Tuesday, November 9, 2010

best hangover remidy?

Question 1
best hangover remidy?...  whats the best way to get over or not get a hangover?

1)   i've heard that extra greasy foods do it? like cheesesteaks, etc. - the time traveler's wife

2)   Personally, I think the best way to not get a hangover is to not drink. - Matt G

3)   drinking water before going to bed, always worked for me - Elmo watches you at night

4)   go back to sleep. - Beeney Fbean

5)   Water!!!! Water and Headache pills.

If you're drinking drink a full glass of water and take an Excedrin before you go to sleep. When you wake up do the same and you will be hangover free.

DO IT. - Tait Pope

6)   Drink a 16oz glass of water before going to bed or passing out after drinking. A hangover is essentially extreme dehydration so the guzzling of water replenishes what the alcohol absorbs. Food sometimes helps, if it has a high water content, but not much. The best way is the water. - Matt

7)   Nothing with eggs, hash browns, toast with butter or peanut butter (smooth) and jelly (strawberry). Heartwarming breakfast foods. French toast mmm - 0cassie.

8)   A hangover almost always means you are lacking in fluids and some essential vitamins; the big ones are the B vitamins, because your liver uses them to metabolize the alcohol. Drink at least a pint of water before bed. After waking up, take a B-complex and multivitamin with a V8 or grapefruit or orange juice. Apparently, a little known trick is to mix normal yeast with orange juice. Drink some more water. If you have severe headaches, a cold med won't help a lot, but it might take the edge off. - Todd

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Question 2
What's it called when you're obsessed with pooping?...  I think I have that. :I

1)   ... - Nv

2)   IBS - TwiztidTeenWolf

3)   wrong - Newer Smith

4)   The game. - Kayden A

5)   compulsive obsession with poop (COP) - lovemesomethc

6)   Copromania.
I knew that expensive education would come in handy some time.... - Tink

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Question 3
What is a way i can get some Vitamin D?...  I have to make sure i don't get high cholesterol or gain weight. So i need something that i can eat to give me some Vitamin D but not higher my cholesterol or gain weight. Please help me! i want more than one answer if u can pleasee! THANK YOU!!!

1)   Your body makes its own Vitamin D from sunlight. But don't overexpose yourself to sunlight as it might also cause skin cancer. Overexposure is a component of skin cancer. - Dan B

2)   you should be able to find a supplement in one of the health isles at a store, or if you know of an al natural health store. - Evan

3)   there are few food sources of vitamin D unless it has been fortified, like all dairy and cereal products.
Your body does make it when exposed to the sun but anyone who lives in the northern hemisphere usually doesn't get enough exposure to allow our bodies to make it naturally.
yhou can buy Vitamin D3 supplements in any drug or department store that sells stuff like that. Walmart, Kmart, Target, etc.
http://www.livestrong.com/article/23674-sources-vitamin-d3/ - ckngbbbls

4)   Make sure to get 10 minutes to 30 minutes of sun bathing several days of the week. Try to expose as much skin as possible. I don't use sunscreen when I do and I keep out of the sun between 10am and 2pm when the cancer rays are the worst. If you can combine it with an outdoor walk, even more healthy.

Also you can supplement. A normal person can take 1000 IU several times a week. One who is deficient (or if its the middle of the winter with limited sun) could take 5,000 to 10,000 IU several times a week for a month or two.

Taking cod liver oil is debatable because some feel the high vitamin A content may interfere with vitamin D absorption.

Also some question whether vitamin D can be absorbed from tanning beds.

Fortified foods offer so little the amount. Many of those foods are highly processed and contain hormones and chemical additives/pesticides. Its best to stick to local, preferably organic vegetables from a farmers market and fruit, legumes, whole grains, nuts/seeds in moderation.

Get a simple vitamin D test from the family doctor time to time to check. - Lucy the Elite

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Question 4
I have a bad canker sore, and I have used canker medication and nothing helped.?...  HELLLPPPPP!!!!!!

1)   Put baking soda on it. Cankers develop from hyperacidity. Baking soda is alkaline, so it neutralizes it. - thenoseknows

2)   Give up toothpaste and mouthwash for a few days. Menthol (in mint) and fouride are notorious for causing and aggrevating canker sores. If you check, all the toothpastes for people with canker sores don't have it. There is a reason :)

Switch to brushing with salt for a while. That might help. - Tink

3)   There is nothing you can do for a canker sore without going to the doctor. The only things over the counter are for numbing and such. The baking soda thing I have never heard of, so it could be worth a try. Just give it a few days and it will go away on it's own. If you really want it to go away, you can call your doctor and have him prescribe you an antiviral medication. That's about it. - Trina

4)   The very best remedy is right in your ear. Put some warm oil in your ear. Then take the wax out with ya Q-tip and put it on the sore. It will dry it up. You can also buy cold-sore remedy to put on. Works like a charm. I have published an online article about how to prevent the sores. If will try to find it another day. Have to shut down now. If I don't get around to it, contact me. - biogardener

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Question 5
Why is my immune system so weak?...  I get sick very oftenly. I got a fever 2 weeks ago and I got one day and I pretty much get sick about every month or every other month. I do however owe 6 vaccinations. I am trying to get them all done but could this be the reason why I get sick so oftenly? Could it be HIV? I was raped when I was smaller and I had sex with my partner several times but I did hear that it is a silent STD.

Will taking vitamins strengthen my immune system?

1)   There's only one way to find out. Get a test done. Voila, there you go. - Jacqui

2)   I was thinking aids before you said it. Get tested immediately, and if ur positive, let your partners know, so they don't spread it. - James

3)   Well a lot of people are getting weak immune systems. People these days live off of processed foods and spend most of the time behind a PC or in front of the TV.

An acidic body is the breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. If you wanted to follow an alkaline diet you'd eat more vegetables, especially raw (e.g. salads) or lightly cooked. Learn to shop at a local farmer's market instead of the chain supermarkets. Just avoid chain grocery or fast-food or restaurant foods. You want a vegetable-based diet and small amounts of fruits and dried beans and whole grains, minimal nuts and seeds. AVOID SUGAR, as well as meats, otherwise your body's digestive enzymes will be busy digesting meat not the protein layer of viruses, etc. Same with sugar, candida/fungus in the body thrive on sugar and the aspartame crap is even worse sending the body into metabolic acidosis. Just adopt a vegetable-based diet.

Other than acidic body, you want to take some measures to chelate heavy metals and clear any fungus. Natural everyday chelators would be having a couple of apples a day (e.g. the malic acid in the apples), have up to two cups of unsweetned pure green tea several days a week. Add some fresh cilantro sprigs to your salad or soup. These are mild chelators you can do long term.

As for th candida/fungus, take a pinch of 20 Mule Borax in a cup of water every few days.

Also water can be the source of toxins (e.g. old pipes to the crap used to clean it and the remaining crap left behind). Try to drink reverse osmosis water. Add a small pinch of sea salt to bring it back to life. If you adapt the vegetarian diet you will start to get lots of potassium and will need to supplement with a little sea salt time to time to keep strong. Also a some B12, carnisine and taurine supplements time to time.

Take 25mg zinc a day for a month to help your immune.

Another thing to help the immune is lysine (amino acid). Get it powdered or use a pill crusher and add 1000 mg to a cup of water with 1000 mg vitamin C (especially in the alkaline form sodium ascorbate) a day. Lysine and green tea (the tannic acid) are great for the body because they help the white blood cells be able to see the invading virus by removing its stealth component.

Clean up your diet and take some supplements. Make sure you get a walk outdoors and some sun. Many are getting deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is almost like a hormone and so important to the immune. It is possible you could have an autoimmune disorder and I don't mean HIV/AIDS. Sometimes the body attacks itself, a D deficiency can sometimes bring it on,

Go to your doctor and ask for STD panel and HIV/AIDS test, as well as basic blood work to check for deficiencies, including electrolyte balance and thyroid, diabetes and vitamin D tests, etc.

Whether you get sick from a toxic lifestyle or you have a virus or HIV you can take measures to help your body. Vaccinations often contain live virus along with a form of mercury that are just bad for the body. If you must get them, follow the above protocol to chelate the mercury out.
Don't be afraid it might not be that bad. I was sick and it turned out to be a deficiency of a vitamin. They don't always show when you're borderline.

There are silent STDs meaning you don't show symptoms but can still spread. Usually the worst the typical ones do is make some women infertile. Of course some strains of HPV (genital warts) can cause cancer. But a pap smear from OB/GYN can test to see if there's anything abnormal.

Its time to be a big girl, since you'r mature enough to have sex, call your family dr (s/he can also do the OB/GYN pap smear) and get some peace of mind or remedies. Clean up your diet and supplement as I said above.

TO further alkalize you can also get some apple cider vinegar (ACV) and take two teaspoons in a cup of water one to two times a day (morning and night, but at night may help you sleep but some get energy), so a few hours before sleep). Some add a pinch of baking soda to the ACV and when it stops fizzing they add water and drink. This prevents the body from depleting of its bicarbonates when it alkalizes the ACV. ACV is just a wonder supplement!

Also to help heal get some food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and out a capful of that in a liter (four cups) of water (use a glass wine carafe) and drink several evenings a week half a cup every 1/2 to one hour. This will give oxygen to your body and clean out your lymph system which is so important to health.

Our liver also helps clean out toxins. When we eat too any vegetable oils, especially cooked (use a little coconut oil instead when cooking) it gets clogged. Take a tablespoon of lecithin granules 1/2 hour before dinner to help.

Do these things several days out of the week and let the body rest on the weekends. This can be done for many months (except zinc just for a month than as needed).
In the evening.

Most of these remedies can be bought at health food store or health food department of grocery store or some times Ebay but be sure to buy from credible buyer. - Lucy the Elite

4)   vaccinations are specific for the virus in question, they don't help for other viruses. and basically they work the same way as being exposed to the "wild" virus, except the vaccines either only have parts of the virus, or severely weakened viruses that can't cause a wide ranging infection. often it takes about a weak for an immune system to clear out a virus, assuming it's not adapted for avoiding the immune system.

but long story short, so long as you are eating a balanced diet your immune system is fine, taking vitamins will not be useful if that is the case. a weak immune system can't fight anything off, a strong immune system kills off your own sells, what you need is balance, which you most likely gave already. just wash your hand regularly and avoid people who don't cover their mouths while coughing and/or sneezing.

i would avoid lucy's advice. that kind of drivvle typically comes from people who have an ax to grind, this is especially clear at how backwards the advise is with a simple understanding of biology;
-the immune systems effectiveness is based on meeting nutritional needs and exposure to invasive organisms/viruses. physical life style choices don't have as much of an effect as is claimed by lucy.
-Acids denature proteins which is a key component of viruses and cells, there are bacteria and organisms that flourish in all ranges of acidity, from strong acids to strong bases, reducing acidity is just fad diet scheme
-the human body has its own ways of dealing with fungus, you don't need to take pills just cook your food and practice proper hygiene.
-any consumed amino acids will be denatured with the rest of your food
- a balanced diet makes supplements medically useless, you'd be wasting money.
- auto immune disorders aren't cured by vitamin D.
-if vaccines didn't contain viruses they wouldn't work, we're working on less invasive vaccines but take what you can get.
-Vaccines don't contain mercury that reacts to biology, it will go through you like a bad taco, thus chelation is a waste of time and the amounts are extremely small, you'd get more by eating fish.
-if you want oxygen, use your lungs, if you want to make yourself sick ingest hydrogen peroxide
-yes most of these things can be bought, because theres good money in it, but when drug companies turn a profit, grab your pitchforks(sarcasm) - evirustheslaye

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