Monday, April 25, 2011

What are all the Natural hypertension medications?

Question 1
What are all the Natural hypertension medications?...  Yes I talked to my doctor.

1)   keep yourself calm, do breathing exercise - dipti tiwari

2)   Nothing "natural" is as effective as anti-hypertensive drugs.

I presume you have taken general measures? Lose weight if overweight, stop smoking if you smoke, reduce alcohol consumption and exercise? It's also worth having secondary causes for hypertension excluded- e.g. hormone and kidney issues. has nothing to offer.

Edit: Your question appears to have attracted a large amount of scientifically illiterate quacks.

@ Nosey: Bad move. You just ventured into my field- cardiology. Hawthorne does not dissolve arterial plaque or regulate blood pressure. Evidence for your claims please? treats neither the cause nor symptoms of any disease.

@ Sudhakar B: The dose makes the poison. Suggesting all drugs are toxic is a scientifically vacuous statement.

While some studies show a reduction in BP with garlic preparations, there is no good evidence that garlic is superior to existing blood pressure medication.

And the majority of what RedAngel said is complete nonsense and unsupported by the evidence. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   Remember all allopathic drugs are toxic in nature and have terrible life crippling side effects.
Since you have asked natural hypertension medicine the safest and yet most powerful is
consuming one pearl of garlic preferably raw at every meal helps a lot in overcoming this problem.
Good luck and God bless. Cheers! - Sudhakar B

4)   The top of the list is Hawthorne. It regulates heartbeat, dissolves arterial plaque, and regulates blood pressure.
Conventional medications "work" for maybe 30% of people but they damage everyone's kidneys. The protocol approach used by conventional medicine is hit and miss (mostly miss). You are not monitored on a regular enough basis -- who are they kidding when they tell you to "try this" and come back in a couple of weeks, months, etc. ? Exact science? Hardly. Their protocol just keeps them from being sued or disciplined by the governing body.
There are different causes for high blood pressure, but conventional medicine isn't interested in causation, just putting a bandaid on the immediate problem that might suppress symptoms. - thenoseknows

5)   Natural treatments for hypertension...

Fish oils
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Lipoic acid
B vitamin especially B6, folate, and B12
Dark chocolate
Hibiscus tea
Soy milk
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Avoid a high fructose intake
Eat more whole grains
Reduce or avoid white bread and processed grains
Lose weight pounds
Good nights sleep
Reduce alcohol intake
Stop smoking
Less stress
Avoid hydrogenated oils
Reduce caffeine intake
Drink more water

Natural ways to lower high blood pressure >>>

This article also mentioned reduce salt intake.

"Unfortunately, much misinformation regarding the use of salt in the diet has been circulating for the last three decades or so. The body needs salt (NaCl) and cannot function adequately without it. Low salt diets can make it very difficult if not impossible for the stomach to produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid. The problem is not salt per se, but the quality of the salt. Using unrefined, highly mineralized sea salt is perfectly safe and healthful to the system. This type of salt is grayish in color and is produced by traditional methods used for many hundreds of years. Available in most good natural food stores it comes from Brittany and goes by names such as "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Star of the Sea". The more common white sea salt sold in most stores does not have the same healthful properties. Individuals with high blood pressure need not necessarily avoid salt. Salt over-consumption is only implicated in about twenty percent of hypertensive individuals (kidney related hypertension)."


Low stomach acid can cause high blood pressure. Nutrients to create stomach acid - vitamin B1, vitamin B6, zinc, sodium. Other causes of low stomach acid include living under stress, eating while stressed, eating on the run, not chewing enough, heavily cooked foods (which have no live enzymes), difficult to digest foods such as red meat or fried foods, artificial preservatives and additives, soft drinks which contain high amounts of phosphorus, white sugar, and immune stressing chemicals, barbequed foods which cause high digestive stress, adrenal fatigue, alcohol consumption, bacterial infection.

Medical conditions that are linked to low stomach acid: Asthma, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Eczema, Acne rosacea, Psoriasis, Gallbladder disease, Herpes, Hives, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Thyrotoxicosis, Autoimmune disorders, Lupus erythematosus, Myasthenia gravis, Pernicious anaemia, Celiac disease, Sjogren's Syndrome.

Low stomach acid >>>

Digestive enzymes/betaine HCI to improve digestion and stomach acid >>> - ƦєdAиgєℓ

6)   Balanced diet and exercise. If that doesn't work, then I suggest you take Rhianna's advice. - Dan van

7)   Regular chiropractic adjustments lower BP better than 2 prescription drugs combined. And the side effects are all positive! - synisterkat

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Question 2
Does a Apple a day really keep the Doctor away?...  

1)   No, the saying is simply saying you will be healthier if you eat fruit. - Scarlett

2)   If the doctors allergic to apples - Jimmy

3)   Well it won't exactly keep the doctor away, but it is healthy to eat an apple every day. - Trevor

4)   The latest research says YES. - thenoseknows

5)   Apples like all fruits are nutritious and they do carry some health benefits.

However, there will never be magic product that you can take to prevent all health problems. The best way to prevent premature health problems is to eat a healthy balanced diet, take regular exercise, don't smoke and don't drink too much alcohol.

However, many diseases and illnesses we may have little control over. Some are genetic, some are acquired through injury, etc.

@thenoseknows, it's a pity you don't pay attention to what the latest research says about homeopathy. That's what happens when you cherry pick what evidence you listen to and that is why you are a quack. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

6)   Are you really asking a serious question? How do you propose an apple a day would keep you from cutting yourself or breaking a bone or needing an appendectomy? Do you believe in MAGIC?

(of course, it does seem to work for my wife!!) - Joe

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Question 3
I think my pharmacist made a mistake, what should I do?...  I was supposed to get 30 pills of Adderall, but somehow I got only 15, half. My mom says that they have a scale or something and it's impossible for them to make a mistake and she thinks that one of my friends stole them or something. Is there any chance that she could've made a mistake???

My pharmacy is Walgreens if that matters...

1)   Yea people mighta taken some of them. Adderalls good stuff. Or maybe there's laws about how many you can give out at once or something. They didn't make a mistake. - Mongolking

2)   ask them - insane kid

3)   First of all phone the pharmacist and see how many pills should be in the bottle and also see if you don't have a repeat script as perhaps your meant to take two lots of 15 tablets and your just starting on the first lot. If you have found out you are missing some tablets you will need to go back to the doctor to get another script. As it is a script it means the medicine is given out under your doctors supervision so it means it would harm your friends if they have taken it and it could also affect your health as your not taking all your medicine. - clara

4)   Hi, if you think a shop has supplied you incorrectly, you should always take the receipt and the product back (unopened). The best option is always to check carefully before leaving the shop - then there is nothing to prove. However, if you think there has been a genuine mistake, ring them. Speak directly to the owner or manager. If they have a camera and it is possible, you could always ask to view the footage with them. They may appreciate the validity of your request more then. People make mistakes, the benefit of the doubt is simply to know that but get what you paid for. - Dorothy Taylor

5)   Obviously you have to back check with the pharmacy. They have a precise record of what was dispensed. - thenoseknows

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Question 4
Is 10MG of Melatonin at a time safe?...  Is it okay to have 10MG of melatonin at a time?

1)   Yes it is safe. However, for best result it is recommend to start between 2 and 5 mg, .. and work up to the desired effect. Though 10mg won't kill you, or cause any adverse effects.

Melatonin is a safe compound and naturally occurs within the body. - Jared

2)   No idea... But I don't recommend it.

I don't know if you mean Milligrams.. if so. That's a fair bit I think - imscared95

3)   perfectly fine. i would work up to it though. i have worked up to that dose and im pregnant. been taking it like 2 months now. - Venessa

4)   Although safe but it depends on many other factors. Any other lifestyle diseases and the related medicines can have interaction. Please check with a qualified doctor. - Mandeep V

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Question 5
Are there any alternative medicine treatments for emphysema that work?...  I'm using Albuterol without much help.

1)   No - it's an irreversible damage to the lungs - nothing will improve it.

The single most important thing you can do to stop it worsening is to stop smoking - roddysul

2)   See a professional Homeopath. It's the only thing that can work to cure it or alleviate the symptoms significantly. Since this is a chronic issue it's not a doityourself deal. - thenoseknows

3)   No. Firstly, you need to understand that there is no such thing as alternative "medicine" -period. There's stuff that works (medicine), and stuff that hasn't been shown to work- Homeopathy has been shown time and time again not to work. Most sane people accept this and move on, however, there are still some, like Nosey above, who continue to cling to the "belief" that it works, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Why do they peddle in such nonsense? offers them simplicity. They are unable to deal with the complexity of science and medicine.

Basically, you have damage to the alveoli of the lungs. How old are you and how long have you had COPD? It goes without saying, that if you smoke, you must stop. The damage that exists in your lungs cannot be reversed, it's important you understand this. If the quacks tell you otherwise, they are lying. However, just because you cannot undo the existing damage to your lungs, it does not mean you can cannot prevent further damage.

Treatments aim to ease symptoms; and it can be divided into three different categories: Treatments to stable the condition, management for exacerbation's and treatments for end-stage COPD.

Albuterol is an short acting bronchodilator, which relaxes the muscles in the airways, helping them to dilate. If your current management is not very effective, you need to return to your Doctor so he can reassess your situation. There are other medicines used in the management of COPD.

The quacks on here have no medical training. AVOID. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   Excercise, eat healthy, drink plenty of water. - Mike McWilliams

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

can someone tell me the pros and cons of smoking weed?

Question 1
can someone tell me the pros and cons of smoking weed?...  i have picked it up as a habit but i have look at some things that say oh weed is bad or some things that say weed is good so i want to hear what u guys think?

1)   it prevents canser, helps defend hiv,can bring economy up in three months if america decrimalisses it. cons it destorys brain cells and makes heart over work. - Zachary Shotwell

2)   Pros: None
Cons: It's illegal to possess; It impairs judgment; It stinks. - mcclean5552

3)   pros: fun, helps you socialize sometimes, helps with different illnesses, helps with insomnia, helps with increasing appetite, helps anxiety, makes things more interesting :D

cons: will make you fail a drug test, can make you lazy and/or paranoid, helps with appetite but if you binge on unhealthy foods when you're high that's not a good thing.

A friend of mine wrote a paper about smoking weed and when she was researching she watched a documentary that said there have actually been no studies to indefinitely prove that smoking weed kills brain cells. I forget what the name of the documentary was though. - egenta.42.O

4)   Pros: EVERYTHING is more fun.
-have awsome time.
-good for you,relives stress
-is awsome way to spend your time.

-makes you hungry
-somtimes makes you sleepy - Smitty

5)   It can cause cancer, it kills brain cells, its illegal... but you probably know the pros.. really you should try not to do it - boo

6)   Pros - None

Cons Ruins your life - Tigger

7)   Pros-

Dramatically reduces stress.
Makes you more creative.
Benefits long term memory and prevents Alzheimer's disease.
Safer alternative to alcohol.
Helps you concentrate.
Will give you a lot of great memories to look back on when you're older.
It does not kill brain cells, cause psychosis or cause cancer. The idea of marijuana killing brain cells and/or causing cancer has been dis-proven many, many times. There is not enough evidence to say that marijuana causes psychosis, not even enough to seriously consider the possibility.


Can be habit forming for some people (but not addictive).
Risk of being caught by police (even though it really shouldn't be illegal).
Can cause temporary throat irritation (lasting a few days) for inexperienced users.
Sometimes if you eat too much food while high you will have insane diarrhea the next day. - I Dunno

8)   The documentary egenda is talking about is called The Union:The Business Behind Getting High
Heres the link on youtube. It's actually slow in the beginning but it's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It discusses the pros and cons and the buisness behind it. Link: - MacMiller

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Question 2
How do u crush pills?...  I don't want to swallow them

1)   Just grind them in to a powder with something hard, or let it dissolve in water. - Chris Rand

2)   put the pill in a folded dollar bill, close it, with the pill in between, use a quarter to crush it up, then you can pour it out of the dollar bill.
or if you think money is dirty,
i've actually cut a pill with small scissors into smaller pieces, be careful so it doesn't go everywhere ( i did this on my glass desk ) then i took a credit card and put it face down, and pushed down to crush the pill into a fine powder - might have to do it twice. - dani

3)   You can try placing the pill between two pieces of plastic wrap, printer paper, or newspaper and finding the blunt end of something to smash them down. Try to refine the ground with a razor if available.

If you have a mortar around you can simply grind them. To craft a makeshift mortar you can get a bowl, place the pill in, and again, find a wide-ended blunt object to grind down the pills.

As always, be careful. - Aural Cleansing

4)   Put the pill between to tablespoons and crush them until they are powder. But if you are trying to game me Mallory and your intentions are to snort the powder, be warned that if they are time released pills, they have a special coating that dissolves in a certain time span and if you snort the coating, you are putting an inorganic plastic like substance in your lungs, and it will stick to your aveoli in your lungs and dust and other particles that enter your lungs will cling to it and your lung capacity will go down more and more. - Jim

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Question 3
Please help! How bad is it that I have taken 10 to 12 to benadryl allergy pills a night?...  Please help

1)   If yu ae taking 10-12 benadryl a day, you are risking serious dehydration and possibly your organs could shut down one at a time or all at once, and it could kill you. What would make you take that many benadryl pills, and don't tell me because your nose is congested or something mo nor like that because it makes no sense that you are risking your life or your organs because of congestion.
Go and see your doctor to make sure you did not damage your kidneys, liver or any other major organ and for God's sake, stop taking benadryl at once. - Jim

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Petra Fama

3)   Wow yea, go see a doctor before your teeth start falling out haha, what are you using it for? Insomnia? or the Antihistamine effects? Because there's alternatives to both.. - chris shanahan

4)   Uh, BAD. Apart from harming your physical health, that stuff can screw you up psychologically as well. In high doses, Benadryl is a deliriant drug. My friend took 16 once, had a seizure, and ended up in the hospital. I've taken 10 at a time before and the effects were ANYTHING but pleasant. PROLONGED use of Benadryl can lead to depression and/or general worsening of mood. - sashunya

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Question 4
LSD???? Can you control?...  I like to learn about drugs and random stuff =P. So my question is when I'm high or drunk I can act normal so its undetectable to my parents or other people. I was wondering when your on LSD can you do the same thing? I have no intent of experimenting with it I was just wondering if it was somewhat controllable as while high or drunk. Serious answers please!

1)   You can't control LSD. It's a hallucinogenic that's real strong. - Lindsay

2)   No, LSD is a totally different thing. I have known some older dudes who have been doing it from the sixties and they can kind of keep it together but you can still tell there is something a little off. LSD is like a dream so you can't really be completely in control. It comes and it goes. - SethSpeaks

3)   It depends. It's different from person to person. I know that I can handle myself really well on most drugs, but some people CAN'T AT ALL. I was able to act completely normal and talk to my mom just fine the one time I did LSD, but I think I might not have done quite as well if it was a higher dose. - sashunya

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Question 5
If your kids ask you if you experimented with drugs, will you be honest with them? Or lie about it?...  

1)   I would tell the truth - Nick

2)   lie - gamer

3)   be honest they deserve to know and they will be honest with you in return, but don't try to make it out to be cool or fun to do drugs because that will lead to them wanting to partake in them. - Dr. Benjamin Kings

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Question about weed.. ha help please. 10 points to best answer.?

Question 1
Question about weed.. ha help please. 10 points to best answer.?...  So I smoked weed about 2 hours ago, I don't think I'm really high now but its later so I'm takin sleep pills (tylenol pm) so I can sleep tonight. Can anything happen? Anythin bad? Or am I good?

1)   Yes, you could die. Do you have a legal will? - Questor

2)   no, it isn't going to kill you. - psycho_lycious

3)   If you smoked good weed, you wouldn't have any problems sleeping. - Accadaccarulez

4)   hugs not drugs - Patrick

5)   Your 100% Fine. - Smitty

6)   Hard to say whether you got really stoned - but being stoned usually lasts 4 hours probably - so by the time you hit the sack, you should be clear of the effect. And weed relaxes some people....

It's interesting to sleep on weed - you can get some neat dreams. - Vulcan

7)   u r right u r not high so It will not effect you. - yannijcc

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Question 2
Can yeast infections be transfered?...  

1)   Absolutely. They can also be transferred from genitals to mouth. - Dezzeree Crane

2)   Yes - lildevil112878

3)   They definitely can, must be careful - jason

4)   Yes, use a condom or other shield to protect the partner without the infection. - Mary

5)   Can a yeast infection be transferred from female to male or is it something worse? ... Yes yeast infections can be passed back and forth between partners. - yannijcc

6)   you betcha.
You can pass one to your partner.
My sister had that happen to her. She had a yeast infection that kept coming back and finally her husband started having odd symptoms and turns out they were passing it between them over and over. - ckngbbbls

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Question 3
I need help! Please!?...  I was jumping on my trampoline for 3 hours straight and then when i landed, my back started to hurt so i just ignored it and it went away but a few hours later it came back way wrose! Ive tried a heating pad and it helps.. But not very much.. Ive tried taking pills but i cant swallow them and my parents wont take me to te doctor. I need help! Please! By the way, it started hurting friday and it is now wednesday and its still here and im sure it dosnt help i have gym every other day:(

1)   No way thAt happened to me last month, im sorry but its prob gona last bout 5-7 days just dont run around and try not to get to active or it will go away at a very slow rate peace - Will Hall

2)   well we also have on to. And my little sister has exprerinced the same thing as you. I talked to my sister about it, and she said it does hurt, it feels like cramps and its really sore. I asked her how ling did it take to go away, and she said about 3 to 4 weeks. So if it still hurts after 4 weeks then really bug your parents to see a doctor, or go see the school nurse before p.e starts and ask the nurse about it. - Sharika

3)   sounds like a pulled muscle. dont put any strain on your back and keep it relaxed for a few days - hahahaha

4)   go to a doctor asap. dont play. - irene k

5)   Put ice on the area, rather than heat. If you have any inflammation, the heat will make it worse. Ice reduces inflammation and is a natural pain minimizer. I hope this helps. - Mary

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Question 4
DXM QUESTION, POSSIBLY DEADLY?? HELP...?...  My friend n i do some for fun now n then, but he is more...idk "addicted"? And couldn't get reg triple c's. So he got the um...cordicin flu one? It has 500mg each tablet of he is heavy so he has always taken more pills then me...ive only done the actual triple c's, so keep in mind he IS HEAVY...i know that can play a role in dosages. OKAY, SO, he took 20 tablets of the flu cordicne which is like10kmg of the ace that deadly, he is acting normal, but im still really worried for him, like should i go over to his house n force him to go to the hospital??? i looked up its not "deadly" till 12k mg, but u could still have liver failure? idk...someone help? ... OHHH BTW, HE IS BOUT 5"9 350LBS? (my guess)
20 pills may seem like alot, but when we do reg triple c for a strong high "i" take 24, so its not, however this is cordicin flu kind, not red, so idk......

1)   doing my calculation. That is way to much stress for his heart.
He can go into cardiac arrest..
You must seek medical attention at once.
If u r a good friend. don't wait go do something about it.
and seek help for both of yea. this is abnormal behavior, do to your depression.

wish u luck and I'll keep your friend in my prayers. - yannijcc

2)   Twenty tablets????????????????????
Are you serious?
Good Lord, (even 5 would be too much) if you are, you better get your friend over to emergency. Not good at all and since I'm not a Dr. I have no idea what the ramifications would be to this but for crying out loud get him to drink water and pee as much as he can. That flushes alot stuff from the system. .... Water, water, water.
Doesn't matter how much he weighs, 20 tablets is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top!!!! - autumlovr

3)   Coricidin Cough and Cold are the only CCCs that are the safest to trip on (though they aren't that safe). 10,000milligrams of acetaminophen is a HUGE OVERDOSE. I'm not sure how much of an overdose it is for someone that weighs 350lbs, but any average person would surely die of liver failure. - Echo

4)   First of all, DXM is bad. Trust me, I've done it my fair share of times in my past, and only negative things have come out of its use, such as lowered I.Q. lowered inhibitions, your motor skills become worse with prolonged use, and it's just not a good thing to do. Now, acetaminophen is a painkiller, as we all know. The aforementioned substance, in high amounts, can DESTROY the liver. In combination with DXM, it could cause some damage. If enough is taken it can and WILL be deadly. My advice: get him to the nearest medical facility or clinic, see what the doctors have to say there (because liver damage isn't very obvious unless major symptoms are displayed) and give the kid a good hard smack upside his head for being so stupid. Tell him that if, indeed, he did sustain liver damage and ever does that again, he could end up in the county coroners office. Peace and blessings, and stay out of trouble. - Jacob

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Question 5
What is a good all natural cure for migraines?...  I get migraines and I take preventive migraine medicine. It not pain medicine so I don't have to worry about mixing medicines but I still do not want to take tylenol or advil or anything like that. I want a good all natural supplement to take which I could take to get rid of the occasional breakthrough pain.

Any suggestions would be nice.

1)   chex your blood sugar. when you get the results you wil know what to do. - irene k

2)   try rubbing in a circular motion the sides of your fore head, around where the eyebrows end at with your smooth fingers. my grandmother taught me this. i use it for when i feel really stressed or have a headache.
try going to an alternative medicine clinic for many medicines for migraines. - Natalie

3)   This is an excellent website to learn about migraines:

God bless you - 2blest2Bstrest

4)   Hello, it can have many causes. Try ginger capsules + milk thistle caps+vit B5+ good sea minerals for 3 months.Some people have help from taking Vinpocetine caps(Olympian Labs) just when they feel coming pain.Good luck! - Renata

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is the best way to quit smoking?

Question 1
What is the best way to quit smoking?...  I'm 22 and have smoked ever since i was 18. I am a socially sensitive person (self-counscious, no self-confidence, easlily hurt, hate uncomfortable eyecontacts, always dont know what to name it!) so i get really stressed out when i have to face all the people in school and smoking has always been my only way of relaxing. Like all smokers i know smoking is very bad for me, and like most smokers i have wanted to quit for a long time but havent been able to. More than my other smoking friends, tobacco has effected my health in a really obvious way already. I get constant heart aches, my voice is always dry, i get head aches, throat pains and lately i got bronchitis. Even though, i still cant quit. I have tried exercising but if i move too much i cant breathe. I feel like i really need thoses freaking ciggs to make it through each day. So what should i do? I cant quit or take a yr off from school it is really not an option. More confidence? Dont think that i havnt tried.

1)   Reduce 2 to 3 sticks everyday & I am sure you will be able
to quit smoking within a short period. - Elisabeth Chandler

2)   the only way to quit smoking, is not by reducing the amount of sticks at day. what you need to do is quit from one day to another, after that buy yourself some incense in case you smoke inside your house and something else for your vehicle. if you smoke there too. wash your clothes and blankets and the key is to really want to do it. - Juan Perez

3)   The best way to quit is nicotine replacement therapy. - Lesley Brown

4)   I'm 23 and Iv'e quit for about 2 years now, i was smoking since i was 14. I just used a different alternative that's still not a good habbit, but less dangerous than cigs. I stopped smoking altogether and switched to cigars and pipe tobbacco, because those are bad @ss and you don't inhale. It's just as relaxing and just as cool ;) Also a lot cheaper. You spend 10 dollars a week on cigars or pipe tobbacco and 10 dollars a day on a pack of smokes. Nicotine is what makes it hard so take that out of the equasion and your set. Eventually stop smoking cigars and pipes when you are cool and confident ;) Good luck bud - Jason Colter

5)   A friend show me these these awesome electronic cigs that were free. These were amazing, more vapor, good taste, they gave me a whole month kit. I am sure they still offer this much, I was shocked that they offered me this much for this offer. Get them while they still send this much for free. - Avril Svoboda

6)   Well the easiest way is too switch to lights and a pack that you don't like like pallmalls are nasty. Than when you feel like you just kinda need to smoke you will wait to you really need to because you dont wanna have to deal with the taste. So your basically training yourself not to smoke anymore. eventually you won't need em. - James Madison

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Question 2
Are vitamin pills a necessity?...  My mom begs me to take them every morning. I don't see how they can be beneficial. They haven't even been scientifically proven. My boyfriend's father use to take vitamin pills, and ever since then he has had back problems, I don't know if the back problems could be related to the consumption of the pills, but is vitamin pills really necessary?

1)   Well, the answer is not so simple.
If you're young and healthy, don't waste money on vitamins, just eat properly and exercise.
If you're pregnant or plan to be, you should be taking folic acid and are likely to require iron tablets as well.
If you have osteoporosis or are at risk or are above 65, you should take calcium and vitamin D.
As you get older, it is sometimes necessary to take B12 and folate. - ssspecialk

2)   One study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health shows that 68% of Americans are magnesium deficient. Other experts put the number closer 80%.

What depletes magnesium:

Mental stress
Physical stress
High sodium diet
Cola-type sodas
High perspiration
Medical drugs of all types, especially diuretics, digitalis
Low thyroid
Chronic pain
A high carbohydrate diet
A low carbohydrate diet
A high calcium diet.
A low calorie diet
Because of the competing nature of calcium and magnesium, excessive calcium intake from foods or supplements can lead to a magnesium deficiency.
Disease such as pancreatitis, arteriosclerosis, kidney malfunction.
Malabsorption problems caused by chronic diarrhea or vomiting.

Just a few others:

39% were found to be low in vitamin B12 regardless of eating 3x the RDA. Due to far too low a B12 reference range, it is estimated deficiency is present in a far greater proportion of the population than 39% as reported by Tufts University. Vitamin B12 is the hardest of all vitamins to absorb in the digestive tract.

One study found that 100% of 174 university students had some degree of Vitamin B6 deficiency.

About 70% of elderly Americans and 90% of Americans of colour are vitamin D deficient. Depending on which research you cite, in the United States at least 50% and possibly more than 90% of the population is vitamin D deficient. One European study found that 100% of hospitalized patients were vitamin D deficient. If you live above the 35 degree latitude - eg: 2/3rd of the US, canada, europe - there is NO vitamin D due to the angle of the sun from November to March.

I'm all for my multi vitamin tablets which uses natural vitamins and minerals when possible. Your choice if you want to take a multi vitamin but some deficiencies show no symptoms but are slowly damaging the body. - ƦєdAиgєℓ

3)   Why does the government mandate that certain foods be fortified with vitamins if they are not beneficial? "Researchers have found that 50-70% of NTDs (Neural Tube Defects) can be prevented when women supplement their diet with folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin." [1]

What about iron? "Iron deficiency anemia remains an enormous global problem. Up to half of the children in developing countries and ≈10% of the children in developed countries are estimated to be iron deficient. Iron deficiency leads to impaired physical work performance, cognitive impairment, and adverse pregnancy outcomes " [2]

Iodine is so important that the United States Government decided to fortify salt with iodine. Iodine is a common supplement found in multi vitamins. Iodine is needed for your thyroid which can impact your weight, energy, etc.

Even the best diet meaning 10 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day is tough to maintain for life. Is it possible for you to maintain that kind of diet? Vitamins and minerals are not miracle pills, but I doubt that they have anything to do with bad backs. Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body so what can be the harm in taking them? The safety record of vitamins is proven and what could be the harm in taking a vitamin or two? - Chicago Mike

4)   Only if you are lacking in those vitamins. Barring folic acid in pregnancy, routine vitamin supplementation is of no therapeutic value.

Correlation does not imply causation, his back problems were likely unrelated to the vitamins. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

5)   What hasn't been scientifically validated are government sponsored RDA values.
Optimum amounts for each individual vary with each individual. A mass production mentality governing mass medical treatment is a major problem in the mind set of people transitioning from the old style of conventional medicine to the much better holistic model.
It's prudent to consider that because modern agriculture methods have resulted in severe soil depletion our produce now only contains about 50% of what it did 50 years ago. So vitamins help to fill that gap. They won't, however, make up for a fast food/junk food diet.
Since MD's don't get any training in nutrition they generally tend to miss all but the very obvious signs and symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiences (scurvy, rickets, anemia).
There's no correlation between "back problems" and vitamin use. - thenoseknows

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Question 3
Are there people who have received acupuncture?...  I major in acupuncture in College
I am Japanese. Is it popular in America?

Do you have a good felling about it?

Dose it have effect on illness?

If you find any miss spelling、grammar and so on,
could you tell me?

So I am studying English hard too.

1)   acupuncture is very popular in America. It's used in chiropractic offices. I'm not sure how well it cures viral or bacterial illness's, but more for muscle pain, and muscle spasms. The needles are pressed into the pressure points, relieving pain. - SmileySixy

2)   Popularity has nothing to do with effectiveness.

For instance here in Europe, mainstream medicine is very popular,
because it's apparently cheap (but we pay a lot through taxes, so it's not very transparent).
and because it's so called scientific but it's mainly applied statistics.

Don't worry about acupuncture,
if you learn through experience and listening carefully to the bodies,
and anything you see more (and more),
the eastern philosophy will give you more and more insights.

If you want to help people more,
by giving them self-help,
you can study Jin Shin Jyutsu,
another Great Japanese Art.

Good luck,
with your Under-Standing. - SmartAss

3)   Hello Buddy, Your English is fine. some small mistakes but probably better than mine.

Does it have AN effect? No. The effect is in the mind ( the placebo effect) this means that if you have pain then it can make you convince yourself that some improvement has taken place but if you have a rash or a broken bone or even Cancer then Acupuncture will have no effect at all.

Avoid any 'medicine' based on chi or chakras. Despite it being popular it is still rubbish. - Angelhil Xtra

4)   Acupuncture is extremely popular in North America and is considered to be a preferable treatment to using toxic drugs by growing numbers of people. There is a steady increase in practitioners, not only of Acupuncture but TCM in general.
Martial arts are very popular in North America and this has also tended to popularize Eastern forms of medicine too.
Many conventional MD's, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Naturopaths and Homeopaths enroll in acupuncture courses on a regular basis.
Users of holistic medicine are generally better educated than the average and research non-conventional therapies before making decisions about what form of treatment they wish to choose rather than having drugs foist on them. They are not arrogant enough to claim a know-it-all attitude and realize that masses of people who go to Western doctors only do so out of "faith" not knowledge. - thenoseknows

5)   Acupuncture is supposed to work through mechanisms that are inconsistent with what we know about physiology (how the body works) and anatomy today. But because people have reported benefits from them, attempts have been made to see if these methods work anyway, and do so beyond the placebo effect (The effect created by expecting it to work and all that).

It turns out, that acupuncture can't do anything that a placebo can't do. So you have a system that (with present day knowledge) looks like placebo and works like placebo. In short science tells you that acupuncture does not have effects of its own. And in addition there are some serious risks involved:

The original system had 360 acupuncture points (based on the number of days in the year - not anatomy). This number has risen to more than 2000 points, so hardly any spot on the skin is not an acupuncture point. Different acupuncture systems operate with 9 to 11 meridians. After all these years that acupuncture has been around, no research has been able to document the existence of acupuncture points, meridians or chi.

Acupuncture is neither as old nor as popular as is commonly supposed: - JLI

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Question 4
What are great things to help an ulcer?...  

1)   Orange juice does wonders. I always use it when i have an ulcer. U dont have to gargle or anything, just drink it. - Vault Boy

2)   Proton pump inhibitors (drugs that end in -azole), no booze, no coffee, no cigarettes. High carb diet (pasta, bread) and avoid things that are spicy or difficult to digest such as meat and greens. Avoid orange juice, it's too acid. - ssspecialk

3)   It depends on the type of ulcer. Some ulcers are caused by bacteria so you need an antibiotic. But, in general, avoid:
- Spicy foods. Like hot peppers, curry.
- Black pepper.
- Acidic foods like tomatoes, pickles, anything that uses vinegar. - csroberts

4)   Stomach ulcer? It's usually caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Combination therapy of antibiotics and PPIs resolve the problem in 9 in 10 cases.

Ignore that obnoxious cat who will be along shortly to tell you to drink cabbage juice. She is completely and utterly medically and scientifically illiterate. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Question 5
i have taken 4 sleeping pills 2 valium5 and 2 valium10 im feeling sleepy and also getting unconsciousness.i wa?...  i want to remove the effect of those sleeping pills.can anyone please tell me how to do this..please its urgent..

1)   You over dosed - Jules ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦

2)   These are not sleeping pills these medicine are called antydepression there are for hipertention, but definately u have taken overdose thts why u r feeling dousy just drink lots of water nothing will happened - DIPAK

3)   2 cups warm water with 4 tsps sea salt, then chug down about 2 ltrs water. It should cause you to throw up and/or get diarrhea.
or just drink the water
Or call poison control or go to the er - Candie Barr

4)   This is high dose 30 mg, take doctors advice.
Need to drink Plenty of liquids( water, soda. orange juice).avoid cold drinks(pepsi, cola etc)
Vomiting after drink ing warm water will also help. - afaq khan

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Is a salvia feeling different than LSD feeling? Read through?

Question 1
Is a salvia feeling different than LSD feeling? Read through?...  I smoked marijuana laced with what I think is salvia, and especially since I've only been high 3 times, the whole experience was VERY intense and lasted about 2 and a half hours. If I were to take LSD, would the feeling of not being in my body be there too? and how long would an acid trip last?

1)   If you smoked LSD, it would be destroyed from the flame and you wouldn't feel anything except the weed. It was probably just really good weed. You might have been smoking mids then the last time you got some really dank bud. No one laced your weed, don't worry. No one laces weed anymore unless it's for themselves. ( they used to do it in the 60s to make people feel better, but not anymore so people don't lose money). If someone laced your weed, they would be losing A LOT of money. You don't find laced weed anymore, unless it has crack, but just buy from trusted people and your good. - chris esposito

2)   The effects of an acid trip are dependent on how much acid you take. If you don't take enough, then you won't feel anything. But, if you take a lot, then you might not like how real everything seems. - Jumanji The third

3)   Salvia is likely just as intese, but does not last more than 5-10 minutes. When I did it I saw everything in puzzle pieces! I wouldn't mess with this stuff though. I tried it once which was enough for me! - Greg Johnson

4)   You do not smoke acid or LSD - It can come in liquid form or plotter, or even in a sugar cube or aspirin. The high last about 8 hours or so and it is much different than grass or hash.

I found it to be a very spiritual experience and when doing it for entertainment purposes it was fun and OK but going into the woods and away from others was the most enlightening and useful trips.

It is not a toy as many would think - It can be a very weird and strange experience that has freaked many of people out. So if you see it as just another weed or coke high - then reconsider.

If you think that you have your act together then go for it - but if you have any doubts then hold off until you learn a little more about it and it's affects.

It is similar to Peyote, mushrooms, psilocybin, etc. It is a hallucinogen -

Plan for at least 8 hours before you can come down.

Hope this has helped. - Ray

5)   trust me bro. dont do lsd. that shit is bad for you. one of my friends did lsd before like he did it several times, and one time he did it he swears it's had long lasting effects on him. like horribly scary flashbacks and such. he says he has times were he doesnt feel like hes in his body and this is like almost 3 YEARS later. i highly suggest not to do lsd. take it from me, stick to marijuana if you have to. I also suggest laying off the salvia as well. Hallucinogens and extreme psychoactives are NOT to be experimented with. - Jon Doe

6)   DO NOT do salvia! It's stupid. Everyone who has done it has had a bad experience with it.

LSD can be pretty fun. I enjoyed it very much back in my psychedelic days. Just make sure that when you take it, you are in a very comfortable setting and a very good mind frame. Don't be scared. Some people say it's scary, but that's only because of what goes on in your mind while they are on LSD. It is a very thought producing drug. Whatever you are thinking about, it intensifies those thoughts. That's why when I say you should be in a good "mind frame" I mean make sure you didn't just have a bad day, or you're not going through a depressive time in your life. Basically, if you are in a good mood and don't have anything bad on your mind, you will have a good trip. If you ever have a bad trip (you'll know when you do) just do something that doesn't require thinking. For example. watch some cartoons, do something that will make you not think. You must keep in mind that everything that goes on is all in the mind, it's not real.

An LSD trip lasts about 12 hours, but you have after effects for a few hours after that. It is an upper too, so you will have a lot of energy while on it. For about a week after you take it, there will be one color that stands out. One time for me, it was blue, so everything that I saw that was blue, it was SUPER blue.

If you try LSD, make sure you start with ONLY 1 HIT. I repeat, 1 hit the first time, just to test the waters. The second time you do it, take 2, the third time, 3, ans so on and so on. Limit yourself to doing it just once every couple of weeks unless you want to turn out like ozzy ozbourne. The more hits you take, the more visuals you will see (millions of tracers following moving objects, feeling like your mind is outside of your body, having an "ego death.") and the more involved your mind will be in the trip.

Make sure you set aside 2 days for the trip. The first day is the day you trip, and the second day is the day you rest from the trip. You will not be able to sleep until it has fully worn off after 12 hours or so.

If you want your visuals to be more intense, drink a glass of orange juice. Vitamin C makes your visuals more intense. It doesn't do anything whatsoever with the mind aspect of the trip, just the visuals. If you want the mind trip to be more intense, smoke marijuana during the trip. As soon as you're done smoking marijuana, you will be in a whole other world. In fact, I never did acid without marijuana.

What I liked doing while on acid was: stare at a plain white wall, and you will see swirly neon colors. Stare at a popcorn ceiling, you will see some crazy visuals in it. Stare at yourself in the mirror, your face will stretch and shrink and shift, or you might turn into a monster, though I NEVER turned into a monster. I always liked watching my face shift in the mirror.

Also, all the rumors you've heard about people being "permafried" are all urban myths. Nobody has ever been permafried from acid. They did extensive tests on LSD back in the 50's. They gave people HUNDREDS of hits, and the trips still lasted just 12-16 hours. A good book that I recommend before trying LSD is called, "LSD My Problem Child" by Albert Hoffman. Here is the link to read it:

With lower amounts like 1-3 hits, it's pretty mellow, although you feel like you're in another world. When you start getting into higher doses like 4 hits and up, your mind will COMPLETELY be in a trip and you can get some crazy thoughts. For example, when I did 5 hits, during my peak, I thought that I was dead but only I thought the dead were still alive but just in a different "state" of consciousness, like the waking dead or something. Just crazy stuff like that. But like I said, just start out with 1 hit, then 2, then 3, and so on. You won't have scary trips if you do it like that.

Another thing, DO NOT try to think about reality. If you do, it will confuse the F*#K out of you. Just let your mind flow. TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE!! If you don't, it will ring and it will freak you out. If you try talking to someone on your phone while tripping, it won't make sense to you and I don't think you want to try explaining that your on acid to someone who doesn't do drugs.

If you start to think too much, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and focus on your breath. Like I said, a lot of your trip is "all in the mind."

Happy tripping!! Have fun! - Geoffrey

7)   LSD feels 1 million times better than salvia,u actually feel good,it lasts 12 hours in total...on lsd u do leave ur body at times but u have to concentrate into leaving it... - ?????

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Question 2
did you quick smoking and did you do it cold turkey?...  was it easy? thanks

1)   Yeah. it was pretty easy for me. it voaries for others, my friend/s found/find it difficult. - Amy

2)   I used a patch longer than directed, I would not call it easy by any shot. - Tink

3)   I went cold turkey and it took me 3 long years to finally lose the desire to smoke or be around secondary smoke. I don't know how I did it. I do know I couldn't muster the strength to do something like that again. It was horrible. - Irish

4)   I have tried and failed miserably ......
still smoking *cough cough* - Jerry Hamilton

5)   FRANKLY~~
I tried stopping b4....But, it just never happen for me.....
AND....I carried on again ~~~ in moderation tho......
It's not really a painful thing for me....
I can stop if I'm 'suppose to'.....LOL

* Do U really smoke too ? :) - dLegend

6)   No, i never really tried. - chicken1202

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Question 3
do any girls find smoking pot a turn-off?...  i hear some do some dont and some smoke and some dont, i honestly think its pretty hot
to answer four i think you have pot mixed up with meth, using all your money on pot is a choice and is not fueld by addiction, and teeth dont fall out from pot if you keep up with hygene

1)   I am a boy, I hae smoke. - steel cat

2)   to me, it is a major turn off, but some of my girls find it cool... - Nelly Lovely

3)   haha no i do not find it a turn-off. Then again i go to santa cruz so everyone does it. - Lima Bean

4)   i just broke up with my bf because he was just considering doing pot! if you think girls doing pot is hot, think how sexy theyll be wiht all of there teeth fallen out of their mouth because they have done so much weed and living on the street becasue they spend all their money on drugs. wow...MAJOR TURN ON - -me-

5)   The actual smoking doesnt turn me off but the way it makes you all dopey n that is a turn off for me - Amy

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Question 4
how are scientists/doctors currently finding new ways to cure/treat a migraine? and what are those ways?...  

1)   you want alternative, right??? Buy aromatherapy Lavender oil. into a spoon with a tiny amount of non cooking vegetable oil put one or two drops of pure lavender oil. Rub the mixture on each temple. Migraine will shortly get better. Buy non cooking oil like safflower, sunflower, grape-seed, sesame or jojoba (there are others) in a health food store. No mineral/baby oil as this will block absorption. - alt.healer

2)   migraines are usually from adrenal insufficiency due to nerve interference. see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor. - Mr E

3)   They're not.

Migraines are big business. The drug companies are cleaning up selling drugs to temporarily treat the symptoms. Why should they find a cure when so money can be made?

All is not lost, however.

Here's a little known secret that they'd prefer you didn't know - migraines are caused by dehydration. Yup! You read it correctly - you don't drink enough water, and this is the reason for the headaches.

The body is made up of trillions of cells that need nutrients to function properly. Water is the delivery system. When you don't drink enough water to satisfy the needs of the cells, salt can't get in to remove the toxins (this is why salt and water go together like peanut butter & jelly). One of salt's primary functions in the body is to remove the toxins from the cells.

But insufficient water causes the cells to malfunction. This sends a signal of pain (called a histamine) to the brain to tell it that it needs more water in that localized area.

But doctors don't recognize dehydration at this stage where health problems originate (there's no profit in prescribing water), and so they prescribe drugs (antihistamines) to block the signal to the brain. This makes the brain think that a problem doesn't exist, and it turns off the pain.

Blocking the signal is not the answer. Some forms of pain are important signals that something serious is wrong. Blocking these with medication only worsens the problem because it doesn't fix the original cause - dehydration.

Click below to learn how to treat your problem correctly. - Bco4th6th

4)   I'm sorry you've had three nonsense/scam answers so far.

There is lots of research being conducted by medical science into migraine. According to Wiki:

"Merck Corp is developing a new drug called Telcagepant which is intended to relieve pain without causing vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) as current medications such as triptans do. Telcagepant would be a safe therapy for migraine suffers with risk factors for cardiovascular disease.[123]
Recently it has been found that calcitonin gene related peptides (CGRPs) play a role in the pathogenesis of the pain associated with migraine as triptans also decrease its release and action. CGRP receptor antagonists such as olcegepant and telcagepant are being investigated both in vitro and in clinical studies for the treatment of migraine.[124]
In 2010, scientists identified a genetic defect linked to migraines which could provide a target for new drug treatments.[125]

And a sample of results from a quick google search:

Breakthrough news involving migraine:

Migraines start in eyes' light cells:

Migraine Mutations Reveal Clues To Biological Basis Of Disorder:

Brain Changes In Patients With Migraine:

I hope this helps to answer your question. - Gary Y

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Question 5
Does acid show up on a hair test?...  If I did acid a couple weeks ago, would it show up on a hair drug test? What about a piss test?

1)   LSD cannot be tested for,dont worry,LSD leaves ur body before u even start trippin...u will be ok,,,i used to work for a government agency doing drug testing for all employees and out of all the common drugs LSD wasnt detectable in any way,they used to constantly try to create a test for it but the problem was that LSD is super potent,usually requiring at least 1/8 of a grain of sand to trip,no drug test could detect things that small,the only drugs that could be traced with the most sophisticated drug tests were THC,Opiates,Benzos,Amphetamines,PCP,MDMA, and Cocaine,in a hair drug test we could trace back as far as 6 years with drugs like Meth and THC...but this was expensive tests that regular people never take... - ?????

2)   The only possible way LSD can show up on a drug test is if you are blood tested within 30 minutes of administration. In other words, don't worry about it. - Kiwi Antagonist

3)   If you want to make sure, just go to ebay or amazon . com and buy the special shampoo for your hair to get rid of the drugs in your hair. You'll definitely pass the drug test then.

MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. If you miss a single step you will not pass. It's easy though. - Geoffrey

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

what is the best way to smoke weed to get you the highest you can be?

Question 1
what is the best way to smoke weed to get you the highest you can be?...  

1)   I don't do drugs but I would think boiling it n shooting it in ur veins.what a question.!lol - jus_me

2)   Smoke it while you are laying down, it will feel like you are swirling in circles to the floor, it gets you the highest - Max Brant

3)   Bongs will get you reaaallly high, but if you want to get the highest you can be than make edibles.
Also ghosting your hits (holding it in until no smoke comes out) - Gumby

4)   honestly try it with some salvia and dude u will reach the frieken moon - sable stars

5)   Out of a glass pipe... When I was younger we would make a gravity bong. A bucket full of water and a milk jug or coke bottle anything big with a cap to take off. Make a
Tiny hole in the cap and with a lighter heat up the cap with out letting catch fire but long enough to melt the hole and push a metal bowl into the hole letting it melt on there to make a good seal. It must not have air leaks. Now cut out the bottom of the jug you are using put it in the water where the water is just below the mouth screw on the cap with the bowl packed and light it as your pulling the the jug up. It should burn the whole bowl. Pull it to almost the bottom is just below water level take off the cap push the jug down as your mouth is over the mouth of the jug and take as much smoke as you can... A whole bowl in one hit will blaze you out - CHE

6)   lol boiling it and shooting it up, wow i hope he was kidding. but i heard this thing where u get like a barrel, and a pool, attach needed ammount of tubes to holes on the side, attatch a bowl to the top light it up dunk halfway into pool(like a huge bong) and 3 ppl can use the tubes whilst one guy goes under and takes a huge puff, i thinks that how they did it - Chris

7)   Volcano vaporizers = S.E.X. - ❀_Thia_❀

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Question 2
Psychedelic, hallucinogenic-like experiences?...  Lately I've been really interested in the music scene (60's mainly). I love 1960's stuff, all the psychedelic type stuff, the music, and just the culture in general. I know most hippies in the 60s did drugs- marijuana, LSD, etc. A lot of musicians that I practically idolize did some of their best stuff while under the influence of drugs. I have no desire to do drugs (except Im sure I'll try weed when i'm older, just a couple times), but I want to experience a trip that a hallucinogent or psychedelic drug would give you. Something along the lines of meditation, or something that's legal for all ages (some type of tea, maybe?). I want to do some song writing of my own, listen to some music while tripping, but I don't want to actually trip. Just tell me what you know, help me out if you can. Thanks guys :)
as I said, I have no intention or desire of doing drugs. I'm not doing LSD or shrooms or anything. I was wondering if there's a tea I could drink, or a way of meditating that would give me a similar experience. I'm not even 14 yet- i know the risks of drugs, I know about drugs, and I don't have any reason to do them.

1)   Well you could take some triple c's or robitussin if you want something legal. the dxm gets you messed up. but it's bad for your liver and kidneys. LSD is much saver for your body. - StellaFly

2)   Dude, stay away from psychedelic drugs. I mean it. I know three people who were quite normal but one dropped acid, one took ecstacy and another PCP. All three are permanently schizophrenic :( Your brain chemistry is unique. What adversly affects one person may not affect another. Are you willing to take the chance? If you screw up your brain chemistry, there is no repair. You'll be that way til the day you die. Please consider this before you do anything. Read what I said until it penetrates. The three guys I know are like the walking dead. - Danimal

3)   Do not do triple c's or robotussin. It can kill you. That is stupid, oh and it's not legal for recreational use. There are some herbs that are legal and natural. Valerian root can be bought in the vitamin section and can make you feel really relaxed but doesn't mess you up per say... Melatonin makes you have very strange lucid dreams. Hum.... certain psychedelic mushrooms are legal... but I can't offer any insight into the effects because I have not tried them. I would just smoke some weed... it's really not that bad and it will definitely give you the feeling you're looking for and is a pretty safe drug. Stay away from LSD and Ecstasy. They are bad. - devon d

4)   its beyond your imagination, lsd shrooms dmt, are all safe unless you take about 100x what a normal person will do and you might get permafried ((permanant psych trip)) colors are intensified objects shift and patterns appear from no where, shrooms are heavily afffected by your mood and objects around you appear how you feel, if youre having a good time youll see happy shapes but a bad mood will make things look sad or hostile, thoughts will overload your mind and make simple things difficult your perceptions will over load your brain and make talking difficult numbers difficult to do math (i couldnt tell time) you might get lost walking down the street, Lsd makes everything beuatiful and happy and connected some how much more manageable than shrooms lsd is more predictable shrooms will never give you the same trip twice, nothing will equate these even other psychedelics youre mind and imagination will show you their complexcity, just do the illegal drugs and quit being a coward - Asss

5)   dont go to sleep for 1 day or until you are on the verge of falling asleep, but dont, at least stay half awake, listen to some good music maybe 30-40's just cuz and ull see some wierd stuff cuz ur half asleep and half in a dream! it works for me - Chris

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Question 3
whats a good home remedy for a soar throat?...  so i have a cold-_- and it came with a really sore scratchy throat, i cant take cough syrup till later caus its PM stuff and id fall asleep way to early:s whats a good home remedy to sooth a soar throat? thank you<3

1)   Honey - Jennifer

2)   Gargle Listerine or salt water. Listerine is more effective because of its antiseptic properties. - Adrianna

3)   1.Gargle with warm, kitchen salted water at least 5 times a day.
2.Drink warm,pepper powdered milk
3.salted ,hot Lemonade could be drunk frequently.
4.Chew logenzes.
5.Gingered, hot chicken-tomoto soups give relief to sore throats. - ChummaUmma

4)   ive tried honey and warm milk before, it works for me, it might work for you. and BTW. hope u feel better soon:) - David

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Question 4
Is it safe to take alot of Ibuprofen daily?...  I take it because of football in the fall. I get pretty banged up all week and if i don't take it my performance is noticeably worst than if i take it. Its mainly for my groins though (i pulled both of them last year and the ibuprofen kept the pain in check). I usually took 3 or 4 200 mgs before practice and games. Is that safe? Ive heard that it can cause ulcers and kidney issues.
im not going to take a break lol sorry you only are in high school once! I haven't taken any in a long time but i just figured id ask. I cant be the only player takes them because it really does help. I hope to eventually just get my groins healed permanently but they got really screwed up so it'll take awhile and i don't have that much time.

1)   Not safe - Hachie

2)   It's definitely not the best to be taking it every single day, or anytime you can without overdosing. I'm surprised you only take a max of 4 for a football player...sometimes some of those guys are big enough that they need more of it in their system for a full effect. Anyway, a long time usage of ibuprofen has been known to also cause problems with the liver and the lining of the stomach. If you can, maybe you should take a break from football and let yourself rest, relax, and heal. - XxBlaqkxX

3)   I have a friend that takes four every four hours when she has really painful cramps. I would only take two or three unless it is really bad (which it sounds like it is). It's not very good to take that many, but I don't think its going to cause serious damage, but don't take any more than four at a time and wait at least four to eight hours. - Live.Laugh.Love.

4)   You shouldn't take it at all if possible. But if you have to try only for twice a week at most. Otherwise go to a doctor. - EatACarrotNotACow

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Question 5
What is Homeopathy & how it Works?...  

1)   The idea of treating the body as a whole is good, however, homeopathic remedies generally don't make scientific sense, and don't last a minute under any form of scrutiny. - Artemisc

2)   Homeopathy is the practice of encouraging symptoms instead of suppressing them. Since physical symptoms are your body's ways of getting rid of disease naturally (e.g. a fever kills germs by roasting them to death) we should encourage symptoms (i.e. put on a blanket) rather than suppressing them by taking medicine (like fever-reducing medicine). While homeopathy does have some truth to it, it can also be risky in some situations. For example, fevers are potentially dangerous and sometimes fatal.

It is a common misconception to think that "homeopathy" refers in some way to the home. he prefix "homeo-" actually means similar (like in homogeneous or homosexual) and refers to the fact that the methods are the same as the symptoms. - ScienceFrog

3)   It makes 0 scientific sense.... it says that if you take something that causes the disease or symptoms of the disease, and dilute it, it can help cure it.

where this all breaks down is the level of dilution.

They are frequently diluted to the point where no molecules of "active ingredient" are actually in the product you are buying, but proponents argue that the water "remembers" the substance so it works.

and when i say 0 molecules i am not exagerating. One popular homeopathic medicine "oscillum" is diluted 200x.

That is 1 molecule of active drug in 1 times 10^200 molecules of excipients.

To give you a kind of scale... for 60x, a popular dilution.... a person would have to consume 10^41 pills.. (a BILLION TIMES THE MASS OF THE EARTH) to consume ONE molecule of the active

So basically, it goes against the basic principles of science that we hold today - kelly d

4)   Homeopathy is a safer remedial system with significant success in acute & chronic conditions of diseases when the orthodox system is not able to provide either relief or cure to the patient. It works on the principle of Like Cures Like. The advice is based on the totality of the symptoms of the individual which arouses the natural defence mechanism of the body to generate longer lasting cure or relief. The remedies are given in the form of small pills which are required to be taken at a suggested frequency. During this period strong smelling flavors & perfumes are to be avoided as they may interfere with the recovery. Coffee, raw onions & garlic are advised not to be taken during the course of the remedies being taken. The quality of the advice is based on the quality of the information & feedback provided by the individuals. - Arun

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