore, i cant take medication, i always have a headache, it ruins my life, i feel numb, it makes me want to die. is there anything that will fix this and make me normal? ive been like this for 3 months

1)   hugs not drugs, crack is wack - joe t

2)   That shit is poison man your killing your self - Mexi Taxi

3)   Drugs make you cool and popular!

They help you get a job, family, money, and the American Dream!

JK drugs are gay. Call poison control right away bro. Weed is the only safe drug, remember that. - Gary Gray

4)   What happened can actually happen with marijuana as well. It has triggered panic disorder and the feeling of not being alive is something called derealization. I went through this too, although mine wasn't triggered by drugs.. I was stuck in it for six years! Gratefully I have my life back and am doing peer counseling/life coaching for others who have had this experience. There is no further drugs you can take to make this better... anything you take at this point is going to make it worse. So step number one is attend to your health. Eat healthy foods, stay off drugs, and get physical exercise even if it makes you feel weird. If the feelings get very intense, running cold water on your hands will help. I don't have enough room here to explain it in detail, but the part of your brain that is on strike right now is directly connected to your nerve that controls smell. So one small thing you can do is take time to smell pleasant things like chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, and even flowers. Anything with a good scent associated with positive memories. Another thing is to know that you really are ok. Your brain isn't broken by any means, it is just caught in a loop so to speak and you can indeed get it going right again. A lot of people are helped by silly repetitive tasks, especially puzzles of some sort. An actual jigsaw puzzle is a good idea, or one of the more monotonous computer games like solitaire, mine blaster, etc. Or set yourself to do some task like totally organizing and cleaning your room. Getting the mind back in the mode of completing non stressful organizational exercises is important. If you would consider it, I highly highly recommend doing meditation. It helps more than anything else. And of course you can contact me and I'll help you with the information I have. - SethSpeaks

5)   That's what you get for being 'addicted' to weed... - Stuck Inside the Great Machine

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Question 2
diet for radiation sickness?...  A huge radiation cloud is moving from japan to Canada in 7-10 days. Is there any diet to prevent , slow down or reverse radiation sickness>

1)   Lead syrup. - isaacchef

2)   about it you can get information from here - Caris Welburn

3)   There is no cloud, but just in case, take your RadAway

Maybe this will ease your mind? - Nate

4)   don't be ridiculous of course there isn't - Nitram

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Question 3
MARIJUANA QUESTION! its about my friends piss..?...  so my firend wants to smoke with m, WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE AND AWESOME(: hah, but i need her piss before she starts!!!
She smoked today with me, and we want to smoke tomorrow, but before she starts smokeing regualry with me i need to ask her for some piss, because i might have a test soon... so the last time she smoked was MONTHS ago, and then she just smoked today.. if i ask her for some piss tomorrow before we smoke, will it pass a piss test? she doesnt smoke a lot at all, but she might sttart because she likes it, so.. is her piss useable..? like will it pass? (: test poistive or negative? cuz i know it stays in your system for like 10-30 days.. but she doesnt really smoke much, actually barely, so i didnt know if the same rules apply. :p but yeah, please answer quickk! (: i need to tell her before tomorrow!

1)   Nope its in her system. Good luck, try paying somebody younger who is straight edge. - Sydney D

2)   if she had a smoke 2day and she does,nt usually smoke it will show up question. - familyman

3)   yeah, your screwed man.
Good luck trying to buy piss. - Six_Finger

4)   Never mind a piss test what about her mental health ?
Long term use of this drug will give you mental health problems ,over 80% of inmates in UK mental health hospitals started on this drug and the latest findings by the WHO conducted over 3 countries are backing up these findings. - jack l

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Question 4
Tripping on weed like people trip on shrooms?...  Today I smoked 5 hits of weed from my friends bowl around 1 pm this is probably my 6th time smoking. The first time I ever smoked I got super high everything felt fake I would go in and out of reality felt as if everything was a dream I wasn't very social. It also felt as things happen in 3s like I would stand up out of a chair and It would feel like i would stand up 2 more times even though i just did it once. my 2nd and 3rd and 4th time i never got high. my 5th I had the same affects as i described above and today was my 6th. This was the first time smoking during the day like i said i only had 5 hits and I felt the same affects as my first. my friends don't get the same affects as me. I was with 2 people who took shrooms today and everything they were describing i felt exactly the same for example we both were amazed at how water looked like jello and how this one bush was really puffy and we had an urge to feel it . is this normal? happens to me every time i smoke and not only that but I felt high all day long I still feel it now 11 hours later

1)   no just no... - P Miller

2)   Don't ever compare the two bro tripping on shrooms is wayyy more intense plus you can't even trip on weed your just baked as fuck and your minds playin tricks on you - Zoo

3)   Well. I cant exactly judge you for doing marijuana as i myself have done it plenty of times.

are you getting the weed that makes you trip from the same dealer? i have a feeling that its more then just weed. Also depending on whether its hydro or not.
id be very careful in taking this particular type cause it will be damaging your brain far more then regular weed. which although illegal isnt all that bad for you.

SO. to answer your question- for weed this is certainly not normal. I mean weed does affect different people in different ways like for me it would not let me stop smiling. i could be told my cat got run over and id probably still be smiling.. makes it hard when adults are telling you off and u just smile.

anyway., the urge to touch the shrub.. normal.. the jello water.. hell no.. your senses are hightened however.

i hope i helped.

xx - misskam

4)   That sounds really unusual, and the potency and quality of what you're smoking sounds like it varies a lot. It may be possible that what you're using now has some kind of additive. The duration of the effects, 11 hours, is also really unusual for cannabis.

Perceptual and cognitive changes from marijuana vary between people and between dosage ranges, so it's not impossible that these are cannabis effects.

There's also a phenomenon called "a contact high" that may or may not actually occur, but your experiences may have been influenced by your friend's suggestions about what he was experiencing on mushrooms.

There are new synthetic drugs available that have nearly exactly the same effects as mushrooms that are smokable, but it seems unlikely that your friends would be so enthusiastic about getting you to try mushrooms that they'd obtain these obscure chemicals and put them on your marijuana. Judging from the chemical structure of these, they'd also probably smell fairly awful.

You may want to stop messing with marijuana until it becomes obvious that the quality of the marijuana your friends are using is consistent and doesn't produce bizarre effects.

You may also simply be unusually sensitive to the effects of marijuana and have been smoking very high doses of rather potent marijuana. I notice you took 5 hits. - Molok

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Question 5
can a person with a heart condition try acid?...  
im NOT goig to try it im just wondering

1)   You CAN do anything. But it's not the best idea to do acid with heart problems - Sydney D

2)   well m8 if you do,nt mind dying with a big cheesy grin on your face what a wonderful way to go - familyman

3)   Yeah,but you risk going into cardiac arrest. - Metalhead498

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side affetcts of pills?

Question 1
side affetcts of pills?...  if your taking pills that cause side affects but you need to take them do you put up and shut up or just not bother and feel ill

1)   You need to discuss this with your doctor. - JerryJ

2)   It depends what the benefits are set against the seriousness of the side effects.

An example here would be viagra, obvious benefits, but some guys can't handle the head aches and nausea where as to other guys a constant boner far out weighs the inconvenience of a head ache.

Hope this helps : ) - Andy

3)   it depends what pills,if its opiate pills or benzodiazepines i enjoy the side affects lol - Sttyyy D


5)   Look for an alternative treatment. - ƦєdAиgєℓ

6)   You have to balance the benefits and the drawbacks. Sometimes horrible side effects are worth it. Take chemotherapy for example, it's really hard on you but it kills cancer and saves lives. - William T

7)   You report all side effects to your prescribing physician. - Dr Frank

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Question 2
have any homeopathy medicine to increase of sex power?...  

1)   Google natural aphrodisiacs - Jesse C

2)   chittu kuruvi lekiyam - maha

3)   No active ingredients in homeopathy, its all a big fraud. - steve h

4)   Please purchase AVENA SATIVA----Q potency & Withenia somnifera-----Q poteny & DAMIANA-----Q potency of reputed brand seal pack. 5 drops of each medicine in half cup water be taken twice daily.There must be a interval of half hour during administring each medicine. Avoid sex for 15 days minimum.
After that you will feel the magic of these medicines. - Hirday Prakash

5)   No, because homeopathy is a giant scam that does nothing. - William T

6)   no, it's just water.

If you want one that works get a dozen oysters. Expect only about 80% to work though, I had a dozen once and only 10 of them worked that night - Nitram

7)   No. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Question 3
I have taken 15 Vicodin 1000mg?...  So today I felt like getting messed up and I took the rest of my bottle of vicodin and there was about 15 left and just recently Ive began to feel really spacey and i threw up like 10 times I might pass out what do i do PLEAse help fast!

1)   Hurry and drink a bottle of Jack Daniel's! It should clear it up! - Eugene Dickleberry

2)   Call 911 now. - Frank

3)   A 1000 mg vicodin? Seriously? - nite_angelica

4)   call 999 and get an ambalance
Once at hospital they will be able to give u a drink to countact the drug
that or have ur stomach pumped - Jem J

5)   Your main problem is the paracetamol (acetaminophen). I would go to the hospital with amount of acetaminophen you have taken you are likely to have some sort of liver damage. - J G

6)   It is very doubtful that you took anywhere close to 1000mg of hydrocodone. I am under the assumption that you did not recieve a 10mg script, in which case you have either ingested 75mg (5mg pills) or 112.5mg (7.5mg pills). Forgive me if my math is wrong by a few small digits.

Your real concern would be the acetaminophen. Or, depending on where you live, paracetamol.
I would estimate you've consumed well over the daily recommended dose, however, it is unlikely that your liver would undertake any extensive damage. If you wish to play it safe, you may call poison control or 911. Both of these agencies will direct you to a hospital where you are going to be forced to drink a liquid charcoal suspension in order to clear your stomach of any remaining substance (as pumping your stomach would probably be relatively inefficient at this point). You are also liable to be referred to some kind of treatment program, though I doubt the likelihood that you would be under any legal obligation to attend.

These are all shots in the dark, and at no point should you let the advice of someone else surpass your own human instinct. You know your body best. - Tom Thorton

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Question 4
Is it safe to soak in bleach?...  I have yellow toenails and possibly toenail fungus. Is it safe to soak in bleach to try to kill the fungus?

1)   This is dangerous be careful. - jen fergie

2)   No , you will also bleach ALL the color out of your skin , please , don't , see a doctor - Kojak

3)   its not so wrong but hard bleach cause skin degradation after more time - Anurag C

4)   No! Bleach is unsafe for skin, nails, etcetera. See a doctor who can prescribe you anti-fungal medication to use to end the infection and discoloration. Look at a bleach jug - it is clear that you should use gloves if your hands or other protection if any skin will be in contact with bleach. I know a man who is blind and somewhat intellectually disabled because he was bathed in bleach and also swallowed some accidentally! - Sheila

5)   Your idea is good ; but DO NOT soak in pure bleach . Fill a big bowl or half a pail of warm water and put a table spoon of bleach ; let soak your nails for 10 min once a day ; repeat the treatment for 10 days ; and it will be all gone ;; My best friend did it ; and it work wonders - lala

6)   No. If you insist on treating this yourself, use vinegar. While there's no direct evidence that a vinegar soak can cure nail fungus, some studies have shown that it can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria. Experts suggest soaking your feet for 15 to 20 minutes in a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts warm water. Be sure to rinse well and pat your feet dry when you're done. You can soak your feet like this daily. But if your skin becomes irritated, try soaking only two to three times a week, or increase the amount of water in the mixture.

If you are diabetic, you should see your doctor. Trying to treat this yourself will lose valuable time and increase the chances that you will have a very serious problem. - Frank

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Question 5
My pee is white!? Whats happening!?...  I had severe econstipation for the past few days. So today I drank ALOT of water cuz I thought I didn't drink enough water made me have constipation. I peed like every 5 mins just now and the pee was white! Not like white white but like some clear liquid. Usually its like normal yellow. Im kinda scared if I have some kinda disease or something :/? Sorry this a bit disgusting Im 13 help me

1)   Their is nothing wrong with you. Usually when drinking a lot of water, urine can appear to look clear. Most of the water consumed leaves the body quickly. - Frank

2)   if your pee is clear that is a good thing. when is yellow it means you have been consuming lot of excess sugar and crap and so your body getd rid of the toxins though the pee. having it clear means you do not have a lot of excess toxins. - ummidk

3)   The more hydrated you are, the clearer your urine will be. As long as it's not cloudy and is just clear (like water), this is a good thing. It just means you're very hydrated.

If your urine is cloudy and white then you should go to a doctor. - Verona

4)   If you drank a lot of water your pee will be very dilute and therefore almost clear. You don't have a disease. Occasional constipation is fine, we all get it now and then. If you suffer from it regularly make sure you're eating a healthy diet and if it carries on see a doctor. - Curvygreen

5)   You don't have a disease.My friend had this i think you are drinking too much or not enough water.Or just somtimes it is cause this happens i mean one time my pee was clear/white and i was fine.If you are very worried though then i would wait awhile till you have peed a couple times and if they are all white then i would go to the doctor and have them check it out you may have a blatter infection.
hope i helped!! - Sydney B.

6)   How about letting your mom know so that she can ask the doctor or even your school nurse. - jannsody

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why is Marijuana so lovely?

Question 1
Why is Marijuana so lovely?...  Do you think it's God's gift to man kind? A tiny taste of heaven?
Love and peace friends!

1)   probably cause you have a taste junk? - Tb

2)   It's simily best. Makes life peaceful. Things are more meaningful. - mouse b

3)   seriously i'd love to try it, what do you recomend? your experiences? - Jasper

4)   Yes indeedy it is heaven in my opinion. Its about the only thing that keeps me sane.

"Weed is from the earth. God put this here for me and you. Take advantage man, take advantage." - sexyscot

5)   weed is great... until you start seeing health problems due to it... good luck quitting then lol... weed is VERY addictive. i know it says it isn't in you high school text books.. but take it from me kids.. it is. and the longer you smoke it, the harder it is to live without it.. you will become its slave.. like i am and there's nothing i can do about it. - Chris

6)   i dontknow, but you can grow gods gift visit - Craig List

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Question 2
Is a green tea supplement as good as drinking green tea?...  
Everything I read says it very good for you, but I have tried different brands and flavored varieties and I just don't like it!

1)   i prefer drinking the tea the way it originally was consumed for years :/

but if you want go ahead with the supplement - jp

2)   black tea and green tea can't be as good as drinking tea - mrlong

3)   The supplements have a much higher content of polyphenols and other beneficial ingredients. They're ideal for people who don't want to drink a ton of green tea. And you can't OD on them. - thenoseknows

4)   The supplements are just as good but they are highly concentrated and you CAN take too much. Green tea, as well as the supplement, contain fluoride, which can interfere with thyroid function. Only use as directed. - Brandy

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Question 3
What are some natural appetite suppressants?...  I don't want to buy pills. I want it to be natural.
Something you drink, eat, or sniff xD Whatever. Just give me a list.

1)   Cranberry pills and fish oil. good luck with that.
M - Marsha Masha

2)   Fiber. Eat lots of fiber. - Parabola750

3)   Try drinking a glass of water before eating anything or when you normally start getting hungry.
Eat some veggies, they will fill you up an are considered a 'free' food as long as you don't have cheese or something poured on them.
Small glass of non-fat milk will help you to not be as hungry.
Drink some chicken broth when you are feeling hungry.
Drink some tea with lemon and honey. - AtLarge

4)   Your body is the amalgam of the needs of your Life Force, and EXERCISE is the wholly exalted Emperor of your physical being, the purveyor of your necessities; it never asks for more than what it needs or leaves you unfulfilled when it has met it's natural desire. Your body is designed in no way different from the simplest organism in order to help you maintain the physical aspirations of your Life Force, and will never disappoint if you but listen.
That is why you will eat LESS when you exercise. Hunger is too often the harbinger of social dissatisfaction, a purely artificial representation of your needs in an artificial, societal confluence of the needs of so many others who, like you, have lost touch with their physical needs. - DMan

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Question 4
home cures for sore throat WITHOUT lemon?...  What are some quick cures for a sore throat? I don't have any lemons at home, so I can't do the tea/honey/lemon thing... however, would just tea/honey still work? also, my throat is really dry at night when I'm asleep.. when I swallow at night it HURTS SO MUCH! I can't keep waking up every 5 minutes to get a drink of water and keep my throat moist... what should I do?

1)   i'm a tcm student ,more descriptions given and i can offer u some fruit therapy.more details about how long have you been so,any other symptoms(anything you feel uncomfortable about your body)
tcm features on treating your body as a whole . - mrlong

2)   Small piece of ginger dipped in honey ,chew slowly before breakfast. After 5-10 minutes take any hot drink. Plus mild laxative at bed time. Pl try and see result in 2-3 days. - Sohan

3)   warm salt water gargle. - Tricia

4)   Tea and honey will still work without having lemon. Do a warm salt water gargle. Warm up some chicken broth and sip on it.Do you have any chloraseptic or throat lozenges? You may want to go to the doctor and see if you have a bacterial infection that may require antibiotics. - AtLarge

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Question 5
What kinds of food or drinks do vegeterians eat to gain energy?...  

1)   Fruits (esp bananas, oranges and apricots),seeds and nuts,vegetables (broccoli, spinach), lentils, wheat, brown rice, all have good energy releasing properties.

Oats or porridge is a good one though and always works for me.

Coffee works too, as do energy drinks - as long as they are vegetarian, which most are. - Isis

2)   Spinach - Tako

3)   Carbohydrates are used be everyone vegetarian or not. Carbohydrates get produced to glucose and sugars in the human body which have been used since for like ever for energy. Pasta, Bread, Oats and grains and fruit re all very high in carbohydrates and sugars.

Hope this helps! - Like

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