Sunday, May 15, 2011

Which tea is better for flushing out your system?

Question 1
Which tea is better for flushing out your system?...  I'm on a diet, but every Saturday (yesterday) is my "cheat day." I feel like I need to have something during breakfast that will flush out my system. I have loose leaf white tea and loose leaf green tea at home. I read that white tea promotes detoxification, and green tea aids digestion. Which one of those would work better to flush out my system?
I already drank a full glass of water..I wanted tea this morning as well (trying to switch from coffee to tea), so I was wondering which one would be better... I don't think the benefits of tea are "all hype."
So all the benefits of tea are just made up? :( I just bought all this tea lol...nooo...

1)   Neither will work. That is so much hype. There is nothing better than drinking a lot of water. - jason

2)   There is no such thing as detoxification, flushing out your system, etc. That's just pseudoscience used to sell products. There is some evidence to show that if you drink strong, fresh green tea like the Japanese do that it reduces the chances of having some types colon/stomach cancer--this is still far from proven though. So if you want to drink green tea, do it because you like it. Also unless you get the tea flown in from Japan (from for example), it's likely sat on the ship and in the store so long that it's too old anyway.

Eating balanced meals as recommended in the Harvard Eating Pyramid and exercising at your target heart rate is the best way to keep fit. - JerryJ

3)   green tea is better it will help you lose weight - josie

4)   1) they are both the same plant - white tea is younger than green tea.
2) No such thing as detox.
3) drink the one you enjoy more.

1 Cont - the benefits aren't "made up" however, what turns up in a lab, or statistical analysis and how that plays out in real life are often very different. - Tink

5)   Both white tea and green tea will help to detox your system and provide anti-oxidant protection. You need to also drink 8-10 glasses of pure water daily for optimum effect.
You've got the standard anti-alternative medical troll response from the ones who pop up and tell everybody there's no such thing as detox, yadayada...
You can find great articles at and Natural News. - thenoseknows

6)   sorry you read (and understand) wrongly. You're wasting your money. Drink water.

Yes, the benefits really ARE just made up. Eat a balanced diet and you don't need to have a special diet and "cheat days". Don't forget to get a bit of exercise too. - Nitram

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Question 2
Is this a side effect of my medcine?...  Ive recently started taking progesterone tablet, and i am supposed to take ten of them (1 a day). On day 4, i had a sudden dizzy spell where i started sweating uncontrollably, and i actually could not see. iall i saw was what you see when your eyes are closed after you rub them, and it lasted about 10 minutes. I couldnt stand on ,my own either, i had to grab a pole for support. If it helps, im a 14 year old girl and am taking the tablet for lady issues (if ya know what i mean)

1)   yes. its also affecting your spelling - The Keip

2)   Now pay attention!


3)   The Mayo Clinic states that high levels of progesterone can produce a negative effect on the central nervous system. This results in symptoms such as depression, and mood swings seen in pregnant women. Since progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscles, it can cause nasal congestion, because the nose is made up of smooth muscles.
The Mayo Clinic states that constipation is another adverse effect seen with high levels of progesterone. Since progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscles, it can slow down food passage through the intestines, which are composed of smooth muscles. The decreased frequency of bowel contractions leads to a buildup of wastes.
In this same manner, progesterone affects blood vessels and can cause headaches. It causes relaxation of blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the brain, leading to severe headaches.
According to the Mayo Clinic, increased levels of progesterone is a major contributor to weakness and unusual fatigue experienced by pregnant women. Since progesterone acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, it can lead to excess fatigue.

This is obviously causing neurological symptoms and you should stop taking it immediately, and take the prescription with you to the emergency dept. of your local hospital.

Read more: - thenoseknows

4)   I think so but u should visit the doc as soon as possible. - Raihan

5)   That is one of the Uncommon Side Effects. It should be taken seriously so call your doctor immediately! - Mama Mia

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Question 3
Can you take medicine for ADD/ADHD on your own or does the dosage have to be prescribed by a doctor?...  

1)   You should only take what is prescribed for you. Taking ADHD drugs with the wrong dose or if you don't actually have ADHD may harm you. Just go get a prescription. - Jenny

2)   Any prescription drug has to be prescribed by a doctor. You also have to be tested in order for a reliable diagnosis to be made. This is hardly a doityourself deal. You can derive a much higher benefit and resolve the problem by seeing a professional Homeopath or Naturopath and forget about using drugs altogether. The toxic effects of drugs just aren't worth it. - thenoseknows

3)   Many people self-medicate (take medicine that is not intended for them) - but realistically, you should never practice medicine on yourself without a license - you need to go to the doctor to be diagnosed and prescribed medications. - Tink

4)   of course it has to be prescribes, the wrong dose and you're a dead man. It is NOT a recreational drug. - Nitram

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Question 4
Is It Safe To Take One Iron Tablet and One Omega 3 Tablets A Day?...  Is it?

1)   YEs - fellbuddy

2)   Hi yes you will feel on top of the world . - Hilda Mohammed

3)   Absolutely not!! - jason

4)   only if it's prescribed by your GP because after a blood test it was found you had low iron levels.

If you're just taking it the next thing you'll be posting about is iron toxicity. - Nitram

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Question 5
Blood Donor Required Urgently!!?...  Urgently I need A negative blood.
can someone please donate?
i live in the indian state of west bengal.
today's a sunday everything's closed

1)   I do it but im A+...sorry and good luck. - all you need is love

2)   go to your hospital asap! explain to them what has happened and they should help you from there on :) good luck :) - Madzee Mulan

3)   I'm really curious. If someone turns up on your doorstep with a unit of blood, what are you planning on doing with it?

If you think you need it then goto hospital. - Nitram

4)   the problem is transporting it. check local. - tod m

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