Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How can I enlarge my brests naturally?

Question 1
How can I enlarge my brests naturally?...  Please suggest some natural way to enlarge my breasts. I'm 27 and very shy and embarrased about this.

1)   birth control pills
get fat
thats it.... - Kendall Garald

2)   If there was a way to change your breast size,
plastic surgeons wouldn\t be making millions
of dollars a yr doing implants.

You can go to the gym, and build up you chest
muscles, you will actually be building the muscles
under the breast, plus helpingwhat you do have to
stand more up right. THink of how male body
builders have boobs. - always b natural

3)   The only thing i know is that when you are pregnant, your breast will grow bigger. not really sure why, ill check on further. - unknown

4)   You know.... To any half decent guys if you're hot, your hot. End of story. If you're game you should put a pic of your face on your profile pic and we can JUDGE YOU mwuhahahah!... No but seriously it's not all about breasts. Breasts are a fun and cushy thing to enjoy but they're not everything.... Natural ways to increase their size is through eating foods that will raise your oestrogen levels such as KFC. - Sean C

5)   You can try working out your chest area, your pectoral muscles will push your breast tissue out further, and make them more firm. There are many products on the market as well, but I can't guarantee results for any of them. - Brian

6)   you have got to 27 why worry about size ma-sarge will help and exercise im shore you look great believe in your self and don't worry about other people xx - angle

7)   The only way to enlarge your breasts naturally is to put on weight, enlarging yourself all over.

The unnatural way is surgery.

Why not just be glad you've got two healthy breasts and hope they stay that way? I always thought I would be more comfortable with smaller breasts - having large breasts isn't the fun it's cracked up to be.

Now I just wish I had two breasts, of any size. - lo_mcg

8)   you could try pregnancy - Nitram

9)   My wife uses LOVE 36 herbal cream bought on http://generic-meds-store.com
She uses it everyday in the evening by massaging gently her breasts. It WORKS great! I DO like to see her breasts growing day by day and they do look much firmer. - Mark.Teo

10)   Gain weight.

Get pregnant.

That said, there's no need to be embarrassed about having small breasts. Although some parts of the media would have you believe that only big ones will do, most men really don't care that much about breast size, and some of us even prefer smaller breasts. Take a look at porn - there's plenty of variety of breast size there, from the super-enormous to the AA-cup. Those porn stars with smaller breasts simply wouldn't get work if there wasn't demand for them - but there is, so they do. - tobyink

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Question 2
Is natural childbrith 100% safe? (I mean no painstillers etc)?...  My boyfriend is horribly worried that something would happen to me or the baby during childbirth. Please give me alternitives through own experiences?

1)   my daughter in law had natural childbirth with the help of a midwife for her 1st born. the next child was born in a hospital, surrounded by doctors and nurses;liberally dosed with painkillers. - David

2)   natural is safe no worries at all ,the more you worry the worse things get ,so think happy ,xx - angle

3)   Not having painkillers has nothing to do with you or baby....it has to do with you and your tolerence for pain. I mean it won't affect the actual birth itself other than how YOU handle the pain and if it makes it harder on you. Also when you say natural do you mean NOT in a hospital? That's do-able too...but a bit more anxious times for everyone. I did it natural/medication free up until about an hour before birth and I had been in labor 12 hrs...so I did pretty good...by the 12th hour I was begging for something..lol they said it was kinda too late...so I did get something mild towards the end which helped for a brief time...but then it was back to nothing again and all was well. No easy task, going natural in a hospital or otherwise...and if your labor is going longer for some reason, don't hesitate to ask for something. I think for every mom it's peace of mind you are looking for...and what that means to you. good luck - katrina

4)   Natural childbirth?

You mean squatting in a field without medical facilities or trained staff? Well in the developing world maternal death rate runs at around 2,000 for every 100,000 births.

That gives you a 2% chance of dying while giving birth. If I was your bf I wouldn't like those odds either. - dave

5)   Nothing in life is 100% safe. No drugs are 100% safe either. A dose of painkillers for the mom can be 10-20x too much for baby. It takes some time for that to get that out of the baby's system, and that can affect binding and latching on for feeding, and so forth.

A lot of the things that happen in US-style labor can cause problems: laying in a bed, strapped to an ultrasound machine, IV diluting the normal hormones that cause proper contractions, keeping a woman from drinking water during the exertions of labor, etc. It's done differently in other developed countries, and outcomes are better for both babies and moms, and the caesarean rate is lower too..

A trained mother can safely give birth to a healthy baby without meds, as our bodies are designed to do exactly that. I did, attended by certified nurse midwives, though I kept my OB-GYN waiting in the wings. I saw him a couple of times for a total of maybe 10 mins during my whole 16+ hours of hard back labor. I didn't need him, the screaming woman next door did (she had a caesarean, gestational diabestes, tiny overweight mom and 10+lb baby-- I'd be screaming too).

I went thru a natural childbirth class and gave birth naturally, unmedicated, everything went fine. And that blew the minds of the labor & delivery nurses who had not seen this done before. I then got trained and certified, and taught it for a couple of years. I did this because I don't respond well to drugs, and after a couple of miscarriages and D&Cs, I knew the specific drugs and methods they used would not work on me. And I knew I needed to find something else.

But yes, I gave birth in a hospital, *just in case* something did go wrong. Everything went right, though.

There are hospitals that are more supportive, check out ones that are certified as "Baby-friendly" like the Kaiser Medical Center facilities in the west. Some communities have birthing centers. Careful on these as some are not much better than a full-service OB hospital. Some communities have certified nurse midwives. These are good alternatives to the usual hospital route.

Check out the Bradley Method, it is a good training for fathers. My husband still tears up when he talks about our kid's birth and catching her. Talk about bonded!

and this book "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Childbirth-Bradley-Way-Revised/dp/0452276594
I've met the authors, they're from Hawaii. One of the docs in their book was my favortire OB-GYN until he moved out of state.

And be sure to check out breastfeeding support with a La Leche League chapter in your area: http://www.llli.org/
It's a great organization and the volunteer leaders are so helpful and supportive. - LS

6)   The painkillers make no difference to how safe childbirth is. And most potential issues are known ahead of time via scans, etc.

The fact is childbirth does have some risks, but most women and babies get through it with no ill effects.

Plenty of people want to tell you horror stories. I don't get that. So here is a positive one, my sister had two home water births with only a midwife, and was just fine. The first had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but that was easily dealt with. She did of course have all the scans and consult with a doctor all the way leading up to the births.

The fact is that you can attend a birthing centre, even one set in a hospital, relax in more home-like surroundings, have a water birth if you like, and if attached to the hospital have the doctors a few minutes away in case there are problems.

And you don't have to do the "lie on your back with your feet in stirrups" thing either. It is much more convenient for the doctors, but childbirth has advanced a bit since then (or gone back to some effective methods), and you can explore lots of positions that are much more helpful for you. Birthing classes often explore your options.

There are some great books out there that really help with info and to make you feel less nervous. One of the best is "What to Expect when you're Expecting".

As for Dave's answer, ignore it. His modus operandi is fear-mongering. Just not helpful, really.

I hope everything goes really well for all of you. - Matt

7)   I had 4 without pain killers.
Millions of women do all the time.
Back in the 70's Lamaze classes were popular and taught breathing techniques to relax you and help focus. That worked very well for me.
Don't know if they still offer those.
For me, information was key to how I felt during labor. I am the type of person that wants to know everything that is going on so I know what I have to deal with.
The Lamaze classes were full of information as to how a birth would go. - ckngbbbls

8)   Most of the time, yes. Just make sure you have an experienced midwife with you. And if you're not in a hospital, then make sure you're a not a million miles away from one, just in case you need an intervention.

I'm told it does sting a bit though. - tobyink

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Question 3
are depressants and antidepressants the same thing?...  do these have the same meaning?

1)   No, depressants make you depressed, antidepressants the opposite. - Lisa C

2)   No, depressants make you feel worse, antidepressants make you feel better (or at least they are supposed to!) - bohemian

3)   No there opposite. The first causes depression and the second helps relieve depression. - rick b

4)   No, depressants typically refer to central nervous system depressants (such as alcohol, barbiturates and benzodiazepines).

Anti-depressants affect brain chemistry in a way that reduces the symptoms of depression (examples include SSRIs and MAOIs) - Heisenberg

5)   the "anti" in antidepressant should have answered your question... - lol

6)   the clues in the name

Not too hard to find the information really. - Nitram

7)   If you're the prescribing doctor this is how it works:
The patient complains about one, gets medication for the other.
When that produces either the wrong effect or too many side effects, then the one they were supposed to prescribe is added to the one that is already being taken, which in turn causes a reaction between the two medicines, which in turn causes them to prescribe yet another medicine for whatever the reaction is. Then when everything gets out of whack, you end up at the emergency room where they put you on some water IV whatsit and take you off all of your medicines and you start feeling better. You leave the emergency room with yet another prescription for something totally different and the cycle starts all over again. - wowwee

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Question 4
How do figure out what food intolerneces & allergies I have & then what do I do to eat well without wheat, sug?...  sugar, corn, dairy?

I have just suffered eating things that I know are not good for me but I didn't want to be hungry or sick without them.

I will have a yogurt at night that is low carb to keep my sugar balanced at night. This has helped me sleep better & I am so relaxed. So I wouldn't want to give up dairy.

Often a slice of cheese gives me the proteing snack I need. So how do I do without cheese. It seems I am allergic or intolerant to everything. Help! I guess I am just overwhelmed.

I notice people who eat these really healthy diets are often dull. So does the vibrancy leave when one lets so many foods leave.

Are there any famous diet gurus that are vibrant & eat a great diet or anyone that has a book about these? If you have done this please let me know how & about your results. Thanks.

Then food prep & being able to get the food might be another issue. I live in a very conservative area where we don't even have a health food store except GNC & they really only have stuff to make one look good, Diet stuff to slim down or bulk up.

1)   All this is in your head, I hope you realize that. Eat properly and don't fad-eat. Get your 5+-a-day that the doctors keep carping on about and you don't need to worry.

No you are not intolerant to all this stuff, it's made up nonsense. - Nitram

2)   A diet consisting of all whole foods is a great start. This means only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, and meat. Colorful foods such as carrots, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, apples, and kale will certainly increase your vitality. As far as determining your food allergies/sensitivities, you can do an elimination diet. Start with eliminating one food type (i.e. dairy) for 2 weeks and see how you feel. Good luck! - Optimist

3)   Allergies are a soft target for the quacks.

Many people claim they have allergies or intolerance's to certain foods, but actually don't. Now in alt.med land they like to brand people as having various food intolerance's based on very vague symptoms.

Unless you are diabetic, you don't have to worry about balancing your sugar. Your body does this.We pretty much evolved to eat when we could and what we could in any combination.

If you suspect you have an allergy to certain foods then your GP can test this. Otherwise, forget about it and eat what you want. It's sensible to avoid stimulants before bedtime.

"I notice people who eat these really healthy diets are often dull."
lol, yeah. Well not really, they just spend so much time obsessing about foods that they don't really enjoy life that much. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   Food allergy is an immune response while food intolerance is a chemical reaction. Food allergies show up on blood tests; food intolerances do not. Nuts, eggs, milk or soy cause about 90% of food allergies.

How to diagnose a food allergy or intolerance...

Keeping a food and symptoms diary to check for patterns.
Removing all suspect foods for two weeks, then reintroducing them one at a time to test for reactions (except in cases of anaphylaxis). This must only be done under medical supervision.
Skin prick tests using food extracts.
Blood (RAST) tests.

Sometimes the body can tolerate the food if it is avoided for a time, then reintroduced in small doses, particularly with food intolerances.

http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Food_allergy_and_intolerance - ƦєdAиgєℓ

5)   There is no reason to go without cheese and yogurt unless you have a very bad reaction to them. You seems to enjoy them and you do not mention anything negative from eating them. Many people who have a sensitivity to milk can still eat yogurt and cheese because the processes the milk goes through to become cheese or yogurt. If you are not having any symptoms after eating them then please continue to enjoy them.
The same thing applies to eating wheat....if you have a problem with it then do not eat it or reduce the amount of it that you do eat. If you do not feel any symptoms after eating you are fine to eat it.
If you would like to eat a healthier diet try to cut out the majority of processed foods and eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods. If you can find and afford organic produce and meats great, but if not just make sure you wash produce to eliminate as many of the chemicals as possible before consuming. You should always try to eat a wide variety of foods in a healthy diet so there is nothing dull about it. Work with what is available to you and make sure to hit any local farmers markets. The food there may not be officially organic but many times it is organic and locally grown. The person who grew it is usually standing right there so you can ask. Good luck and don't let this stress you out. - Jennifer O

6)   I agree with the others that this is probably in your mind. Genuine lactose intolerance, wheat allergies, coeliac disease, etc are pretty rare. It seems like it's fashionable in some circles to claim food allergies, but really they're not especially common. People just make them up.

But if you really feel the need to discover any food allergies, then cut out everything from your diet except rice, salt and water - live on nothing but those for a few days (it's practically unheard of to be allergic to those, which is why they're used for the baseline). Then slowly start introducing other classes of food until you experience an allergic reaction. You'd normally progress like this: vegetables; meats; fruits; berries; beans and pulses; wheat products; dairy products; other grains; nuts... leaving about 3 or 4 days between each introduction.

For what it's worth, lactose intolerance is often temporary. People can become intolerant after a nasty virus wipes out their gut flora. In a few years your flora are restored, and you can digest lactose again. - tobyink

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Question 5
Is there any herbal medicine that can improve the brain's function?...  

1)   Blueberries. Green tea. Fish oil. - Lia

2)   Evening primrose oil contains many essential vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, which help your brain to function well. You could also try fish oil, which has both mythical and scientific benefits to the concentration and brain function- and which will give you fantastic hair and skin! My nephew had concentration problems, my sister put him on super strength EPO (you have to buy very high quality and potency) and within 3 months he was exponentially better. - CoeurDeLion

3)   marijuana - lol

4)   Yes,it is,but you must to know,that the normal brain function depends from all your body health,so if you really want that,you have to live healthy life style at first,drink more pure water-1,5-2 l at least everyday,use food supplements from coral club,they are best for everybody health,especially lecithin, alfalfa,,these mostly improve the brains function.For more info www.coral-club.com - Vytautas Darguzas

5)   It appears none. Hasn't worked on the alties has it...?

And in alt.med land, personal anecdotes count! - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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