Tuesday, April 19, 2011

can someone tell me the pros and cons of smoking weed?

Question 1
can someone tell me the pros and cons of smoking weed?...  i have picked it up as a habit but i have look at some things that say oh weed is bad or some things that say weed is good so i want to hear what u guys think?

1)   it prevents canser, helps defend hiv,can bring economy up in three months if america decrimalisses it. cons it destorys brain cells and makes heart over work. - Zachary Shotwell

2)   Pros: None
Cons: It's illegal to possess; It impairs judgment; It stinks. - mcclean5552

3)   pros: fun, helps you socialize sometimes, helps with different illnesses, helps with insomnia, helps with increasing appetite, helps anxiety, makes things more interesting :D

cons: will make you fail a drug test, can make you lazy and/or paranoid, helps with appetite but if you binge on unhealthy foods when you're high that's not a good thing.

A friend of mine wrote a paper about smoking weed and when she was researching she watched a documentary that said there have actually been no studies to indefinitely prove that smoking weed kills brain cells. I forget what the name of the documentary was though. - egenta.42.O

4)   Pros: EVERYTHING is more fun.
-have awsome time.
-good for you,relives stress
-is awsome way to spend your time.

-makes you hungry
-somtimes makes you sleepy - Smitty

5)   It can cause cancer, it kills brain cells, its illegal... but you probably know the pros.. really you should try not to do it - boo

6)   Pros - None

Cons Ruins your life - Tigger

7)   Pros-

Dramatically reduces stress.
Makes you more creative.
Benefits long term memory and prevents Alzheimer's disease.
Safer alternative to alcohol.
Helps you concentrate.
Will give you a lot of great memories to look back on when you're older.
It does not kill brain cells, cause psychosis or cause cancer. The idea of marijuana killing brain cells and/or causing cancer has been dis-proven many, many times. There is not enough evidence to say that marijuana causes psychosis, not even enough to seriously consider the possibility.


Can be habit forming for some people (but not addictive).
Risk of being caught by police (even though it really shouldn't be illegal).
Can cause temporary throat irritation (lasting a few days) for inexperienced users.
Sometimes if you eat too much food while high you will have insane diarrhea the next day. - I Dunno

8)   The documentary egenda is talking about is called The Union:The Business Behind Getting High
Heres the link on youtube. It's actually slow in the beginning but it's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It discusses the pros and cons and the buisness behind it. Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9077214414651731007# - MacMiller

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Question 2
How do u crush pills?...  I don't want to swallow them

1)   Just grind them in to a powder with something hard, or let it dissolve in water. - Chris Rand

2)   put the pill in a folded dollar bill, close it, with the pill in between, use a quarter to crush it up, then you can pour it out of the dollar bill.
or if you think money is dirty,
i've actually cut a pill with small scissors into smaller pieces, be careful so it doesn't go everywhere ( i did this on my glass desk ) then i took a credit card and put it face down, and pushed down to crush the pill into a fine powder - might have to do it twice. - dani

3)   You can try placing the pill between two pieces of plastic wrap, printer paper, or newspaper and finding the blunt end of something to smash them down. Try to refine the ground with a razor if available.

If you have a mortar around you can simply grind them. To craft a makeshift mortar you can get a bowl, place the pill in, and again, find a wide-ended blunt object to grind down the pills.

As always, be careful. - Aural Cleansing

4)   Put the pill between to tablespoons and crush them until they are powder. But if you are trying to game me Mallory and your intentions are to snort the powder, be warned that if they are time released pills, they have a special coating that dissolves in a certain time span and if you snort the coating, you are putting an inorganic plastic like substance in your lungs, and it will stick to your aveoli in your lungs and dust and other particles that enter your lungs will cling to it and your lung capacity will go down more and more. - Jim

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Question 3
Please help! How bad is it that I have taken 10 to 12 to benadryl allergy pills a night?...  Please help

1)   If yu ae taking 10-12 benadryl a day, you are risking serious dehydration and possibly your organs could shut down one at a time or all at once, and it could kill you. What would make you take that many benadryl pills, and don't tell me because your nose is congested or something mo nor like that because it makes no sense that you are risking your life or your organs because of congestion.
Go and see your doctor to make sure you did not damage your kidneys, liver or any other major organ and for God's sake, stop taking benadryl at once. - Jim

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://heansmd14.notlong.com/AAWKMVc - Petra Fama

3)   Wow yea, go see a doctor before your teeth start falling out haha, what are you using it for? Insomnia? or the Antihistamine effects? Because there's alternatives to both.. - chris shanahan

4)   Uh, BAD. Apart from harming your physical health, that stuff can screw you up psychologically as well. In high doses, Benadryl is a deliriant drug. My friend took 16 once, had a seizure, and ended up in the hospital. I've taken 10 at a time before and the effects were ANYTHING but pleasant. PROLONGED use of Benadryl can lead to depression and/or general worsening of mood. - sashunya

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Question 4
LSD???? Can you control?...  I like to learn about drugs and random stuff =P. So my question is when I'm high or drunk I can act normal so its undetectable to my parents or other people. I was wondering when your on LSD can you do the same thing? I have no intent of experimenting with it I was just wondering if it was somewhat controllable as while high or drunk. Serious answers please!

1)   You can't control LSD. It's a hallucinogenic that's real strong. - Lindsay

2)   No, LSD is a totally different thing. I have known some older dudes who have been doing it from the sixties and they can kind of keep it together but you can still tell there is something a little off. LSD is like a dream so you can't really be completely in control. It comes and it goes. - SethSpeaks

3)   It depends. It's different from person to person. I know that I can handle myself really well on most drugs, but some people CAN'T AT ALL. I was able to act completely normal and talk to my mom just fine the one time I did LSD, but I think I might not have done quite as well if it was a higher dose. - sashunya

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Question 5
If your kids ask you if you experimented with drugs, will you be honest with them? Or lie about it?...  

1)   I would tell the truth - Nick

2)   lie - gamer

3)   be honest they deserve to know and they will be honest with you in return, but don't try to make it out to be cool or fun to do drugs because that will lead to them wanting to partake in them. - Dr. Benjamin Kings

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