Tuesday, November 30, 2010

is naturopathy evidence based?

Question 1
is naturopathy evidence based?...  is naturopathy (herbalism, for example), obviously not the broader, spiritual mumbo jumbo of homeopathy, evidence based?

1)   Of course it is. So's Homeopathy. Anyone who's spent more than 5 minutes studying it realizes it. There is no "spiritual mumbo jumbo" involved, especially among people who've taken a 4 year science based course in it. The fact that it was way ahead of it's time then and still is seems to be a problem for some people.

I fully expect skeppies to continue to perpetuate anti-homeopathy propaganda. - thenoseknows

2)   Well, herbs are at least plausible, in that they contain active ingredients. Over a quarter of current drugs in use today were derived from plants. However, what works is already used in medicine.One cannot assume that all plants or micro-organisms have medicinal value. If plants are shown to have medicinal benefits, the useful ingredient is quickly isolated and scientifically developed so it can be used in medicine.

The problem with herbs is that they are essentially crude drugs at unknown and uncontrolled concentrations. They have active ingredients, so they can be harmful.

Ignore Nosey; anyone who has, even just a rudimentary understanding of science (e.g. kindergarten science) will know that homeopathy is absurd. Nosey has been shown high quality studies where homeopathy has failed miserably, she ignores this. Nosey has also been show why they "evidence" she uses to justify her woo goes no where near to demonstrating efficacy. Nosey ignores this. In short, she's a lying science denialist.

Homeopathy (aka magic water), acupuncture, reiki, and bizarre faith healing, etc isn't supported by evidence and lacks scientific plausibility. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   As Rhianna says Herbalism can't be dismissed right out of hand. And many conventional drugs are in fact derivatives of plants. But one should also remember that side effects can occur as well.

I agree with your characterisation of homeopathy based on the proposed mechanism as well as performance under test conditions. - JLI

4)   I've seen the evidence with my own eyes..digestive enzymes are amazing. I've also seen a lady who suffered severely for years from lupus and scleroderma and finally got sick of medical doctors and went to a naturopath...amazing difference. Evidence doesn't have to be a clinical trial; thousands of years of anecdotal evidence with millions telling the same story is pretty compelling. And for those who think a clinical trial is the holy grail of scientific proof...then take note: 788 clinical trials published from 2000 - 2010 in peer reviewed medical journals were withdrawn - 260 for outright fraud, the other 582 for serious "errors" aka phoney. 53% of the trials were written by an author who had been caught for faking it at least once before. - ƦєdAиgєℓ

5)   No, it's anecdote based.

But at least it's plausible. - Flizbap 2.0

6)   Yes, in the vein of what Rhianna and JLI said.

Who else thinks it's funny to watch thenose defend homeopathy? Yes nosey, it's so aheah of it's time, it looks like magic...lol.

Red, I'm gonna need you to define "antidotal evidence."

*pokes Rhianna* Hey. - Nate

7)   absolutely not. It is the fact that it is not based on evidence that makes it 'not medicine' or 'alternative medicine'.

Herbal remedies contain untested and inconsistant quantities of a substance that may have some effect. Herbal remedies are a gamble and there is a chance that they can effect other medicine. - Angelhil

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Question 2
I need a good home remedy?...  I need a good home remedy for pink eye. Havent been at the job long enuf for insurance and short on cash to visit a dr. Any advice is appreciated...been using an eye wash and it helps momentarily

1)   i don't have any ideas - bibash t

2)   Make your own sea salt eye wash, about 1 tsp. of sea salt in 4 oz. of hot water. Let it cool to body temperature. Pour some in an eye cup or shot glass. Put your eye over it and tilt your head back. Open your eye and blink several times. Really good to do at bed time especially. You can do this a few times a day. Don't use table salt, it's got sugar and other junk in it.
Make sure you sterilize your eye cup or shot glass with boiling water so you don't reinfect yourself or your other eye between uses. Salt has been used as an antibacterial for centuries. - thenoseknows

3)   Pink eye needs to be cured by medicine. It rarely will go away with a home remedy. You might be able to save money on a doctor visit by going to an Optometrist instead of an MD. They usually are cheaper and they can usually provide ointment for pink eye too. - Me

4)   Go to any pharmacy like CVS, Walgreen RRite aid - - - etc. Ask the pharmacist. They are very knowledgeablee about medicines and helpful. - Shail

5)   There is consideration that most pink eye infections now days are caused by a virus so there is really no medicine to take for it. It has to go away on it's own anyway. BUT.....DO keep an eye on it (no pun intended) to make sure it is not getting worse.

The Nose: That seems like a pretty high percentage of salt to water in your recipe for the eye flush. Is this correct? Just asking. If it is accurate, then the asker might want to try that too. - Flashflood

6)   Use a saline solution that has boric acid as the ingredient. My eye doctor told me this a long time ago. He said to use it as it is way more effective and CHEAPER than the eye drops they give and has the same ACTIVE ingredient which is boric acid which will kill infections. It really does work! I have no insurance and this is what he told me to do and said this is what HE does for his own family!

You can use this for pink eye, conjunctivitis or whenever really.

For example: Bausch and Lomb Saline Solution for Sensitive Eyes has Boric Acid as the first ingredient! - healthminded

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Question 3
How to treat a patient?...  

1)   Being calm with them. - Jennifer

2)   it is based on what kind of disease a person is suffering - Satyarth

3)   Treat them with care and respect, never argue with their offers. if they ask for something get then it nicely if you can and if they become annoying just take a little break and let them know you have offer patients and they are not the only one nicely don't want to upset anyone :D - Charlii

4)   lol what patient?
How cool! You expect to get a doctor's degree on yahoo answers! - Unholy Angel

5)   Treat them as an individual. Most doctors treat symptoms and disease and don't take into account that every patient is different and the textbook answers don't always work for everyone.

Don't just pass out samples of prescriptions for things that you aren't even sure about. - healthminded

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Question 4
Okay seriously WHAT THE HELLLL?...  Alrighty to start off I don't need shit from anyone right now. Just please.. legit answers...
I don't even know how to word this correctly.
Okay - so - I'm now 18 years old... it's been... over ten years since this was the case. When I was a kid, living with my brother and father, sexual abuse was present. Between...... my father and well, me.. Again this was over ten years ago. I haven't made a big deal about since then. BUT - I logged on t fucking myspace a week ago to see that someone claiming to be my father has messaged me or whatever a few months before. I never on myspace, this was my first time logging on in months. But seriously what the hell. I'm not extremely worried... but it's making me feel a tad unsafe. The abuse was never reported... and I know for a fact that it's much too late to do anything about it now.... but what the hell am i supposed to do about this?!?!
My bad for all the typos.
By the way , the message I got from this person was a long paragraph, basically asking me if i was the right Riley.
And this question is not going to be asked to anyone in my life because I can't fucking deal with that right now. no way. I'd rather get answers from strangers, if that makes any sense... and wtf I didn't put the right category. I thought i did. my bad.

1)   For starters, the fact you even feel unsafe is you telling yourself that you SHOULD NOT contact him back whatsoever.
What he did to you in the past was and IS EXTREMELY horrible and wrong.
I wouldn't give him the decency of even acknowledging his presence.

I don't want to be a bother, but you should tell someone you really trust, not strangers on the internet.
Be Strong Hon. - Xepher

2)   It is never to late to file a police report!

Please contact the authorities. Have you ever contacted a rape crisis center or hotline? They can help you with this or lead you in the right direction, I am sure of it! Please contact the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network! http://www.rainn.org/ They will help you and counsel you as well.

Also, please read this http://www.rainn.org/public-policy/sexual-assault-issues/state-statutes-of-limitations It will tell you the statute of limitations on rape in your state, but also says no matter how long it's been to report it. So, I hope you do!

God Bless you! - healthminded

3)   Obviously, you need to careful where the Internet is concerned, there are lots of strange people around, and this person may not even be your father. However, if it is, it is absolutely your choice whether or not you choose to respond or have any contact with him.

It ISN'T too late to report this matter to the Police. In fact, I urge you to, -so you can have some closure to what happened and for the sake of other children he may come into contact with.

It's natural you feel confused right now. You're in shock, having him contact you after all this time and you are probably feeling this way because you have unresolved issues that have been buried in the back of your mind for many years. Him contacting you out of the blue like this (if it is him) has stirred up memories and you are feeling unsafe and not in control....much like you were feeling at the time this happened to you.

If you are not ready to confront your father or have any sort of contact with him, then simply block the user.

There are various websites that can offer you advice and support. Try this one:
http://www.rapecrisis.org.uk/ - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   ignore it. - You're bad at CoD

5)   I am sorry for what happened in your past.

I am curious as to why everyone seems to be attributing evil intent to your alleged father's attempt to contact you. PERHAPS he has carried this burden for all these years and is trying to make amends?? My advice - which is different than the others - give him a chance. If evil - report him....if apologetic...let him speak......perhaps it will be your first step in healing. - Joe

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Question 5
I heard A.D.H.D pills make you depressed, is that true?...  

1)   yea
AND they destroy your personality, creativity, willingness to participate in things and your soul. - dtonnies3

2)   Of course it's true. All psychoactive chemicals can have erratic reactions on different people. Also, that's the theory on how they work on children- the stimulant goes full circle and dampens motivation. - Kaviani999

3)   Not True. - kid vicious

4)   Not mine. I know there is 1 I read about and its listed on side effects. Talk to dr before prescribes or if dr already has call pharmacy if you lost detailed insert. - lori

5)   They can. But usually won't unless you mis-use them or they weren't prescribed to you,and you still take them. - Cheyenne

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Possible Methods Of Ending Your Life?

Question 1
Possible Methods Of Ending Your Life?...  Dont ask me if im sure, ive contemplated for like 7 years or so. Almost tried it a few times but didnt wanna fuck up. I kinda just wanna drink something that will put me to sleep painlessly and never wake up. Thought about bleach and glass cleaner and stuff but that would probably just turn me into a miserable vegetable somehow. Don't have access to morphine or ne thing like that so ne ideas?
i like how the internets full of assholes but no matter what site u ask about stuff like this everyone decides to be the good Samaritan. Can someone please just give me a strictly informational answer based on my question and stop trying to convice me otherwise?

1)   listening to justin bieber is painful but it will cause your brain to explode - Ha Ha

2)   My recommended method for ending your life would be to live for another 60 or 70 years and die in your sleep. Painless and incredibly slow. Have faith in yourself. You are here for a reason so why not hang out until you find out what that reason is. - shawn

3)   hello hypes

i agree with shaun, and i'm not just trying to be 'nice'
your life already IS ending - same as mine, same as everyone else - it's jst all happening in slow motion..
what you should be doing is EXPERIMENTING with it - check it out - even if it's awful - check it all out.. have something to report back on the other side

imagine after death and they say to you 'wow'! how was it? and you say umm it was a bit boring then i drank bleach.. d'uh

go do something random instead.

good luck - Cim Karsons

4)   A 4-0 of strong whisky should do it. when i drank one i almost died - Scott Parker

5)   Drinking bleach and that sort of thing will just burn the shit out of your throat. You won't be able to get enough down.

As someone who has thought about this sort of thing an awful lot - I'm gonna let you in on something - this too shall pass. - Tink

6)   No one is going to help you end your life. Why would someone want that on their conscience? - No Chance without Bearbones

7)   Please don't give up or if you think that your life is hopeless its not, life is filled with unlimiting opportunities.If you have gone through a set back don't give in, even succesful leaders such as the official president,Louise Hay,Anthony Robbins,Ford,Albert Einstein,Donald Trump (that was 9 billion!! dollars in debt!!!!!!!!!!no joke, yet he looked at the bright perspective and to this day is a self-made billionare),Thomas Edison as well have going through challenging times including many more..
Read "You can Heal your Life" by Louise Hay, "A new Earth" by Eckart Tolle
try going to my favorite web page www.2knowmyself.com it has a funny name but it is truly a great website it has helped me in difficult times as well.Remmember that even succesful people don't have a perfect life but as you learn more about it you will learn its purpose and its own unique beauty. - AG

8)   Don't be so quick to end it buddy. Please try some of these home remedies, you have nothing to lose.

Suicidal Depression:
1. Narcissus Oil Aromatherapy (stops suicidal depression within 15 to 30 minutes): Apply oil to a cotton ball or tissue and smell and/or apply to clothing and/or spray with an aerosol as an air freshener for the room (in excess can cause sleepiness).

2. Oral High Dose niacinamide (vitamin B3): Suicidal behavior can also be reduced almost really within minutes upon giving only two to three grams of niacinamide B3, for some reason it acts like a natural valium but it works remarkably better.

3. Oral Liquid Yellow Egg Yolk (raises the good cholesterol HDL – often low in suicidal people): Have a sunny side up egg (cooked in extra virgin coconut oil in iron/aluminum-free cookware) or a soft-boiled egg (without the egg white) one to two times a day four to five days a week. Within weeks, the HDL will raise quickly. Six eggs resulted in a “clinical improvement.” - Luc the Elite

9)   Hey man,
I know that right know I'm definitely being one of those people that you specifically requested against in you're question, but even still, I don't want to have it on my conscience that I didn't say this. Alright friend, here's what you really need to do: smoke a fat spliff and listen to this song:

The song is "lesson in my life" by peter tosh.
Then, realize in the grand scheme of things, when you look at starving children in Africa and people dying of malaria in the ruins of their homes in Haiti, you probably don't have it all that bad at all. And yet, even in the darkest of times, something within the human spirit allows even the most destitute of people to push on, even when all hope seems lost. When you forget about how you look, or what people may think about you, or you're troubles, fears, financial situation, or anything that puts you down, when you just simply forget about and shed these illusions, these non-existent pieces of the societal operating system that clouds you're spirit from yourself, you can begin to see how awesome of a place the world is and how much crazy shit needs to be done before the mother goddess claims you back to the earth, so that you may fertilize the future of life, love, and laughter after you have passed on and you're memories of life will live on forever in the great expanse. With this all being said man, I can't stop you from overdosing on some pills and ending the most beautiful thing in existence, but I can say i would really appreciate it is you didn't and smoked some weed sometime with some friends. I know you may completely disregard all I have said, but I just hope you manage see through the blinding veil of culture and society and uncover the beautiful simplicity of life before its too late.

Peace man - Kevin

10)   do not stupid be bold and face the problem wisely. - Betal S

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Question 2
Is this a problem? Experience only, don't preach to me.?...  Ok, I smoke weed. Fairly commonly. It does not interfere with school, work, family, or friends. i have never been told i have a problem, nor have i ever felt i had a problem. I smoke weed because, i feel like it, not only makes things more fun, but makes life less stressful. The problem is, ive been doing (for me) a lot lately. not nearly as much as some people that function perfectly well even with that much, but kind of a lot. Is that bad? Why is it that, even though i enjoy everything more, and everyone enjoys me more when im high, i feel bad about doing it?

1)   Your post could very well be the makings of a PSA.
You are smoking more because you are now dependent on it. Your life's reality is now seen
through the eyes of an intoxicated person. The real world is all a blur.
Its time to get help. - Anthony

2)   As someone who has used and abused an awful lot of substances, I know this: when you start wondering if you have a problem, it's time to set it down and walk away. Anything else is addictive thinking rationalizing behavior.
End of story. - Winston

3)   Hmmmm,
Could you possibly feel bad
because it's

Shouldn't be, but would you feel bad if it were legal?

Let's talk more...

www.letstalkaboutpot.com - Alec S

4)   Our conscious is our best Judge. It alerts us to not to go in the wrong path. But we don't care and at last we suffer and realize. At that time every thing was too late, and find no remedy.

The weed is not good for health and social status. It kills you gradually. Its like a silent killer like cancer.

In the mean time you lose the respect in the society. You also lose money. Pleasure will not last long, but danger is very high,it lasts till you die.

God Almighty also hates the wrong doers.

What benefit you have in that bad habit? Stop consuming weed forthwith. - ememech

5)   I must practice what I preach, but I will tell you some of the best/positive/fun
people I know are 100% sober
Maybe you should try it out. I'm really considering it myself. - Rachel Brave

6)   A lot of people who do alcohol for fun and get into heavier useage think they're perfectly fine too, but anyone around them who's sober certainly know they're messed up.

Same is true for smoking weed that often. It's not cliche at all to be laughing at Cheech & Chong in their movies. What may seem 'normal' behavior for you most likely is not to anyone else's eyes. You're too close to the problem to be objective about it. - Elaine M

7)   Okay, so speaking from experience here, as I am high more often than not.

It won't interfere with things now, it always tends to start the way you described. And things feel great. But it won't last.

If you keep smoking, and you keep smoking more, everything will be affected.

I started smoking at 15. Shortly after I turned 16 I dropped out of school. A few months after that I left home and haven't seen my family since. At 17, now, I live with my 'boyfriend', smoke every day, and never go out.

It's inevitable that weed will end up being your life if you continue to smoke regularly. What you need to decide is are you happy with that? I mean i'm not going to lie, I love what I do, I love my life. But it doesn't work for everyone.

So all i'm saying is, you need to decide, before it's too late. - Viken

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Question 3
Does eating cannabis have the same effect as smoking?...  Lets pretend the legal issues don't exist for a moment...

Say someone is considering using cannabis for medical purposes - anxiety and stress as a result of ASD - they don't want to smoke it this time round as they have quit smoking [nicotine] and don't think it would be a good idea to smoke anything in case they slip back into habit.

Would eating cannabis in baked goods have the same medicinal benefits as smoking?

1)   It has twice the effect man, hope te enjoy your cakes. - Satans Uncle Paul

2)   lol. Well many people make cookies with cannabis in them. So im shore it would be fine. But than iv heard that your body can become 'stoned'.
I would think that the effects would take alot longer to sink in via taking the substance orally. Smoking cannabis, has a more readily effect because its close to your brain where its inhaled. - Rhianna

3)   it'll be waay stronger!
do it :) - jeeesss

4)   Hello
I had some when I was 18 on a pizza as I do not smoke and I could not walk. It took a while to kick in , but the effects were very strong indeed. Be careful not to take too much as it can make you sick. I was very sick once by having too much. I have not had any for 20 years, but remember feeling very calm and laid back and at peace with the world.

The most important thing to know about ingesting cannabis is that it takes a while to have any effect. Nothing will happen for an hour or so, but when it does it can be far more potent than smoking the same amount. Many people say eating cannabis produces a more "trippy" effect, it can be very intense if you over do it and that may not be a nice experience, especially if you've never got stoned before and don't know what to expect.

Don't eat cannabis without a little bit of planning, including where you are and who you're with and what you intend to do for the next few hours

If you do have a dose which is really too high, it can last a long time and might be very unpleasant. If you're in the wrong place or with the wrong people it can become very upsetting, perhaps even frightening. Although any bad effects usually pass when the cannabis wears off, for some people, especially children or young teenagers, this might contribute to emerging mental health issues. In any case, having a bad time is not the reason to take any drug.

Never give cannabis food to children, eating cannabis when pregnant included

There is an additional problem caused by the prohibition (illegality) of cannabis
Cannabis which you grow yourself or which was grown by someone you know will be OK But it's important to realise that cannabis is supplied by an illegal economy and the so called "black market" weed and hash may be very contaminated.
In the UK this not only means "Soap bar" (which should always be avoided anyway), but it may well apply to any imported hash or weed. Also the problem of contamination isn't limited to the "grit weed" which become so widespread.

Eating/drinking cannabis can be extremely dangerous due to the presence of chemical contaminants and / or pathogens (microbes), given the high possibility of adulterants in imported cannabis, you should really think twice before using a nonsmoking method.

Cooking at a high temperature will kill most pathogens, but maybe not all of them - if you crank up you're oven too high you'll nail the THC too... not to mention burning the brownies!

At the very least, NEVER eat street cannabis which hasn't been cooked, e.g., hash which has just been crumbled up and sprinkled on a sandwich; you'll probably be OK, but you might just end up with the runs - you could conceivably end up with hepatitis.

Cooking with Cannabis
So you can add cannabis to any food that contains animal or vegetable fats, such as cakes, biscuits, stews or drinks such as milkshakes, drinking chocolate or yoghourts.
Important points to remember when cooking with cannabis are that you need to ensure an even spread of cannabis throughout the chosen dish and that the meal or item produced should not be too heavy. If you have a full stomach then the cannabis constituents will take longer to enter the bloodstream.

The basic principal in cooking with cannabis is to first extract the THC into a fat, for example butter or an oil. You do this by grinding up the cannabis into a fine powder and then adding it to a small amount of hot oil and allowing it to dissolve, then you add the oil/cannabis mix to the food you're preparing.

When powdering the cannabis, the pieces should be as small as possible. Now we come to the difficult issue of how much to put in. One suggestion is to make several items each the same size, for example cup cakes or squares of chocolate. Think of each one as being a spliff and put that amount in the mix, times the number of items you're making. If you assume 20 items to 2 grms (a "teenth") - 0.1 grm in each - that might be as good a starting point as any but remember, it's impossible to give firm advice. If it's too weak, you can always eat another but be warned you might find that even this dose is a bit too much..

If you're making a few items with a couple of grams of cannabis, you only need a small amount of oil, say a large spoonful or so. Heat this in a ladle or serving spoon but be careful not to burn your fingers.

Once up to temperature turn down the heat so that the oil is not burning or cooling off.. Sprinkle in your crumbled cannabis and stir gently. It is up to you how long you heat the mixture, stirring occasionally, to ensure the THC fully dissolves, but around an hour is a good guide. When this is done, add it to your cooking - any recipe calling for marg or butter - biscuits and cakes are a favourite or if you're really lazy melt it into chocolate. - Rachel Smith

5)   absolutely, but if you're gonna be using it for stress, i'd be careful how much you put in there. like what was said earlier, it is quite a bit stronger when ingested rather than smoked. find a good recipe to cook it in the butter and than make yourself a wonderful meal or dessert :D - Trystyn

6)   Eating gets the same cannabinoids into the blood stream, it just takes longer, up to 45 min usually. The "high" is therefore different, but wonderful still.

Check out my cooking with cannabis videos for much more info.

www.letstalkaboutpot.com - Alec S

7)   Not quite, there are some effects that will match up to smoking/vaporizing it though. The body buzz feels a bit more sedating, and the effects last longer compared to that of inhaling. There's a particular ice cream I get from my dispensary that I take when the headaches/back pain get really bad and it has me covered for 8 hours solid so I can actually sleep. An added bonus is that I wake up in the morning without that weird heavy/groggy feeling that "PM" medicines give me.

It's also really really easy to overdo it the first time. My first time I decided to have 3 massive spoonfuls of it since I was trying to compare it to the weight of a brownie. Instead of playing on my PS3 I ended up staring at the controller for what was probably hours before passing out and sleeping. - Wedge

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Question 4
Is it bad to take unperscribed medicine to aid sleep?...  Okay so I'm 14 and I have insomnia. My doctor didn't want to put me on sleep pills because I'm so young. He said to take Benadryl on rare occasions if I really can't sleep. It worked and now I just take it pretty much every night. Sometimes I take Nyquil or Tylenol PM too. But that's usually only when I have a bit of a cold. Benadryl is my main sleep aid. Is it bad to be doing this or is it okay?

1)   This is bad because without realizing it you can become addicted and completely dependent on these drugs. - BFLO

2)   You really shouldn't do it every night because it can become a habit. You'll start to think that you can't sleep without it. I'd listen to the Doctor if I were you. - RebelChick

3)   My sister has taken Benedryl for years for sleep at the recommendation of her doctor because it is not habit forming, but she is an adult. I am not sure about it being safely used daily by an adolescent. The active ingredient in Tylenol PM is the same as Benedryl, so do not take the two of them together. Also, Nyquil has alcohol in it, also not something good to take very often. - Anna E

4)   I also have insomnia but i would not do that, that isn't healthy just talk to your doctor - Dont Care

5)   Take over the counter Melatonin. It's a natural sleep medication. It actually helped me when I was a teenager and wasn't able to fall asleep. Melatonin is a natural chemical reaction that happens in your brain to tell yourself that it is night time and you should be sleeping.... it's non habit forming and it will help you. - C922

6)   I used to take Benadryl as my sleep aid. It can stop working after a period of time. It's one of those drugs that becomes ineffective after continuous usage.

I highly recommend Melatonin. It's a natural sleep aid that you can find at stores like Walgreens. There are different "dosages" depending on the person. You may need a higher one due to insomnia. I would go to a place like Walgreens or a local healthfood store and ask them what dosage you think would be good to try.

It works wonders for me. I'm on one of the lowest dosages. I used to average 3 hrs of sleep (if I was lucky) Now I sleep a minimum of 8 hrs. And I'm not putting anything into my system that wouldn't be there anyway. :) - ferrisulf

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Question 5
Can i bring vicodin to school?...  i just had my wisdom teeth pulled on friday and my mouth hurts. i have to go to school, and i was thinking i would just bring the vicodin with me (im supposed to take it every 4 hours). am i allowed to bring it to school/ do you think it would be a good idea?

1)   Vicodin is a controlled substance you *will* get busted for it. - Bungholio

2)   You need to contact your school nurse to get permission if they even let you do it. If you can't, get you some Aleve or Advil. Then take your Vicodin when you get home. Be careful with it. It's highly addictive. - RebelChick

3)   the only way you would be able to bring it to school is if you brought it your nurse and she kept it during the day for you. you would have to tell her how many times a day you need it. it's illegal to bring medication into school, even ibuprofen because the teachers will think you would want to sell them to other students. this way, you would have permission to actually take your medication, all you would have to do is get a pass from your teachers to go to the nurse. - emma leahy

4)   If you are prescribed the medication then it is okay to bring to school. It would be a good idea to have your parents call in advance to let them know you are bringing it to school since it is often used illegally. - C922

5)   most schools require you to go to the office with your prescription, i had to do that when i broke my jaw and was on antibiotics, in that case they kept the medication there and i simply had to go to the office to get my next dose. - evirustheslaye

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Why are Supplements considered natural?

Question 1
Why are Supplements considered natural?...  I'm not saying they're bad for you, I just don't understand how people can call supplements natural when you would not be able to find those high concentrations of vitamins/minerals in normal food.I really don't see anything natural about a processed pill, no matter which nutrient it is, or what natural source it may have come from.

1)   no - !

2)   Simply put something is "natural" if it exists in nature and is not synthetic or semisynthetic. Thus SOME "supplements" (not all) would be considered natural since the substance does occur in nature.

It is true that most supplements are manufactured like pharmaceuticals and may be created synthetically (meaning a company may use synthetic/semisynthetic substances to produce the final product).

You could debate if supplement pills are "natural" in the sense of "are they OK or normal" and do they conform with what the culture considers natural. However that is not really a scientific issue.

Like I said when all is said and done a substance is natural if it exists in nature which would also include a large number of pharmaceuticals and other drugs like morphine, lithium, codeine, caffeine, cocaine, GHB, Valium, Rohypnol, digoxin, atropine, marijuana, and so on. - Mathieu

3)   This baffles me too.

Why someone thinks that consuming the vitamin C equivalent of 500 oranges per day makes sense, I don't know.

I can only assume that because it looks like a pill, and it's a pill that they can just go into a shop and buy without a nasty doctor having control of it, then somehow this illusion of them being in 'control' makes it more acceptable to them.

Hopefully an altie will come along with a link to an online vitamin shop as irrefutable proof, or better still a Youtube video, to still my sceptical mind...... - dave

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Question 2
Could I have tonsillitis?...  My left tonsil has been swollen for over 3 weeks,
my right one is now swollen to, but I'm semi sick...
I was sick when my left tonsil become swollen, and it never came down...

1)   You could have tonsillitis, or it could also be strep throat. Either way, you need a visit with the doctor. Both conditions can lead to other health issues if not treated. - Melinda Clayton

2)   Does it really hurt to swallow? Do you open your mouth and see white on your tonsils and back of your throat? Do you have a funny taste?...then probably. Seems a long time to have it though and would probably have got very painful after this long if you hadnt taken something to make it better. Get antibiotics from doctor and it will clear up in up to a week if thats what it is - Bubbles

3)   Have a good luck in the back of your throat perhaps get someone else to do it
If there are whiteish lumps on your tonsils thats a definite sign

Also if you did have tonsilitus not only would they be swolen but it would be really painful for you to swallow - Beth

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Question 3
how to train leg muscles without any equipment?...  

1)   running - retro_stripes

2)   Check out turbulence training. The exercises use your own bodyweight at very slow repetitions. - thenoseknows

3)   If your looking for athletic power, jumping squats (chest high touching the floor), sprinting up hills or stairs, balancing on one foot and squatting as far as you can on one leg. Any ply-metric exercises for legs (look up on youtube) - Keiff Murray

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Question 4
ringing in ears tinnitus - has someone experiences on this?...  

1)   yeah... you hear that tone ringing right now... well enjoy it while you can.. because thats the last time you will ever hear that tone... again.... no joke... its the cells in your eardrums dying that you hear... - Chengo Balango

2)   yeah ...
I had experienced it !
It because of nerves system pressure that you feel it ...
be come more relax :) - FERYAL.M.

3)   mine started out sounding like listening to a seashell sometimes and sometimes ringing. The ear specialist did tests and xrays and found the nerves past the three little bones behind the eardrum are going bad and nothing can be done. I also am losing my hearing. Mine is related to osteogenesisimperfecta (bone disease), The noises are aggravating and so is the dizziness but there are exercises they give you that can help greatly. Good luck! - Sharon

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Question 5
What can i chiropractor adjust?...  i know they can obviously do backs, but i want to know all the different types of adjustments they can do. ive heard they can adjust infants/children/adults/elderly...is this true for all those age groups? what are the different adjustments are they allowed to do. thank you this is for a project so i need help haha thanks alot :)

1)   Chiropractors really aren't anything more than a glorified masseuse. Yes, they make some outrageous claims but in reality they're 'adjusting' nothing, just massaging you at over-the-top prices. - dave

2)   They can adjust your neck untill you get a stroke.


http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/chiro.html - Doug

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Monday, November 22, 2010

What's it like to try weed for the first time ?

Question 1
What's it like to try weed for the first time ?...  So I'm going to be trying it some time soon with my friend , is it worth it though ? and whats it like!?

Also will it be embarrassing !? ( i dunno how , but i feel it will be ! )

1)   it tastes absolutely disgusting the very first time..
although i don't encourage it, if you do plan on making it a habit, you'll get used to the experience
you'll cough a lot, that's for sure
nothing embarrassing about it since everybody has their first time - Penelope Rodrigues

2)   Well, to start, you could die trying it (and not even a lot). I've never tried it but you'll probably get addicted and screw up your life. Remember, anything can happen and don't go blaming others when your life becomes out-of-wack because you tried it once and you had to go to the hospital or you're totally addicted.

-Hope I helped - Ruby Yalom

3)   I think the guy above me does crack. You have a better chance of dying by drinking caffeine. But people don't tell you not to drink coffee. (Caffeine has a lethal dose whereas marijuana doesn't)

It's worth it. Your perception will be enhanced. You may actually feel music inside your body, you'll be really relaxed, time will seem to go slower. You'll probably cough a lot though.

Have fun! - Andre

4)   Its completely awesome. No you wont die.
Have plenty of water present. 1 bowl(out of a bong/pipe) = 1 cup of water

Your senses will be enhanced beyond your imagination. Turn on your favorite song and you shall see for yourself

If its your first time, smoke slowly, otherwise, you might "overdose" on marijuana. Overdosing will NOT kill you, but you will be probably very uncomfortable(vomiting, extreme paranoia(happens to some). Just sleep it off. - Spidermanx420

5)   A lot of times people dont get high the first time because they dont do it right or they dont suck enough in. But you will probably laugh a lot.. and feel "high" in your head and in your eyes.. hard to explain. And you might get hungry. Or especially since it is your first time.. it might make you really scared.. This girl I was with freaked out and had a panic attack and was crying.. but now she loves it. I use to like it... but now it makes me paranoid and I get panic attacks sometimes. - Jen

6)   Yes, it's definitely worth it. You'll feel great. Marijuana is a non physically addictive drug, all natural (from a plant), and has no bad side effects. It will NOT 100% NOT kill you. Just make sure that you don't get caught and you'll be fine. - Mushroom Man

7)   I remember my first time. I searched and searched for information, and couldn't find anything.
So allow me to provide you with everything you'll need.

Yes, marijuana, if used safely, and moderately if a very fun, and good experience. It is highly worth it. It will be your first time, so you will need to learn how to inhale.
To inhale, After you take your hit of marijuana, hold the smoke in, and inhale a ton of air through your mouth. This will draw it into your lungs. Since it is your first time, you might have trouble holding it there. But try your hardest to hold it for 3-7 seconds.

Even so, not all people get high their first time. But if done correctly, alot do.

If your smoking a bong
In about 5 minutes, it'll hit you, a joint, it'll hit you by the time it's finished.

It feels different for everyone, but for me, it feels like the following.

After I take a nice bong hit, I stand up, put my peice away, clean up for a minute. In about five minutes, you'll start to notice changes. I started to feeling like i'm moving, even if i'm not, my head starts spinning in circles, even though my friends swear it isn't. Do not get scared, if you get scared, your experience will suck. Keep calm, and enjoy it. Music will sound REALLY nice. Food, well, you get the munchies. If it's edible, it tastes simply amazing. You might also get "Cottonmouth" which is where your mouth gets really dry, make sure to have some water, or your favorite beverage on hand.

This will continue for 1-6 hours. Make sure your friends understand it's your first time, if they are good friends, they will help you through it, etc. It isn't embarrassing, it's quite fun.

The most important tip I can give you is, stay calm, relax, find something fun to do, and enjoy it. - Lucas B

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Question 2
do pot smokers gain or lose weight?...  

1)   lose - Melody Rose

2)   I smoke, but my weight remains the same. Pot doesn't give me the munchies like other people. - No Chance Without Splash

3)   It depends if you have money, get the munchies and have lots of snack available, I always had the munchies and would go spend $40 at a convenience store and then next day wonder where my $40 went haha - Nevis29

4)   lose - ♥♥♥shmanders♥♥♥

5)   Depends. The Marijuana really has nothing to do with it. Marijuana is an appetite stimulant yes. Although some people are so high to really care about eating when on it. They are too happy to eat. Its sort of the same thing with me when I drink Alcohol. I don't eat as much just because im having so fun on the drug I don't want it to end. Which is what food will do to your high.

So it could be either. Marijuana itself if smoked cannot make you fat. You have to eat with it to get fat. But still its you making the decision of how much you eat. So smoke as much as you want but when it comes down to eating. It won't make a difference unless the marijuana makes you so hungry you have no self control. - Doze

6)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://canmdh60.notlong.com/AAluqEI - Dorotha Bail

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Question 3
My friend is in trouble. again. HELPP!?...  So, my friend got a top on how to de tox in a day and it is to drink cranberry juice and apple juice(to pee) and a small sip of bleach.(clean out his system) If his meeting for his drug test is tomorrow(11/23/10) at 8:30 AM and he takes it now(11/22/10 10:40 PM) and he continues to drink cranberry juice and apple juice and water literally all night. will he be cleared out?! PLEASE HELP!

1)   hqhhqqhqiekw - Bianca Guarino

2)   are u kidding? they drank bleach?....but then if you are using drugs I guess the danger is the same - RumRunners

3)   Im not sure but I do know after smoking mary jane it stays in your system for at least 21 days and the drug tests still apparently catch it no matter what - Nevis29

4)   your friend should stop being such a loser.

if you do illegal drugs, you shouldn't apply for work, nor should you be working.

the work force is no place for drugs, nor is it a place for people who do drugs.

you *cough* i mean your friend, is probably better off in the arts department, or perhaps they could run a bar someday. - ?

5)   You are right.

Your friend is in trouble, again.
Maybe you should find smarter or more responsible friends. - don_sv_az

6)   Im pretty sure bleach isn't good to drink period..I've never heard of it being used like that...I wouldn't drink it even if it was a small amount.. - ♥♥♥shmanders♥♥♥

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Question 4
What would happen if I eat a penny?...  I wanna try it. I'm pretty drunk right now and I want to know if it would be safe if I swallow a penny.

1)   ud hav very painful poop =) i dare you to do it - just friggen amazin

2)   my brother did that
you could choke on it so i don't recommend it
however, it come out through his poop (it was NOT painful for him) - Penelope Rodrigues

3)   everything is safe when your drunk. Try eating a quarter if the penny didn't satisfy your munchies. - Spidermanx420

4)   lol. don't do it. My brother swallowed change and had to go to the emergency room. It got stuck. They had to put him to sleep and use something to go down his throat, when they tried to take it out they accidentally pushed it and he had to wait in the hospital until it came out the other end. hahaha. - Olivia

5)   It will refund you back. . . If you know what I mean. Ha Ha Ha - HELP!

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Question 5
can i put salvia in a hookah?...  i know the coal on hookah burns hot, but is it as hot as a torch lighter? bassicly is it hot enough to make you trip?

1)   Hey i know this is a little bit off topic but its urgent , these guys are giving ipads out for the rest of the night and im letting as many people know as possible go to www.tiny.cc/2ykqo Enjoy! - Rocsi Rosario

2)   If I told you how easy it is to get a job in this recession, you wouldn't believe me. But the truth is more employers are going online to find people just like you and me who are ready to work at a good job (one that pays good!). The only thing that makes sense is to stop wasting time driving around all day filling out a dozen applications and going from one boring low paying job to another. I found this site that pretty much matches you up with your dream job that is available in your city right now. I have found it very helpful. Go to FindMeJobNow.com - Genevie Stock

3)   Yeah. Because it is at a lower combustion temperature more of the active ingredient (Salvinori A) will be delivered rather than destroyed by the combustion.

Basically, you will trip hard.

Have a good trip! - Andre

4)   Yeah, but I would recommend you taking a hit from a pipe or bong instead. - Mushroom Man

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Best method to quit smoking?

Question 1
Best method to quit smoking?...  I am 27 and have smoked for ten years. I have tried different methods to quit but never really had any success. I just started Zyban and I am really driven to quit now. Has anyone had success with this or are there any other recommendations?

Patch, gum and cold turkey didn't work very well for me.

1)   throw them away - KevinTheMovieManiac

2)   You could try hypnotization or e-cigarettes.

http://www.ecigaretteschoice.com/ - GerardIsMyLobster

3)   Just take the decision to quit and be consistent , you may start by having less cigarettes per day , but i think if you just stop it will be better but would be harder for the first 1-2 weeks . - osarha

4)   Everyone I know who has actually quit has done so cold turkey.

As lame and cliche as it sounds, just say no. Every time you want a cigarette, just tell yourself no. Unless you plan to be on the patch/gum/e-cigs/drugs the rest of your life, at some point you are going to have to learn how to tell yourself no. So why not just learn how to do it from the start when it is arguably the most difficult time to do it?

The reality of it is that quitting cigarettes is easy. All you have to do is not smoke. Actually not smoking is EASIER than smoking because you don't have to buy cigarettes, find something to light them with, deal with ashing, deal with the butts when you are done, etc. You don't do anything.

The only thing you have to do is not smoke. - EatATaco

5)   its always easier to say than to do right?
substitution seems like the most painfree way to go about it. at least it'll give your mind something to do while you convince yourself you dont need to smoke a cigarette no matter how good you think it would feel at that moment.
i've heard good things about Chantix for quitting. you should ask your Dr about it though.
but obviously cold turkey is the simplest, most efficient, and popular way to quit.
whichever your decision, it all comes down to your will power.
be strong and get through it.
best of luck to you sir! - Eric Alvarez

6)   well Champix worked for me but I was very driven to quit so it's hard to tell if it was a placebo effect or almost coincidence that I was taking it whilst motivated.

even if you are motivated to quit you will still have massive urges to smoke. Its hard but no one puts that cigarette in your mouth. you have to go to the shop buy a pack, take one out, light it and inhale. YOU do all those things and only you can control that. all the drugs in the world won't stop you putting a smoke in your mouth and tasting the sweet tabacco smoke filling you up with satisfac..... no no wait. darn it. pure will power mate. believe in yourself because it is better on the other side but it's so hard to imagine.

There are so many advantages to quitting. Cancer etc aside
you WILL feel fitter.
you can run longer. (not at first, it's worse at first)
your hard on will be bigger (by about an inch).
you'll smell nice and use less aftershave.
you don't have to keep going outside in winter.
smoking in this day and age makes you look like a dick.
money money money.

GOOD LUCK - Angelhil

7)   Determination and perseverance. My husband managed to quit smoking after 30 years. It was very hard but he did it and I'm so proud of him! His health has improved so much. - The Skybird

8)   start drinking - luxurie laces

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Question 2
What does the evidence say about copper bracelets?...  

1)   The point of your skin is to keep things out. I would be surprised we all hadn't died by now with the harmful chemicals around the place if it was that easy for copper to seep through your skin. It may get into your top layer, but doubtful it will get to the blood vessels. - Dazza

2)   In relation to what?
The only use for copper bracelets I know is some people wear them as an antidote to pain from wrist joint etc. if they suffer from arthritis or rheumatism. An ex work colleague wore one for many years and swore it kept the pain at bay. Other people use magnetic bracelets for the same reason. - TERRY H

3)   For arthritis at least, they are apparently useless. - Sarah

4)   The evidence says they are a placebo.

See this 2009 study:

"Therapeutic effects of magnetic and copper bracelets in osteoarthritis: a randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that magnetic and copper bracelets are generally ineffective for managing pain, stiffness and physical function in osteoarthritis. Reported therapeutic benefits are most likely attributable to non-specific placebo effects. However such devices have no major adverse effects and may provide hope."
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19942103 - Gary Y

5)   Copper bracelets are a placebo.

This reminds me of the time when my ex-husband's sister went to the chiropractor because she had a cold. (This family hates actual doctors, and go to the chiropractor for everything.) He told her to stop wearing any kind of metal jewelry for a week, and her cold would be better.

Amazingly, it worked! It was a flipping miracle!

(Of course, anyone who has a cold will be better in a week, no matter what they do or don't do, but still... this chiropractor is a miracle worker! He knows how to cure the common cold!)

Check out quackwatch.com. - HollyHobby

6)   Magnetic and copper wrist bracelets are a scam. They haven't been demonstrated to have any effect on pain, or physical function in osteoarthritis. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Question 3
Is this for real? or just a very well done scam? online pills with no prescription.?...  http://ipharmacylist.com/

How do people get away with such a thing? Can't cops track this?

1)   It's a scam. - You're bad at CoD

2)   Well by attempting to get pills without a prescription you would be liable as well meaning you could be arrested so they don't need to worry about you reporting them. And yes cops can track it. And yes we get that you are trying to force people to go to this scam site.

Kids go on this site and so do some stupid people so don't try to scam them. - john

3)   just email me your credit card number and ill verify the information for you.
i can do this for you other answer folk too!
lol! - Snail

4)   It is possible to buy medicines online - the companies that offer them are based in overseas countries where either the medicine is available without a prescription or where the manufacturer's trademarks do not apply or are routinely ignored, thus making it possible to supply either the actual medicine very cheaply or a cheap copy.

However, it's not advisable to buy them, The savings may be tempting, but there have been many instances where people purchased what looked like medicine which later turned out to have no active ingredients or even to be harmful. - JackC

5)   How can the cops track it. The registrar is privacy protected and they are usually based in a country where local law enforcement won't do anything

I honestly don't know why anyone would trust drugs from an unofficial source - there are always stories about how dangerous these counterfeit drugs are. - Kittysue

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Question 4
natural ways of cleansing ,toning and moisturizing your face?...  1) my face is very oily ...shud i have to moisturise it??

1)   there is a very useful website called - dailyglow.com u should see it. it gives beauty tips and more.
and a good thing would be to hydrate your face very often and wash it before sleeping every night. and moisturize your face, it helps to soften skin and helps pores - hey

2)   Nutmeg gives slow but good results. Take a spoon of nutmeg and add milk with it and make a paste. Apply it in your face from bottom to top movements. Wash after 15 minutes with warm water. - zenthil

3)   Nah ...not at all ....if ur face is oily it is already moisturized ......
Dont wash it with ordinary soap but always wash it with basin ( channa dal powder)
i don't remember its name in english ...:(
if u got the name like my answer .
It really works...
Stay blessed! - naina

4)   I would suggest a visit to the website below which has some great ideas for home-made natural cleansers, toners and moisturisers.
Yes, you should moisturise. Over oiliness does not help to moisturise your face. I know it is tempting to just try to get rid of the excess oil and not use a moisturiser, but in the longer run, areas of your face which are never oily, such as the delicate under-eye area will become damaged without regular moisture. Aggressively removing the oiliness with harsh cleansers and toners can also make the skin try to compensate by producing more oil.
Hope this helps! - callalou1

5)   The cosmetics industry just loves to push notions that sell products. If you want to have nice skin for life, never wash your face with anything but cold water and mild soap and pat dry with a clean towel. If your face is very oily and/or you perspire a lot, you can wash your face several times a day. The only people who may need to moisturize are people who live in colder climates in the winter time. Consuming lots of omega 3 fish oils will even make this unnecessary. Your skin, and the collagen layer beneath it is nourished by what you eat. Not what you glop on it. - thenoseknows

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Question 5
My nose is running hardcore, any quick fixes? Home remedies?...  Any secret home remidies i can do/use to clear my nose up?

1)   Stick ur head in the freezer and sniff for about a minute - Emily

2)   A saline rinse with a neti pot should get all the liquid out of your sinuses. - akaMaryn

3)   bengay: a vasaline type gel, that you spread on your chest. it helps you breathe easier and clears out nasal passages. - Deanna Belair

4)   2x 10cmx20cm pieces of tissue paper carefully rolled up and folded 2x then inserted with force into the nasal cavity. - Snail

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is the best treatment for a cold/flu?

Question 1
What is the best treatment for a cold/flu?...  I would really like to know your technique's ; regardless of whether they sound silly.
Thanks in advance.xx

1)   lots of rest and vitamin c. - Quiche212

2)   blow with the tissue paper often ..lol - Mikiey ♥

3)   I put some menthol crystals in a bowl of hot water and stick a towel over my head and inhale the steam. I do this several times a day when I have a cold. - xoɟ ʍous

4)   I love elderberry extract because it deactivates the replicating function of the flu. on the flu virus there are spikes that puncture the cell wall to allow its entry. Elderberry extract goes along and chops those spikes off making the virus unable to easilly replicate itself thus shortening the duration of your flu. Ginseng helps modulate your immune system so products such as 'cold FX' which have a ginseng extract tend to help. Astragalus is good as long as you don't have a fever.....it boosts the immune system response so if you have a fever it will make it higher.

drink enough water...take your body weight in lbs and divide it in half and that is the number of ounces of water you should drink in a day. Keeping hydrated allows good fluid lymph and proper elimination of germs. And don't over exert.....your body needs energy to combat the virus and heal itself so take some time to rest.

chicken soup with lots of black pepper is an old wives remedi, but here's why it works. Black pepper has constituents in it that help with the absorbtion of nutrients and herbal supplements. It also stimulates your nose to run which will help wash out anything up in your sinuses/nose. - bastian915

5)   stay extra warm, take a multi vitamin with breakfast, eat a few oranges a day, eat healthy. - tod m

6)   Put a hot towel over your forehead, wear thick clothes when you are around the house to sweat the fever out, drink lots of water, sleep, and when you wake up, you will feel much much better - Addicted to the shindig

7)   take a cold bath for 20 minutes
followed by a five course meal
then off for a long distance run - BL Lacertae

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Question 2
I smoked mj, laced, what was i high on?...  i recently smoked marijuana, and i have high suspisions that it might have been laced. the question is, what was it? it felt as if my head was pulsing, with alternating speeds, reaching a peek and then slowing down, my heart rate was fast, my vision was also pulsing, in time with my head. The vision was also very scattered (couldnt focus on one point for long) and my body felt twitchy. Please, what was i high on?
by the way, im stopping all drugs after this.
yes, i have smoked marijuana before. before it was like i was looking at an hd television instead of real life, and everything would pop out. this time it was slightly distorded and super, super intense. maybe mt 8th time smoking mj

1)   I don't know, but either way, your stupid. - conusgypsy

2)   omfg.... people need to seriously quit trashing on drugs. (other answer)

unless youve never taken a single pill in your life, legal or illegal, you have NO room to talk. the only reason people are under the impression 'drugs' are bad is because the government told you so. or your parents, both s.hitty unreliable resources.

it sounds like you are describing the effects of marijuana... have you ever smoked it before? - emery

3)   sounds like angel dust. watch the movie friday and if you were acting like smoky when he smokes with the mexicans, then you definitely smoked angel dust - Will Cantrell

4)   Lacing marijuana would cost the grower and/or supplier too much. It is a myth people tell themselves because they like to believe the effects of smoking are predictable. When they have a good time it's great stuff; when it goes pear shaped someone put evil designer drugs in their weed.
U.K magazine The Face did research 10 years ago, both on people who use recreational drugs, and randomly testing samples of each one. Although more people smoked dope than any other drug, most lost interest by the time they hit late twenties. No person interviewed could give a sensible or logical report of the expected effects or benefits. The sample of weed contained an average amount of THC and no unexpected chemicals, unlike the tab of E which contained no MDMA at all.
Plants, like people, cannot be reliably standardized. - Damien

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Question 3
I just finished my first batch of crystal meth and tested it on my dog who died. Is it safe for me to try some?...  


2)   I genuinely hope you're trolling - Panda

3)   Meth troll is stupid

PETA is gonna be all up on yo' shit - discobloodbath09

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Question 4
Do people who work at dispensaries lick the joints that are pre-rolled?...  I don't want herpes or some shit..haha

1)   Damn good question...I would like to know too! - Kaden

2)   where do you live where you have places that dispense joints. Where I live you have to know a dealer and because it's illegal they come to your house or you meet somewhere in secret. - bastian915

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Question 5
Is Kava Juice or tea or pills a narcotic?...  I saw a travel show in Fiji about Kava Kava Tea and they said it is a narcotic with similar effects as Xanax... Is it legal to brew this tea or to grow this plant in USA? If so, why? Is it a narcotic?
Is drinking the tea from the roots or taking the Kava Kava herbal supplement pills make you feel Euphoria and calm?
Are they legal to grow, posses, and order from the internet the pills and tea?

1)   Kava is an amazing plant. I used to use it for anxiety and your house could fall in around you and you'd feel it was okay because you'd just build a new one. In Canada, and the USA it is a prohibited substance and cannot be sold or imported. I managed to get some off ebay and it wasn't caught but it will be seized if they do a check and discover what it is. I wrote health canada to tell them how absurd they were and that we are falling down as a nation if we are letting an entire country die because of their national drink. Anyways it doesn't seem to act like a narcotic it really is like getting drunk but being alert at the same time. I just was super happy and energetic and opened up. The polinesians (sp?) would often drink the tea before going in the long house to tell stories. - bastian915

2)   Hey there
its perfectly legal to buy, grow or sell kava kava
they sell it in health food stores in new zealand, i do not know if its legal to grow it here though but its fine in the states and you can use it legally. Being a natural anxiety reliever, its not something the doctors would generally prescribe but you can purchase it on ebay or at any health shop or herbal store.

It has the same effect in sedation as a low dose benzodiazepine like valium
While i am on a rather potent benzodiazepine from my doctor, kava will not make any difference however, if you have never been on prescription anti anxiety medication and are looking for something non addictive and sedating, then kava kava is a good way to go - purplehoneycomb

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

can any one die by licking diamond?

Question 1
can any one die by licking diamond?...  i accidentally licked diamond pendant which was in my chain ... i heard it can cause death .. now what to do? is it true?

1)   no - martin

2)   Yes. You should send all your diamonds to me to keep from any harm coming to your stupid mouth hole... - Hyatt

3)   no - ?

4)   Yes, it's possible to die by licking diamond.

Diamonds are poisonous, don't you know? - Wurk

5)   Jewellers have a specific law which permits them to sell the one item in society which can cause death when it comes in contact with the tongue.
I don't know if I missed the news but is common sense now dead? - KeyshaJ

6)   It would only cause death if the facets cut your tongue and you then got an infection that does not get treated, - Robin B

7)   I guess you haven't heard of diamond teeth jewelry: http://www.google.com.au/images?q=diamond+tooth&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1024&bih=653 - Gary Y

8)   The only known cure for diamond poisoning is red kryptonite. I think Luthorcorp stock it. - Damien

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Question 2
All I want is to sleep.?...  if I take a tylenol pm extra strength will it do anything to me? I weigh -125.0 right on the dot, I'm 15 years old and female. I'm so exhausted idk why i just want to go to sleep and get some energy back

1)   eat lots of fruits & do exercises .......... it can help you .. - Raj

2)   Try exercising instead of lying down, exercise will help you get more energy. Also, make sure you are eating regularly, if its bad, see a Doctor. - C Jenkins

3)   If it's a chronic thing, go talk to your family doctor, it could be something simple or a sign of a more ominous condition. And if you take the recommended dosage you should be fine, it may or may not help you sleep though. - gomofire

4)   Tylenol PM is hit or miss with me, sometimes it works, sometimes I will still be up all night.


That article has some good tips and ideas to help you maximize sleep and fall asleep faster. If you still have trouble, talk to your doctor about it as soon as possible. - jlk80608

5)   Yes taking a muscle relaxant helps body to relax and induces better sleep, also tired tissues and muscles are repaired during sleep.

But popping pills at such young age is not a solution for anything.
Only thing that regulates normal sleep pattern is try yoga go for a morning walk, avoid long on computers leave all gizomos, video games, psp, tv , mobile at least one hour before your regular sleep time.

I suggest try some meditation and put some light music that relaxes your mind and helps you get a sound sleep.

Body has a natural mechanism which corrects everything automatically you just need to follow it. - Dr. Navin Pathak

6)   you may be diabetic - OOOOOO

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Question 3
If alcahol is legal, then how come weed isn't?...  ^^

1)   yeah - Ken

2)   sssshhhhhhhh or they'll make alcohol illegal too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Kristi-Lee B

3)   that's right, those fucking hypocrite pigs!

fuck the government!

people, smoke lots of pot, its good for you! - Jhon K

4)   Dear I suggest you to see


I hope that helps you too as it helped me. Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help, Keep using answers.yahoo.com - Lisa

5)   Weed is legal, with a recipe I think, from your doctor. My dealer got, and countless dealers that I had in my teenage years, had Medical Marijuana. Medical kush is bought from a store. Weed just isn't legal for everyone. If you have a Medical Card you can get weed legally at a store, keep it in your car, and smoke it anywhere I think...except publicly or idk? Alcohol is very bad for you, it destroys cells I think. It's too heavy on your body. From my experience, drugs are bad, but only good if you're looking for a fun time. Alcohol is more of a social thing, whereas marijuana is also. You are right, both are drugs. Alcohol is just accepted more for politicians. Weed isn't probably because of its stereotype that it makes you stupid and harms you. But so does alcohol... - Kevin Leal

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Question 4
Why couldn't big pharmaceutical companies make money on homeopathy if they wanted to?...  People who support homeopathy always seem to imply this but I don't get it.
If there are patents on aspirin, I am pretty sure that big pharma lawyers could figure out how to patent a homeopathic remedy. And I don't think that cost is a good argument either. It costs billions of dollars and many years to develop a drug, it would be much much cheaper to begin selling a homeopathic remedy.

1)   Because they're too cheap and you can't patent them! If they can't charge outragious fees on a patented drug, why would they waste their time and money making pennies on the dollar for the research they'd have to pay for? - tiebuster2

2)   Some folks just don't want to see the elephant in the room. - Tink

3)   The quacks always claim that "natural cures" are being suppressed because they can't be patented- is simply false.

In reality, the reason why Big pharma don't sell these placebo pills is because they won't work in clinical trials. They are not going to spend money on something that fails. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   Rhianna - Nemisis of Weise Ente and Rhianna

5)   They do. Even if we don't traditionally think of the companies who manufacture various supplements and homoeopathic remedies as such, they are in fact selling products claimed to be beneficial in treating disease. That makes them a subgroup of the pharmaceutical industry. And a profitable business it is. - JLI

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Question 5
Suggestions on how to get someone to smoke weed?...  My roommate is a real prick. He grew up in a very small, close-minded town and is adamantly against smoking weed. He's a very high stung individual and has a lot of nervous energy - so much that he will often stand up for no reason while we are watching television. He's consistently yelling profanities towards my other roommates, but plays it off like he's joking and being sarcastic. I think smoking will help him to relax and chill out a bit. When asked about it though he gets extremely defensive and quite angry that you even brought it up. Any suggestions on how to get him to puff the magic dragon?

1)   No. That's not the answer, and it's morally wrong to induce someone to do something they don't want to do.

If he's that impossible, change roommates. He is what he is. - Kathleen

2)   Smoking Dope gives you insights into your room mate that a psychologist would need several sessions to achieve???
I suggest you get him a Labotomy, then maybe he will be stupid enough to smoke dope. - ranger_co_1_75

3)   if someone offered me some free weed i'd take it with no hesitation LOL. but uhmm... try making weed brownies!!!! if you dont know then look it up on youtube! i've seen how to make it on youtube once!... then after he eats them, he'll know how good it is and he'll want more hahaha... but only do this if you thinks its right. but dude, drugs are bad - Jay Vang

4)   wed will make him worse not better , smoking weed gives you paranoia , i think you are the one who is close minded thinking that sort of bloody drug would work , your mate is right to go against smoking weed , he knows better not to least can be said for you.

besides if your there smoking weed in front of him the fumes is enough to make some one high which is probably why he is nervous most of the time and get aggressive , weed does more than make you chilax. - Rawk Raw

5)   Sometimes weed doesnt have that calming effect on people. It might make him a more angry person or paranoid. My suggestion is to give up on the idea because you know how he is sober but you might not want to see him when hes high. - Gina

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

How can i prevent my hangover?

Question 1
How can i prevent my hangover?...  Iv had quite a bit to drink tonight :)
And i really want to go to the gym tomorrow morning, well i need to seen as the amount of calories i must of had tonight. But i get really bad hangovers even though it was my fault.
Any ideas for what i should do before i go to bed, or when i get up in the morning?

1)   Eat and drink water - Fredy

2)   Saline. That'll sober you up. - Stag

3)   Hangovers are the effect of dehydration.

CHUG at least two bottles of water and take 2 aspirin. DO NOT TAKE TYLENOL (it gets processed through your liver-- which is already straining under the alcohol.)

Then put a glass of water on your bedside- and when you wake up drink that too. and take two more aspirin! (ibuprofen is the same thing) - Gerald Carrey

4)   eat some bread and drink water. if you have alkaseltzer.. take that. If you have access to a store, I'd get some medication to prevent hangovers... though usually you have to take them before you drink.
To prevent a hangover you need to hydrate. no fruity sugar drinks, no soda... drink water.
In the morning I usually drink 100% juice... make sure it's no sugar added. I prefer cranberry or orange juice. i usually chug it.. then drink some water while eating oatmeal or bread. Take some ibuprofen tonight and in the morning if you feel ill.
To prevent a hangover, drink 1 full glass of water (free at all bars) after every one or two drinks. - space.soot

5)   water, food. water and food.

hangover is just a term after drinking for dehydration.

now does "broo im so dehydrated from last night" sound cooler than "im so hungover from that killer night we had" - MoneyMakuhhDontbeaHataa

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Question 2
Best over the counter sleep aid?...  I have worked nights for the last year and can't get a normal sleep pattern. I need daylight, so if I don't work that night I am up during the day and TRY to sleep at night. Usually I fail.
Anyone know of a STRONG and effective over the counter sleep aid? Not looking for the usual "benadryl, unisom, tylenolPM" stuff.
I have tried Kava, Melatonin, Valerian Root, Chamomile
But I need something stronger.

1)   The usual stuff is all there is over the counter. See a Doctor to get something more effective. - alym

2)   NyQuil works the best for me, better than tylenolPM and all that stuff. - SF Giants 4 Life

3)   over the counter isnt that reliable you should see a dr - Lizzie

4)   I've had insomnia for years & tried all the herbal, natural remedies there are (including everything you tried listed above), nothing works for me either. I mentioned it over the yrs. to a few m.d.'s who did not realize how it impedes one's life. Finally I insisted my m.d. listen to how it was affecting my life & how it would take like 3 days for me to crash & finally get a little rest. It took 3 different kind of medications to try before I found something effective. I think you should speak to your m.d. about this. Lack of sleep is a strain on the heart and other systems, not to mention you are not working at your optimum efficiency when you can't think clearly. Please follow through. - fairiedancer2

5)   Daily exercise. - Olive Lanoie

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Question 3
is it safe to take tylenol with clindamycin?...  

1)   YES OF COURSE. - cork

2)   Yes. They are completely different chemical compounds that serve different purposes. - lovetobake

3)   Yes..it's just an anti biotic,and a mild pain reliever.Nothing wrong with taking both at the same time.It's safe.Take care and hope you feel better soon. - Jennifer

4)   call any pharmacy. They will give you the info over the phone for free. I always call a pharmacy if I'm concerned about mixing meds.
You should also look up clindamycin online.... it will have a list of medications that will interact with it.
My guess is that it's fine since its just an antibiotic. I'm not a doctor, and I don't know why you're taking it. - space.soot

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Question 4
why do sleeping pills make you tired?...  what does a sleeping pill do to your body that makes you sleepy?

1)   Some stop production of natural stimulants, most slow down brain function which makes you tired. - K.A.

2)   Because they are SLEEPING PILLS? - J Scarborough

3)   its a chemical in the sleeping pill called dyphenhydramine that makes you sleepy - Rick

4)   about it you can get information from here http://canmdh67.notlong.com/AAa41sb - Kyrsten Dismuke

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Question 5
how to cure a sore throat?...  Help

1)   Honey and tea. :D and sweet lemon. - sherry

2)   drink water
inhale steam
cough medicine
cough drops
shut up
dont stretch ur neck
stay warm
yeahhhhh.... - Jordyn

3)   You can get your tonsils taken out for NO sore throats and you won't bother people with snoring or this.
Gargiling salt with water - Cielo Rodriguez

4)   I JUST shook an 8 day sore throat.
1) gargle salt or saline water. (it's gross I know)
2) use that throat numb spray
3) drink 100% orange juice. no sugar added.
4) suck on ice cubes
5) do not smoke or drink alcohol
6)have hard candies, cough drops, or mild flavored gum on you at all times.
7) rest. rest your voice, your body, your mind
8)if you can get ascorbic acid (powdered) take a bunch of that.
9) if the symptoms last over a week or get worse.... see a doctor asap.
10) stay away from elders, babies, anyone with any immune disorder. You may have strep, or something.
I also suggest turning on your shower super hot with the door shut until it steams up.... or boil a big pot of tea, plug up your sink... dump it in then make a steam tent with a towel over your head. (it's also good for your skin) You should also drink a cup of the tea. - space.soot

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Can quitting smoking increase the risk of cancer in some situations?

Question 1
Can quitting smoking increase the risk of cancer in some situations?...  If a person has been smoking for many years, and decides to quit all of a sudden, it seems like there could be a chance that this could trigger something bad. I also read somewhere that the abrupt change could cause mutations or something like that. Any educated info about this?

1)   When you DO stop smoking, here is a list of all of the good things that will happen to you, and when the bad - the cravings, cough, etc. - should stop.
In just 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal.

In 12 hours, your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and the carbon monoxide levels in your body will have dropped to normal.

In 24 hours, your anxieties and aggression peak in intensity and within two weeks they should return to near pre-cessation levels.

In just 48 hours, damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal.

In just 72 hours, your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free.

In 5 - 8 days, the "average" ex-smoker (one pack a day) will probably have 3 cravings a day, each lasting up to 3 minutes

In 10 days, the "average" ex-smoker will have less than two cravings a day, each lasting less than 3 minutes.

In 10 days to 2 weeks, recovery has likely progressed to the point where your addiction is no longer doing the talking. Blood circulation in your gums and teeth are now similar to that of a non-user.

In 2-4 weeks, cessation-related anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, impatience, insomnia, restlessness and depression have ended.

In just 2 weeks to 3 months, your heart attack risk has started to drop and your lung function is beginning to improve.

In 3 weeks to 3 months, your circulation has substantially improved. Walking has become easier. Your chronic cough, if any, has likely disappeared.

In 1-9 months, any smoking-related sinus congestion, fatigue or shortness of breath has decreased. Cilia have regrown in your lungs which help them to handle mucus, keep your lungs clean, and reduce infections. Your body's overall energy has increased.

In 1 year, your excess risk of coronary heart disease has dropped to less than half that of a smoker.

In 5-15 years, your risk of stroke has declined to that of a non-smoker.

In 10-15 years, your risk of death from lung cancer has declined by almost half if you were an average smoker. Your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus has decreased.

In 13 years, your risk of smoking-induced tooth loss has declined to that of someone who never smoked.

In 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease is that of someone who has never smoked.
And also by quitting smoking, you regain control of your life, you save a whole lot of money, and you become a better example to your family, co-workers, and community. Your smile won't be yellow, and your body and your clothes will no longer smell like cigarettes. - R.ILAVENIL

2)   there is no risk if you stop smoking no matter how long you have smoked there is more of a risk if you carry on the best thing is to quit now before you do more harm you don't need Professional person to tell you any different any one can advice you on this - jenny

3)   No. Listen to the first answer. - Lightning

4)   just smoke more - Metaknight Mccloud

5)   then don't quit suddenly if this concerns you so much

use NRT nicotine replacement therapy or do a cut down and then quit

there are anti NRT militants online who will tell you NRT is wrong, doesn't work, blah blah and that cold turkey is the only way to go

the truth of the matter is that cold turkey has some serious and near debilitating physical symptoms as the sudden and abrupt discontinuation of any CNS central nervous system drug is very uncomfortable and dangerous

if you are so sick from cold turkey that you cannot go to work or even walk then what good is this donig you to loose your job or fall from low blood sugar

try NRT, do it your way at your own pace and please start quitting now for your health - thefinalresult

6)   No quitting smoking after many years does not increase the risk of cancer.

It is in fact the length if time you have been smoking, rather than how much you smoke, that increases the risk of lung cancer (remember that smoking is a risk factor for only a few of the 200+ diseases that come under the umbrella title of 'cancer').

Cancer Research UK says : 'A lifelong male smoker has a cumulative risk of 15.9% for developing lung cancer by age 75. For men who cease smoking at ages 60, 50, 40 and 30 years, their cumulative risk of dying from lung cancer falls to 9.9%, 6.0%, 3.0% and 1.7% respectively.'

So, a 60 year old lifetime smoker - that's 40+ years smoking - reduces their risk of developing lung cancer by over a third by quitting. - lo_mcg

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Question 2
how to stop tinnitus?...  

1)   You should see
all-home-remedies . com
(please remove the spaces)
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Steve

2)   hi ii ronald..
i hope this may help you...

•To stop tinnitus check with your doctor or audiologist for any underlying causes. You audiologist or doctor will probably check your ears for excessive ear wax. Too much ear wax usually causes tinnitus. There are other physical conditions that cause tinnitus. Have your doctor do a complete physical for related tinnitus conditions.

To stop tinnitus look to your prescription medication, and ask your audiologist or pharmacist if tinnitus could possibly be a side-effect. If a prescription medication is responsible for tinnitus, your doctor may want to reduce your dosage or prescribe a new medication.

Ask an audiologist or doctor about medication to stop tinnitus. There are prescriptions that will help reduce or stop tinnitus. Alprazolam or tricyclic antidepressants have been proven to help stop tinnitus; however, these medications have side-effects such as dry mouth and tiredness.

For a natural tinnitus cures, try taking ginkgo-leaf extract. It helps stop tinnitus by stabilizing nerve cells and improving their signaling. Take 40 mg three times a day. Make sure the ginkgo-leaf extract you chose contains 24 percent flavornol glycosides. Magnesium is also purported to help stop tinnitus. Take 500 mg daily to help your ears stop ringing. - syidaa

3)   Exactly WHAT the regular weekly visit of STEVE THE SPAM MERCHANT has to offer as an answer is beyond me - home remedies can NOT deal with Tinnitus - only a PROPER ear specialist can deal with that - and that's whom you should see! - Stobbo Strikes Again

4)   Maybe it's can help you Ronald

Listed below are three best ways to stop tinnitus naturally that you may want to consider trying and see some positive effects that you are hoping for:

1) Have you ever heard of fruit fasting? Studies proven that there are direct medical link between tinnitus and vitamin deficiencies. Fruit fasting helps by reducing your hypertension, which is one of the common ears ringing causes. After three days employing it, you will notice unwanted earwax buildup is reduced. A month long regiment of fruit fasting will improve your blood pressure thus subsequently reduce the signs of tinnitus.

2) Gingko Biloba is known being widely used for a variety of medical reasons. It has a wonderful affect on tinnitus sufferer particularly those who have restrained blood flow around their ears. This herb can be easily available local health store in tablet form. It has to be taken in right dosage for the optimum result. You will need to be patient to observe the improvement because it may take several weeks.

3) Meditate to reduce your stress level. Stress can cause aggravate your tinnitus symptoms. Deep breathing is the most basic form of meditation. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Do it repeatedly daily for 10 minutes. You should experience positive effects in your ringing ears problem soon after that.

It is very important never give up hope and make yourself live with tinnitus. It is ok to go through many trials and errors treating the ringing ears. Hopefully someday you will discover something that will work successfully.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/3-best-ways-to-stop-tinnitus-naturally-1702737.html#ixzz15Aoaqhd6
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution - Kenneth Allen

5)   There is no "cure" for tinnitus. The reason is that tinnitus is caused by hearing loss and the hearing loss that causes it is generally permanent (either from aging, noise, etc.). The brain can learn to ignore the tinnitus though, but that takes some work on your part to reduce your stress (like meditation) and sound therapy to help the brain not hear the ringing. Currently the best treatment for tinnitus is sound based therapies. The only web-based one, that is research based and personalized, is at beyondtinnitus.com.

This company's system is based on research of two ear nose and throat doctors done at the University of California Irvine.

Basically, they figure out your tinnitus pitch and loudness, etc. and give you a sound file that you can download for therapy that is specific to your tinnitus. The therapy sound can be mixed with your own music using their system and you can listen to your own music while the sound therapy file is working in the background.

The alternative is therapy in the clinic with tinnitus retraining therapy or Neuromonics, but those will cost you ~$5000.

Herbal remedies have not been shown to be effective in good clinical studies. Sound therapies have are effective 80-90% of time, whereas herbal remedies have only been found to be as effective as sugar pills. Ginkgo has been studied in large clinical trials and it wasn't found to be effective at all. My dad had bothersome tinnitus and he took Ginkgo and it didn't help. He tried the sound therapy and he can't hear the ringing. If he really thinks about it and listens for it, he hears it, but otherwise it's not noticeable and doesn't keep him up at night.


http://www.beyondtinnitus.com - Marla

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Question 3
im scared! how do i make a caffine buzz go away fast!?...  okay so ive never felt this way, im having racing thoughts and im jittery and shaking and im scared! and paranoid! i drank some tea earlier with ALOT of sugar in it and the i drank a can of mtn dew so is this normal? and how can i make it stop?

1)   It should stop after you wear down and crash. - Lin

2)   Naturally these side affects will pass. Drink plenty of water to help flush the system. I’ve been there done it had the t-shirt and the experience was miserable.

Life is already one big drug (buzz) why do you complicate your life even more by taking these mind and body imbalances. You are playing Russian roulette with your future. Life is meant for realising who you really are also the real purpose of your existence. Good association will help free you from this destructive way of life you have chosen.

Good luck


3)   It takes the caffeine equivalent of about 50 to 200 cups of coffee to actually kill the average person(1).. I'm not sure exactly how much less if the person has serious heart problems to start with. You should be fine, a few cups of tea and a Mountain Dew isn't going to make your heart stop. Your blood sugar may be low as frequently happens as a result of caffeine, eat some carbs (eg pasta, bread, etc.) to bring your blood sugar back up. The fact you had sugar earlier makes you feel a bit more dizzy as well, your blood sugar levels are just crashing as a result of consuming lots of sugar earlier. And don't consume this much caffeine again if you're not comfortable with how it makes you feel. - CrocoDuck

4)   just enjoy it while it lasts - aristocat

5)   Drink water to help dilute it. Burn up the energy by going for a long walk or some form of exercise (some anxiety patients sometimes will rock themselves). Even though its hard, try to take regular deep breaths. Also distraction is good, if something can grab your attention on TV while you fidget or rock to burn up the adrenaline.

You're not alone, many of us have suffered this one time or another and it passed.

Some people are more sensitive than others to caffeine (or becomes so).
Some say the liver can get congested from lots of oily/fried foods and we can become more sensitive to foods/drinks.

One way to help this is pick up some lecithin granules at a health food store (or maybe Ebay) and take one tablespoon half an hour before a meal. Lecithin is a fat emusifier and will help the clean up the liver.

In the future, be careful how much caffeine/sugar you inject since you are sensitive. - Lucy the Elite

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Question 4
is Going to massage center risky?...  I am not feeling well, i have body pain, i want to take body massage, but i am not sure i should go or not, is it risky?

1)   You should see
all-home-remedies . com
(please remove the spaces)
I hope that helps you too as it helped me.
Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help - Lisa

2)   Find the nearest high end hotel or resort and book an appointment. - robertwaynehoppus

3)   No if you tell them you need one ,but feel sensitive to touch and where. They are used to that. My wife has a Thai massage shop and all soughts of people in many different difficulties walk in to see her. You will be safe and looked after, as it is in their interest to help you.
L ook them up in your towns phone book under massage. - Andyboy

4)   Hi Saket,

Having a massage is completely safe and not risky. Call around a few and tell them what you've said here and where you are sensitive/sore and see what they say.

A good masseuse will be able to work with you on this and avoid the sensitive areas and therefore it won't be a problem. - Hayley

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Question 5
Concerta and mastrubation?...  This is the first time I have taken the drug concerta. (18 mg)

Its been an hour since I took it now.

I have a general question about it:

Would it be O.K. to masturbate with concerta?
or would it provoke any side effects because of all the increased hormone levels etc.

1)   Dear I suggest you to see


I hope that helps you too as it helped me. Check the multiple links over there. they'll surely be a help, Keep using answers.yahoo.com - Abby

2)   haha you'll be fine. Go for it. - Nitram

3)   The worst effect you could have is becoming a skepp, like Nitram.

It's simply your choice.
Personally I wouldn't do it. - SmartAss

4)   you are meant to go through daily life on concerta.. its for concentration, of course you can masturbate lol - Allie p

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