Monday, November 29, 2010

Possible Methods Of Ending Your Life?

Question 1
Possible Methods Of Ending Your Life?...  Dont ask me if im sure, ive contemplated for like 7 years or so. Almost tried it a few times but didnt wanna fuck up. I kinda just wanna drink something that will put me to sleep painlessly and never wake up. Thought about bleach and glass cleaner and stuff but that would probably just turn me into a miserable vegetable somehow. Don't have access to morphine or ne thing like that so ne ideas?
i like how the internets full of assholes but no matter what site u ask about stuff like this everyone decides to be the good Samaritan. Can someone please just give me a strictly informational answer based on my question and stop trying to convice me otherwise?

1)   listening to justin bieber is painful but it will cause your brain to explode - Ha Ha

2)   My recommended method for ending your life would be to live for another 60 or 70 years and die in your sleep. Painless and incredibly slow. Have faith in yourself. You are here for a reason so why not hang out until you find out what that reason is. - shawn

3)   hello hypes

i agree with shaun, and i'm not just trying to be 'nice'
your life already IS ending - same as mine, same as everyone else - it's jst all happening in slow motion..
what you should be doing is EXPERIMENTING with it - check it out - even if it's awful - check it all out.. have something to report back on the other side

imagine after death and they say to you 'wow'! how was it? and you say umm it was a bit boring then i drank bleach.. d'uh

go do something random instead.

good luck - Cim Karsons

4)   A 4-0 of strong whisky should do it. when i drank one i almost died - Scott Parker

5)   Drinking bleach and that sort of thing will just burn the shit out of your throat. You won't be able to get enough down.

As someone who has thought about this sort of thing an awful lot - I'm gonna let you in on something - this too shall pass. - Tink

6)   No one is going to help you end your life. Why would someone want that on their conscience? - No Chance without Bearbones

7)   Please don't give up or if you think that your life is hopeless its not, life is filled with unlimiting opportunities.If you have gone through a set back don't give in, even succesful leaders such as the official president,Louise Hay,Anthony Robbins,Ford,Albert Einstein,Donald Trump (that was 9 billion!! dollars in debt!!!!!!!!!!no joke, yet he looked at the bright perspective and to this day is a self-made billionare),Thomas Edison as well have going through challenging times including many more..
Read "You can Heal your Life" by Louise Hay, "A new Earth" by Eckart Tolle
try going to my favorite web page it has a funny name but it is truly a great website it has helped me in difficult times as well.Remmember that even succesful people don't have a perfect life but as you learn more about it you will learn its purpose and its own unique beauty. - AG

8)   Don't be so quick to end it buddy. Please try some of these home remedies, you have nothing to lose.

Suicidal Depression:
1. Narcissus Oil Aromatherapy (stops suicidal depression within 15 to 30 minutes): Apply oil to a cotton ball or tissue and smell and/or apply to clothing and/or spray with an aerosol as an air freshener for the room (in excess can cause sleepiness).

2. Oral High Dose niacinamide (vitamin B3): Suicidal behavior can also be reduced almost really within minutes upon giving only two to three grams of niacinamide B3, for some reason it acts like a natural valium but it works remarkably better.

3. Oral Liquid Yellow Egg Yolk (raises the good cholesterol HDL – often low in suicidal people): Have a sunny side up egg (cooked in extra virgin coconut oil in iron/aluminum-free cookware) or a soft-boiled egg (without the egg white) one to two times a day four to five days a week. Within weeks, the HDL will raise quickly. Six eggs resulted in a “clinical improvement.” - Luc the Elite

9)   Hey man,
I know that right know I'm definitely being one of those people that you specifically requested against in you're question, but even still, I don't want to have it on my conscience that I didn't say this. Alright friend, here's what you really need to do: smoke a fat spliff and listen to this song:
The song is "lesson in my life" by peter tosh.
Then, realize in the grand scheme of things, when you look at starving children in Africa and people dying of malaria in the ruins of their homes in Haiti, you probably don't have it all that bad at all. And yet, even in the darkest of times, something within the human spirit allows even the most destitute of people to push on, even when all hope seems lost. When you forget about how you look, or what people may think about you, or you're troubles, fears, financial situation, or anything that puts you down, when you just simply forget about and shed these illusions, these non-existent pieces of the societal operating system that clouds you're spirit from yourself, you can begin to see how awesome of a place the world is and how much crazy shit needs to be done before the mother goddess claims you back to the earth, so that you may fertilize the future of life, love, and laughter after you have passed on and you're memories of life will live on forever in the great expanse. With this all being said man, I can't stop you from overdosing on some pills and ending the most beautiful thing in existence, but I can say i would really appreciate it is you didn't and smoked some weed sometime with some friends. I know you may completely disregard all I have said, but I just hope you manage see through the blinding veil of culture and society and uncover the beautiful simplicity of life before its too late.

Peace man - Kevin

10)   do not stupid be bold and face the problem wisely. - Betal S

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Question 2
Is this a problem? Experience only, don't preach to me.?...  Ok, I smoke weed. Fairly commonly. It does not interfere with school, work, family, or friends. i have never been told i have a problem, nor have i ever felt i had a problem. I smoke weed because, i feel like it, not only makes things more fun, but makes life less stressful. The problem is, ive been doing (for me) a lot lately. not nearly as much as some people that function perfectly well even with that much, but kind of a lot. Is that bad? Why is it that, even though i enjoy everything more, and everyone enjoys me more when im high, i feel bad about doing it?

1)   Your post could very well be the makings of a PSA.
You are smoking more because you are now dependent on it. Your life's reality is now seen
through the eyes of an intoxicated person. The real world is all a blur.
Its time to get help. - Anthony

2)   As someone who has used and abused an awful lot of substances, I know this: when you start wondering if you have a problem, it's time to set it down and walk away. Anything else is addictive thinking rationalizing behavior.
End of story. - Winston

3)   Hmmmm,
Could you possibly feel bad
because it's

Shouldn't be, but would you feel bad if it were legal?

Let's talk more... - Alec S

4)   Our conscious is our best Judge. It alerts us to not to go in the wrong path. But we don't care and at last we suffer and realize. At that time every thing was too late, and find no remedy.

The weed is not good for health and social status. It kills you gradually. Its like a silent killer like cancer.

In the mean time you lose the respect in the society. You also lose money. Pleasure will not last long, but danger is very high,it lasts till you die.

God Almighty also hates the wrong doers.

What benefit you have in that bad habit? Stop consuming weed forthwith. - ememech

5)   I must practice what I preach, but I will tell you some of the best/positive/fun
people I know are 100% sober
Maybe you should try it out. I'm really considering it myself. - Rachel Brave

6)   A lot of people who do alcohol for fun and get into heavier useage think they're perfectly fine too, but anyone around them who's sober certainly know they're messed up.

Same is true for smoking weed that often. It's not cliche at all to be laughing at Cheech & Chong in their movies. What may seem 'normal' behavior for you most likely is not to anyone else's eyes. You're too close to the problem to be objective about it. - Elaine M

7)   Okay, so speaking from experience here, as I am high more often than not.

It won't interfere with things now, it always tends to start the way you described. And things feel great. But it won't last.

If you keep smoking, and you keep smoking more, everything will be affected.

I started smoking at 15. Shortly after I turned 16 I dropped out of school. A few months after that I left home and haven't seen my family since. At 17, now, I live with my 'boyfriend', smoke every day, and never go out.

It's inevitable that weed will end up being your life if you continue to smoke regularly. What you need to decide is are you happy with that? I mean i'm not going to lie, I love what I do, I love my life. But it doesn't work for everyone.

So all i'm saying is, you need to decide, before it's too late. - Viken

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Question 3
Does eating cannabis have the same effect as smoking?...  Lets pretend the legal issues don't exist for a moment...

Say someone is considering using cannabis for medical purposes - anxiety and stress as a result of ASD - they don't want to smoke it this time round as they have quit smoking [nicotine] and don't think it would be a good idea to smoke anything in case they slip back into habit.

Would eating cannabis in baked goods have the same medicinal benefits as smoking?

1)   It has twice the effect man, hope te enjoy your cakes. - Satans Uncle Paul

2)   lol. Well many people make cookies with cannabis in them. So im shore it would be fine. But than iv heard that your body can become 'stoned'.
I would think that the effects would take alot longer to sink in via taking the substance orally. Smoking cannabis, has a more readily effect because its close to your brain where its inhaled. - Rhianna

3)   it'll be waay stronger!
do it :) - jeeesss

4)   Hello
I had some when I was 18 on a pizza as I do not smoke and I could not walk. It took a while to kick in , but the effects were very strong indeed. Be careful not to take too much as it can make you sick. I was very sick once by having too much. I have not had any for 20 years, but remember feeling very calm and laid back and at peace with the world.

The most important thing to know about ingesting cannabis is that it takes a while to have any effect. Nothing will happen for an hour or so, but when it does it can be far more potent than smoking the same amount. Many people say eating cannabis produces a more "trippy" effect, it can be very intense if you over do it and that may not be a nice experience, especially if you've never got stoned before and don't know what to expect.

Don't eat cannabis without a little bit of planning, including where you are and who you're with and what you intend to do for the next few hours

If you do have a dose which is really too high, it can last a long time and might be very unpleasant. If you're in the wrong place or with the wrong people it can become very upsetting, perhaps even frightening. Although any bad effects usually pass when the cannabis wears off, for some people, especially children or young teenagers, this might contribute to emerging mental health issues. In any case, having a bad time is not the reason to take any drug.

Never give cannabis food to children, eating cannabis when pregnant included

There is an additional problem caused by the prohibition (illegality) of cannabis
Cannabis which you grow yourself or which was grown by someone you know will be OK But it's important to realise that cannabis is supplied by an illegal economy and the so called "black market" weed and hash may be very contaminated.
In the UK this not only means "Soap bar" (which should always be avoided anyway), but it may well apply to any imported hash or weed. Also the problem of contamination isn't limited to the "grit weed" which become so widespread.

Eating/drinking cannabis can be extremely dangerous due to the presence of chemical contaminants and / or pathogens (microbes), given the high possibility of adulterants in imported cannabis, you should really think twice before using a nonsmoking method.

Cooking at a high temperature will kill most pathogens, but maybe not all of them - if you crank up you're oven too high you'll nail the THC too... not to mention burning the brownies!

At the very least, NEVER eat street cannabis which hasn't been cooked, e.g., hash which has just been crumbled up and sprinkled on a sandwich; you'll probably be OK, but you might just end up with the runs - you could conceivably end up with hepatitis.

Cooking with Cannabis
So you can add cannabis to any food that contains animal or vegetable fats, such as cakes, biscuits, stews or drinks such as milkshakes, drinking chocolate or yoghourts.
Important points to remember when cooking with cannabis are that you need to ensure an even spread of cannabis throughout the chosen dish and that the meal or item produced should not be too heavy. If you have a full stomach then the cannabis constituents will take longer to enter the bloodstream.

The basic principal in cooking with cannabis is to first extract the THC into a fat, for example butter or an oil. You do this by grinding up the cannabis into a fine powder and then adding it to a small amount of hot oil and allowing it to dissolve, then you add the oil/cannabis mix to the food you're preparing.

When powdering the cannabis, the pieces should be as small as possible. Now we come to the difficult issue of how much to put in. One suggestion is to make several items each the same size, for example cup cakes or squares of chocolate. Think of each one as being a spliff and put that amount in the mix, times the number of items you're making. If you assume 20 items to 2 grms (a "teenth") - 0.1 grm in each - that might be as good a starting point as any but remember, it's impossible to give firm advice. If it's too weak, you can always eat another but be warned you might find that even this dose is a bit too much..

If you're making a few items with a couple of grams of cannabis, you only need a small amount of oil, say a large spoonful or so. Heat this in a ladle or serving spoon but be careful not to burn your fingers.

Once up to temperature turn down the heat so that the oil is not burning or cooling off.. Sprinkle in your crumbled cannabis and stir gently. It is up to you how long you heat the mixture, stirring occasionally, to ensure the THC fully dissolves, but around an hour is a good guide. When this is done, add it to your cooking - any recipe calling for marg or butter - biscuits and cakes are a favourite or if you're really lazy melt it into chocolate. - Rachel Smith

5)   absolutely, but if you're gonna be using it for stress, i'd be careful how much you put in there. like what was said earlier, it is quite a bit stronger when ingested rather than smoked. find a good recipe to cook it in the butter and than make yourself a wonderful meal or dessert :D - Trystyn

6)   Eating gets the same cannabinoids into the blood stream, it just takes longer, up to 45 min usually. The "high" is therefore different, but wonderful still.

Check out my cooking with cannabis videos for much more info. - Alec S

7)   Not quite, there are some effects that will match up to smoking/vaporizing it though. The body buzz feels a bit more sedating, and the effects last longer compared to that of inhaling. There's a particular ice cream I get from my dispensary that I take when the headaches/back pain get really bad and it has me covered for 8 hours solid so I can actually sleep. An added bonus is that I wake up in the morning without that weird heavy/groggy feeling that "PM" medicines give me.

It's also really really easy to overdo it the first time. My first time I decided to have 3 massive spoonfuls of it since I was trying to compare it to the weight of a brownie. Instead of playing on my PS3 I ended up staring at the controller for what was probably hours before passing out and sleeping. - Wedge

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Question 4
Is it bad to take unperscribed medicine to aid sleep?...  Okay so I'm 14 and I have insomnia. My doctor didn't want to put me on sleep pills because I'm so young. He said to take Benadryl on rare occasions if I really can't sleep. It worked and now I just take it pretty much every night. Sometimes I take Nyquil or Tylenol PM too. But that's usually only when I have a bit of a cold. Benadryl is my main sleep aid. Is it bad to be doing this or is it okay?

1)   This is bad because without realizing it you can become addicted and completely dependent on these drugs. - BFLO

2)   You really shouldn't do it every night because it can become a habit. You'll start to think that you can't sleep without it. I'd listen to the Doctor if I were you. - RebelChick

3)   My sister has taken Benedryl for years for sleep at the recommendation of her doctor because it is not habit forming, but she is an adult. I am not sure about it being safely used daily by an adolescent. The active ingredient in Tylenol PM is the same as Benedryl, so do not take the two of them together. Also, Nyquil has alcohol in it, also not something good to take very often. - Anna E

4)   I also have insomnia but i would not do that, that isn't healthy just talk to your doctor - Dont Care

5)   Take over the counter Melatonin. It's a natural sleep medication. It actually helped me when I was a teenager and wasn't able to fall asleep. Melatonin is a natural chemical reaction that happens in your brain to tell yourself that it is night time and you should be sleeping.... it's non habit forming and it will help you. - C922

6)   I used to take Benadryl as my sleep aid. It can stop working after a period of time. It's one of those drugs that becomes ineffective after continuous usage.

I highly recommend Melatonin. It's a natural sleep aid that you can find at stores like Walgreens. There are different "dosages" depending on the person. You may need a higher one due to insomnia. I would go to a place like Walgreens or a local healthfood store and ask them what dosage you think would be good to try.

It works wonders for me. I'm on one of the lowest dosages. I used to average 3 hrs of sleep (if I was lucky) Now I sleep a minimum of 8 hrs. And I'm not putting anything into my system that wouldn't be there anyway. :) - ferrisulf

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Question 5
Can i bring vicodin to school?...  i just had my wisdom teeth pulled on friday and my mouth hurts. i have to go to school, and i was thinking i would just bring the vicodin with me (im supposed to take it every 4 hours). am i allowed to bring it to school/ do you think it would be a good idea?

1)   Vicodin is a controlled substance you *will* get busted for it. - Bungholio

2)   You need to contact your school nurse to get permission if they even let you do it. If you can't, get you some Aleve or Advil. Then take your Vicodin when you get home. Be careful with it. It's highly addictive. - RebelChick

3)   the only way you would be able to bring it to school is if you brought it your nurse and she kept it during the day for you. you would have to tell her how many times a day you need it. it's illegal to bring medication into school, even ibuprofen because the teachers will think you would want to sell them to other students. this way, you would have permission to actually take your medication, all you would have to do is get a pass from your teachers to go to the nurse. - emma leahy

4)   If you are prescribed the medication then it is okay to bring to school. It would be a good idea to have your parents call in advance to let them know you are bringing it to school since it is often used illegally. - C922

5)   most schools require you to go to the office with your prescription, i had to do that when i broke my jaw and was on antibiotics, in that case they kept the medication there and i simply had to go to the office to get my next dose. - evirustheslaye

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