Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How can i get better sleep?

Question 1
How can i get better sleep?...  I just started middle school (7th) about 3 or 4 monthes ago and I've been having some hard time focusing in class and it affecting my grades at first I thought it was just football but our season has ended and I'm still having a hard time staying a awake I usually go to bed around 9-9:30 and wake up at 6:45 I have no prob sleeping and if I sleep to long ill feel groggy the rest of the day I need some tips to help me sleep

1)   sleep in 8:00 - Oscar97

2)   maybe you should go see a doctor - Taylor Wilson

3)   idk lol - mini16

4)   More than likely it has to do with what you are eating and not how you are sleeping. What I would suggest is that you eat "energy foods" for breakfast. Have a banana, a cup of strawberries, 1/3 cup of blueberries, and 1/2 cup of grapes or something like that mixed into a bowl sometimes you can mix in a little granola, not much though. Carry some carrots, celery, green/red/orange pepper slices, apple slices, an orange or something to eat in between breakfast and lunch. Then for lunch you need to eat something that will give you a good amount of vitamin B. I know it may seems gross, but eat a spinach salad. You can make the salad as large as you need to be full, mix in tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, dried cranberries, almonds and a dressing that doesn't contain milk or high fructose corn syrup.
You can eat other food, but AVOID refined sugars, especially breakfast cereals. Avoid things that cause your body to use a lot of energy in digestion, like meat and grains. You can eat meat and grain (whole grains) for dinner. Don't drink soda, or any energy drink those will only cause you to crash! You can drink juices, but make sure they are not from concentrate.
It will take a little time for your body to change. So give it at least a week or two. If you find yourself more hungry than usual, that will go away with time, but like I said carry healthy snacks with you. Good luck - Dr. Marshall

5)   With your DR and Parents approval, you should take 1 "melatonin" gelcap about 30 minutes before desired effect, and always allow for 8 FULL Hours of sleep when taking this. Melatonin is the chemical already present in our brains. Our melatonin levels in our bodies begin to naturally elevate every day when the sunsets. It's our brains internal clock, set in motion to the rotation of the earth. Melatonin is available in over the counter sections in stores like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, etc... in different milligrams. You should start with the lowest dose until you find out what your tolerance level is. The grogginess you're experiencing sounds like you are getting stage one sleep, but not much stage 2... and you're mind is not getting to reboot as it should. Look into the importance of REM sleep(Rapid.Eye.Movement) and the vital role that the chemical melatonin plays in the sleep cyle. You may be at a deficit of Melatonin?! Just BE SURE, any medications you take, even OTC meds are approved by your Legal Parents/Guardians and Physician. - Kenny Griffin

6)   Try to relax before going to bed. I listen to music that puts me in a good calm mood. I also like drinking Yogi tea. I don't know if you'd even consider it but the green tea and bedtime tea are my favorites (I HATED tea before trying some made by Yogi). But anyway try to avoid thinking of stressful things...if you have things you need to get done make sure to make time for them before bed or figure out another time to get it done. If you have problems that you worry about maybe talk to someone or keep a journal. - Hannah

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Question 2
Can excess anti-histamine cause insomnia ?...  I been taking a few anti histamine and whenever I go to sleep I get a weird sensation my body heats up and I just cant go to sleep even though I'm drowsy as hell

1)   Maybe. - Comments247

2)   sure can - its like speed. - JBS

3)   You can get 1 a day non-drowsy anti histamines from supermarkets. - MICHAEL C

4)   Is your antihistamine non drowsy? If not, it sounds like a paradoxical reaction. Sometimes drugs do the opposite of what they should. I know people who take benadryl and cant sleep. I know people who take speed and crash. This is actually pretty common. - James B

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Question 3
If our physical makeup is 99% similar to monkeys, shouldn't we adopt their diet?...  I've heard that our dna is 99% the same as monkeys. Shouldnt we be looking to monkeys for the ideal or at least most natural diet for humans? And if its the most natural diet for humans, it must mean that it is the healthiest for us.
I used to be a proponent of the zone diet, in which you are actually prohibited from some fruits and roots, so this idea flies in the face of my previous beliefs. But doesn't it make sense that God or nature would not provide food for us that is harmful?
Doesn't it also make sense that we should be eating what monkeys eat to be healthy? I presume that would be mostly raw fruits and vegitables and the occasional bit of raw meat and perhaps raw nuts and seeds?

1)   Because that 1% makes a significant difference.
30% of our DNA is found in Bananas.
98% of our DNA is found in mice. Should we behave like mice? - Lightning

2)   i've thought the same thing numerous times. the only argument to that, that i can think of, is that we are still smarter than monkeys and in turn have created technology to make better and different food. though, i'm sure nobody can disagree with the fact that fruits veggies and meat are def the best things for us to eat. nobody can say junk food is better for us. - Gia Tatro

3)   This is a ludicrous question and you should at least get your facts straight. Humans are apes not monkeys and you should know that we do follow a similar diet to our distant cousins. Chimpanzees are omnivorous like ourselves whereas gorillas, which are also apes are purely vegetarian. The fact that two types of apes have different diets does not preclude them from having common ancestry. The theory goes that it was our opposable thumbs that allowed us to pick up and use tools. This made us very successful hunters, which in turn developed our brain. This change of diet to allowed us the time to think and evolve into the thought provoking animal we have become. Some people reflect our ancient cousins more than others. BTW there is no god, nor are their fairies or unicorns. - Ted Kaboom

4)   We are actually quite different in some areas, such as skull structure.

Compare the jaw of a human to a chimpanzee. They are vastly different. Why would we have the same diet? - Weise Ente

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Question 4
What muscle relaxer would work best?...  Ok! I've had a Spinal Stinoses Lumbar and some other very long words operation last year. I've been taking Norco for my pain in my back. I'm tired of taking Norco because it gets me high, yes it takes the pain away but only for a short period of time. Is there any good muscle relaxor's that WILL take my pain away? Or do i tell my Doctor to keep me on Norco?

1)   If it gets you high you should probably stay off of narcotics, maybe ask to try flexyril. I have really bad back pain and thats just about the only thing that has helped me as far as pain management goes - wysiwyg37

2)   Oh no, heaven forbid a narcotic that gets you high (every narcotic) and makes you feel good.. - Ultimate Toast

3)   Soma or Carisoprodol is preferred by many patients as being highly effective. When taken as directed, it can relax the muscles, ease tension, prevent spasms, and sharp pains associated with muscle injury/ or damage. I'm not sure if your impairment is muscle related though... if it's not, muscle relaxers won't help. The slightest abuse of them has obvious and DRAMATIC effects such as or leading up to: slurred speach, disorientation, cardiac distress, respiratory distress. As the first user recommended.... Flexeril or Cyclobenzaprine, is a milder choice... less chance of becoming habit forming, and is currently NOT a controlled substance in the US. - Kenny Griffin

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Question 5
need help calming down, please ?...  for as long as i can remember i have had a upbeat, hyper, energetic, talkative, outgoing personality. i know for a fact that many people like this about me. but on many days, i do not like it about myself. most of the time, i am the only one who talks in class. the teachers tell me that they love this about me, BUT i'm sick of it. i don't think i have ADHD cause i don't have a problem focusing. i just want to CALM DOWN in class. i'm always jittery, antsy, fidgety, and looking around. i don't drink coffee and even try drinking chamomile tea sometimes but it doesn't help.

even if it's a drug, i'd love any suggestion
lmao i know, weed is the only thing that helps, but it makes me laugh alot too :/
HAHA HAHA. i doubt crocheting knitting and sewing will work. that's a first.

1)   dont do it at school but weed helped me. but i had ADHD. - Chuggle420

2)   Drugs (prescription or not) are not the answer.
Try yoga, an extreme daily workout before and after class, mile long jogs.
Maybe picking up a hobby- a sport if you're a guy or
something like crocheting, knitting or sewing if you're a girl - SuePayne

3)   To be calmer in general you just need to get into a relaxed state of mind...I listen to music that puts me there (I suppose it's different for everyone) and close my eyes and just let everything go. Take a couple deep breaths. Don't think about worries or things you have to get done or what's expected of you or anything like that. I like drinking Yogi green tea or Yogi bedtime tea too. Drinking tea alone won't help you though. Some other things that might help is changing lighting and background disturbances. Maybe just work on that before going to class? If you find yourself getting antsy in class just try and relax...take a couple deep breaths and try not to get worked up about what you're doing and what everyone expects. Just focus on getting your work done and being stress free =) - Hannah

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