Thursday, March 31, 2011

How i can rise early in the morning ?

Question 1
How i can rise early in the morning ?...  

1)   Get into the habit of going to bed earlier over the span of a week, each night, turn out the lights 15 minutes earlier. Also, before bed, try to read, write, or do something relaxing that doesn't involve bright lights (T.V,computer,etc.) Worked for me! - G

2)   use ur alarm Clock dear its the best way OR else before sleeping have a aim in your mind that "I have to wake up at 6 o' clock and decide it then sleep u'll see thst u are automatically rosed at 6........

it really works.......just set ur mind before sleeping to wake early and see next morning...
All the very Best :-) - FuNKy FuN......

3)   Get an annoying pet. It works for me, even though that wasn't my objective. - joe friday's grrl

4)   A strong will to awaken early with the help of an alarm clock. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

5)   It's common for many people to get off the bed when they know they absolutely HAVE TO or a MUST, or else they're gonna be late for work/school (PAIN). Next time, visualize the pain and exaggerate it, make it bigger and louder in your head until you're compelled to get up or else something bad will happen.

Or you can try the opposite approach which works for some, including me. What music/song motivates you? Energizes you and makes you "come alive"? Good examples could be theme from Chariot of Fire, Rocky etc. Put your favorite motivational tune as the alarm, and you'll feel motivated to wake up. - HT

6)   Sleep early at night...Have this practice and then you will be able to get up early in the morning by keeping alarm. - Aarti

7)   Drink a large pitcher of water before bed. - Tink

8)   figure out what time you want to get up. Then subtract the number of hours you want to sleep.

This will give you the bedtime.

Then start taking 5 mg of melatonin 1/2 hour before the new bedtime.

Melatonin can rest the body clock. - janie

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Question 2
Can a girl masrubate with a hotdog?...  my friend and i got in an argument. she says ypu cant i say you can

1)   ……………………………………..________
……………………………..,< `.._|_,-&``................`\ - bigisland4ever

2)   A girl from my school did it in the bathroom stall and had to call an ambulance because it broke off in her, they had to get it surgically removed. I really hope your not THAT desperate though. Kinda gross. - Ilovemymarine

3)   Masrubate? - Gaz

4)   You probably could try, but bananas and cucumbers are better. - feelfree

5)   If you have to ask I think you have no business masturbating, - Brodie_Knows

6)   I don't. I use my shower massage, or my fingers.

You can, it's your Vagaygay! - Seeya

7)   sure you can. Best take it out of the bread first though - avoid mustard - Nitram

8)   I'm trying to figure out how the submitter selected the Alternative Medicine section for this question. lol - Opie K

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Question 3
If I Have A Small Bag of Marijuana, Can I Eat it And Have Similar Effects to Smoking it?!?...  I live alone and there are no stores that carry rolling papers in my neighborhood.

1)   Make a bong. Google it. - Nonsense

2)   why would you consider eating it? dont have a liter or something
buy a black and mild, and use the paper on that. - Jairus Roque

3)   Grinding it up and sniffing would work better than eating it. - Wolfgang2049

4)   Nooo. You're better off looking for a pipe or something to smoke it with out of your house. You can only eat the part with the stems I believe & you typically have to bake it into something. - Maybe I'm Dreaming.

5)   if you eat it, it would have similar effects but you need to eat a lot more. If you want to waste all of your weed for an average high, then by all means...
Otherwise, you've got a few options for a DIY smokefest.
-G-Bongs, (gravity bongs),
Items needed: Empty gallon of milk/water, rinsed/bucket; empty 20oz soda or gatorade bottle; socket from a tool kit, any size. (if you cant find a socket or arent sure what I mean, you can also use tinfoil over the mouth of the bottle, press it in to make a ditch for the weed and poke several holes in it- be careful not to rip it!)
1. Cut the top off of the gallon
2. On each nub on the bottom of the soda bottle, use a lighter or a knife to burn/cut a SMALL hole into each nub. With a gatorade bottle, do the same thing around the bottom edge, make sure they're spaced out.
3. Using a knife, cut a hole smaller than the diameter of your socket, then melt the plastic around the hole with your lighter a bit and push the socket in. Keep reheating if you have to, the socket should be embedded in the cap, with an end coming out each side. It should be airtight also, this step can test a stoners patience. If you dont have a socket just do the tinfoil thing.
4. Fill the gallon/buck half-3/4 way full. Hold your bottle in the water until it fills through the bottom. Pack the socket with a bit of jane/put a little in your tinfoil AFTER the bottle is full, the light it as the water is draining out.
5. The water draining pulls a thick cloud of smoke, which you can then unscrew your cap and inhale once the water is gone! This is great for conserving weed, and you can reuse it a bunch.

"Lungs"(Bread bag G)-
Items you need:
-Empty bread bag
-Two liter bottle, bottom cut off
-Socket cap (see instructions in step 3 G Bong) or Tinfoil with a indent and holes poked in it for the grass

1. Tape bread bag around bottom of bottle, as in the open part of the bag goes around the open bottom of the bottle. Tape it there.
2. Stuff the bag inside the bottle
3. Screw on cap/tinfoil, pack with jane
4. Light while SLOWLY pulling the bag out of the bottle.
5. Unscrew cap/foil and enjoy your smoke!

Items you need:
Tin can

1. Make a indent in the side of the can, poke holes in it.
2. Put your grass in the indent, poke more holes if needed, inhale through can mouthpiece.

"Steamroller" 2
Items you need:
Empty soda bottle

1. Cut a small hole in the side of the bottle.
2. Make a bowl shape with the tinfoil, place in the hole and have the edges of the foil keep it balanced on the bottle.
3. Poke holes in the foil, pack your grass and inhale through the bottle opening.

Happy smoking, friend.Never eat your weed unless you have alot of it, and its in brownie form. - oheyy

6)   Make an apple pipe. Those things are the sh*t. I have a friend that buys a ton of apples (not literally) a week because he only uses them to smoke out of. Just do a search. You can about make a pipe out of anything. I used to smoke with a 60 year old man that smoked out of a pipe he carved himself. - Jebus Knight

7)   Based on my Research studies on psychoactive drugs, the effects of eating marijuana ,say in the form of, cookies are significantly less than smoking or sniffing it. In such a case, it does not seem to interfere with long term memory.
The long term results, on the nervous system, associated with the accumulation of tetrahydrocannabinol ( the active ingredient) found in cannabis within the brain have not yet been identified. Therefore, just to be on the safe side it is better to avoid any type of psychoactive drug.
If you are interested in altering your state of consciousness try to get involved in activities that have no side effects, such as Meditation. Regardless of which drug you use you will likely develop a tolerance (or resistance) to it, after a time, then you will be forced to get a 'high' from something stronger like opium! - Nabil

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Question 4
urgent!! please help: apple cider vinegar/yogurt - cure for yeast infection? will it work?...  i want to treat my yeast infection with home remedies because drugs don't seem to work for me and it's too expensive. so i got some apple cider and have plain yogurt too. i heard that if you add a cup of vinegar in your bath and stay in for about 15 mins it'll help.
and then that you keep eating the yogurt and also soak a tampon in it and insert it. should i use both of these treatments? or just one? do they word?
i'm seriously annoyed because it's just so itchy and burns and i keep getting the discharge and i just wanna get rid of it! this is like the second day and i cant handle it anymore!!
also could the cause be my medication (pills) for iron in my blood? cause i have anemia. i used to use different brand before and had no problems. thanks!

1)   you need a doctor and urgent. - karen2625

2)   CAKE sour cream on will take the burn away and the cultures will take care of the yeast. - Asparagus

3)   Please just go get some Vagisil or something. At least we all know that WILL definitely work. Tampon in yogurt? I don't even know... - G

4)   Tough one. I've heard of those remedies working for minor cases, but I'm doubtful it will work if the other things you tried haven't. I think a doctor visit's necessary. - joe friday's grrl

5)   about it you can get information from here - Ally Pedley

6)   Actually, the burning may be caused by an allergic reaction. A small percentage of woman are allergic to one of the active ingredients in monistat called micanazole.

If you're suffering from an allergic reaction you should let your doctor know so he/she can recommend another cream to use. If you self diagnosed your infection, it would probably be a good idea to stop using it and try something else.

Personally I think the best approach is the natural way. Basically the reason you have a yeast infection is because there's an imbalance in your body. A healthy person has a balance between the yeast in their body and the good bacteria in their body.

Too much yeast, you have a yeast infection. Too much bacteria, you have a bacterial infection.

So, when you have a yeast infection you essentially have too much yeast in your body. The natural way to treat it and bring back that balance is to starve the yeast and introduce more good bacteria into your body.

Oh and BTW - That's why you often get relief from using the over the counter meds temporarily, and then the yeast infection comes back. The creams aren't changing the source of the problem. They are just killing the yeast they come in contact with, and not balancing the yeast/bacteria in your body and actually sometimes end up making things a lot worse.

Oh BTW2 - That's also why many times you'll get a yeast infection after using antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, the good and the bad. When that happens the balance between the yeast and good bacteria is off once again and you get a yeast infection.

Things you can add to your diet (to help promote good bacteria) are live yogurt cultures (or take Acidophilus), plenty of water, fresh vegetables, lots of protein rich foods, whey protein, raw garlic, nuts, seeds, oils, millet, rice and oat brans.

Things you should remove from your diet (to starve the yeast) are all sodas, sugars, fruit, fermented foods, foods containing white flour, alcohol (especially beer), antacids and any product that has yeast or mold.

You can change your diet in conjunction with using the creams that you've been using and that will speed up the recovery significantly. But what I would also recommend is to use a homeopathic solution instead. I always feel if there's a natural way to do something, then it's best to avoid the chemicals. I would look for an natural product, that can be taken orally to promote re-growth of the good bacteria in your body.

There are a few out there, I think they are probably all pretty good. One that I have used and was very effective for me was is yeastrol.

If you're interesting in finding out more I've added a link that has some more info. - eileen Pistou

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Question 5
Do you know of any good teas to restore yin energy?...  too much Yang, unbalanced.

1)   You need a chi transplant. Start looking for a donor. - Heisenberg

2)   Mind creates matter.

If you understand this,
you won't need teas,
you won't need supplements,
and you won't need poisonous pills. - omoikane

3)   I am more knowledgeable about tea than about Chinese herbal medicine and the theory of yin / yang and energy balance, however, I have heard others talk about this topic.

My understanding is that the teas that will help you get a more Yin energy are those that tend to have a lighter, fresher aroma, and those that are less processed. Green teas, especially Japanese ones, should have this effect. Greener oolongs, such as Taiwanese Jade oolong, with a light roast, or green Tie Guan Yin, or other greener Anxi oolongs.

Teas to avoid (if Yin is what you want), which have a more Yang energy, are black teas, aged Pu-erh tea, and heavily-oxidized or heavily-roasted oolong teas (generally avoid the Wuyi oolongs).

If you want a good source of these, I actually have sampled many of the greener oolongs from Life in Teacup and it's probably my favorite source for Anxi oolongs. If you read my reviews, or their website, you'll be able to locate the ones with the greener quality. Here are my reviews:

You're probably going to be fine with any green teas, except roasted green tea (hojicha). However, if you're going for Yin, you probably want to make sure to get fresh, loose-leaf green tea. Any sort of processing of food tends to move it away from yin and more towards Yang, in general, which is why I emphasize the freshness. I have a section on my tea review site about green teas with a lot of general info:

I don't know about the specific varieties that are higher in yin energy. I've heard dragon well is good in it but my intuition is that there are probably better choices. In terms of the taste / feeling, my intuition would be that you might be better off with Japanese teas.

Good luck! Like I said, I know a lot about tea but only a little bit about the yin / yang theory, but I hope that you find this helpful. I definitely know that, in according to that theory, I tend to like to drink more of the "yang" teas in winter, and I find they feel better for me then, which is what that theory says should be the case, so I think that theory has a lot more credibility and truth than most people realize. - cazort

4)   You probably need more alkaline in your overall diet. That means more vegetables and less meat and dairy stuffs. A good drink would be wheat grass powder which is high in alkaline value.

Stress also reduces yin energy. So, whenever you notice that you're about to get stressful, take a few moments to simply breathe...yes, a few slow breaths should help balance your energy and flush out those tensions - HT

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