Monday, April 25, 2011

What are all the Natural hypertension medications?

Question 1
What are all the Natural hypertension medications?...  Yes I talked to my doctor.

1)   keep yourself calm, do breathing exercise - dipti tiwari

2)   Nothing "natural" is as effective as anti-hypertensive drugs.

I presume you have taken general measures? Lose weight if overweight, stop smoking if you smoke, reduce alcohol consumption and exercise? It's also worth having secondary causes for hypertension excluded- e.g. hormone and kidney issues. has nothing to offer.

Edit: Your question appears to have attracted a large amount of scientifically illiterate quacks.

@ Nosey: Bad move. You just ventured into my field- cardiology. Hawthorne does not dissolve arterial plaque or regulate blood pressure. Evidence for your claims please? treats neither the cause nor symptoms of any disease.

@ Sudhakar B: The dose makes the poison. Suggesting all drugs are toxic is a scientifically vacuous statement.

While some studies show a reduction in BP with garlic preparations, there is no good evidence that garlic is superior to existing blood pressure medication.

And the majority of what RedAngel said is complete nonsense and unsupported by the evidence. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   Remember all allopathic drugs are toxic in nature and have terrible life crippling side effects.
Since you have asked natural hypertension medicine the safest and yet most powerful is
consuming one pearl of garlic preferably raw at every meal helps a lot in overcoming this problem.
Good luck and God bless. Cheers! - Sudhakar B

4)   The top of the list is Hawthorne. It regulates heartbeat, dissolves arterial plaque, and regulates blood pressure.
Conventional medications "work" for maybe 30% of people but they damage everyone's kidneys. The protocol approach used by conventional medicine is hit and miss (mostly miss). You are not monitored on a regular enough basis -- who are they kidding when they tell you to "try this" and come back in a couple of weeks, months, etc. ? Exact science? Hardly. Their protocol just keeps them from being sued or disciplined by the governing body.
There are different causes for high blood pressure, but conventional medicine isn't interested in causation, just putting a bandaid on the immediate problem that might suppress symptoms. - thenoseknows

5)   Natural treatments for hypertension...

Fish oils
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Lipoic acid
B vitamin especially B6, folate, and B12
Dark chocolate
Hibiscus tea
Soy milk
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Avoid a high fructose intake
Eat more whole grains
Reduce or avoid white bread and processed grains
Lose weight pounds
Good nights sleep
Reduce alcohol intake
Stop smoking
Less stress
Avoid hydrogenated oils
Reduce caffeine intake
Drink more water

Natural ways to lower high blood pressure >>>

This article also mentioned reduce salt intake.

"Unfortunately, much misinformation regarding the use of salt in the diet has been circulating for the last three decades or so. The body needs salt (NaCl) and cannot function adequately without it. Low salt diets can make it very difficult if not impossible for the stomach to produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid. The problem is not salt per se, but the quality of the salt. Using unrefined, highly mineralized sea salt is perfectly safe and healthful to the system. This type of salt is grayish in color and is produced by traditional methods used for many hundreds of years. Available in most good natural food stores it comes from Brittany and goes by names such as "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Star of the Sea". The more common white sea salt sold in most stores does not have the same healthful properties. Individuals with high blood pressure need not necessarily avoid salt. Salt over-consumption is only implicated in about twenty percent of hypertensive individuals (kidney related hypertension)."


Low stomach acid can cause high blood pressure. Nutrients to create stomach acid - vitamin B1, vitamin B6, zinc, sodium. Other causes of low stomach acid include living under stress, eating while stressed, eating on the run, not chewing enough, heavily cooked foods (which have no live enzymes), difficult to digest foods such as red meat or fried foods, artificial preservatives and additives, soft drinks which contain high amounts of phosphorus, white sugar, and immune stressing chemicals, barbequed foods which cause high digestive stress, adrenal fatigue, alcohol consumption, bacterial infection.

Medical conditions that are linked to low stomach acid: Asthma, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Eczema, Acne rosacea, Psoriasis, Gallbladder disease, Herpes, Hives, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Thyrotoxicosis, Autoimmune disorders, Lupus erythematosus, Myasthenia gravis, Pernicious anaemia, Celiac disease, Sjogren's Syndrome.

Low stomach acid >>>

Digestive enzymes/betaine HCI to improve digestion and stomach acid >>> - ƦєdAиgєℓ

6)   Balanced diet and exercise. If that doesn't work, then I suggest you take Rhianna's advice. - Dan van

7)   Regular chiropractic adjustments lower BP better than 2 prescription drugs combined. And the side effects are all positive! - synisterkat

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Question 2
Does a Apple a day really keep the Doctor away?...  

1)   No, the saying is simply saying you will be healthier if you eat fruit. - Scarlett

2)   If the doctors allergic to apples - Jimmy

3)   Well it won't exactly keep the doctor away, but it is healthy to eat an apple every day. - Trevor

4)   The latest research says YES. - thenoseknows

5)   Apples like all fruits are nutritious and they do carry some health benefits.

However, there will never be magic product that you can take to prevent all health problems. The best way to prevent premature health problems is to eat a healthy balanced diet, take regular exercise, don't smoke and don't drink too much alcohol.

However, many diseases and illnesses we may have little control over. Some are genetic, some are acquired through injury, etc.

@thenoseknows, it's a pity you don't pay attention to what the latest research says about homeopathy. That's what happens when you cherry pick what evidence you listen to and that is why you are a quack. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

6)   Are you really asking a serious question? How do you propose an apple a day would keep you from cutting yourself or breaking a bone or needing an appendectomy? Do you believe in MAGIC?

(of course, it does seem to work for my wife!!) - Joe

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Question 3
I think my pharmacist made a mistake, what should I do?...  I was supposed to get 30 pills of Adderall, but somehow I got only 15, half. My mom says that they have a scale or something and it's impossible for them to make a mistake and she thinks that one of my friends stole them or something. Is there any chance that she could've made a mistake???

My pharmacy is Walgreens if that matters...

1)   Yea people mighta taken some of them. Adderalls good stuff. Or maybe there's laws about how many you can give out at once or something. They didn't make a mistake. - Mongolking

2)   ask them - insane kid

3)   First of all phone the pharmacist and see how many pills should be in the bottle and also see if you don't have a repeat script as perhaps your meant to take two lots of 15 tablets and your just starting on the first lot. If you have found out you are missing some tablets you will need to go back to the doctor to get another script. As it is a script it means the medicine is given out under your doctors supervision so it means it would harm your friends if they have taken it and it could also affect your health as your not taking all your medicine. - clara

4)   Hi, if you think a shop has supplied you incorrectly, you should always take the receipt and the product back (unopened). The best option is always to check carefully before leaving the shop - then there is nothing to prove. However, if you think there has been a genuine mistake, ring them. Speak directly to the owner or manager. If they have a camera and it is possible, you could always ask to view the footage with them. They may appreciate the validity of your request more then. People make mistakes, the benefit of the doubt is simply to know that but get what you paid for. - Dorothy Taylor

5)   Obviously you have to back check with the pharmacy. They have a precise record of what was dispensed. - thenoseknows

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Question 4
Is 10MG of Melatonin at a time safe?...  Is it okay to have 10MG of melatonin at a time?

1)   Yes it is safe. However, for best result it is recommend to start between 2 and 5 mg, .. and work up to the desired effect. Though 10mg won't kill you, or cause any adverse effects.

Melatonin is a safe compound and naturally occurs within the body. - Jared

2)   No idea... But I don't recommend it.

I don't know if you mean Milligrams.. if so. That's a fair bit I think - imscared95

3)   perfectly fine. i would work up to it though. i have worked up to that dose and im pregnant. been taking it like 2 months now. - Venessa

4)   Although safe but it depends on many other factors. Any other lifestyle diseases and the related medicines can have interaction. Please check with a qualified doctor. - Mandeep V

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Question 5
Are there any alternative medicine treatments for emphysema that work?...  I'm using Albuterol without much help.

1)   No - it's an irreversible damage to the lungs - nothing will improve it.

The single most important thing you can do to stop it worsening is to stop smoking - roddysul

2)   See a professional Homeopath. It's the only thing that can work to cure it or alleviate the symptoms significantly. Since this is a chronic issue it's not a doityourself deal. - thenoseknows

3)   No. Firstly, you need to understand that there is no such thing as alternative "medicine" -period. There's stuff that works (medicine), and stuff that hasn't been shown to work- Homeopathy has been shown time and time again not to work. Most sane people accept this and move on, however, there are still some, like Nosey above, who continue to cling to the "belief" that it works, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Why do they peddle in such nonsense? offers them simplicity. They are unable to deal with the complexity of science and medicine.

Basically, you have damage to the alveoli of the lungs. How old are you and how long have you had COPD? It goes without saying, that if you smoke, you must stop. The damage that exists in your lungs cannot be reversed, it's important you understand this. If the quacks tell you otherwise, they are lying. However, just because you cannot undo the existing damage to your lungs, it does not mean you can cannot prevent further damage.

Treatments aim to ease symptoms; and it can be divided into three different categories: Treatments to stable the condition, management for exacerbation's and treatments for end-stage COPD.

Albuterol is an short acting bronchodilator, which relaxes the muscles in the airways, helping them to dilate. If your current management is not very effective, you need to return to your Doctor so he can reassess your situation. There are other medicines used in the management of COPD.

The quacks on here have no medical training. AVOID. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

4)   Excercise, eat healthy, drink plenty of water. - Mike McWilliams

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