Tuesday, November 30, 2010

is naturopathy evidence based?

Question 1
is naturopathy evidence based?...  is naturopathy (herbalism, for example), obviously not the broader, spiritual mumbo jumbo of homeopathy, evidence based?

1)   Of course it is. So's Homeopathy. Anyone who's spent more than 5 minutes studying it realizes it. There is no "spiritual mumbo jumbo" involved, especially among people who've taken a 4 year science based course in it. The fact that it was way ahead of it's time then and still is seems to be a problem for some people.

I fully expect skeppies to continue to perpetuate anti-homeopathy propaganda. - thenoseknows

2)   Well, herbs are at least plausible, in that they contain active ingredients. Over a quarter of current drugs in use today were derived from plants. However, what works is already used in medicine.One cannot assume that all plants or micro-organisms have medicinal value. If plants are shown to have medicinal benefits, the useful ingredient is quickly isolated and scientifically developed so it can be used in medicine.

The problem with herbs is that they are essentially crude drugs at unknown and uncontrolled concentrations. They have active ingredients, so they can be harmful.

Ignore Nosey; anyone who has, even just a rudimentary understanding of science (e.g. kindergarten science) will know that homeopathy is absurd. Nosey has been shown high quality studies where homeopathy has failed miserably, she ignores this. Nosey has also been show why they "evidence" she uses to justify her woo goes no where near to demonstrating efficacy. Nosey ignores this. In short, she's a lying science denialist.

Homeopathy (aka magic water), acupuncture, reiki, and bizarre faith healing, etc isn't supported by evidence and lacks scientific plausibility. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   As Rhianna says Herbalism can't be dismissed right out of hand. And many conventional drugs are in fact derivatives of plants. But one should also remember that side effects can occur as well.

I agree with your characterisation of homeopathy based on the proposed mechanism as well as performance under test conditions. - JLI

4)   I've seen the evidence with my own eyes..digestive enzymes are amazing. I've also seen a lady who suffered severely for years from lupus and scleroderma and finally got sick of medical doctors and went to a naturopath...amazing difference. Evidence doesn't have to be a clinical trial; thousands of years of anecdotal evidence with millions telling the same story is pretty compelling. And for those who think a clinical trial is the holy grail of scientific proof...then take note: 788 clinical trials published from 2000 - 2010 in peer reviewed medical journals were withdrawn - 260 for outright fraud, the other 582 for serious "errors" aka phoney. 53% of the trials were written by an author who had been caught for faking it at least once before. - ƦєdAиgєℓ

5)   No, it's anecdote based.

But at least it's plausible. - Flizbap 2.0

6)   Yes, in the vein of what Rhianna and JLI said.

Who else thinks it's funny to watch thenose defend homeopathy? Yes nosey, it's so aheah of it's time, it looks like magic...lol.

Red, I'm gonna need you to define "antidotal evidence."

*pokes Rhianna* Hey. - Nate

7)   absolutely not. It is the fact that it is not based on evidence that makes it 'not medicine' or 'alternative medicine'.

Herbal remedies contain untested and inconsistant quantities of a substance that may have some effect. Herbal remedies are a gamble and there is a chance that they can effect other medicine. - Angelhil

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Question 2
I need a good home remedy?...  I need a good home remedy for pink eye. Havent been at the job long enuf for insurance and short on cash to visit a dr. Any advice is appreciated...been using an eye wash and it helps momentarily

1)   i don't have any ideas - bibash t

2)   Make your own sea salt eye wash, about 1 tsp. of sea salt in 4 oz. of hot water. Let it cool to body temperature. Pour some in an eye cup or shot glass. Put your eye over it and tilt your head back. Open your eye and blink several times. Really good to do at bed time especially. You can do this a few times a day. Don't use table salt, it's got sugar and other junk in it.
Make sure you sterilize your eye cup or shot glass with boiling water so you don't reinfect yourself or your other eye between uses. Salt has been used as an antibacterial for centuries. - thenoseknows

3)   Pink eye needs to be cured by medicine. It rarely will go away with a home remedy. You might be able to save money on a doctor visit by going to an Optometrist instead of an MD. They usually are cheaper and they can usually provide ointment for pink eye too. - Me

4)   Go to any pharmacy like CVS, Walgreen RRite aid - - - etc. Ask the pharmacist. They are very knowledgeablee about medicines and helpful. - Shail

5)   There is consideration that most pink eye infections now days are caused by a virus so there is really no medicine to take for it. It has to go away on it's own anyway. BUT.....DO keep an eye on it (no pun intended) to make sure it is not getting worse.

The Nose: That seems like a pretty high percentage of salt to water in your recipe for the eye flush. Is this correct? Just asking. If it is accurate, then the asker might want to try that too. - Flashflood

6)   Use a saline solution that has boric acid as the ingredient. My eye doctor told me this a long time ago. He said to use it as it is way more effective and CHEAPER than the eye drops they give and has the same ACTIVE ingredient which is boric acid which will kill infections. It really does work! I have no insurance and this is what he told me to do and said this is what HE does for his own family!

You can use this for pink eye, conjunctivitis or whenever really.

For example: Bausch and Lomb Saline Solution for Sensitive Eyes has Boric Acid as the first ingredient! - healthminded

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Question 3
How to treat a patient?...  

1)   Being calm with them. - Jennifer

2)   it is based on what kind of disease a person is suffering - Satyarth

3)   Treat them with care and respect, never argue with their offers. if they ask for something get then it nicely if you can and if they become annoying just take a little break and let them know you have offer patients and they are not the only one nicely don't want to upset anyone :D - Charlii

4)   lol what patient?
How cool! You expect to get a doctor's degree on yahoo answers! - Unholy Angel

5)   Treat them as an individual. Most doctors treat symptoms and disease and don't take into account that every patient is different and the textbook answers don't always work for everyone.

Don't just pass out samples of prescriptions for things that you aren't even sure about. - healthminded

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Question 4
Okay seriously WHAT THE HELLLL?...  Alrighty to start off I don't need shit from anyone right now. Just please.. legit answers...
I don't even know how to word this correctly.
Okay - so - I'm now 18 years old... it's been... over ten years since this was the case. When I was a kid, living with my brother and father, sexual abuse was present. Between...... my father and well, me.. Again this was over ten years ago. I haven't made a big deal about since then. BUT - I logged on t fucking myspace a week ago to see that someone claiming to be my father has messaged me or whatever a few months before. I never on myspace, this was my first time logging on in months. But seriously what the hell. I'm not extremely worried... but it's making me feel a tad unsafe. The abuse was never reported... and I know for a fact that it's much too late to do anything about it now.... but what the hell am i supposed to do about this?!?!
My bad for all the typos.
By the way , the message I got from this person was a long paragraph, basically asking me if i was the right Riley.
And this question is not going to be asked to anyone in my life because I can't fucking deal with that right now. no way. I'd rather get answers from strangers, if that makes any sense... and wtf I didn't put the right category. I thought i did. my bad.

1)   For starters, the fact you even feel unsafe is you telling yourself that you SHOULD NOT contact him back whatsoever.
What he did to you in the past was and IS EXTREMELY horrible and wrong.
I wouldn't give him the decency of even acknowledging his presence.

I don't want to be a bother, but you should tell someone you really trust, not strangers on the internet.
Be Strong Hon. - Xepher

2)   It is never to late to file a police report!

Please contact the authorities. Have you ever contacted a rape crisis center or hotline? They can help you with this or lead you in the right direction, I am sure of it! Please contact the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network! http://www.rainn.org/ They will help you and counsel you as well.

Also, please read this http://www.rainn.org/public-policy/sexual-assault-issues/state-statutes-of-limitations It will tell you the statute of limitations on rape in your state, but also says no matter how long it's been to report it. So, I hope you do!

God Bless you! - healthminded

3)   Obviously, you need to careful where the Internet is concerned, there are lots of strange people around, and this person may not even be your father. However, if it is, it is absolutely your choice whether or not you choose to respond or have any contact with him.

It ISN'T too late to report this matter to the Police. In fact, I urge you to, -so you can have some closure to what happened and for the sake of other children he may come into contact with.

It's natural you feel confused right now. You're in shock, having him contact you after all this time and you are probably feeling this way because you have unresolved issues that have been buried in the back of your mind for many years. Him contacting you out of the blue like this (if it is him) has stirred up memories and you are feeling unsafe and not in control....much like you were feeling at the time this happened to you.

If you are not ready to confront your father or have any sort of contact with him, then simply block the user.

There are various websites that can offer you advice and support. Try this one:
http://www.rapecrisis.org.uk/ - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   ignore it. - You're bad at CoD

5)   I am sorry for what happened in your past.

I am curious as to why everyone seems to be attributing evil intent to your alleged father's attempt to contact you. PERHAPS he has carried this burden for all these years and is trying to make amends?? My advice - which is different than the others - give him a chance. If evil - report him....if apologetic...let him speak......perhaps it will be your first step in healing. - Joe

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Question 5
I heard A.D.H.D pills make you depressed, is that true?...  

1)   yea
AND they destroy your personality, creativity, willingness to participate in things and your soul. - dtonnies3

2)   Of course it's true. All psychoactive chemicals can have erratic reactions on different people. Also, that's the theory on how they work on children- the stimulant goes full circle and dampens motivation. - Kaviani999

3)   Not True. - kid vicious

4)   Not mine. I know there is 1 I read about and its listed on side effects. Talk to dr before prescribes or if dr already has call pharmacy if you lost detailed insert. - lori

5)   They can. But usually won't unless you mis-use them or they weren't prescribed to you,and you still take them. - Cheyenne

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