Tuesday, June 28, 2011

can i consume weed while im pregnant?

Question 1
can i consume weed while im pregnant?...  maybe in its healthiest way like with a vaporizer or a bong, that way i dont have to inhale tobacco with blunts.

i feel so stressed out without, still i havnt been smoking since i found out i was pregnant but i think this can also be playing a part in this depression i feel coming on.

any information about this can help thanks!
crack baby=CRACKKK!!!!!
chemicals doesnt = weed , sorry.

1)   i wouldn't risk it. that's all. - I heart beets

2)   NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Hunter

3)   No - Alicia S.

4)   Your fine. Your baby will still be health. Anything else is bad tho - Steph

5)   You ever heard the term crack baby u put chemicals that affect your body so it might put the baby at risk - emmanuel rendon

6)   NO YOU CAN'T! Get yourself to the doctor if you feel depressed! There are SAFE medications you can take. - Me

7)   I would advise you to go to a doctor to get a depression medication, if you really feel the depression coming on... But no, you should not smoke marijuana when you are pregnant, think of your baby that is yet to be born! Good luck! - Lois

8)   yea go ahead and smoke it.....and when your baby comes out retarded and with a whole bunch of health issues then you have no one to blame but yourself....you are not even ready to be a parent if you can't stop smoking for the sake of your child......wow.....how stupid are you.....you are now eating,drinking,sleeping for two people....everything you fell your baby feels....so if you want your baby coming out asking were the WEED at then by all means do it....that is a proud mommy moment i bet.......STUPID - carl

9)   Are you ready to raise a kid with problems? Nah, I'm not one of those people. You can, but I would say only a little. I smoked with one and not the other and both kids are fine. But it is really up to you. None of us can tell you what to do. - Tara Yandle

10)   Don't risk it. If you go see a doctor they will be more than happy that you asked for help instead of potentially putting you and your baby in harms way. The doctor will be able to get you some help for your depression. Best of luck to you!!!! - Molly Bieber

11)   You shouldn't be consuming weed either way. - Windfeather

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Question 2
Things to do while smoking w33d? Tips/suggestions?...  I've smoked quite a few times but I want to switch it up. Are there any cool things to do while actually smoking? (for example, jolly ranchers in bong water, or honey?)

1)   go blow the smoke in a cops face.. they LOVE it!!! - swackar

2)   Suggestion: Don't. - Shelby

3)   Listen to Primus - corruption.yahoo.com

4)   Put ice in the b*** water. - Jumanji The third

5)   I've never heard of w33d, but I have heard of weed. You can put ice in with the water, use warm water instead, or you can use some juices instead of water. - This Guy

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Question 3
Do you have to be Jewish to be circumcised?...  My family is Christian/atheist and I'm circumcised. I thought only jews were circumcised?

1)   No.

Moslems perpetrate that horrific genital multilation of infants also, and they do it to girls, too. - Top Source

2)   No muslims and christians do it. Muslims dont circumcise women, the guy who wrote that at the top doesnt know anything. - RollyLovely23

3)   No, you don't have to be Jewish. Many, many people have their sons circumcised no matter what their religions. - Rick

4)   No. Any male can be circumcised. Its widely practiced in the US for all religions.
Muslims don't circumcise girls by default. However female circumcision is widely practiced in Africa especially in North Africa which is predominantly muslim. it is also widely practiced in sub-Saharan Africa by people of all religions. - Dr_ Lightning_Osteopath

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Question 4
is there a way to cure anemia?...  im 14 years old and im a female and ive been discorvered i have anemia from a blood test after complaining i feel tired that i can fall asleep and feel shortness of breath,
is there anyway i can be cured

1)   try ginger ??? - Arthur

2)   anemia has to do with the lack of iron. i have the same thing. take iron tablets or vitamins - Samantha Brown

3)   Well yeah...you take whatever it is you're lacking. Talk to your doctor about this. - Nate

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Question 5
If you get a safe amputation and keep the limb, is it legal to eat it? ?...  I know this is an odd thing to ask so bear with me. So my friend and I were talking about cannibalism and we know it's illegal but we got into the discussion of if it's okay if the person willingly gives someone else their limb to consume. He keeps saying that it would be illegal to eat any part of a human being even if the person who is giving the limb is perfectly okay with it. I think it wouldn't be illegal as long as it's safe and consensual. I just wanna know which is right.

1)   I think regardless of whether both parties of the said limb and meal were consenting it would still be classed as cannibalism and against the law.
So if your going to make a stew I suggest you keep it to yourself lol - killas86

2)   Hahahahaha this is awesome, but yes I agree with the above ^ I think it's still against the law lol

"said limb" hahahahahah - mlaw

3)   ew - St. Cecilia

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Homeopathy believers: How can you believe it when if it worked, it would break the laws of physics?

Question 1
Homeopathy believers: How can you believe it when if it worked, it would break the laws of physics?...  I honestly don't understand how anyone can buy into homeopathy. When you dilute something to those levels, you're getting to a point where there's like 20 molecules of the active ingredient in all of that water, so you're not even guaranteed to get even one molecule of the active ingredient.

Since homeopathy has never been proven to have any efficacy and does no better than a placebo, how can you believe in it? And to the people who actually take people's money to make these solutions, do you ever feel guilty about misleading people?
No, sorry the laws of physics have proven time and time again to be correct. If there was ever a recorded observation EVER that didn't fit into them, then they would not be laws, so...yeah actually I am better if I buy into physics and not homeopathy.
@mom lol....no

1)   They are dumb, naive, ignorant and uneducated. - Daniel Darko

2)   while i agree homeopathy has only placebo value,you are no better because you believe in the laws of physics which are an approximate guess at best. - I AM paradox

3)   most illnesses go away on their own if given enough time and our bodies immune system is allowed to work as it should.
All that needs to happen is be treated by a homeopath and when the illness goes away on its own, the homeopath gets the accolades.
Most things folks go to the doctor for are like that.
People survived them before everyone ran to the doctor for every little thing.
colds, flu, stomach upsets, sprains, torn muscles, broken finger, broken toes, boils, minor skin infections, skin irritations all heal on their own. All we have to do is rest, drink plenty of fluids, and use common sense.
When a homeopath adds a tincture of 'what ever" to the mix, believers think thats what cured them when actually it was time and our own body. - ckngbbbls

4)   I really have no idea why I am writing you as you are clearly closed minded and are not open to the possibilities of homeopathy. No I am not a homeopath, but yes I use homeopathy for myself and my family for years with excellent results. I hear what you are saying but homeopathy is on a energetic level, not biological. So I don't think it is exactly something you can measure with research; that of course is usually research done by pharmaceutical companies or companies that are already against homeopathy.
Physics is about energy as well...so how can you be for physics but not for homeopathy? Doesn't make sense. I treat my children all the time with homeopathy and they respond amazingly. Actually, children seem to do the best with it because their bodies are open, free, and not full of "junk", like most adults.
I too, did not believe in homeopathy, or any other alternative medicine for a long time, as I was pre-med in my 20s and was a total conventional thinker....but I was lead on a different journey, did some research/reading on my own and really changed my life.
I don't think homeopathy is 100% for everyone and I don't think that it is the only option in every case, but it is a noninvasive, inexpensive, and safe alternative to pharmaceuticals. So why not give them a try?
If it isn't for you, that is okay, you do what works for you and your family. But why be negative and attack other people for it. That doesn't help anyone. - momnhannah2005

5)   http://www.slideshare.net/drprabhatlkw/homeopathy-in-pandemics-epidemics - ƦєdAиgєℓ

6)   They don't care about reality. Evidence is not a requirement to these people.

Everything we know about the universe says it can't work. It's very clearly bunk.

@mom: Anecdotes aren't on parr with evidence.

It's not us who is close minded. YOU are closed minded because you refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence showing it is bunk.

You have to understand that it's not a case of homeopathy working and science being unable to explain the mechanism; it's never worked beyond placebo in any decent RCT.

"Physics is about energy as well...so how can you be for physics but not for homeopathy?"
What the hell?

"Doesn't make sense."
That's right, you don't make a whole lot of sense...

"I treat my children all the time with homeopathy.."
That's tantamount to child neglect, in reality they got better anyway.

"But why be negative and attack other people for it. That doesn't help anyone."
Because gullible people are being scammed. Homeopathy causes harm when used in place of actual medicine. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

7)   Mom, no offense but your understanding of physics is poor at best. Energy is studied in physics, but I think you don't know what energy means. It's not a feeling, it's not a life force, it's not some abstract concept that can be applied to anything you choose. It is the capacity to do work; end of story.

The laws of physics are the strongest argument against homeopathy (which you're too close minded to bother studying, because you're so open minded towards homeopathy). However, even without the easily demonstrated violation of well known physical laws (that have MOUNTAINS of scientific evidence spanning centuries supporting them) there is still ample evidence against homeopathy (which open minded people acknowledge, but close minded people do not). Time after time again, well designed clinical trials have failed to find any benefit from homeopathy. What we find is that people derive the same nonspecific psychological benefits that are also well characterized and studied in the scientific literature (again, try being legitimately open minded).

There is no reason to believe homeopathy works, and ample reason to assume it doesn't. Without some really impressive evidence, this will remain so. Real skeptics such as myself and Rhianna above me are open minded to that, but not to assertions that something works because you say it does. That's not being open minded, that's being gullible. - Round 2

8)   Well it should not be investigated in this way.Like homeopathy do cures, yes it does no doubts about it. No what you said is equally true, even more in my opinion.
So we need many homeopaths doing research on the question HOW rather anything else, there is a way in which it acts. It more surely better than a placebo.
Ant time is good time to start and any time is good time for a new discovery. - Nick Pattinson

9)   You are quite right that the ideas behind homeopathy are nonsense. But the homeopaths lack an understanding of the placebo effect and regression to the mean (and at least one of them lack an understanding of basic physics and physiology). The result of this is, that they experience a confirmation bias (and their custumors do that too) - It seems to work anyway. Intuition inspires confidence. - JLI

10)   Just to add something, homeopathy was certainly once far more effective than the best medicines of the time. Much better to drink just plain water than be lanced, burned, pricked, prayed for and leeched to balance your humors. Obviously now it's utter bollocks, you can probably get just as many of the 'active' ingredients from tap water as it's been diluted so many times.

Medicine can learn from certain practices of the homeopaths and other woo woo practitioners though. All a lot of people really need when they're sick is care and attention, someone to give a sh*t (albeit with a hefty price tag). The hospital doctor with a surly bedside manner or the overworked nurse can be detrimental to people's health too. and at least with homeopathy it's just water they're giving them, rather than a harmful substance.

I'm not trying to defend homeopathy, but attacking it purely on the grounds of experimental evidence of their cures isn't always the best way. To defeat the quacks we need to understand why they are so popular, and take any positives and use them to better the real types of healthcare - Jon B

11)   How do they believe? Magical thinking, cognitive dissonance, and in extreme cases: psychosis. - Tink

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Question 2
Should I consult a doctor first or not?...  Hi I'm a 16 year old male and I have been suffering with ulcerative colitis for 2 years I have tried all the drugs from steroids to sulfa to remicade to antibiotics, and I now my doctor is recommending surgery. I have read about digestive enzymes and probiotics and know people who have cured their colitis with these supplements. But I just want to know if I can go to my natural health store and buy these supplements without a doctors prescription. Thanks for your help
I also want to know if I could buy fish oil b12 pills without a prescription thanks

1)   i would consult your doctor before getting the medications, and if your doctor disagrees find another doctor at your clinic or hospital. - brownies

2)   YES!!! Just remember alternative medicine is not medicine at all. They day it is proven to actually work it becomes medicine, with no alternative tag. Whilst it is catergorically wrong to say no alternative medicine can work, it's true that the vast majority have been proven to have no medicinal value beyondthe placebo effect. I don't envy your position but go with the professionals, you can always go to another doc for a second opinion - Jon B

3)   Nothing in a health food store needs a prescription, neither does fish oil

If you are currently on medication don't mix anything without checking with your doctor first as it may have bad side effects.

Although alternative health methods can and sometimes do work you need to be careful what you mix together it can kill you just like the wrong medication can. - unknown friend

4)   If you have UC bad enough to warrant surgery at that age, I wouldn't be surprised if any of those things would make you more miserable.

Ask the doctor first, and if he says ok, then only add one at a time, wait a month then add a second, and so on. - Tink

5)   You have tried all the drugs from steroids to sulfa to remicade to antibiotics and now your
doctor recommends surgery. Does it ever occur to you that you have been conned so far,
probably to make a big kill by going for surgery. For a change why not consult a genuine
good homeopathic doctor who would guide properly unless he tells you otherwise. If you
can be cured won't it save you lots of money and misery of surgery. Think it over.
Good luck and God bless. Cheers! - Sudhakar B

6)   Digestive enzymes and probiotics are amazing for digestive problems. You can also buy fish oil and vitamin B12 without prescription. Sublingual (under the tongue) B12 is better for absorption. I would recommend the book called Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottshall. Her diet - The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SPD) has proven to be highly successful for many who suffer from various bowel disorders. Info about the book is on the first link and the second link is a video of someone with a similar condition to yours called Crohn's Colitis. He no longer suffers symptoms, is on no medication, and is off the SPC diet after 2 years.

Breaking The Vicious Cycle >>>

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eakGq9AKF2w - ƦєdAиgєℓ

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Question 3
What is your best cure for a cold?...  Got flu type symptoms what are your remedies?

1)   Snort water. I know it sound terrible but it makes you feel 100 times better. Fill a glass with water and place it up to your nose and breath a little in. Make you feel amazing after it. - JarFillsme

2)   Theraflu!
Also if I get a sore throat I cook up some honey and lemon and it helps a lot plus it tastes really good - poohbeariscoolerthanyou

3)   Lot's of fluid(water) and sleep. Soup or porridge for meals and perhaps fruit smoothie for more nutrition.
Also, you have trouble sleeping because of fever or body ache you may have to resort to over-the-counter medicine to help you feel better. - immamaniac

4)   Drink plenty of fluids and take aspirin, no cure for cold, has to run it's coarse - joyce t

5)   Brew some strong tea, with honey and lemon - no milk. Drink it while it's hot. Also a hot shower or bath helps, as does an asprin and rest. - PuzzledM

6)   I swear by Zicam, or taking zinc every 4 hours at the onset of a cold. It works for me, but may not work for everyone. Cant hurt to try.

also, the first post said to snort water...YES, but not that way :) You can purchase a 'Netty' or 'Nettie' bottle in almost any drug store or Wal-Mart. It is similar to a nasal spray bottle, and it comes with a saline mix. you stand over the sink, or in the shower, shoot it up one nostril, and it will run right out the other. this clears out your nasal passage VERY well and rids a lot of the 'crap'. You can use it as often as you feel necessary. Feel Better! - LADY

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Question 4
Can chocolate be used in treating Parkinsonism?...  chocolate stimulates the release of tyrosine and eventually dopamine in brain, but i figured out in websites that we must avoid chocolate in Parkinsonism, and they don't say why. and why is that?

1)   dont know - veronica

2)   Medical science can do a better job of treating Parkinson's...try that. - Sans Deity

3)   Some plants have naturally occurring chemicals in them that happen to be medicinal. Usually they occur in trace amounts. Alternative medicine should only be used in addition to western medicine. - someguy88

4)   Depends on the chocolate. They say to avoid it because of the high sugar content, which is in most chocolates. However, REAL chocolate, with a high cacao percent (65% and higher), is full of antioxidants, and that is helpful for brain chemistry.
Personally I would not treat Parkinson's with just chocolate, as that isn't going to do you much good. You would be better off with high antioxidants such as Glutathione.

Good luck - momnhannah2005

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Question 5
Has anyone here tried the herbal smoke - like kronic etc?...  Heard a lot of bad stuff about it, just wondering if anyone has tried any of them.

1)   no -___- i don't wanna kill my brain cells. - abbie

2)   try it u will like it trus me its not bad it only could take 1 year from ur life - Gevo

3)   Yea don't bother with any of them. If you want a high then I suggest you buy the proper stuff. Kronic caused severe hallucinations with me. I honestly thought I was a gonner. The only thing I'd suggest is gold dust which literally is like gold dust. It's more scarce than illegal substances but well worth it once you get hold of some. - gemsi27

4)   smoked salvia before but its trippy sh!t, never again!!!! if ya go on youtube and search salvia trips ya can see the effect it has on some people. weed itself is the best thing to smoke IF you are into smoking. ak47 is the best i tried in the past.

And as for the 'I don't wanna kill my brain cells' type judgmental loser......ignore......I would never recommend that you smoke but if you are considering it, it is better to be well informed. - cindy

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

if baby oil safe to finger yourself?

Question 1
if baby oil safe to finger yourself?...  is baby oil safe to finger yourself?

1)   hahahha just get a guy to tap u hahahahaha - Akbar Mujahideen

2)   All the way. It has no sugar and can't cause infections. - Paige

3)   wouldnt you feel weird fingering yourself with stuff that is most commonly rubbed on little babies? just saying ahahaha - Papaya

4)   Yes it is....... :) - rodolfo

5)   use a water soluble lube and not oil. - Patrick M

6)   Baby oil is not water based - I would not recommend it. Oil based products could lead to infection. - Gary Y

7)   Yeah but you might get cooch rot, like that other dude said use a water based one, just buy a condom and use the lube already in there - joey e

8)   yes - ckngbbbls

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Question 2
Will weed be out of my system?...  I last smoked weed about 6 weeks ago. By the time I take my drug test for a new job, 8 weeks will probably have passed. I don't smoke often at all--maybe 3-4 times a year. Will I be okay to pass the drug test? I'm freaking out that somehow a trace will show up!

1)   You are absolutely fine. I used to be a 3-4 time a year guy & I smoked once, then was called in for a drug test the NEXT week. I was freaking out, but never heard a peep so I passed. - Bill

2)   youre good! i used to smoke alot, if you want to make sure grab water and hit up a sauna, works very well - Adrian

3)   you're cool...it takes about a month for heavy smoker to get clean.

if you're really that nervous, you can get a "detox" kit from a head shop for like 45 bucks...use to take one before each test when i was on proby and never failed a whiz quiz. - stoned ranger

4)   Yeah, you're completely fine. 100% free of marijuana at this point.

If you want peace of mind, read the following.

To begin, this story takes place a year ago, before I graduated college. Also, it's important to note that I smoke in moderation (I guess that's the best way to put it). Anyway, last summer I wasn't working. I was just awaiting the fall semester. Well, all of a sudden an awesome internship opportunity presented itself. I immediately stopped smoking and applied to the job, expecting not to hear back from them for at least a week, at which point they'd probably schedule a drug test for the following week (basically, I thought the drug test wouldn't be for at least two weeks had they hired me). Well, they did call me back a week after I applied, and they wanted me to interview with them that day. I went in for the interview, got the job, and was told I had to take a drug test within the next 24 hours at one of their drug testing facilities.

I was freaking out because I had done a ton of research and knew, for sure, that on average, marijuana stays in a heavy smoker's system for up to a month, a moderate smoker's system for two weeks or longer, and a light smoker's system for five days to two weeks. I knew I needed at least another week without smoking to pass the test. So, like most other people in my shoes at that point, I turned to the internet and Googled things like "how to pass a piss test" etc. After reading a lot of information, I weeded out what sounded like BS from what sounded rational and true (basically, the scientific explanations that had proof).

Here's what I ended up doing. First, I started drinking a ton of water--like, as much as I could handle until I thought I was gonna puke. I had read that drinking water flushed out your system, but that's BS because it's been proven that THC sticks to your fat cells and water has nothing to do with your fat cells, at least not regarding that particular situation. The reason I drank so much water was because if I overloaded my body (kidneys and bladder) with water, I would no longer urinate the toxins (THC). Instead, my kidneys would react to the overabundance of water in my system, and therefore do all they could to get rid of the excess water. So, basically, by the time I got to the drug testing center, my kidneys were full of nothing but water, so when I peed into the cup, it was incredibly watered down urine.

Legally, the testing facility cannot pass or fail a person if their urine sample is too watered down; they can only make them retake the test. The testing facilities check the urine to make sure there is a certain amount of natural elements in the urine. If the pee is too watery, they'll ask you to take the test again, and to not drink water before the test so that it won't be watered down this time. Luckily for me, by the time the testing facility had tested my pee, relayed the results to my prospective employer, and requested I take another test, two weeks had passed since I stopped smoking, so I knew I was clean.

I went in and took the test a second time, this time without drinking a ridiculous amount of water beforehand. Like I had predicted, the test came out clean and normal, and I got hired without anybody knowing I was a pot smoker (something I don't think is anybody's business anyway, so long as I use responsibly).

So, there's the key to passing the drug test without any gimmicks. Not that you need to worry, because by eight weeks you will be TOTALLY CLEAN. I just wrote that story, which I promise you in totally true, because I always find bogus information or information that's vague and unproven and I wanted to give you an answer that was a real experience with facts to back it up.

Good luck at your new job! - Feathered Lizard

5)   There is a good possibility it will not show up, but let this be a good lesson for you. You have to make up your mind once and for all. Do you want a job or do you want to smoke weed? Employers do random drug testing too, so even if you pass an initial drug test, you may not pass a random one if you're an occasional marijuana smoker. - Jennifer Thompson

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Question 3
Chronic Sinus infection I feel like I've tried everything. Help!?...  I have had a sinus infection for over 3 months. 3 months ago at it's worst, I had an ear infection, bronchitis, and sinus infection. I was very sick. Here is what i've tried:
3 rounds of antibiotics
a variety of homeopathic medicine and other remedies prescribed by my naturopathic doctor (silica, garlic, lauracidin, seriphos, probiotics, ThyroChord)
Gluten free, dairy free, soy free diet for 3 weeks
castor oil packs about 3x/week
Vitamin D supplements
2 types in inhalers

CT scan which showed my sinuses we all completely, totally full (this was after 2 rounds of antibiotics)
blood work- this all looks pretty good, with a slightly below ok range for Vit. D, high normal TSH and high normal white blood cell count.

I am getting ok sleep, about 7 hours a night
I have A LOT of stress in my life (single mom, 2 small girls, full time job + part time job, recently divorced and very angry at ex- this is the biggest part of my stress, house under water and can't afford payments)

What I have going for me is regular exercise, very good social support

Any ideas or thoughts about what else I can do? I am sooooo tired of being sick...

1)   Giving all these problems to God and remembering that "this too shall pass". You won't always feel bad, your daughters won't always be small, you don't have to be angry at a man who is confused and selfish, your house won't always be underwater, you won't always have to work two jobs and you may not always be single. The man who was meant for you may be headed your way any day. Just breathe and say "this too shall pass...." - Jennifer Thompson

2)   see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor. - Mr E

3)   Chronic sinusitis can be prolonged and problematic. Long courses of antibiotics are not recommended and you may need to consider surgery. Nasal polyps may play a role.

See: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/TOPICS/SINUSITIS/Pages/treatment.aspx

There's nothing in alternative medicine for this, especially not homeopathy which is inert. - Gary Y

4)   Have you tried flushing your sinuses a 3-4+ times a day with a warm salt water mix? It isn't very time consuming and has been the only thing that really helped when I used to have sinuses infections that lasted months. Get a really warm glass of water, maybe about a cup. Add some sea salt (not table alt because it contains impurities) and dissolve. Take it and yourself to a sink, pour some of the water in your hand and inhale the water. This forces the water into your sinuses to help cleanse and relieve your sinuses of the bacteria. You will have some water that goes down into your throat, just spit it out. This is much better than trying to just use steam, steam doesn't clean out your sinuses, but with a little eucalyptus in the steam room or a steamy shower or pot of water, it helps to open the sinuses up some.
It sounds like you are doing the right things, exercise and sleep and I assume eating plenty of fruits & veggies. I can't imagine doing everything as a single mom, working and maintaining a healthy life while being sick for so long. Hats off to you for holding it all together.
I hope you feel better soon! - AtLarge

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Question 4
How do you cure your toenail! I ?...  I have an infection on my toenail and I don't want to go to the doctors, is there any other cure to help my infection. Thanks alot to everyone that answer

1)   i dont know where the infection is, but if it is an ingrown nail which has become infected, you have to cut out the portion of the nail causing the infection, starting from the nailbed at the bottom. the pus needs to be drained and you cut the nail out otherwise risk chance of recurrence. - Doctor D

2)   Yes ; and even if it sound { old ] medicine it does work Take a clean pale ; put some warm water and add 4/ 5 table spoon of clorox ; repeat the treatment twice a day and in ; one week your toe nail would be heal ;;; My best friend did that and it work wonders ' OH YES ; just fill the pale with half of water and of course put your feet in the water for 15 minutes - lala

3)   Tea tree oil. It works fast but dilute it first. - .

4)   apply vicks-vaporub-for-nail-fungus. - Mukta P

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Question 5
i look really bad when i smoke weed?...  after i smoke weed with my friends, we all obviously look high. but my friends pointed out that i look the worst when i smoke, meaning my eyes are halfway shut and really red. why does this happen? also i don't want to the f*ggot puttin in eyedrops after he smokes

1)   That's just how you react to the pot, dude. Everyone's affected differently, and there's nothing for you to worry about medically or anything like that. As far as the eyedrops thing, don't be stupid: use eyedrops. It doesn't make you a fag; it makes you a more intelligent user with dignity.

I'm not saying you have to use eyedrops all the time, but if you're going out somewhere or something, then use the eyedrops. You're friends are just assholes if they actually care if you use eyedrops. Above all else, just remember one thing: marijuana is fine, but use it responsibly. - Feathered Lizard

2)   Whats wrong with putting eye drops?
You can always put on eye drops before you smoke and you'll be fine, but your eyes will still look sleepy. I need glasses cus my eyes are horrible so whenever I smoke bud I always gotta have the drops and not just any kind I gotta get the expensive ones. You probably need glasses too that's why your eyes get really red. - Subcomandante Marcos

3)   Everybody reacts differently to substances ingested or inhaled into the body. Just like some people can smoke cigarettes for years and years and not develop cancer - and other people can smoke cigarettes for a year or less and become ill. Marijuana, obviously, is not something you should be using if it affects you this adversely. You are damaging the blood vessels in your eyes among other things. - Jennifer Thompson

4)   Eat it. Don't stuff up your lungs.
If you could see the people I know that smoke pot they are so ugly, old hags.
If you care about your appearance and need the drug then take it as a tincture, or eat it. If you smoke it you will age prematurely and look hideous in your 30's. - Anne

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Im about 14 and need help?

Question 1
Im about 14 and need help?...  ive always wanted to smoke weed should i try it?

1)   yes - Anthony Oliver

2)   Nooooo please don't. Weed will screw up your whole life and it can kill you. You're too young to leave earth. And what about your friends and family? There is a huge possibilty that if you do weed you'll never see then again. Please dont do it. - Thatgirl Overthere

3)   If you want to just make sure its not laced with speed or anything - Dollie Dead Face

4)   weed is not bad as long as you're smart about doing it. If you do it and like it, don't let it become something you do every day, at least not when you're young. and you should trust the person you're getting it from, because like the above answerer said, it is possible that it can be laced with another drug - though not likely. I was 13 when i tried weed the first time, and im only 15, but i still smoke and haven't had a bad experience in over 2 years. Also, when people tell you its a gateway drug, and that it kills braincells, and that it gives you cancer, don't listen to them. I've done countless hours of research and watched several documentaries about it that proved them wrong. check out the movie The Union. Its kind of boring but it will teach you a lot about weed. - Mitchell

5)   You have to make your own decision. I am in my thirties, and I can't tell you what to do. Legal and illegal drugs have different effects on people. One of your friend's may smoke weed and be fine. Another friend may smoke, but have a different reaction due to their body chemistry or medications that he or she is taking.

Whatever you do, call for help if a person becomes unconsciousness, especially during partying. - central

6)   weed CANT kill you. have you heard of anyone dying from it on the news? no.. lol. id try it but make sure its not mixed with any other drug. ;) - ChellyBooo!

7)   i'm 13 and have done loads of research and watched documentaries. it is totally healthy, the only reason that i have not tried it is simply because i don't want to get caught and have it screw up my future. - Edward

8)   About 14? So your 13?

The smart thing to do would be wait until your older and your brain isn't in a crucial growth stage.

Weed isn't normally harmful, but it does have negative effects on brains that are still developing. Like yours.


If you want to try it, GO FOR IT. But I wouldn't make it a common thing until your a little older. - Gumby

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Question 2
HELP MEEE!!!!!!! QUICK!!!!?...  a knif accudently fell on mi arm! I am losinh a lot of blood and I'm afraid I'm going to die! What do I doawseffczsfgdawddwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Wel the knifw didnt do the damagr. I got a little cut and it rely startd to hurt. I then took a biger knif and cut the flesh off around the wounf. But tehn that knife drooped on my leg. Now I'm suck to the chair!!!! Wat do i dooooo!!

1)   Call 911 - morgan

2)   Um. Go to the hospital. - msjoell52385

3)   what the fuck, you turn on your computer and type but can't call 911? - Edward

4)   either go to a hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor or see a licensed homeopath - Patrick M

5)   Your afraid your going to die so you go online? How about getting some real help if its serious. Like 911?

And how does a knife even "fall" onto your arm with enough force to do any serious damage?

2/10 - Gumby

6)   Seriously? Yeah, a knife just fell on your arm and you were able to type this question? Yeah, right. And duh, the obvious answer is to go the hospital. - Samantha Ocker

7)   I'd call 911 - Mighty Mouse

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Question 3
Can a bad sunburn make you feel sick?...  I am red on my legs, arms, face, feet, etc! And I can barely chew my food! I am so achey and I feel like I'm about to pass out. Is this from the sunburn?

Plus I have a really stuffy nose, but that was before my sunburn

1)   It can be heat exhaustion. Drink a lot of water. - Kenzie

2)   Defenitely! get some aloe gel its usually blue or green put it in the fridge for a little bit then rub it on and drink lots of water! You are probably achy from being dehydrated - stgargan

3)   Yes a sunburn can make you sick. You may also have a sinus infection that is causing some of your symptoms. I would take some ibuprofen or tylenol, or maybe a combo advil/cold and sinus or tylenol cold/sinus. - jenni

4)   Heat stroke can make you feel sick. - thenoseknows

5)   Yeah, it burns vitamins and nutrients on your skin and blocks sweat pores, drink a ton of water and you probably won't do much for the next few days - joey e

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Question 4
After a good run, should I treat my self to some soda?...  

1)   Yup... - Dalen2016

2)   Water would probably be the better way to go. - Courtney Aubie

3)   No. That'd kind of defeat the purpose. Sodas are empty calories. People tend to think their running was more beneficial at burning off calories than it really iss, and then they treat themselves more so that the run plus their treat was actually worse than doing neither.
Another tip- After running or excercising , wait an hour before eating if you want leaner muscles.. but if you want bulkier muscles eat protein right after.
Hope this helped ! You're the ultimate judge of whether or not you think you need that soda. =)
& Congrats on the good run ! - Marieee


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Question 5
what is qi gong? (chi gong?)?...  I was recently helping out at a health and wellness center for the elderly, and they were offering courses in Qi Gong (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling or not...)
I was wondering if someone could explain what this is, as I've seen it mentioned elsewhere, but I cannot get a good grasp of what it is.
Thank you very much. Much appreciated.

1)   http://www.qigonghealing.com/qigong/whatis.html
Everything you need to know. - thenoseknows

2)   Chi-gung (qi-gong) is a Chinese practice consisting of many systems of exercise designed to free up the flow of internal energy (chi) in the body. The balance of this energy is the basis of Chinese medicine. The exercises range from being still postures to simple movements to more vigorous exercises such as "zookinesis" (a modern translation of "animal exercises"), which also increases flexibility, mobility of the joints and improves breathing.

Chi-gung is often done for stress reduction and as part of Tai-chi training. It can be done sitting or standing. It is considered to reverse the aging process by increasing flexibility of the connective tissue, improving posture, improving cognition and normalizing blood pressure.

See this article on "How Chi-gung Works":
http://movementsofmagic.com/blog/2011/06/17/how-chi-gung-works/ - Bob Klein

3)   It's a low-impact exercise, wrapped up in a lot of eastern woo. - Nate

4)   a chinese exercise to help you get more chi. it is similar to reiki, but with reiki you heal other people as well. - Edward

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Does orange juice help with a cold?

Question 1
Does orange juice help with a cold?...  I have a slight cold post nasal drip. And I wa wondering if orange juice I good for it?

1)   the vitiman c is suppose to help fight infections, and oj has alot. - cheach

2)   I think it could help you a little since Vat. C is good to prevent a cold. You could also drink much warm water and get to bed earlier. - Jack Stone

3)   I always have been told it does but upon digging i found evidence to the contrary saying that it is almost useless for a common cold. - andy

4)   No, it triggers mucous production. Go for apple juice if you want to drink juice. - thenoseknows

5)   yes and no oj has lot of vitamin c and that helps but it also has citric acid and that doesnt help - Edowādo

6)   A full orange would be better for you than straight orange juice, IMO. VItamin C would be great for your immune system. So would elderberry or echinacea.

If you think you are still fighting off a virus, you could try something like oil of oregano drops orally. If you really need to clear out your nasal passages, you could also consider using something like a neti pot and mixing a solution of purified water with a natural salt (eg: unprocessed sea or Himalayan) and a couple drops of goldenseal but if you do this make sure you eat tons of yogurt or take a probiotic. - Dee Robinson

7)   yes. - Mr E

8)   Orange juice does have a small amount of Vitiman C but not enough to aid in fighting the cold.

To fight a cold you need a minimum of 12,000 mg a day from the outset to five days after the cold ends. The only way to receive that much is through tablets and best taken with food..

Humans and monkeys can not produce Vitiman C while almost all other animals do in quantities to combat illnesses. A sick dog can easily produce 25,000 mg to combat its illness. Of humans could we'd be sick less often. - Ken G

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Question 2
HELP! I've overdosed on caffeine, is there anyway to get it out of my system?...  Ok guys!

I've drunk just over a litre of coca cola (pepsi max to be precise) and I am like shaking, dizzy, confusion, having bursts of excitment then hitting a real low where my body is aching, I feel a headache is on it way! oo and im peeing quite a bit

All I want is for it to be out my system - Please help!

1)   Drink lots of water to dilute the caffiene and flush it out. You'll be fine. Don't panick, you're not overdosing - you won't die. You've simply consumed more caffiene than your body is used to. - psych_78

2)   drink the same amount of water and wait for it to be flushed through - Twisted Sister

3)   i guess drinking a pint or so of water will help - jennifer p

4)   but it wont harm u in the slightest you div , your over reacting over nothing!

are you that board you have to resort to asking this question? - JD-STARZ

5)   These are all symptoms off Caffeine overdose.

Their is not a lot you can do. Go sit in a dark room for a bit.
However 1 litre of soft juice is not a lot off caffeine however you are describing typical symptoms.

As for the headache, you could take paracetamol, but these products all contain caffeine so I would just leave it.
Hopefully, your symptoms will stop in a few hours. If In 24 hours they're still troubling you, it be best to see a doctor. - Ali Smith

6)   i would guess its a sugar rush rather that the caffine. lie down and wait for it to pass, and dont do it again if it makes you feel like that!!! - Amy

7)   If you have a homeopathic medicine shop close by please buy 5ml of Nux Vomica 30 . Take 4 drops of Nux Vom-30 in half a cup of water at 30 minutes interval only 3 times.Please do not eat or drink anything in between .

You will be OK soon - PARTHA R

8)   A liter of Pepsi Max has 194.4 milligrams of caffeine, or roughly the same as two cups of coffee. Your symptoms to sound very familiar, but I'm afraid there is little you can do. Eventually, your body will flush the caffeine out through the urine. - Little Cage

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Question 3
What are the risks of trying ecstasy?...  I have never done it before. I have smoked pot, done shrooms, and taken narcotics before. I'm not a frequent drug user, all though I do smoke about every weekend. So this being the first time, I'm not sure what to expect, besides the things I have heard. I only plan on taking a single tablet. I should be fine, right? What are the risks? And how should I expect to feel? This will probably just be a one time thing, like shrooms. Thanks, guys!

1)   theres no risk, your brain is already shit. enjoy! - Bob Bob

2)   The risk of trying ecstasy? Waking up in a strangers back yard with your pants missing. - Brennan S

3)   I'd be very concerned with the fact that this drug is not natural, but made in some loser's back room or basement lab. You can't always be 100% sure of what you are getting. Shrooms and weed actually have medicinal properties, but ex will have residual effects in your body. The earth didn't grow it, you sure we should use something like that?

ETA: I am not an advocate of pharmaceuticals at all. I believe they cause more damage than believed, they will always have side affects and can't work in harmony with our bodies. It's like trying to reconcile plastic to flesh: impossible. Also, pharmaceuticals that are used LEGALLY are still the third cause of death in America. - Dee Robinson

4)   The biggest risk is not knowing what's in the pill.

A lot of times those pills are cut with DXM or other crap that REALLY isn't good for you. Some times there are a mix of other stuff in there too, like heroin .... which is usually easy to notice (brown spots).

However, if you get some good pure MDMA, you will be fine -- from a health standpoint. As the drug releases serotonin, creating amazingly good moods, you may have a mood swing for a hangover. But the feeling? ..... 'A kid at Disney World' is a phrase often used here in the States to describe the feeling...no matter where you are or what you're doing. Everyone will be your best friend. Everything in the world is 'amazing'.

.....So I've heard.

@Dee: The earth didn't grow ibuprofen, Cialas, or [name and OTC drug] either. Just because it's manufactured doesn't mean it will be harmful when used in moderation. - End The Fed!!!

5)   The reason I won't do it is that it has the ability to raise your core body temperature to 105. You brain starts to denature at 106. For me, that is just a little too close.
Me. I like bud. - Doug

6)   my friend that does x on a regular basis and who is responsible with it, knows what to do for each trip she does wasn't prepared for her last one. it was meth based. who knew? nobody. im not trying to scare u im just letting u know ur playing with hard stuff now. if u dont think x is hard then ur probably going to try coke sooner or later and idk about u but i feel like if im never going to do something more then "once". i mine as well never do it at all if its only once. thats y iv smoked pot for over 3 years now and haven't tried anything else. theres no point knowing the joy of a drug even if u know where it came from if ur only going to do it once. it could b horrible and b the worst few hours of ur life or it could b one of the best things ever. i mean what doesn't sound cool about seeing sound and hearing colors!? well thats y i wont do it. i tried pot knowing i might like it and as long as i kept my life together that it would b ok, good grades and not only hang out with just people that smoke. despite that most ppl do these days anyway hah. - Nick

7)   I have pasted two different answers I already wrote on ecstasy so that you have a more informed decision about what you may get into. I encourage you to do a lot of research before making your decision.


Some drugs increase your temperature; and MDMA is one such drug.

As your temperature increases, your body sweats as its defense mechanism to help cool your body off. In the process you lose fluids.

These fluids need to be replenished or your body will not be able to regulate your temperature.

Once temperature gets too high your brain begins to fry, organs begin to shut down, and you could die. Even worse than death, you could wind up as a vegetable, sucking from breathing tubes; and spending the rest of your life wishing you were dead.

The other effect of MDMA is that it makes you feel good; even when your body is trying to tell you, "hey stupid, I'm overheating, so slow down a bit." The MDMA is masking the warning signs and many just keep on dancing even though they are getting sick. Once the dizziness and vomiting start, it's usually too late.

So it is very important to drink fluids while on ecstasy. A standard average rule is 16 to 20 ounces an hour; but if you are up dancing you will need a little more. And the problem with this rule is: is that it varies depending on how much ecstasy you take, how hot your surroundings are, and how well your body is at regulating temperature and fluid retention.

Its wise to drink some type of sports drink too because if you are sweating profusely, you will need to replenish your electro-lytes. Just don't over consume sports drinks because that can make you sick too.

You also have to be careful not to drink TOO MUCH water because that can kill you too. Lately more users seem to be dying from drinking too much instead of too little. Your body can only process so much water at a time. If you take in too much, your kidneys shut down and organs shut down, and you die.

So yes you can die from drinking too much water even if you are sober. It's just that when you are sober your body starts making you feel uncomfortable when you begin to drink too much; and that's why you don't hear of many fatalities from sober people drinking too much water.

But when you are on ecstasy the drug masks those warning signs and the ones that keep on chugging, tend to wind up in the ER or the morgue.

The rollers who have been doing this awhile generally know their body and how much to take, and how much fluids they need, and when to slow it down a bit. But even they get carried away sometimes.


Other drugs that are often found in ecstasy pills include other amphetamines, and GHB among others. And they too increase temperature; so it can be a cocktail of drugs all of which are raising your temperature and masking the symptoms.

And sometimes MDA is used in place of MDMA. That drug (MDA) can raise your temperature up far more than MDMA can.

And ecstasy tends to make you want to dance and jump around a lot; and that too will further raise your body temperature and deplete necessary fluids keeping you alive.

Oh and another reason so many get in trouble is because on ecstasy the less you drink, the harder you roll. And the more water you drink, the more you come down from your roll. So many don't use good judgment and tend to want to push that high as close to the brink as possible because it feels good. That is at least until medics are doing CPR on you.

So ecstasy is a risky drug on so many levels, but for many the high outweighs the risk.

It does seem the newbies to ecstasy have far higher rates of health emergencies than the more experienced rollers. But risks nonetheless.


All ecstasy has MDMA in it or technically it is not ecstasy. MDMA is methylenedioxmethamphetamine.

All ecstasy is cut with other drugs or on the streets its known as a molly, or clean cut ecstasy. If it doesn't have MDMA in it, technically it is considered fake.

Cut means what it is mixed with. Even powered MDMA is mixed; its just that the stuff its mixed with is not a drug.

Ecstasy pills are color coded: light colored pills are cut with additional amphetamines and will give you a speedy roll; dark colored pills are cut with a downer classification type drug. This will give you a more laid back roll.

Unfortunately some drug dealers are getting sloppy on their color coding system.

There are thousands of ecstasy pills out there but all are grouped into two classifications; speedy or smacky.

The big danger in taking any club drug is that you really don't know what's in it or how potent each pill is. They are not made from a pharmaceutical company by licensed chemists. You could even have different strengths from the same batch. Many users wrongly assume if one is weak I will just take two next weekend since I bought them in a batch and they are all the same - john

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Question 4
When my Mormon friend speaks crap comes out his mouth, literally, what disease is this and how can I help them?...  

1)   Not a cure. Get a new friend. - carmel361310

2)   some magnesium milk would help ...you can also try something from catholic inquisition ... - .

3)   Maybe the problem isn't in his mouth but in your ears and brain. Go ask your question in Religion & Spirituality. - Rick

4)   Buy him some diapers for his face. - fakeuserid51

5)   Google a list of local dentists surrounding his address. Give it to him with a smile and a kind word. - c.

6)   This could be a sign of phsychiatric disfunction on your own part. Such hostility towards a friend could be a symptom. - rrosskopf

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Question 5
Herbs for preventing vomiting?...  I had the flu a little while back, but i'm still coughing and bringing up mucus. Thing is, I cough and vomit at the same time, not even coughing very hard. Are there any natural herbs for preventing the vomiting?

1)   Sorry, no. - Bruce

2)   Something that has worked very well for me and others I know is 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4-oz of water, stirred well. Take a sip or two every five minutes or so after vomiting keeping the mixture intact. Many disagree with me, but as I said, it's worked for me and others over many years. Might not work in your case, but I don't think it would hurt to try once, eh? - Rick

3)   1) Zingiber officinale (Ginger) has anti-emetic properties
2) Mentha piperita (Peppermint) has anti-emetic properties

Though, usually if you're vomiting it's for a reason. The body is trying to rid itself of something it doesn't like. Unless treating a serious condition or you have a risk of bleeding, anti-emetics should be avoided.

I wish you the best! - Optimist

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is homoeopathy an effective mode of treatment ?

Question 1
Is homoeopathy an effective mode of treatment ?...  

1)   Its just water. - Taylor Gang

2)   How homoeopathy can be an effective treatment when in such a big country like India not a single full flagged homoeopathic hospital had grown up which can independently carry out human- treatment of all sorts. It is very much popular in the case of treatment of children. Any kind of medicine given to children causes more harm than good in general because of rapid system of natural body growth. Parents become nervous for their love ones went to a homoeopathic Doctor instead of allopathic treatment. A homoeopathic medicine that is given to a baby or child carries no meaning which has no good or bad effect. But it brings a satisfaction to parents as if they could have given a treatment to their love ones. The child gets cure by its natural course of body adjustment. But in the mean time homoeopathy get the credit of cure. If it really an effective method of treatment it must have an independent center where treatment of all kinds and all medicines with logic of research must have been available for interaction. - HP

3)   No, it's water.

Run it through a mass spec, it's water.

Water does not have memory either. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   No, it is an outdated belief that has no place in modern healthcare.

In developed countries, homeopathy is considered a joke and only gullible people are duped by this nonsense. It's not used in hospitals and it's not used by doctors because it does not work.

Edit: Ignore nosey who just says anything that comes into her head without any evidence. Homeopathy is slowly drying up as people realise it has absolutely no benefits and no evidence it works at all. - dave

5)   Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine that has an amazing track record of clinical success. There are over 200 modern studies that show it's effectiveness.
For more information see extraordinarymedicine.org
The website for the National Centre for Homeopathy in the U.S. is also an excellent resource and has a directory of well qualified professional Homeopaths.
The practise of Homeopathy worldwide is growing at a rate of about 30 per cent. It is the second most utilized form of medical practise worldwide.
People who attempt to discredit it have spent about 5 minutes "studying" it. Hence the childish remarks from people who conveniently ignore the fact that pharma drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. If Allopathy worked Homeopathy would have died out a long time ago. If Homeopathy didn't work ditto. - thenoseknows

6)   In any discipline of medicine,
it is the patience and proficiency of the doctor
that will help diagnose an illness and find
an exact cure.

This is not happening in allopathy or homeopathy
or ayurvedic ones because of the above reason.


If a stye is found on the upper lid of an eye,
just give "Staphysagria 200 (1 dr pills)
6 pills twice daily for three days, it will vanish
This is homeo medicine.

In allopathy, Soframycin ointment has to be
applied and an antibiotic to be taken.
The cure is delayed.

Our wiseness lies into going to a correct
doctor. - ARRAO

7)   Only for dehydration. - Dan van

8)   It is total fantasy Bullshit.

It's on about the same level as faith healers and the tooth fairy

The tooth fairy has been around for 200 years and that's not real either - Angelhil Xtra

9)   yes. it is a poor man's medicine with the least/no side effects.

The critics of Homeopathy should have an open mind and guts to accept the reality of life. Dr.Madan, an allopath after extensive research proved it beyond doubt about efficacy of homeopathy as and when allopathy fails.

Dr.S.C.Madan, MBBS.,FRCS[UK]MNC Homeo[USA], Delhi.

‘Homeopathy Cures Where Allopathy Fails’ – Areas where Homeopathy is taking over Allopathy. by Dr.SC Madan.He, with an open minded approach, has brought to bear his extensive research knowledge of Allopathy and Homeopatyhy to the best advantage of the Patient. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

10)   I love this treatment and refuse any "real doctors" why should you go to an office with other sick people when you can treat yourself at home. Its not just water, it cures your body by using a deluted illness to cure you. The more dillutied the stronger it truely is belive it or not. I havent seen a "real doctor" except to deliver my baby in over 6 years. - libby

11)   No, its water. - Bruce

12)   It definitely is, provided the concerned doctor has studied the case properly. The people from
man-Chester wouldn't know anything because they haven't studied it. Rest all parrot without
actually verifying. Good luck and God bless. Cheers! :o) - Sudhakar B

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Question 2
What are the side effects of insulin overdose?...  I injected 40ml of biphasic insulin yesterday night to commit sucide and saved... I did it for second time and saved...at the first time i took normal dose so no side effects but yesterday i took high dose...i'm okay now but little uncomfortable.....doctors say that i'm okay and there is no problem for me but i'm scared... I dont wanted to live in this world.... Plz suggest me any easy way to die.. Even now i cant move from my bed...(now i'm from my mobile)... There are some causes for my sucide attempt and i dont like to tell this here.... Plz tell me how can i die easily without any pain and i connot be saved by my parents......thanks:-)
Oh.......! no one is answering my qstn... I'm not a small girl... I know everything... Plz answer what i asked...:thanks prashant but where can i get morphine??? Is it a injection or pill???

1)   hey dear .....dont think of such stupid things...your life is not only yours...think abt ur parents and those who loves u....what they wil feel....dont u see what difficulties ur parents to make u happier...yr lyfe me muskile to ati hi h....kbi kam ..kbi jyada....wat do u think..sucide wil do the job to minimize ur problm....no dear....it wil bring more problems....tumare parents to jite g mar jaenge yr...i dunno y u wnt to do so...but its all rubbsh....hope u get me...tc - ?

2)   Adrenergic Effects

Insulin overdose causes hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Many of the side effects associated with hypoglycemia are adrenergic side effects, meaning they occur from a release of adrenaline, or epinephrine. The body releases adrenaline in an attempt to quickly raise a too low blood sugar, Robert Cohen, M.D., of the University of Cincinnati, explains. Symptoms of adrenaline release include hunger, shakiness, cold sweats, irritability, anxiety, rapid heart rate, paleness, and numbness and tingling in the extremities, according to Dr. Kathleen Ethridge of Northeast Texas Community College.

Neurological Effects

A reduction in the blood glucose supply to the brain causes many of the effects of insulin overdose, according to Ethridge. These symptoms, known as neuroglycopenia effects, include inability to concentrate or think clearly, confusion, abnormal behavior, slurred speech, blurry vision, dizziness and headache. A person with an insulin overdose may be extremely lethargic and fatigued, or may act mentally disturbed or have personality changes.

Serious Effects

Insulin overdose can be extremely dangerous. The body needs glucose to carry out all its functions, and when levels fall too low, a person may have seizures, lose consciousness or go into a coma. Insulin overdose can result in death if not treated promptly. Treatment of severe overdose consists of administration of glucose. Glucose is given orally to people who remain conscious, but more often requires intravenous infusion in the hospital. - Brandon Marx

3)   Things can get bad, I know this firsthand (4 grandparents and father died in a year and a half timespan-my grandfather committed suicide). I have friends that were raped, abused, had siblings that died, were in accidents that caused them to be paralyzed. You need to think about how this will affect everyone one know and care about. It will make life harder for them. Even as bad as things are there will be a time in your life where you really make a difference in the lives of others. It will make enduring everything worth it. - Survivalist

4)   whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
why r u doing this? have u gone mad ? u r telling such a serious thing in so easy manner?
dont u remember ur promise? plz dont do that. plz plz plz. do u think that u r not loved by anyone?
if u think so, this is totally wrong. ur all family members love u more than their lives. we also, ur online friends, who have not even met u, love u a lot. then wt is the problem? do u want to make all of us crying? dont u want to see us happy? if u have a little affection with us, plz agree with us, dont do this. this is a sin. why dont u understand it? and it is also the fact the a person who commits suicide, his soul wanders for thousands of years. plz plz plz agree with me. u dont know but i m crying now. why r u doing this? and recall ur promise. wt abt that promise? was it fake? am i not ur brother? r u not my sister? if u have even a very little respect for me, plz do wt i m saying. and plz be online. i want to talk with u. plzzzzz.

@prashant : u stupid, dnt u have common sense? if she wr ur sister, would u suggest the same thing? idiot. - Bhola Bhala

5)   who the fuk advised you insulin,try morphine this time..sure you will wake up in hell! - Prasant B

6)   Have u gone mad???
don't u dare to do such kind of stuff... - Susmita

7)   What's the matter with you Sanjana..have you gone mad??...you told me that you are very happy after getting rid of that nutty professor...and now what??Are you trying to make a scene?? - Gautam bєαтiиg нєαят

8)   idiot v al hv probs in our life tat doesnt means v shd end our life k stupid dont try all des again cheer up n f8 against the probs u hv... alls gone gud 4 u idi6t stop all these k - Peacemindude Hunk

9)   chaavaku naa meeda kasi teerchukodanikina brathuku. nee suiicide attempt nijamithe inkeppudu neetho nenu matladanu.naa bayam entante naa valla emina nuvvu suicide chesukuntunnavani. naa meediki case vasthe sanju.nenu emannanu sanju. annitiki sorry cheptunna.sorry sorrry sorry. reason edina sare dont attempt suicide. nuvvu levani telisthe first edchedi nene. neeku emina help kavalanate cheppu naa life risk lo petti ina sare i can save you.endukante nenu elagu bakar em goals levu. chaste nenu chavali. nuvvu intelligentvi,nee parents nee kittens anni unnai. maatladalani pisthe always online nee badha cheppukovachhu.sister ani pilavamanan pilustha dont commit suicide - Intel Seven

10)   Hi sanjana
i haven't checked ur last 4 questions really i get the last one right nw ...
First time i seen ur first question about insulin i think its only for knowledge data base .. And nw i read the last question i think its u kidding urself
If there is anything real matter u don't do .. Any immediate action with a littlethinking.. we 'll guide any life matter anything so u take care .. We are very much care about u
..... Thats u don't forget
u 've to take the decision with very much thinking not in a single moment not in a single day some times with months sometimes more .. Bcz we even know when 'll u get a solution for the life view ... - Ranki

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Question 3
Natural ways to get rid of Headaches while Pregnant?...  I'd just like to know a few alternatives to tylenol.. Thanks.

1)   Have you tried using an ice pack on your forehead? I hate to use medication of any kind so that is what I do for mine. - Goobybeast

2)   Depends on the kind of headache. For sinus headache, try menthol ointment under the nose to break up congestion (which will reduce the pain). For stress headaches try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.

I use self hypnosis for migraine pain, it's not hard to learn. You can find books to learn how on Amazon, or maybe even at the local library.

FYI: taking tylenol every now and then is not dangerous, as long as your doctor has o.k.'ed it during your pregnancy. - Molly B

3)   scuba diving is supposed to help - Daley Crunch

4)   How far into your pregnancy are you exactly? Do you normally suffer from headaches?

It's not uncommon to get headaches during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, but If they are severe and persistent, it might be worth having your blood pressure checked (it probably will be anyway, as part of the routine checks in pregnancy) to exclude high blood pressure. It is essential to seek medical advise, if at any stage during your pregnancy your headaches are accompanied by (or occur on their own) blurred vision, high abdomen pain, and swelling of the hands, face or feet.

Try to avoid the usual triggers like caffeine. Also eat little and often, stay hydrated and get adequate rest. Paracetamol in moderation is probably about the safest drug you can take. There are no alternatives, I'm afraid.

Do be careful with herbs, many are contraindicated during pregnancy.

You might also try swimming, exercise may help. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

5)   There are several kinds of drug free headache treatments in the UK but I don't know if you have them where you are. One of the best I have tried is called for head and contains levomenthol. It comes as a stick which you can rub on your forehead and temples. Or try your local healthfood shop or somewhere that sells aromatherapy oils. They may have a ready made treatment but make sure they know you are pregnant because some treatments contain lavender which is best avoided in pregnancy. If not you could get some peppermint oil and blend a few drops with a carrier oil such as sweet almond and massage your neck, shoulders, forehead and temples with it. Or better still get someone to do it for you. Also make sure you keep yourself well hydrated and try to relax as much as possible as the most common causes of headaches are dehydration and stress. - Tasha

6)   Ice is a great idea, crushed and placed in a freezer bag wrapped in a towel. But rather than on the forehead, I would lie down with it placed in the crook of the back of the neck at the base of the skull and perhaps extending down to the top of the shoulder blades. You could also try a soothing essential oil like lavender or clary sage--place a few drops on a tissue and place it over your nose while reclining. - Rick

7)   Stick with the Tylenol; it is very safe. - Bruce

8)   Buy some Vicks Vapor rub which everyone should have in the house anyway in the event of a stuffy nose and /or chest congestion. Or you could buy the store brand. This contains camphor and menthol and when rubbed on the temples or also forehead will relieve a headache. No side effects . You find it in the cough and cold section ..it's in a jar. Do not buy the Vicks that is liquid and goes in a vaporizer. Right now I have Wal Marts 'Equate vaporizing rub'. There is also eucalyptus oil in it. works great to get rid of that headache
congratulations on the new baby!!!! - Beverley Mitchell

9)   Acupressure works wonders. There are plenty of websites with instructions and helpful tips.
If this is a chronic problem you can see a professional Homeopath. Homeopathy has no contraindications in pregnancy or breastfeeding. - thenoseknows

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Question 4
What do injections feel like?...  Im having a jab for diptherea, hooping cough and tetnus and I was wondering what it feels like ?

1)   Ticklish, a little bit painful, but mostly weird. Depends on how big the needle is. :L - Gin Ichimaru

2)   Infections feel a LOT worse than the pinprick required for their vaccines. - Sam

3)   They feel like an ant biting... - hk

4)   It may sting for 1-2 seconds when the needle first goes in and that's it. There is no pain involved, so don't even give it a second thought. Nothing on earth to worry about. - Nurse For 21 Years

5)   Those above are unsupportive answers, really. First, it feels rather like being pinched, then there's a feeling rather like if you were pressing a small piece of metal (not pointed) onto your skin. There's nothing to worry about at all - they don't actually hurt. If you're worried, just look away when they do it - that way, you may hardly notice it. If it feels uncomfortable afer, just rub it lightly.

Chin up - diphtheria is much worse! - alanq1952

6)   like the end of the world. im sorry

so so sorry - Daley Crunch

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Question 5
How do these so called natural supplements help in joint pains?...  One gets to see a lot of ads about natural products claiming success at pain management. Most of them have antioxidants as their main ingredient. Also, the variety and pricing is mind boggling. Can somebody shed some light on this

1)   Hi, I’m an active home maker in my mid fifties and started having arthritic issues since about a year. I’ve researched enough to find that antioxidants support and protect joint tissue on a cellular level and help the body balance its inflammation cycle. Go ahead and try Jobelyn Antioxidant capsules (sometimes they come with a money back guarantees) by Health Forever. - ?

2)   A lot of info on the links...

Amazing Arthritis Relief With Antioxidants >>>

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally >>>

Reducing inflammation — the natural approach >>>

How glucosamine and chondrotin work >>>
http://www.glucosamine-arthritis.org/glucosamine/how-does-glucosamine-chondroitin-work.html - ƦєdAиgєℓ

3)   Some of the ingredients will reduce swelling and inflammation, others help with pain, and others help rebuild damaged cartiledge. Conventional drugs are just painkillers -- they don't do anything to repair damage and many, like cortisone derivatives, will destroy cartiledge even further.
Find a health food store that has a certified holistic nutritionist and they'll give you the rundown on the best product(s) for you. Homeopathic treatment is also excellent for treating and removing the cause of osteoarthritis and even rheumatoid arthritis. - thenoseknows

4)   You got me...It may help.
http://ziji.info/237412/natural-supplement - Mae Ball

5)   They don't.

Sure you can see plenty of adverts for them (as shown by RA) but actual evidence? Nope, but there's a heck of a lot of money to be made by exploiting other people's suffering. - dave

6)   They don't. That's why there are so many different ones, with different ingredients. - Bruce

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Monday, June 6, 2011

I've smoked weed like five times but never actually gotten high.?

Question 1
I've smoked weed like five times but never actually gotten high.?...  I smoked a lot, too. Like an entire joint. And my friends got really high from the same weed.

I was wondering, has anyone else had this kind of thing happen to them?

1)   No, but my friend said he was that way. First time I smoked, meh. Second time, I wasn't sure who I was or what day of the week it was anymore...and I didn't care. - Alex

2)   That exact same happened to me for a year and then BAM it hit me. Don't keep smoking it, your body/brain probably is something like mine. Trust me if you continue you will have bad side effects. - Miss M

3)   happen to me too. only on joints though if you have a pipe that will hit you. - Ever

4)   It takes a few times for your body to get used to the chemical THC. It took 3-4 different times for me to finally get high. The first time I got high I smoked a TON of weed out of an apple bong. SOOO high lol - ozzy osbourne

5)   Are you inhaling ? - xjoizey

6)   Yeah you might need to actually INHALE. like, once you suck it into your mouth, you have to suck it into your lungs after that. also, maybe smoke out of a huge bong you'll be high as sh**T. - nickname

7)   You could have a natural tolerance, but also be sure that you're inhaling completely. Joints can be strange sometimes, try smoking from a pipe or a bong. It'll hit you eventually, I didn't get high the first few times I smoked. - Bri Smith

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Question 2
How come some people want to be stoned/high on weed ALL DAY LONG?...  There's this guy who we're sort of becoming friends. He literally smokes weed ALL DAY LONG. like, he needs to be high constantly. THey say weed isn't addictive, really????? I don't think I agree with that data b/c he's the first stoner I've been closely connected with/hanging out with. I just don't get it. Why does he need to be high all the time 24/7. The other thing is, too, he's starting to do ecstasy at least once a week (he's been doing that for the last few months), sometimes 5 pills at once, he's starting to take Xanax more (has no prescription for it), starting to do a lot of mushrooms, and I'm not sure what else. He isn't using coke....*yet*. I'm really worried about him.

THe thing I don't get is he seems like such a fun-loving outgoing guy, is pretty popular with everyone, and I just don't get the constant drug usage.

I smoked out with him and his friends a couple times and I didn't like the feeling of being high. I felt like a mental patient in an insane asylum or I felt like an animal who was trapped in a cage and couldn't communicate.
I forgot to add he drinks at least once a day, too (usually 2-3 beers at a time)....

1)   Generally, people use drugs to cope to some degree, or escape. Weed is addictive for some people, but not everyone, which is why some people say it absolutely is not--but, I've seen a few hooked on smoking all day long, too. - Grace

2)   Some people want to be high and stoned all the time because it makes their problems and issues easier to face. Being high and stoned all day can let you not care about anything. Marijuana isn't usually addictive but i think ive read that 10% of users have a potential of getting addicted to it. Also about your bad reaction to weed: weed isn't for everyone. Different people will react differently to it. - Kono Randori

3)   It isnt physically addictive only psychologically, basically anything can become psychologically addicting. - Rick James

4)   In my opinion and experience, people get addicted to the feeling. They chase the feeling of getting high because they like it better than living life sober. I don't think I've met anyone that I would classify as (I am not a medical professional, only my opinion) being physically addicted. It's not that they want to be high all the time. Their true motivating factor seems to be the desire to avoid sobriety. - Kevin Moore

5)   bottom line your friend has a problem every thing can hold a person its up to that person to control there vice if he cant its a problem if your not cool with it remove yourself from it i smoke drink and do other things but when my job said random drug test i quit in 1 day its all up to the person but if your strong enough nothing is that hard to stop you cant change people you can only tell them what could happen and you could be 100% right but they wont change till they want to sorry but it is true i got 2 bros and we all grew up together and we all got are own shit we do and deal with - Jacob

6)   because getting high is AMAZING!!!! and it isn't addictive . think about it like this some people love to read books (not me) there not addicted they just want to do it all the time - mm hh

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Question 3
What will one joint do?...  Ok, one of my friends I haven't seen for some time got some weed for my friends birthday and I'm supposed to smoke it with them next week. I want this to be my first and last time to smoke anything. Will I look retarded and have a coughing fit? Are there any long term effects to one joint?

1)   just don't take huge hits. Keep it on the smaller side and you shouldn't cough too much and there's no long term effect to weed. It actually can be good for you - Austin Weezy

2)   If its your first time you wont even get high - ozzy osbourne

3)   There are long term-effects from smoking weed daily, one joint is fine though. Smoking daily is something that depends on the person, you have to weigh the pro's and con's to make a good decision. - bob

4)   watch the union an you will probebly realize its good an start smoking every day. but ur probebly not even gunna get high

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoK6NztH3eQ - Wats Up

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Question 4
Should I stop smoking weed.?...  let me re-phrase the last question I've smoke for 3 years now on weed. I have fun doing it. Im certain imma quit when I'm in 11th grade. should I stop now.

1)   Yeah just do it. It's not a good thing. The only people who like pot heads are other pot heads. - Miss M

2)   It sounds like you started awfully early, but the decision is up to you. There are benefits and disadvantages to weed. If it's negatively affecting you, quit. If not, well then thats up to you. - ozzy osbourne

3)   Nah i always say ima quit and i smoke later that same day, i quit last friday , saturday, sunday and today and ended up smoking everyday haha .
If you wanna quit though sure why not.. - Rick James

4)   dude there's nothing wrong with weed itself but if you feel that your overly attached to it i suggest you stop for a week or two just to prove that you can stop when ever you want to. and if you don't feel attached then why stop its fun and in many ways good for you - mm hh

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Question 5
Does the counting sheep at night work?...  I can't sleep, what are some good methods which arent sleeping pills?

1)   Do something relaxing and get on a sleep schedule. Don't look at bright lights the last hour before you go to sleep. You need to develop good sleep hygiene. There are many things you can try. Check out this link for some sleep hygiene tips.
http://www.health.com/health/condition-article/0,,20189080,00.html - Grace

2)   i have tried counting sheep and it didn't work for me. one thing you can do is focus on your breathing. take a deep inhale for 4 seconds and then exhale for 4 seconds. alternate between that and relaxing each muscle one at a time. flexing each one lightly, then relaxing it. make sure there is no light in your room at all and make sure it is cool. have a fan blowing for some white noise or you could play some sleep sounds like rain or ocean from youtube on your computer. try sleeping in different positions and perhaps naked. having no light in your room and having it cool is the main thing. you can try ear plugs. dont eat sugary things or things with caffiene close to bedtime. like cokes or tea or candy - Mr J

3)   I shower at night. one step. then am sure to keep myself busy with a few chores close to bedtime, you have to give your body more to do in a day to make it more wore out. Or try a excerise routineat night. Thats what I do, and try and give myself 2 hours downtime but not too late; t.v., until im feeling finaly sleepy, and i just pass out on the couch if i have to. - tosha

4)   counting sheep or doing any kind of visualization never helped me sleep, because it always kept my mind busy and active, which is not good if you are trying to get some sleep. if you do not like the idea of taking synthetic sleeping pills, then you can take natural ones, such as valerian or a melatonin supplement. you can also try eating foods which are rich in tryptophan (a natural sleep aid). also, you can exercise earlier in the day. - Anthony Oliver

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Is rolfing a good profession?

Question 1
Is rolfing a good profession?...  I was looking a little bit into being a rolfer. Is that a good profession?? Heard pay is good but what are the disadvantages of being a rolfer??? Thank you!

1)   rolfer would be a better hobby.
would make to much money as a profession - Matthew

2)   What kind of question is this? - AlphaBravo9er

3)   You want to be a massage therapist? Sure, why not. - Mark IX 3rd Account

4)   Its an odd and controversial profession here is a link to one of the only articles i could find. - John

5)   it was cooler when i thought this said 'rofling proffession'. but hey, sure, why not? - obviouslyblue

6)   I went to a rolfer for my scapular bursitis. I had been suffering for four years with it in my shoulders. Chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, diet, and exercise helped only a little bit. The bursitis would go from my left shoulder to my right shoulder and back.

I spent one session with a rolfer in Venice, CA, and he was wonderful. It has been three years and not one pain since. If you want to help people, rolfing is one way. It is a form of chiropractic with physical therapy. It works.

The disadvantages would be the same as with any modality of healing - get your education, pay your bills, get a practice going, set up an office, and good luck. You would have to be somewhere people would appreciate a rolfer. - mrs A

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Question 2
Sunburn? Apple Cider Vinegar help?? Instant Relief?...  Heyy so i sat out in the sun today for like 45 minutes reading and i came back in and it was red. so i immediately. It became even more red. So i kept applying it. I was lazy though and didn't want to waste a bowl to mix it with water. So i didn't mix it. It is now SUPER red. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible!!I read online that i might of burnt it because i left it on for a long time without water. So then i wiped it all down and took a shower and srcubbed even though it hurt. QUESTION. what do i do now?? Can i put apple cider vinegar on but with water this time? or has my skin had enough?? it is seriously bright red now. and it hurts. PLEASE HELP!

1)   take a cold bath - Tyler

2)   apply some lotion and petrolium jelly on your sunburn and do not always touch it - Adrienne

3)   You can use vinegar to ease a burn but it has to be very diluted. So in addition to the sunburn, you gave yourself a chemical burn. Then you scrubbed the skin which was even more of a mistake, because you have now damaged the surface of your skin even more and it will now take longer to heal. Do NOT put vinegar on it now for certain. The vinegar doesn't help heal the burn anyway, the intention is just to make it hurt less. You need to get your skin cooled down and soothed. Your best bet is aloe vera gel. If you don't have that tonight, then just let it be as cool as possible. Never scrub a burn ever. If you ever use vinegar for a skin condition again and it burns, just wash it with water and apply baking soda which will neutralize the burning sensation. - SethSpeaks

4)   u need aloe vera gel, it will feel sticky when u put it on but really its the only releif, they might have the spray too, but either way, it feels nice n cool on yur skin too n i think u can keep applying it if u need to. - herekittyxx5

5)   Vinegar doesn't do anything for sunburn. The treatment for sunburn is cool water or compress. Keep the area moisturised. Drink plenty of fluids. If you have blisters, see a doctor.

see: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sunburn/DS00964/DSECTION=lifestyle-and-home-remedies - Gary Y

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Question 3
How to naturally rid the system of THC FAST!!!!?...  So the last time i smoked (weed, obviously) was about 2-3weeks ago. I was recently sick the past week, so i have been drinking a LOT of water. My drug test is possibly tomorrow. Here are some possible variables that sort of concern me: 1.) i smoke ciggs every so often (4-5 times a week) does this affect anything? 2.) the last time i smoked, i smoked A LOT! i mean, i was gonee/retarded. Does this affect anything? 3.) if i drink like gallons of water from now, up until tomorrow after school (2:22 pm) wil i be ok? 4.) if i try and do some situps or pushups for awhile tonight, will that help? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

1)   What kind of test is it? Please respond - Kevin :)

2)   You're screwed. Sorry. - Mark IX 3rd Account

3)   If it is a hair test, you're screwed. If it is a urine test, your only hope is to somehow obtain piss from someone who hasn't smoked weed in the past two months. Otherwise, you're screwed. - Trap Door

4)   Lots of water, cranberry juice. Apple cider vinegar, golden seal, ascorbic acid, exercise, and sweats.

Stop using THC. You have a life ahead of you to learn to enjoy other things in life. THC will stop your learning processes by breaking your "cee-napses" - connections in the brain. THC will also lower your immune response. Taking choline will help your memory. - mrs A

5)   haha been there you didnt say how often you smoke it doesnt really matter how much you smoked in one sitting but if you smoke every other day.. single use(1-7 days) weekly use(3-9 days)daily use(7-30 days).. the best thing you can do is drink water now till you get tested but the most important thing to do probably the only thing that will help you is to drink massive amounts of water about 3 hours before your test this is called dilution..when i say drink i mean drink as much as you can till you have to piss real badly your piss should be almost clear if its not you didnt drink enough - FUKKK OFFF

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Question 4
Pros and cons of smoking tobacco?...  FYI, I'm not interested in longevity. I'm not interested in living past 40.

1)   The fact that you are asking if there are any pros to smoking really disappoints me... - Kevin

2)   on the positive side it decreases appetite and speeds up your reaction time.
you know the cons. - I AM paradox

3)   no pros - Joe Jack

4)   Its a slight stimulant - less so than caffeine.
That's all I got

It is only a myth that smoking cuts appetite. - Tink

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Question 5
Im 15 and ordered legal bud.?...  Ok so im 15 and i ordered some Legal bud. On the website it told me that I had to be 18 to order from them however the herb's are not regulated so its not illegal for me to use. If you were a parent and your teen had this would you be angry with him? Should I let my parent know i ordered some of this? They know i smoked pot a few times. Im just really feeling bad that I am not telling them the truth.

1)   Legal bud is shit, do not order it. - No Squares Around Here

2)   just cus ur parents know doesnt mean their ok with it. they know that kids r curious and want to try shit so its like fuck it whatever. but if they find out that you actually ordered weed and are smoking it then theyre gonna b pissed. they dont want their kid turning into a pothead - Chrizzychris

3)   This stuff is bad news. It is commonly called "synthetic cannabis". It may be legal, but I know of a few who tried it and got really messed up and even ended up in the hospital. K2, Spice and Gold are some of the favs. Please, if your gonna smoke something, then stay with the real pot. They don't even know what's really in that other stuff, and apparently, it can have different amounts of stuff in each dose. Natural is the best way to go IF you can't just keep away from the stuff.

I'd also let your folks know, because if something were to happen in a bad way, they would have a better idea of what you were smoking and it could help in an emergency. Better safe than sorry. - Peaceful Warrior

4)   Why don't you wait until you are more mature and 18 before doing that?

Your parents have given up. Why would you do this to them?

You are hurting only yourself. There is a time and place for everything. You can have everything, but not all at once. Wait until you are at least an adult and can handle this. - mrs A

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