Friday, June 3, 2011

Y didn't I get high?

Question 1
Y didn't I get high?...  I smoked pot for the first time today. I held the hit in for about 1-3 seconds. And I took 3 hits. Y didn't I get high. My friends got high from it.

1)   Y would u want to get high? lol - Jaz Van

2)   No one gets high for the first time. Hah. - Eunice

3)   You typically won't get high your first time, either because you don't know what to expect or you didn't smoke it correctly. Give it another try and you'll have a better experience (or worse, I guess, everyone's different.) When you start laughing like a madman, you'll know you're high. :) Happy Trails! - massage.mama2

4)   there is 1 reason you didn't get high and 3 additional possibilities.

the reason you didn't get high is because you didn't hold your low number of hits in for very long, you need at least 4+ seconds to allow the THC and possibly CBD's to transfer from the smoke to your body, it's not instant.

The three other damning possibilities are:

1. you inhaled incorrectly, you need (or at least it helps a lot) to inhale some air after each puff to ensure it goes to your lungs, even if it feels like it has, it probably hasn't without something like this, especially if you were smoking from a joint, this is one reason bongs are so effective, because when you clear it, the air you inherently breathe helps push the smoke into your lungs (rather tham just sitting in your throat or incidentally going to your stomache)

2. The pot wasn't potent enough to deliver an active dose at 3 rapidly exhaled hits. I imagine you held back because you we're testing the waters, and weren't coaxed into a heavy dose like my friend SWIM who without even thinking twice about it gave HIS/HER friend an entire undiluted joint of trainwreck and had him eat the ashes on his first time ever (still funny to think about that kid on the couch inmobile, watching "closed eyelid cartoons and movies" and on the verge of sea sickness, with I could have seen that) but if it wasn't too potent pot, it may have been just a simple matter of an insufficent dose. Also personal tolerance could have played a part in what is a sufficent dose for you personally.

3. You could be a (what I call) "leisure beginner", which is someone who for one reason or another, doesn't take to the active constituents in pot for a few times (usually 2-3) and for those first two times, you get to leisure smoke by enjoying the flavor and aroma of the pot, without becoming high, at least, at first

I'm sure I am missing a few, but that's what comes to mind

It is a crime to encourage someone to commit a crime, so I am not going to recommend doing it again, I just want to reiterate that some people don't get high till their 3rd or 4th time, and you might be one of them

nothing wrong with stating a possibility ;)

hope that helped - Trevor Tahair

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Question 2
What is the best way to treat a sunburn?...  I went swimming the other day and some how I got sunburned. It's really bad and it hurts! :'(

1)   got to the drug store and buy some aloe vera it is really cooling and makes the pain go away! - Eman Mehr

2)   aloe-vera

it comes from a plant but they sell it as a gel
just go into your local pharmacy and ask for aloe-vera gel or cream

it's cold at first and doesnt hurt, keep putting it on every two hours untill you feel better
also try a warm bath with epson salt - M

3)   Aloe Vera can definitely help, especially if you refrigerate it. If you want to really cool down the burn, you can also apply aloe then sit next to/lie down next to a portable fan, so that air is moving over the burned area, which will feel great. Another idea is to slowly move an ice cube over the area. It'll melt quickly but will feel great. Just don't apply lotions or creams, which will trap the heat in/may make it feel even worse. Hope you feel better soon. - NP

4)   aloe gel is the best! - Roopa K

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Question 3
why are so many medical people against alternative medicine?...  i know that alternative medicine doesnt work and all, but shouldnt medical doctors be behind it? after all their job is to make other people a lot of money

1)   Because they would be out of a job if you didn't need to go to them to get better. - graphicstudent15

2)   it keeps them from getting wealthy from non-corrective, non-health restoring treatments while making them look like fools by succeeding where they have failed. - Mr E

3)   The job of medical people is not to make other people a lot of money. The majority of medical people are against alternative medicine because they know it's baloney - dangerous baloney. They get to clean up the aftermath. - Gary Y

4)   Alternative medicine works which is why doctors treat patients with drugs that are designed to suppress symptoms but never cure. Talk about $$$$..doctors appointment and prescription, another drug to counteract the side effects of the first drug, doctors appointment, prescription, another drug to counteract the side effects of the second drug, doctors appointment... - ƦєdAиgєℓ

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Question 4
what can i do to prevent ecstasy from showing up in my hair samples?...  

1)   I'm quite sure you have thought of the obvious.. Stop using. - kwingary

2)   Don't use it. - Nacho

3)   You need to stop using for 90 days for it not to show up on the test.

I have not found any shampoos or ways to beat the system effectively. The kits you can buy on line, including shampoos are inconsistent at fooling the hair follicle test.

And when someone uses them and gets a false negative it likely has more to do with the test no being good at detecting low dose or infrequent use, than the shampoos making the difference. - john

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Question 5
How do chiropractors usually do ear adjustments? Should it be a yanking motion with an awful popping sound?...  I had this done two days ago as she said it would fix my vertigo. She said it would be gentle but it hurt so bad. It was an awful yanking motion that resulted in a popping sound from both ears. My ears have been throbbing inside since then, the outside hurts as well, and pain is shooting up the backs of my ears. Any kind of wind or air hitting my ears causes severe pain. Is this normal? That same night I started getting a bad headache, nausea, and bad stomach cramps. I went to an after hours clinic and the told me I have allergies. Never had allergies in my life.

I'm very freaked out and in so much pain I can barely sleep. I've never had an earache or ear problems and now I'm worried this pain is because of some damage. What was the popping noise? Is this going to get better? Thanks for your time.

1)   Sounds like you should go back and discuss it with your Chiropractor. - Sacra Veritas

2)   i don't know of anyone who does that, although i have heard of it. i would not repeat it. hopefully your symptoms will subside soon. - Mr E

3)   Hmm.. I've not heard of this kind of technique. It obviously didn't work for you but your symptoms should pass.
I'd be more inclined to work on vertigo using cranial techniques which are much gentler.

Maybe you can try a chiropractor or osteopath that does cranial techniques - Dr_ Lightning_Osteopath

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