Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How can I enlarge my brests naturally?

Question 1
How can I enlarge my brests naturally?...  Please suggest some natural way to enlarge my breasts. I'm 27 and very shy and embarrased about this.

1)   birth control pills
get fat
thats it.... - Kendall Garald

2)   If there was a way to change your breast size,
plastic surgeons wouldn\t be making millions
of dollars a yr doing implants.

You can go to the gym, and build up you chest
muscles, you will actually be building the muscles
under the breast, plus helpingwhat you do have to
stand more up right. THink of how male body
builders have boobs. - always b natural

3)   The only thing i know is that when you are pregnant, your breast will grow bigger. not really sure why, ill check on further. - unknown

4)   You know.... To any half decent guys if you're hot, your hot. End of story. If you're game you should put a pic of your face on your profile pic and we can JUDGE YOU mwuhahahah!... No but seriously it's not all about breasts. Breasts are a fun and cushy thing to enjoy but they're not everything.... Natural ways to increase their size is through eating foods that will raise your oestrogen levels such as KFC. - Sean C

5)   You can try working out your chest area, your pectoral muscles will push your breast tissue out further, and make them more firm. There are many products on the market as well, but I can't guarantee results for any of them. - Brian

6)   you have got to 27 why worry about size ma-sarge will help and exercise im shore you look great believe in your self and don't worry about other people xx - angle

7)   The only way to enlarge your breasts naturally is to put on weight, enlarging yourself all over.

The unnatural way is surgery.

Why not just be glad you've got two healthy breasts and hope they stay that way? I always thought I would be more comfortable with smaller breasts - having large breasts isn't the fun it's cracked up to be.

Now I just wish I had two breasts, of any size. - lo_mcg

8)   you could try pregnancy - Nitram

9)   My wife uses LOVE 36 herbal cream bought on http://generic-meds-store.com
She uses it everyday in the evening by massaging gently her breasts. It WORKS great! I DO like to see her breasts growing day by day and they do look much firmer. - Mark.Teo

10)   Gain weight.

Get pregnant.

That said, there's no need to be embarrassed about having small breasts. Although some parts of the media would have you believe that only big ones will do, most men really don't care that much about breast size, and some of us even prefer smaller breasts. Take a look at porn - there's plenty of variety of breast size there, from the super-enormous to the AA-cup. Those porn stars with smaller breasts simply wouldn't get work if there wasn't demand for them - but there is, so they do. - tobyink

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Question 2
Is natural childbrith 100% safe? (I mean no painstillers etc)?...  My boyfriend is horribly worried that something would happen to me or the baby during childbirth. Please give me alternitives through own experiences?

1)   my daughter in law had natural childbirth with the help of a midwife for her 1st born. the next child was born in a hospital, surrounded by doctors and nurses;liberally dosed with painkillers. - David

2)   natural is safe no worries at all ,the more you worry the worse things get ,so think happy ,xx - angle

3)   Not having painkillers has nothing to do with you or baby....it has to do with you and your tolerence for pain. I mean it won't affect the actual birth itself other than how YOU handle the pain and if it makes it harder on you. Also when you say natural do you mean NOT in a hospital? That's do-able too...but a bit more anxious times for everyone. I did it natural/medication free up until about an hour before birth and I had been in labor 12 hrs...so I did pretty good...by the 12th hour I was begging for something..lol they said it was kinda too late...so I did get something mild towards the end which helped for a brief time...but then it was back to nothing again and all was well. No easy task, going natural in a hospital or otherwise...and if your labor is going longer for some reason, don't hesitate to ask for something. I think for every mom it's peace of mind you are looking for...and what that means to you. good luck - katrina

4)   Natural childbirth?

You mean squatting in a field without medical facilities or trained staff? Well in the developing world maternal death rate runs at around 2,000 for every 100,000 births.

That gives you a 2% chance of dying while giving birth. If I was your bf I wouldn't like those odds either. - dave

5)   Nothing in life is 100% safe. No drugs are 100% safe either. A dose of painkillers for the mom can be 10-20x too much for baby. It takes some time for that to get that out of the baby's system, and that can affect binding and latching on for feeding, and so forth.

A lot of the things that happen in US-style labor can cause problems: laying in a bed, strapped to an ultrasound machine, IV diluting the normal hormones that cause proper contractions, keeping a woman from drinking water during the exertions of labor, etc. It's done differently in other developed countries, and outcomes are better for both babies and moms, and the caesarean rate is lower too..

A trained mother can safely give birth to a healthy baby without meds, as our bodies are designed to do exactly that. I did, attended by certified nurse midwives, though I kept my OB-GYN waiting in the wings. I saw him a couple of times for a total of maybe 10 mins during my whole 16+ hours of hard back labor. I didn't need him, the screaming woman next door did (she had a caesarean, gestational diabestes, tiny overweight mom and 10+lb baby-- I'd be screaming too).

I went thru a natural childbirth class and gave birth naturally, unmedicated, everything went fine. And that blew the minds of the labor & delivery nurses who had not seen this done before. I then got trained and certified, and taught it for a couple of years. I did this because I don't respond well to drugs, and after a couple of miscarriages and D&Cs, I knew the specific drugs and methods they used would not work on me. And I knew I needed to find something else.

But yes, I gave birth in a hospital, *just in case* something did go wrong. Everything went right, though.

There are hospitals that are more supportive, check out ones that are certified as "Baby-friendly" like the Kaiser Medical Center facilities in the west. Some communities have birthing centers. Careful on these as some are not much better than a full-service OB hospital. Some communities have certified nurse midwives. These are good alternatives to the usual hospital route.

Check out the Bradley Method, it is a good training for fathers. My husband still tears up when he talks about our kid's birth and catching her. Talk about bonded!

and this book "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Childbirth-Bradley-Way-Revised/dp/0452276594
I've met the authors, they're from Hawaii. One of the docs in their book was my favortire OB-GYN until he moved out of state.

And be sure to check out breastfeeding support with a La Leche League chapter in your area: http://www.llli.org/
It's a great organization and the volunteer leaders are so helpful and supportive. - LS

6)   The painkillers make no difference to how safe childbirth is. And most potential issues are known ahead of time via scans, etc.

The fact is childbirth does have some risks, but most women and babies get through it with no ill effects.

Plenty of people want to tell you horror stories. I don't get that. So here is a positive one, my sister had two home water births with only a midwife, and was just fine. The first had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but that was easily dealt with. She did of course have all the scans and consult with a doctor all the way leading up to the births.

The fact is that you can attend a birthing centre, even one set in a hospital, relax in more home-like surroundings, have a water birth if you like, and if attached to the hospital have the doctors a few minutes away in case there are problems.

And you don't have to do the "lie on your back with your feet in stirrups" thing either. It is much more convenient for the doctors, but childbirth has advanced a bit since then (or gone back to some effective methods), and you can explore lots of positions that are much more helpful for you. Birthing classes often explore your options.

There are some great books out there that really help with info and to make you feel less nervous. One of the best is "What to Expect when you're Expecting".

As for Dave's answer, ignore it. His modus operandi is fear-mongering. Just not helpful, really.

I hope everything goes really well for all of you. - Matt

7)   I had 4 without pain killers.
Millions of women do all the time.
Back in the 70's Lamaze classes were popular and taught breathing techniques to relax you and help focus. That worked very well for me.
Don't know if they still offer those.
For me, information was key to how I felt during labor. I am the type of person that wants to know everything that is going on so I know what I have to deal with.
The Lamaze classes were full of information as to how a birth would go. - ckngbbbls

8)   Most of the time, yes. Just make sure you have an experienced midwife with you. And if you're not in a hospital, then make sure you're a not a million miles away from one, just in case you need an intervention.

I'm told it does sting a bit though. - tobyink

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Question 3
are depressants and antidepressants the same thing?...  do these have the same meaning?

1)   No, depressants make you depressed, antidepressants the opposite. - Lisa C

2)   No, depressants make you feel worse, antidepressants make you feel better (or at least they are supposed to!) - bohemian

3)   No there opposite. The first causes depression and the second helps relieve depression. - rick b

4)   No, depressants typically refer to central nervous system depressants (such as alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepines).

Anti-depressants affect brain chemistry in a way that reduces the symptoms of depression (examples include SSRIs and MAOIs) - Heisenberg

5)   the "anti" in antidepressant should have answered your question... - lol

6)   the clues in the name

Not too hard to find the information really. - Nitram

7)   If you're the prescribing doctor this is how it works:
The patient complains about one, gets medication for the other.
When that produces either the wrong effect or too many side effects, then the one they were supposed to prescribe is added to the one that is already being taken, which in turn causes a reaction between the two medicines, which in turn causes them to prescribe yet another medicine for whatever the reaction is. Then when everything gets out of whack, you end up at the emergency room where they put you on some water IV whatsit and take you off all of your medicines and you start feeling better. You leave the emergency room with yet another prescription for something totally different and the cycle starts all over again. - wowwee

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Question 4
How do figure out what food intolerneces & allergies I have & then what do I do to eat well without wheat, sug?...  sugar, corn, dairy?

I have just suffered eating things that I know are not good for me but I didn't want to be hungry or sick without them.

I will have a yogurt at night that is low carb to keep my sugar balanced at night. This has helped me sleep better & I am so relaxed. So I wouldn't want to give up dairy.

Often a slice of cheese gives me the proteing snack I need. So how do I do without cheese. It seems I am allergic or intolerant to everything. Help! I guess I am just overwhelmed.

I notice people who eat these really healthy diets are often dull. So does the vibrancy leave when one lets so many foods leave.

Are there any famous diet gurus that are vibrant & eat a great diet or anyone that has a book about these? If you have done this please let me know how & about your results. Thanks.

Then food prep & being able to get the food might be another issue. I live in a very conservative area where we don't even have a health food store except GNC & they really only have stuff to make one look good, Diet stuff to slim down or bulk up.

1)   All this is in your head, I hope you realize that. Eat properly and don't fad-eat. Get your 5+-a-day that the doctors keep carping on about and you don't need to worry.

No you are not intolerant to all this stuff, it's made up nonsense. - Nitram

2)   A diet consisting of all whole foods is a great start. This means only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, and meat. Colorful foods such as carrots, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, apples, and kale will certainly increase your vitality. As far as determining your food allergies/sensitivities, you can do an elimination diet. Start with eliminating one food type (i.e. dairy) for 2 weeks and see how you feel. Good luck! - Optimist

3)   Allergies are a soft target for the quacks.

Many people claim they have allergies or intolerance's to certain foods, but actually don't. Now in alt.med land they like to brand people as having various food intolerance's based on very vague symptoms.

Unless you are diabetic, you don't have to worry about balancing your sugar. Your body does this.We pretty much evolved to eat when we could and what we could in any combination.

If you suspect you have an allergy to certain foods then your GP can test this. Otherwise, forget about it and eat what you want. It's sensible to avoid stimulants before bedtime.

"I notice people who eat these really healthy diets are often dull."
lol, yeah. Well not really, they just spend so much time obsessing about foods that they don't really enjoy life that much. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   Food allergy is an immune response while food intolerance is a chemical reaction. Food allergies show up on blood tests; food intolerances do not. Nuts, eggs, milk or soy cause about 90% of food allergies.

How to diagnose a food allergy or intolerance...

Keeping a food and symptoms diary to check for patterns.
Removing all suspect foods for two weeks, then reintroducing them one at a time to test for reactions (except in cases of anaphylaxis). This must only be done under medical supervision.
Skin prick tests using food extracts.
Blood (RAST) tests.

Sometimes the body can tolerate the food if it is avoided for a time, then reintroduced in small doses, particularly with food intolerances.

http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Food_allergy_and_intolerance - ƦєdAиgєℓ

5)   There is no reason to go without cheese and yogurt unless you have a very bad reaction to them. You seems to enjoy them and you do not mention anything negative from eating them. Many people who have a sensitivity to milk can still eat yogurt and cheese because the processes the milk goes through to become cheese or yogurt. If you are not having any symptoms after eating them then please continue to enjoy them.
The same thing applies to eating wheat....if you have a problem with it then do not eat it or reduce the amount of it that you do eat. If you do not feel any symptoms after eating you are fine to eat it.
If you would like to eat a healthier diet try to cut out the majority of processed foods and eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods. If you can find and afford organic produce and meats great, but if not just make sure you wash produce to eliminate as many of the chemicals as possible before consuming. You should always try to eat a wide variety of foods in a healthy diet so there is nothing dull about it. Work with what is available to you and make sure to hit any local farmers markets. The food there may not be officially organic but many times it is organic and locally grown. The person who grew it is usually standing right there so you can ask. Good luck and don't let this stress you out. - Jennifer O

6)   I agree with the others that this is probably in your mind. Genuine lactose intolerance, wheat allergies, coeliac disease, etc are pretty rare. It seems like it's fashionable in some circles to claim food allergies, but really they're not especially common. People just make them up.

But if you really feel the need to discover any food allergies, then cut out everything from your diet except rice, salt and water - live on nothing but those for a few days (it's practically unheard of to be allergic to those, which is why they're used for the baseline). Then slowly start introducing other classes of food until you experience an allergic reaction. You'd normally progress like this: vegetables; meats; fruits; berries; beans and pulses; wheat products; dairy products; other grains; nuts... leaving about 3 or 4 days between each introduction.

For what it's worth, lactose intolerance is often temporary. People can become intolerant after a nasty virus wipes out their gut flora. In a few years your flora are restored, and you can digest lactose again. - tobyink

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Question 5
Is there any herbal medicine that can improve the brain's function?...  

1)   Blueberries. Green tea. Fish oil. - Lia

2)   Evening primrose oil contains many essential vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, which help your brain to function well. You could also try fish oil, which has both mythical and scientific benefits to the concentration and brain function- and which will give you fantastic hair and skin! My nephew had concentration problems, my sister put him on super strength EPO (you have to buy very high quality and potency) and within 3 months he was exponentially better. - CoeurDeLion

3)   marijuana - lol

4)   Yes,it is,but you must to know,that the normal brain function depends from all your body health,so if you really want that,you have to live healthy life style at first,drink more pure water-1,5-2 l at least everyday,use food supplements from coral club,they are best for everybody health,especially lecithin, alfalfa,,these mostly improve the brains function.For more info www.coral-club.com - Vytautas Darguzas

5)   It appears none. Hasn't worked on the alties has it...?

And in alt.med land, personal anecdotes count! - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Lice!! home-made remedies?? What worked best 4 you?

Question 1
Lice!! home-made remedies?? What worked best 4 you?...  Great! I just caught lice! :( I'm moving Friday and I need it to be gone ! I found out last night and freaked out , ran to the store and bought mayonnaise and ceran rap lol... I have 2 major schhool exams this week! FML! Plz ppl help me... I've herd of tea tree oil, vinegar, pepper, olive oil... N e thing else? I'm going to a get a comb I mean I literally had to wake up at 430 am to wash this shit out my hair

Plz someone .. Tips?
Oh and should I get a electric comb or will I b good wit a regular lice comb
I had this when I was younger and using the comb and mayyOnaise worked good , I just need this to be gone pronto!
O ya n I will not use any product like Nex or nix w/e u call it...
But plz help
O n how shud I keep my hair during this... Tied back, Down?
Also do lice like clean hair or dirty oily hair?!?
Should I try tanning oil maybe?! Don't laugh ...

Thanks hope u can answer all my questions now

1)   Rid™.

It's real medicine. And it works! - Psychobenzaprine

2)   You can get tea tree oil based products at the health food store that work and are non-toxic. They don't smelll like Raid.
Drugstore preparations are essentially chemical poisons (Rid, etc.) like any other insect killer.
You need to wash your bedding, etc. in very hot soapy water. - thenoseknows

3)   A doctor will tell you not to wash your hair everyday, the natural oils prevent them from clinging to your hair.

Use Rid, it is over the counter and works great. - itsamini1

4)   Its mayo or medicine. - Bob Rat

5)   just goto the pharmacy and get something. Geez it's hardly the end of the world. - Nitram

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Question 2
what is the best way to pass a urine screen? 10POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?...  so i have till july six to clean my system of marijuana,, ive been trying to quit so i don't have, anymore of it in my system, but i know i will still have it in my system what is the best way to clean out my system, from pot residue or whatever you wanna call it? i need help this is over my JOB! i can't lose my job i'm supporting three other people two of which are kids... help????

1)   The best way to pass a urine test is by not doing drugs or any other illegal substances. - Optimus Prime

2)   First off, don't smoke it ever again. But go to a health food store and get some charcoal pills. They might be able to absorb it. - catalyst

3)   Detoxification pills, watter pills, cranberry juice, green tea, and lots and lots of water, and time. This process usually takes 3 weeks to a month depending on how much you smoked but not to worry all the items ive listed above will help the process move along faster. - Cpt. Kush

4)   What you need.
Vinegar, turkey baster and a clean urine sample. - Johnny Dough

5)   You have plenty of time to pass without risking your job.
The first thing to do is stop trying to quit and quit!
Now you need to eat a diet of high fiber foods. This will help clear up and make your digestive system stronger. A healthy diet will help the liver clean up your system.
Last you need to walk fast for 30 minutes everyday if you are not getting any exercise now.
Drink one gallon of water per day with a pinch of salt and a splash of lemon juice in it. This keeps the entire body well hydrated and functioning properly.
Your body will "detox" itself if you will help the liver and kidneys by not eating lots of food and beverages loaded with sugar, salt, and chemicals.

Or you can go to a head shop and risk trying to sneak in a clean sample.

Your choice. It is always your choice.

I have never heard of anyone being given a 5 week notice for a drug test. Someone at work is looking out for you? Or a policy change? - EddySays

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Question 3
Is high blood pressure medication blood thinners?...  

1)   not sure. i think so.. if i use my common sense it sounds like it would be lol. - Dylan

2)   Google it. - Frank Frank

3)   Not Sure..... - Jayden Gavin

4)   Nope. The many kinds of blood pressure medications work in many ways such as making your blood vessels dilate, making your heart rate slower, or by making you get rid of excess fluid by making you pee.

Blood thinners on the other hand are given to those who are at a higher risk for stroke or a heart attack. This may includes people who have high blood pressure. - angrydoc

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Question 4
Is there any cure in homeopathy for low testostorene?...  if a person is suffering from low testos can it be cured with the help of homeopathic medicine and in how much time.

1)   Homeopathic treatment triggers your body to heal itself, so it will correct the cause of the low testosterone levels and balance them. The time it takes to resolve a health issue can't be predetermined because each person is an individual and responds differently. Someone who is elderly, who has extensive iatrogenic (drug caused) disease, and is in poor physical condition will respond much more slowly to treatment. - thenoseknows

2)   There's no scientific evidence that homeopathy does anything, much less cure low testosterone. - Goo Z

3)   Testosterone is made from cholesterol as it's base and requires precursors also made from cholesterol to produce it. Many times the problem is that the precursors are prioritized by the body to make other hormones and this reduces the availability to make it. Additionally, as we age some of the testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone that is a negative hormone causing male pattern baldness, etc.

Eating high carb diets, low fat, low salt, and no red meat can cause high cortisol production and blood sugar issues that the body has to deal with due to a perceived stress. A focus on becoming healthy by eliminating toxins and an improved diet will go a long way to getting that testosterone up. Exercise can also be very helpful. Improving your digestion and increasing your metabolism by removing ALL SOY products from your diet and eating lots of coconut oil, etc. will go a long way to improving your situation.

good luck to you - onlymatch4u

4)   Figs. Eat a fig or two each day. Some of the foods we eat in the vegetable realm are designed to help a particular part of the body. Carrots for the eyes, kidney beans for the kidneys, beets for the blood, and figs for the testes. There are others as well but I can't think of them at the moment.

Have you tried a search for homeopathy and low testosterone levels? Or you can search for homeopathic remedies, or natural remedies, etc...

Good luck. - Paul L

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Question 5
Is tramadol a narcotic? ?...  

1)   Some say no, but they say it's similar.I can tell you for a fact that it is.I was addicted to it, along with another prescription drug for years, and I mean severely addicted.It was hell coming off of, I almost died from the unspeakable, horrific with drawl from tramadol.It is definitely a narcotic. - bbtalk

2)   I agree with the previous answer. Most people say its "narcotic-like" which doesn't make sense because imagine having a drink that gets you drunk and they call it "alcohol-like." Either it is or it isn't. The true meaning of the word narcotic is very rarely used properly. Cocaine isn't a narcotic. A narcotic in it's true meaning is something that causes drowsiness and other such effects. The FDA and DEA abuse the word narcotic as a blanket statement for all sorts of drugs. But back to Tramadol, it is an opioid or synthetic opiate. But according to the current laws that are put in place, Tramadol is non-narcotic. - Deep Thinker

3)   http://www.drugs.com/tramadol.html According to this,it is. - Just another statistic

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alternatives to bidets for bum cleaning?

Question 1
Alternatives to bidets for bum cleaning?...  I really like my bum hole to be gleaming, after I do a poo. Apart from doing a handstand in my shower cubicle, what can I do?

1)   Irrigation - anita biggin

2)   Use your hands with the water running. - ?

3)   Half fill a wash basin with warm water and "perch" on the edge and wash that way. A good tip is to not use soap as this can cause irritation to the delicate membrane of the Anus. Just warm water and a flannel ot even more hygienic use your hand and wash it well with soap afterward. - ANF

4)   More omega-3 fatty acids from foods like peanuts, fish, etc. and more fiber. - John

5)   Well You might try this places: http://inhut.info/312413/shower-cubicles - Read Rivera

6)   Most hardware stores sell toilet adapters that can be used the same way - run about 50 bucks.
Eh, I like to hang out in hardware stores. What can I say. It's where I get most of my inspiration for garden sculptures. - Tink

7)   wet flannel - Nitram

8)   1) use a telephone shower. That's a shower head on a hose, with a handle. You can install them in place of a regular shower head in a shower stall or bathtub shower.
2) wipe yourself really good with wet toilet paper. (Fold it so it's about 4 layers thick.) Keep wiping with new wet paper until it comes away clean. - HGW

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Question 2
do girls make good chiropractors?...  I have never seen a female chiropractor, and i am interested in the field myself

1)   Yes they do. - Jared Idk

2)   Absolutely. Mine teaches at the Chiropractic College and specializes in sports medicine and women's studies. - thenoseknows

3)   well just good luck trying to adjust someones back who weight over 250lbs. - Drugs r bad m'kay

4)   There are male and female chiropractors, just like dentists or attorneys etc... There are alot of great female doctors of all kinds, chiropractic is no different. Scholling is difficult like any other doctoral progam basically 4 yrs under grad and another 4 chiropractic school, then 4 sets of board exams. - Matt

5)   Maybe females possess less of the Stupid Gene than males?

Edit: "Dont say that you are protecting them from being ripped off or scammed."

Yup, I'm protecting them from being ripped off and scammed. - dave

6)   no reason why not. it doesn't take a lot of force to adjust an atlas. muscle testing procedures may be a little hard on very large patients, but you'll manage. - Mr E

7)   I think women in general are more sensitive and intuitive than men. As a chiropractor myself, I prefer to be treated by women than men. They are typically more gentle and caring as females typically are. Please email me if you have questions on chiropractic practice.

To the individual who posted the derogatory comment about "stupid gene". Why do you care so much about what other people do? You have picked up the banner of trying to save people from themselves and protecting the public. Here is some insight for you. You are doing nothing. People have and will continue to do what they want to do. Its no different in healthcare or in any other area of life. People know its bad to drink and smoke but its still done. Your childish attempts to dissuade people from doing what they want to do are a joke and your efforts are in vain. Your reply is totally out of context of the question. You have made no attempt to answer the question. Why do you care so much about the choices that other people make. Dont say that you are protecting them from being ripped off or scammed. Like I said, people do what they want. You are not helping anybody except maybe your selfish ego. - Marc

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Question 3
Pooping yellow stool and water, what should I eat now? HELP?...  So, a few hours ago I pooped yellow stool and water, yes, water, it wasn't diarrhea, it was water...
Now my belly is very bloated and hard and it hurts a bit.
What should I eat? I have an exam tomorrow and I REALLY need to get ok.
PS: I have been taking some medicine because I also have a cold...I don't know if that can also be related with my intestines problem..

1)   Dear, that's exactly what diarrhea is. Eat a lot of yogurt with live acidopholus culture and drink plenty of fluids. - xu

2)   grosssssss! - Vipan Napiv

3)   eat bananas!!! - aheli

4)   The yellow is bile and you have a liver or gallbladder problem. You should go to the emergency department at the hospital. This isn't going to go away by itself. - thenoseknows

5)   Prudent to consult the doctor, who prescribed the medicine for Ur cold. Drug induced reactions be tackled by Ur doctor; which will be safe for U. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

6)   Dont panic, it's a common condition that affect millions everyday, seek advise from you local surgery - My totem spins perpetually

7)   It looks like you might be having intestinal absorption issues. Try to get a hold of some Kefir. It's like a liquid yogurt with many health benefits. it will help you replenish your good intestinal flora and fight whatever is making you sick.. Go to a health store and try to get the real deal, not the flavored kind. At first you might experience a little cleansing which is normal. But you should feel better in 24 hours. This is just a natural help. You should go see a doc ASAP if your symptoms persist. If what you have is viral it should pass on its own in48 hours at the most.
Hope you feel better for your test. - Florisabel

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Question 4
Best natural way to take care of receding gums?...  I guess what caused my receding gums is brushing too hard & by using Listerine mouthwash all the time.

Now I gently brush & floss my teeth and I threw out the mouthwash.
I don't drink soda. Usually I will only drink water or milk. Once in awhile coffee.

1)   Maybe increase calcium intake? - Rebbi

2)   I had receding gums and my dentist never said anything about not using Listerine. But he did say don't brush you teeth so hard and long. Those electric toothbrushes that signal after 2 minutes are great, that way you know when to stop. Floss should keep your gums in good shape as well.

Soda is bad for enamel, but fine for gums. But soda is bad for you in so many other ways, so don't start again :) - Alex

3)   take regular lemon and amla......rich source of vitamin c - amit

4)   You're already on the right track. Make sure your toothbrush is a soft one. And drink plenty of water. Use a toothpaste that includes SLS (or any other laurel sulphate) - most of them do. While I am against SLS normally, it's ability to permeate the gums and stimulate blood flow is actually a plus for receding gums. - Theresa

5)   Acupressure techniques & natural remedies + oil pulling may help U to get rid of receding gums.


Utility--- removes toxins from the body, more so from the mouth, gums, teeth, stomach, cervix, uterus, lungs, heart, liver, intestines, ears, brain, etc., etc.
. However, U may use sun flower oil, ground nut oil or til oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, etc.Procedure: Every morning, in an empty stomach, take 2 tsp of cooking oil.
[saturated fatty acids and oils should not be used, like, Dalda/Vanaspati, coconut oil or ghee] and put it in Ur mouth and rinse it for 10 minutes; until it becomes white liquid. Spit it out and then rinse with luke warm water and then brush Ur teeth - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

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Question 5
FEEL SICK,WANT TO THROW UP....!!!HOME ALONE???Help Me Pleaaase!?...  I feel absolutely sick,i don't know i think it's food poisoning or something,or probably i ate something this morning i don't know :/
I don't have stomach cramps(thank God!)but i just feel so ill & sick,like i want to throw up or something :/
feel so sick i just want to lie down and cry ;( i've also got a bad headache.
Help me,what can i do to make myself feel better?

I want to go downstairs do get some lemon water but i can't stand up because i feel so sick and am afraid i might faint

I can't ask anyone but mum's at work & dad's at an imortant meeting & my mum accidently took my phone with her this morning...
They'll be back like in 4 hours time!Besides,my parents are the kind that won't leave work to care for me.
& even if they did,it'd take them 2 hours to get home...

I felt very dizzy and tired this morning & now i feel much worse!

Help me Pleaaaase

1)   Just rest go to sleep. It's best. Wait until your parents get home and then tell them. If you do start to throw up keep a log and put down what time you threw up and it's consistency(if it was clear/thin/chunky) sorry if that is a bit too much information. Also write down what you ate/drank and the time(approximate). And record your temperature.
Since you feel nauseous stuck to crackers and water and see if that stays down.
I hope for the best and I hope you feel better. It's no fun getting sick. - Christina

2)   be sick then or take some andrews salt - Elisha

3)   This might help
lemonparty.org - neo one

4)   Pull the trigger... not of a gun, of your gag reflex. If you feel sick its for a reason. Your body is telling you something is there that shouldn't be. Don't worry you won't be addicted bilemmia. Just use a finger, tamper with your gag reflex, evacuate your stomach, drink a cold glass of water, wash your face and sleep. - chanse

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What homemade remedies or any natural stuff do u need to make u sleep????pls help?

Question 1
What homemade remedies or any natural stuff do u need to make u sleep????pls help?...  my mom hasn't sleep for 3 days and chinese medicine didn't work....she dosen't want to take sleeping pills so pls...............advise

1)   hold your breath for 5-10 minutes - Kevin

2)   Tazo and Yogi brands have lots of sleepytime teas.
Also, Paul Collier's music on youtube has literally helped millions, including myself.
I HIGHLY reccommend it. - Rarity Iorune

3)   Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,but do you sure all the traditional chinese medicine doesn't work? I bet you didn't try these methods.
1. Acupressure for sleep enhancement
2.Herbal tea
3.Sleep massage which you'll get the effects instantly.Body massage can be done in warm room and aromatherapy oils can be used that will help to relax. If you have massage in daytime, you will get a good nighttime sleep.

You can also choose the oil like lavender which has relaxing properties. You can also use self massage like relaxing warm bath, followed by soothing massage of your body and face will leave you relaxed and calm.

Allow your body to cool down before going to sleep and try to incorporate light stretching and slow breathing before going to sleep.

Here you can learn another 10 Tips to Get Better sleep :http://www.tcmdiscovery.com/News/info/20078151_5748.html - Lili Mo

4)   ok if your mother hasnt slept for 3 days then she needs to go to the hospital and stop with this alternative medicine bullshit. - Patrick M

5)   To get sleep you need tryptophan. Unfortunately this is not produced in the body. So our source
is food. Turkey has a good amount of tryptophan but you cannot eat it daily. Besides why kill a
bird for your sleep. So the next best option is, in the evening let your mother take whole wheat
brown bread slices. Smear it with peanut butter. Fill the slices with properly washed and cleaned
tomatoes and cucumber with their skin on. Wash down these sandwitches with grass fed cows
milk, sweetened with organic honey. If she does not like milk, she can skip it. This whole sandwitch
is rich in tryptophan which is converted into melatonin in the brain thus producing sound sleep.
By the time it is ten p.m. assuming she had these sandwitches at 6.p.m. she should be in
snooze-land. Keep up with this regime for atleast one month. Good luck and God bless. Cheers! :o) - Sudhakar B

6)   Hasn't slept for three days? I think your mom should see a doctor - sounds like there is more to this picture than meets the eye.

Stop with the Chinese medicine - it may be more hindrance than help. - Gary Y

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Question 2
Genetically modified food...pros and cons? your opinion about it?...  is it dangerous to the human health and the environment?

1)   I just took a load in the toilet and you need to get some bleach action on it baby. - Cooltranier13px

2)   yes. like medicine, it's all about population control and profit at the expense of health. - Mr E

3)   genetic modification to foods have allowed third world countries to get food when they regularly couldnt.

genetic modifications have allowed foods to be pest free without the need for harmful pesticides

it has allowed food to have a longer shelf life, it has allowed foods to have more nutrients

there have been no studies that have found any harm with genetically modified foods.

whoever said it was about keeping people sick for population control is a liar and irresponsible. - Patrick M

4)   Isn't it nice to live in a wealthy country with an overweight population, where you have the luxury of even comptemplating such a question?

Actually humans have been genetically modifying foods since we invented agriculture. Now days we are clever enough to do it in a lab, and this is allowing us to create drought, pest and virus resistant foods and could theoretically allow us to produce enough food to feed Third World countries although some infrastructure obstacles remained.

Its a matter of risk versus benefit, and the risks are very low while the benefits are very high.

"Dr Carter said there was no evidence to justify continuing moratoriums on commercial GM planting so long as thorough risk assessments were done.

Opponents say GM products are unnatural, potentially harmful to humans and capable of environmental injury and creating 'superweeds'.

She said the risks of GM plants transferring allergenic proteins to novel foods or creating superweeds were very low.

"If you take a GM plant and a conventional plant, you can't easily create a hybrid that is both strong enough to withstand natural environmental conditions as well as survive all eradication attempts unless you're in the lab," Dr Carter said.

"It's just too difficult."

Asked if it was too early to tell if GM plants were safe, Dr Carter said research that included risk assessments showed no reason for alarm."
http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/20082501-16821-2.html - Gary Y

5)   Pro:
Increases yields
Cuts down pesticide use
Can provide more nutrients

Basically they offer the hope of feeding a growing population.

The business practices of the company that produces most of them are, for lack of a better term, evil

Most of the cons are fictional, often based on incomplete evidence.
For example, when round-up resistant weeds started appearing, people claimed the resistant gene spread. In reality, spraying large amounts of a single herbicide cause the weeds to evolve. - Weise Ente

6)   I'm against them. They don't have a long term safety record, the majority of "the record" is paid for by the company that produces most of them - and that company has a long-term, well-defined history of absolutely unethical behavior. The science coming from other sources would indicate there is reason to be concerned.

We don't know the long term effects of these things in the environments that we plant them in, and the farmers and indigenous peoples would give us reason to believe that we should be concerned as well - the Navajo Nation and the Natives of Chiapas and Columbia for example. GMO's do not create stable local economies for the farmers who plant them, they create dependence on outside corporations and deprive peoples of food sovereignty. A number of countries have told Monsanto to get the hell out for these reasons: Bolivia, and Venezuela being the latest.

Folks might say "oh, but the science says"......yeah, whatever.
I'm not impressed with the hype. I used to spin data as well. - Tink

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Question 3
do pharmacists know more than doctors?...  

1)   Doctors and pharmacists know different things. If you have specific questions about medicines and their interactions, your pharmacist probably knows more than your doctor. - Damocles

2)   About Chemistry and drugs yep they certainly do. Pharmacists knowledge is very specific. Doctors knowledge tends to be very general and covers a much wider range than what a pharmacist would cover.
Pharmacists usually have a decent knowledge of physiology and systems but know virtually nothing about anatomy. - Dr_ Lightning_Osteopath

3)   i wouldn't say more, more like equal amounts but on different topics. - I Say Jump You Say How High

4)   About what? Doctors are trained to diagnose a patients ailments and to prescribe therapy and medicine to treat what ails them. Pharmacists are trained to understand how medications work to treat conditions, and very specific information about each drug to help patients effectively and safely use their medication. Both professions share a great amount of the same knowledge, just more fine turned to their role in healthcare. - lynn25

5)   Yes. - Psychobenzaprine

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Question 4
Why do doctors say there's no cure for IBS?...  also do I have IBS I get bloated and gas everytime after I eat I have diareah and nausea every morning and it doesn't matter what I eat it'll also get me bloated and gas. I've tied an antibacteria and it didn't help

1)   They say it because there is no cure. Pretty easy. - John M

2)   truth is, that statement applies to most everything, it's just that sometimes it's so obvious they actually admit it. see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor. - Mr E

3)   Because there's no cure for IBS.

(And no, having some homopathic osteoquack fiddle with your cervix won't change this.) - Psychobenzaprine

4)   Are you positive it's IBS? IBS is a diagnoses when the Dr can't find another problem. It's a very general diagnoses.

My daughter was diagnosed with IBS when she was about 12. She'd get stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea. Didn't matter what she ate. She could have Caesar salad one day and be fine. The next day she'd have Caesar salad and it would go through her in 15 minutes. She knew where every bathroom in town was. She was tested for allergies, celiac and lactose intolerance.

About a year ago she went to see the Internist for another problem. When he found out about her IBS, he said he wanted to try her on a drug called Colestid. He thought maybe her liver produced too much bile. The problem usually occurs in people that have had their gallbladder removed. However, my daughter still has her gallbladder, and he did say not everyone is missing their gallbladder.

She has a drink of juice every morning with the medication mixed in. The first day, no diarrhea. In fact in 1 year she hasn't had the runs once, except when she's missed taking the medication.

My daughter suffered with this for 17 years, because the Dr's said she had IBS. Which she clearly did not. - mstess

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Question 5
A natural product from Japan that corrects irregular heartbeat?...  

1)   Pacemaker - Jared

2)   no way. - Mr E

3)   irregular heartbeats are not something you want to put in the hands of alternative medicine - Patrick M

4)   Petrified Petunia Petals™. - Psychobenzaprine

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Updated May 18, 2011, 10:05 pm

would you buy brownies laced with *8mg" of melatonin, even if children are hospitalized?

Question 1
would you buy brownies laced with *8mg" of melatonin, even if children are hospitalized?...  

1)   yes, I am buy brownies laced with *8mg" of melatonin, even if children are hospitalized? - Zillur Rahman

2)   8 mg of Melatonin is not a high enough dose to warrant hospitalization of a child, its just parents over reacting, keep your lazy cakes out of reach of children, you don't want your child eating a whole box of chocolaty ex-lax either, but they would if they got hold of it. That's why you keep such things out of their reach. - Christopher J

3)   No, I would not buy brownies, or any other food laced with "8mg" of melatonin. Some unwanted effects in some people, especially at high doses (~3 mg/day or more) may include: headaches, nausea, next-day grogginess or irritability, hormone fluctuations, vivid dreams or nightmares, reduced blood flow, and Hypothermia. - Student of Life

4)   That's a non-sequitur. Anything I purchase has no effect on children going o hospital.

The question doesn't make sense. - Nitram

5)   I would not buy any food item that has been laced with anything. - Marc

6)   No....Melatonin brownies?!?
Set the bong down. - Tink

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Question 2
Why don't my eyes turn red when I smoke weed?...  all of my friends eyes turn red when they smoke but mine never do. i was just wondering why. all of my friends seem pretty jealous but i just don't want something to be wrong with me because mine dont turn red.

1)   Yea I ask myself the same thing. My eyes never get red. Maybe a little glossy but never red. I think it's because I smoke alot & I have a high tollence for weed. - nati

2)   Well I think ur healthy if ur eyes don't go red that's just my opinion . Its not healthy if ur eyes turn red so don't look at it as something to envy. Be glad! - amelia p

3)   Don't know - princess

4)   because your very lucky

i smoke every day and get it all the time, yet alot of my friends smoke the same amount as me and never get it.

i think it depends on the person and the strentgh of the weed your smoking. - charlie sims

5)   It all depends on the person, the type of weed, and how healthy you are.

I myself never get red eyes, and that is because I am extremely healthy and active, and I will only smoke GOOD bud. Dro and other cheap shit tends to make your eyes more red. And yet another part is just random. Some people just don't get red eyes - TJ Egan

6)   all it has to do with is how hydrated you are. if you drink allot of water your eyes never get red. - thrawn323

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Question 3
Best Homeopathic medicine for cold & cough ?...  

1)   Zinc - Mark H

2)   Peppermint tea and Honey..if its for a child no honey under the age of 1. But the peppermint tea will help with congestion and the honey helps with coughs..good luck! - Carleigh

3)   If you feel a cold coming on, aconite. Once you've got it, gelsemium. Don't expect instant relief (that's not what homoeopathy is all about) but you should recover more quickly. - old know all

4)   Depends on your age.

I normally go with orange juice and Cointreau, you feel better almost immediately and after a couple, you don't care anyway. Besides which, it's actually got something in it other than water. If you're too young to drink the Cointreau, then just orange juice tastes nice, or have a cup of tea. It's the sitting down and not doing much that makes you feel better, anyway, and the caffeine in the tea.

Of course you could get a glass of tap water, it will have an excellent flavour of nothing in it, just like a real homeopathetic remedy. If water has a memory, my tap water remembers being piddled out of a sheep on the moors above Derwent reservoir. Who knows what esoteric memories your water has!

Don't be so gullible and just believe your cold will get better by the day after tomorrow. It always happens. - Uncomfortable Truth

5)   Oscillococcinum.

http://www.1-800homeopathy.com/cold-flu/flu/boirons-oscillococcinum.html - ƦєdAиgєℓ

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Question 4
My ear has been clogged for a month and i used debox which was referred by the doctor and it didn't work still?...  

1)   Try heating a little olive oil onto a teaspoon, not too hot and pour it in and then put some cotton wool in your ear to keep it in place. - clairemch

2)   Try to put some oil in ear for over night and dab a cotton in it. may b till next morning u get all stuff from the ear out. - A P

3)   i woke up one day about 3 years ago, and my ear was bleeding w/ puss.
i suffered with that torture for 2yrs while draining blood and puss regularly. after 2 years i used an OTC ear wax removal kit and my ears came closer to healing. i lost about 10 -30% hearing in one ear.

i dont know if i did it to myself
or if it was caused by missing teeth that were pulled
or work place saw dust contamination, because of ear-plugs and black liquor
or if someone actually conspired to cause me hearing damage while i slept - WitnessofJesus

4)   Hold your nose, and blow into your sinuses - like equalizing pressure when scuba diving. If you can't, put your finger in the OTHER ear, so too much pressure doesn't build there.

If that doesn't work, take your finger, lay it across the opening to the clogged ear, and push and lift - do a sort of toilet-plunger sort of thing.

And, I don't know if this is it, but if you've got swimmers ear, use a solution of 1/2 rubbing alcohol and 1/2 vinegar (don't use apple - it smells terrible after) and put it in for a FULL 60 seconds. The vinegar changes the acidity in your ear so bacteria can't grow and the alcohol dries out your ear canal. - thedavecorp

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Question 5
Where do toxins settle in your body?...  

1)   your kidneys - Brenda

2)   liver detoxifies , kidney filters and eliminates them from the body - chocobo

3)   http://blogs.fanbox.com/SinglePost.aspx?pbid=1710443&post=1972042&bts=29&apid=1972042&aid=0 - sjkaj.s

4)   Well - those who sell detoxification gimmicks/books don't even tell what toxins they eliminate. Depending on the detoxification-scam they are pulling, toxins can settle anywhere in the body. Some quacks will sell foot-baths for toxin extraction. Others prefer the other end of the body, and sell candles to stick in the ears. Others advice coffee enemas, because they believe this will extract toxins from the bile (sigh).

For those who firmly believe in the existence of these toxins the answer is, that they are settled in their minds. - JLI

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Does Vitamin B 6 or B12 increase your energy?

Question 1
Does Vitamin B 6 or B12 increase your energy?...  

1)   read the torah, it will give you energy - jewish israel

2)   eating food increases your ernegy. its simpler way than learning scientific processes - chidhumo

3)   Any vitamin does not increase energy. It is only propaganda. The ONLY item which increases a person's energy is carbohydrates, or sugar - George

4)   All B vitamins increase your energy metabolism. - snuffles

5)   Maybe...if there's a deficiency disorder involving them.

Be sure to get them in not-excessive doses.

B-12 deficiency can mimic dementia. - Top Source

6)   the b vitamin family is a fat and muscle related issue. They provide stamina, and healthy growth. Most people with low energy levels find that a supplement in this group helps with boosting the energy levels, but it is primarily due to the fact that these increase and stabilize the metabolic rates, and help burn the fatty tissue and oils that we ingest. - Reverend Joe

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Question 2
Alternative medicines..?...  I have taken History as a GCSE option at school and we're doing 'Medicine Throughout Time'.
We've recently started doing modern medicines and the teacher mentioned Alternative Medicine. What is it? And could you give a few examples please?
Thank you!

1)   Stuff that hasn't been shown to work, or shown not to work. Homeopathy, acupuncture, herbals, reiki, etc. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

2)   Alternative medicine is anything that does not fall into mainstream medicine. These include the healing modalities that are tradition-based (not science or evidence-based) such as Reiki, acupuncture, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine and those that are based on discredited or disproven concepts such as Chiropractic, and homeopathy.

In simpler terms, anything that has been proven to work through rigorous scientific study is "medicine." Anything else is "alternative medicine." - angrydoc

3)   These are the mystical and quack remedies that were initially embraced when conventional medicine was pretty ineffective. They include homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, elecro-therapy, Reiki, actually the list is endless. For some reason even though they have been shown to be no more effective that placebo millions of people worldwide still believe in them, including famously, Prince Charles. - Dr Frank

4)   ignore those obnoxious little sh!ts above.

alternative medicine is about holistic healing. mainstream medicine is about symptoms. - awful

5)   http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1994/articles/1994-v09n03-p159.shtml
This is a very comprehensive review regarding the history/development of medical theory. It's a very interesting subject that has very few experts, and none of them are the trolls who have posted nonsense on here.
Herbal medicine was the only form of medicine in existence for centuries starting with the ancient Greeks, notably Hippocrates. Homeopathic medicine was created by Samuel Hahnemann around 1810. There were various forms of Eclectic Medicine which is now encompassed by Naturopathy, Osteopathic Medicine, and Chiropractic.
Conventional medicine is considered to be Allopathic medicine -- it's main feature is the suppression of symptoms using toxic drugs. Most forms of complementary and alternative medicine support a system of Holistic medicine which treats the whole individual as being more than just the sum of its parts. - thenoseknows

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Question 3
Is green tea actually good for you?...  I just started drinking green tea about a week ago. I cant say i like the taste very mutch but i have heard its good for you. I like the idea of drinking something healthy and fresh and i could defo get used to the taste. But how good is it actually for you. Also , i have heard that it contains caffine. How mutch caffine? Both short and detailed answers are welcome = )

1)   Yes, but like everything, in moderation.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea#Health_effects - Felann

2)   Well if your doing this to lose weight it won't work, most diets don't work either.

Just eat what you want but when when you want to eat it.
Only eat at regular times like breakfast, dinner tea and supper.
Never eat between meals and get lots of exercise.

You will only ever lose the fat when your own body releases the enzymes need to digest your own fat, so no eating when you feel hungry till it is time to eat.

Green tea will increase metabolism and increase your need for carb intake. - ₪ ʎəɿʞɹɐq ₪

3)   Yes, it has a lot of antioxidants which helps your body filter and clean itself. I'm not sure how much caffeine, but in the morning that's never a bad thing! - David Smith

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Question 4
Which herbal teas are rumored to increase breast growth?...  I'm just curious.

1)   this is hard to masturbate to. - Jt

2)   Many, but none do. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Question 5
help gall stones.. gallbladder flush, cleanse?...  i just recently did the flush and it worked tho it's been 3 days since and im still having pains on my right abdomen is that normal.. and will the stones ever come back and are there still any left?

1)   You need to ask your Dr these questions. Have you been watching your diet? Low fat? No greens? No fried foods? Have you talked to a surgeon about having the gallbladder removed? I KNOW how you feel. I'm having mine out on May 26 and this strict diet is driving me crazy. - Phurface

2)   The stones never went anywhere.

Those flushes don't work. See your MD if your gallstones are giving you symptoms. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Monday, May 16, 2011

(Potheads) Will my buddy be okay?

Question 1
(Potheads) Will my buddy be okay?...  He hasnt smoked weed in EXACTLY 1 month however last week he smoked something called "CRAZY TRAIN HERBAL INCENSE" that he purchased at THE MALL...He has to get a drug test this Wednesday at MEPS

*He weighs 135lbs and he is 5'4 short, NOT fat and NOT skinny*
*The weed he was smoking was just regular weed, nothing fancy*
*Most of the time he smoked he shared with 1 or more people*
*Hes drinking atleast 2 gallons of water from now until the time of the test*

Below is a link to the "CRAZY TRAIN HERBAL INCENSE"

Thank you guys...I want to have peace of mind that hes going to be okay, If he is okay then I might just **** with him for a little bit lol

1)   he has to pump vinegar into his urethra before his test. or he will fail - Jack Willyumz

2)   It wasnt weed, it was spice. You definately shouldnt be smokin that shit.

It doesnt show up on drug tests so you are good there. - SkullKing

3)   If your friend bought that shit from the mall then it won't have anything illegal in it. He'll be fine, except I have to ask, exactly how stupid do you have to be to smoke incense? - Mark IX 3rd Account

4)   He should be fine.. incense dont show up on drug tests - John Edward

5)   HE WILL BE FINE. (: - Megan P

6)   he is going to die. i'm so sorry. - Chad

7)   Herbal incense, serenity, k2, and spice are all names for synthetic weed. It contains jwh and no thc. It will not show up on a drugtest. - kurt

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Question 2
How long does the smell of weed last?...  I am going to be home alone from 9:00 am-5:00pm and my room has hard wood floors and a big window, will the smell be gone by 5:30 if i stop smoking at around 4:30
and i will start at about 10:30

1)   Go to http://www.smoke-remedy.com

There's a trial there for smoke remedy and e-cigs, if anyone needs a quick aid to quit smoking easier. This will also help to deal with the withdrawals that you may encounter when trying to quit. The lung remedy looks good for the recovering process, to mainly help clear up your lungs from the years of cigarette damage. Hope this helps! - Ray Moore

2)   you're gonna smoke from 10:30 until 4:30..?? It's apparent you've never done this before. lol. Do your research bro. - Chizzel

3)   i would like to tell you one wonderful piece of advice.. do not smoke in the house.. just dont do it it's a horrible idea and almost always ends badly unless your parent just doesnt feel like fighting with you about it that day..
if you werent planning on doing that and your talking about the smell on your body then it can last a while longer than that. it can last for hours. you'll know how long it will last by the smell of the weed before you smoke it. if it smells strong then it'll smell strong after you smoke it too, if it doesnt then the smell disapates more quickly.
use body spray, hand sanitizer, take a shower after, and change your clothes and the smell will be gone once your done doing all of that. oh but clean your nails really good because they hold in the smell alot.
have fun don't get caught ;) - CookieMonster

4)   It would be better if you let your room air out for at least 2 hours but as long as you keep the windows open and spray it with some air freshener every few hours you should be fine. Make sure you are not going to crazy on the spray otherwise it will just smell like weed and air freshener instead of masking the sent your just adding to it. - Eric

5)   i smoke in my room all the time and all i do is open a window and spray some stuff and its usually gone in like 30 to like 40 minutes but i have 4 windows that are usually open dont know if that really changes anything. - Brian

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Question 3
Why doesn't my body get high?...  I don't smoke a lot. I started less than a year ago, and have taken many breaks in between now and then. When I smoked at my most, it was only a couple times a week. Like 3 or 4. I've just taken a month break because I couldn't feel the euphoria, but I still can't feel the high everyone else get's from pot. I hate this so much. I'm skinny. I'm young, everyone I know is a stoner, and I just wanna relax and have some fun like everyone else. I'm beginning to think I may have one of the rare conditions where you aren't affected by the thc? I pray to god not. I've felt high before, only probably twice out of all the times I've smoked. I'm not doing it wrong, either, and it isn't shitty weed.. My friends get purple kush, bubblegum. I hold it in until I can't even breath. Will I ever get high? Is there any way to make myself feel the thc? :( Thank you!

1)   you're fine, just try different strands - euphoric(k)

2)   Try smoking medical bud. You'll love it. - Megan P

3)   I disagree with answer (1) you're not fine and you don't need to try another (strand) which sound like a disease itself.

You need to ty Jesus - BatMan@Alt/Med

4)   try making brownies and see what happens. - Chad

5)   I quit for about a year and a half, it took me like 10 times to get high again and after that i got high like 4-5 times and then it didn't do anything???

I decided to quit, not worth the money or effort for a little buzz here and there... - Mark

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Question 4
My son is sick and idk whats wrong with him...help?...  My son is a yearold. He got sick today and has been throwing up all day every ten minutes and has runny diarreha. He is cold and pale. I took him to the hospital and they gave him meds to calm his stomach down. But he still is puking everything up like his juice. Idk whats wrong with him and I feel really bad that I cant help him...whats wrong with him and what should I do??

1)   Bring him to the emergency room! If not then bring him to the doctor not the hospital. - jobrofan239

2)   Go to a better doctor. - Nick H

3)   stomach flu? could be something wrong with his diet maybe he's lactose intolerant or something like that. try changing his diet taking out things that are common for people have allergic reactions to like milk, peanuts, other kind of nuts,citrus fruits, gluten. things like that you should get a more complete list from online keep feeding him liquids no matter what it is especially if he throws them up or is having diarrhea because babies can get dehydrated extremely easily and if that happens he will get a lot worse..
if this is still going on in a few days then you need to go back to the hospital and MAKE them do more than just give him stuff to settle his stomach. start a scean if you have to, to get them to listen to you. - CookieMonster

4)   He probably has a nasty virus, there's one going around in my area and my son whose 2 has been sick for a week! As long as the doctors didn't put any restrictions on what to give him, I'll give you my best advice! Complex carbs are the easiest to digest, pasta, rice, bread (toast), potatoes, things like that! Juice is a little hard on the belly, its all the sugar, even though its natural sugar! Vegetables are hard to digest so avoid those, but applesauce with no added sugar would be good. And keep him hydrated if you can! Milk isn't so great right now, he can go without it for a couple of days! Pedialyte, or gatorade, I use G2 and powerade zero because they have less sugar! Those will help keep there electrolytes up when they aren't feeling great! Even chicken noodle soup is good, its got the chicken broth for hydration, the noodles that are quick to digest, and for some reason salt does help settle your stomach! And sleep, lots of sleep! Try a warm bath and a massage after to help him fall asleep. I hope something I said can help you, I've been through alot of this in my son's two years! I really hope your little guy gets better soon!!! - Aunt Sam

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Question 5
What is the maximum hours of sleep?...  

1)   3 weeks 4 days 2 hours 1 minute and 21 seconds to be exact....hey u asked for it... - obiekwan

2)   the big sleep death - Audry Couves

3)   Please see ---> all-home-remedies.com

check out multiple links over there and
I am sure you will find the best solution at this site - Peter

4)   Almost 27 years - guinea pirate

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Which tea is better for flushing out your system?

Question 1
Which tea is better for flushing out your system?...  I'm on a diet, but every Saturday (yesterday) is my "cheat day." I feel like I need to have something during breakfast that will flush out my system. I have loose leaf white tea and loose leaf green tea at home. I read that white tea promotes detoxification, and green tea aids digestion. Which one of those would work better to flush out my system?
I already drank a full glass of water..I wanted tea this morning as well (trying to switch from coffee to tea), so I was wondering which one would be better... I don't think the benefits of tea are "all hype."
So all the benefits of tea are just made up? :( I just bought all this tea lol...nooo...

1)   Neither will work. That is so much hype. There is nothing better than drinking a lot of water. - jason

2)   There is no such thing as detoxification, flushing out your system, etc. That's just pseudoscience used to sell products. There is some evidence to show that if you drink strong, fresh green tea like the Japanese do that it reduces the chances of having some types colon/stomach cancer--this is still far from proven though. So if you want to drink green tea, do it because you like it. Also unless you get the tea flown in from Japan (from http://www.o-cha.com/ for example), it's likely sat on the ship and in the store so long that it's too old anyway.


Eating balanced meals as recommended in the Harvard Eating Pyramid and exercising at your target heart rate is the best way to keep fit.

http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/healthtool-target-heart-rate-calculator - JerryJ

3)   green tea is better it will help you lose weight
http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/health-benefits-of-green-tea?page=2 - josie

4)   1) they are both the same plant - white tea is younger than green tea.
2) No such thing as detox.
3) drink the one you enjoy more.

1 Cont - the benefits aren't "made up" however, what turns up in a lab, or statistical analysis and how that plays out in real life are often very different. - Tink

5)   Both white tea and green tea will help to detox your system and provide anti-oxidant protection. You need to also drink 8-10 glasses of pure water daily for optimum effect.
You've got the standard anti-alternative medical troll response from the ones who pop up and tell everybody there's no such thing as detox, yadayada...
You can find great articles at Mercola.com and Natural News. - thenoseknows

6)   sorry you read (and understand) wrongly. You're wasting your money. Drink water.

Yes, the benefits really ARE just made up. Eat a balanced diet and you don't need to have a special diet and "cheat days". Don't forget to get a bit of exercise too. - Nitram

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Question 2
Is this a side effect of my medcine?...  Ive recently started taking progesterone tablet, and i am supposed to take ten of them (1 a day). On day 4, i had a sudden dizzy spell where i started sweating uncontrollably, and i actually could not see. iall i saw was what you see when your eyes are closed after you rub them, and it lasted about 10 minutes. I couldnt stand on ,my own either, i had to grab a pole for support. If it helps, im a 14 year old girl and am taking the tablet for lady issues (if ya know what i mean)

1)   yes. its also affecting your spelling - The Keip

2)   Now pay attention!


3)   The Mayo Clinic states that high levels of progesterone can produce a negative effect on the central nervous system. This results in symptoms such as depression, and mood swings seen in pregnant women. Since progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscles, it can cause nasal congestion, because the nose is made up of smooth muscles.
The Mayo Clinic states that constipation is another adverse effect seen with high levels of progesterone. Since progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscles, it can slow down food passage through the intestines, which are composed of smooth muscles. The decreased frequency of bowel contractions leads to a buildup of wastes.
In this same manner, progesterone affects blood vessels and can cause headaches. It causes relaxation of blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the brain, leading to severe headaches.
According to the Mayo Clinic, increased levels of progesterone is a major contributor to weakness and unusual fatigue experienced by pregnant women. Since progesterone acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, it can lead to excess fatigue.

This is obviously causing neurological symptoms and you should stop taking it immediately, and take the prescription with you to the emergency dept. of your local hospital.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/149469-adverse-effects-of-progesterone/#ixzz1MQGZx5sq - thenoseknows

4)   I think so but u should visit the doc as soon as possible. - Raihan

5)   That is one of the Uncommon Side Effects. It should be taken seriously so call your doctor immediately! - Mama Mia

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Question 3
Can you take medicine for ADD/ADHD on your own or does the dosage have to be prescribed by a doctor?...  

1)   You should only take what is prescribed for you. Taking ADHD drugs with the wrong dose or if you don't actually have ADHD may harm you. Just go get a prescription. - Jenny

2)   Any prescription drug has to be prescribed by a doctor. You also have to be tested in order for a reliable diagnosis to be made. This is hardly a doityourself deal. You can derive a much higher benefit and resolve the problem by seeing a professional Homeopath or Naturopath and forget about using drugs altogether. The toxic effects of drugs just aren't worth it. - thenoseknows

3)   Many people self-medicate (take medicine that is not intended for them) - but realistically, you should never practice medicine on yourself without a license - you need to go to the doctor to be diagnosed and prescribed medications. - Tink

4)   of course it has to be prescribes, the wrong dose and you're a dead man. It is NOT a recreational drug. - Nitram

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Question 4
Is It Safe To Take One Iron Tablet and One Omega 3 Tablets A Day?...  Is it?

1)   YEs - fellbuddy

2)   Hi yes you will feel on top of the world . - Hilda Mohammed

3)   Absolutely not!! - jason

4)   only if it's prescribed by your GP because after a blood test it was found you had low iron levels.

If you're just taking it the next thing you'll be posting about is iron toxicity. - Nitram

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Question 5
Blood Donor Required Urgently!!?...  Urgently I need A negative blood.
can someone please donate?
i live in the indian state of west bengal.
today's a sunday everything's closed

1)   I do it but im A+...sorry and good luck. - all you need is love

2)   go to your hospital asap! explain to them what has happened and they should help you from there on :) good luck :) - Madzee Mulan

3)   I'm really curious. If someone turns up on your doorstep with a unit of blood, what are you planning on doing with it?

If you think you need it then goto hospital. - Nitram

4)   the problem is transporting it. check local.
http://kolkata.craigslist.co.in/ - tod m

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4th month off weed? :):)?

Question 1
4th month off weed? :):)?...  So I have been four months clean after smoking weed for about a year. I would have at least 2 blunts a day back then. My only problem is now my thoughts aren't the same when I was smoking & off the drug. I have like weird that's sometimes that I would always push aside when I was clean like death & **** like that. What can I do to help get my happy thoughts back & start being the old worry free me?

1)   by smoking again:)

btw : FIRST lol - xboxboy17

2)   Weed depletes (takes away) nutrition and certain nutritional deficiencies can cause anxiety, stress, depression, etc... alot of emotional distress. Seriously, google it to see for yourself! If you're low in potassium, zinc, iron, copper, vitamin B12 and most of the other B-Vitamins, you can get depression-like symptoms! You might want to go to the doctor/nurse to get your nutrients for these nutrients in particular checked. they will take a blood test to see if you lack any of them. Make sure you're eating healthy (include red meat, calf liver, and spirulina in your diet) and take a multivitamin daily, to ensure proper nutrition.
PS: medication, drugs, coffee, and sicknesses deplete nutrition! - skittlesss

3)   I am glad you decided to stop weed. That is the right choice. I am an ex smoker myself and trust me, most the people I hung around and shared joints with all the time, haven't gone much further then where they used to be.

It's going to take about a year to get your mind clear. If you had two blunts a day you have trained your mind to think, that's what it needs to feel a sense of calmness. It takes a lot of time and patients to recover from using the drug to using your own spirit to bring a smile to your face every day. It took me 6-8months to start thinking different. Once you start thinking different, you will love it. You will in control again, knowing that you don't have to depend on the drug to feel happy or bring a sense of calmness to your day. You can do it on your own!

You will love and respect yourself more. You won't be a slave to the weed. You will see the world for what it is. Being sober is a beautiful life style and quitting weed after smoking it constantly for 2 years was one of thee best choices I will ever make in my entire life :)

Good luck.

Peace!!! - Dogo

4)   I think these answers are complete bullshit. I've been smoking for a year now, I don't have depression, anxiety or anything else they said. I see it as a harmless and fun drug. It only causes problems if you're completely dependent on it IE; spending all of you're money on it as soon as you get it, and need to smoke everyday or you feel like shit. For me, I usually maximize myself at $40 a week for weed, but I rarely spend that much on it anyway, usually $20(2 bowls a night). And can easily go without it if I need too. If I were you I would start smoking occasionally again, I mean, it's much better for you than alcohol could ever be, so why not instead of having a few drinks occasionally, have a blunt occasionally. Especially if it makes you happy, and if you don't want depression or demotivation smoke only Sativa strains instead of indicas. Indica is the kind that makes you tired, and want to do nothing. Sativas are the ones that motivate you and make you more crative. - Jesus Christ

5)   Never mind the folks implying you should go back to smoking - that's a bad idea.

I used to smoke a LOT, for close to a decade. It takes quite a while for your thoughts to get back to normal. In some cases, what will bother you are things that ARE normal. Being worried about death IS one of those things. It has bothered all humans since they realized they were mortal. Shoot, it is the very basis of philosophy (and religion)

Learn to wear life like a lose garment.
(In other words, don't take life (and yourself) so darned seriously!) - Tink

6)   Positive affirmations! Research and practice telling yourself happy thoughts. In no time you will have retrained your brain to think good thoughts.
Also, feel gratitude in your life. The law of attraction will bring you more and more good so long as you are feeling good and thinking good thoughts. Its simple and powerful.
Good Luck! - CM

7)   dont scare yourself.. the effects of weed wear off after about an hour, and it doesnt alter your mind and shit like that - Scratch My Back PLEASE

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Question 2
What oil can I burn to prevent mould growth in my daughter's room?...  She is two and suffers a lot of colds and possibly asthma. We live in a very cold/damp house.

1)   Have you used any medicine related to Asthma if no then James South is recommendation to stay away from Asthma i read every feature of James South from http://goo.gl/pPwV9 - Jani Date

2)   You need to use a bleach solution. Oils don't work and will make her asthma worse.. - Ginny Jin

3)   I don't know about oils but we just recently purchased a Himalayan Salt Lamp for each bedroom and it has made a big differance to the air in the rooms (our place is very mouldy). I also wipe down the walls with vinegar every once in a while to keep on top of it. - leaf

4)   You can buy cans of desiccant at any hardware store. Reducing the amount of moisture reduces the potential of mold. Not essential oils. You would have to paint the walls with them frequently, and that itself would be awful for someone with breathing trouble.... - Tink

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Question 3
What is the best way to quit smoking?...  I'm 22 and have smoked ever since i was 18. I am a socially sensitive person (self-counscious, no self-confidence, easlily hurt, hate uncomfortable eyecontacts, always dont know what to say....you name it!) so i get really stressed out when i have to face all the people in school and smoking has always been my only way of relaxing. Like all smokers i know smoking is very bad for me, and like most smokers i have wanted to quit for a long time but havent been able to. More than my other smoking friends, tobacco has effected my health in a really obvious way already. I get constant heart aches, my voice is always dry, i get head aches, throat pains and lately i got bronchitis. Even though, i still cant quit. I have tried exercising but if i move too much i cant breathe. I feel like i really need thoses freaking ciggs to make it through each day. So what should i do? I cant quit or take a yr off from school it is really not an option. More confidence? Dont think that i havnt tried.

1)   Try special gum or tablets that are on the market to help. Write a list of all the things you want to do but cant do because of smoking. it might help too. Also one of my friends tried snuff... it apparently helped too. - Nina Fox

2)   when u die - C A

3)   Try to find something to replace the tobacco such as candies and dry fruits.I have a friend who used to be a smoker.He always bit the pen when he wanted to smoke.Even though many pens were broken.But he did it.He quited the smoking successfully.However, relaxing by the other ways,music and exercise will be good to you.Make up your mind that far away those friends who are smokers when you are quiting smoke.Most importantly,you should have determination to quiting.Think you parents who give you life. - Chucky Man

4)   My god, I began smoking since I was 16 and I've been trying to stop for quite some time too. The craving was too much, especially with drinking, I had tried a lot products & a few failed new year resolution. I'm just too happy that I'm finally weaned, great for me & better for my boys. All I needed to do was to ease myself out of smoking, I found these vapor cigs allow me to do precisely this. I made up my mind to lower my intake everyday. I've been completely weaned for 3 months now. You need to check these out here for info on how begin: www.fasteciginfofocus.tk

Best of luck to you, stay focus and stay on the path. - Billie Penson

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Question 4
Hair test and thc, way to pass?...  I have a hair drug test in 5-7 days .Is there any way to pass this test?
I would like to hear from people who have tried before and I know that I shouldn't have even done it in the first place so you don't have to let me know that .
Thank you in advance

1)   THC stays in your hair follicles for months. If you've smoked marijuana recently, you're screwed. Even if you shave your head, there's hair all over your body that can be plucked and tested. - Mary Kontrarry

2)   Im not sure if this works, but one of my friends is a regular smoker and he said he soaked his hair in vinegar for a while and he passed it. They take hair from your pubes, armpit hair, and your head. Hair tests are probably one of the hardest ones to pass, as thc stays in your hair for years even after you stop smoking. It is stored in all of your fat as well as your hair follicles so theres always a trace of it on you. - Big Tony

3)   There are many do-it-yourself methods online, however there are also shampoos that lock the THC into the hair follicle. Keep in mind they may also test your urine and keep the hair only for redundancy in the case that there is a problem with your urine sample. Hair testing is not inexpensive... - passadrugtest.com

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Question 5
Does anybody know what does a power balance bracelet do?...  Was checking it on amazon. Looks cool

1)   Nothing.

I notice even on their site they don't make any claims about what it does or how it works, in the "technology" section of the site, the closest to an explanation they come it "made by athletes for athletes." If you want a dodgy looking wrist band which they don't even claim a use for and you don't mind paying $30 for it, go right ahead. - Dan van

2)   I think they are complete bullshit, my friend had one and we did a test to see if it made you balance better and it made no difference whatsoever, I think it's a stupid scam for idiots to buy if they believe into that shit. But hey if I could start a company that sold 5 cent bracelets for $30 claiming they make you balance better I would do it. - Jesus Christ

3)   nothing. Expensive, worthless bling. - Nitram

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