Friday, July 1, 2011

Did toxic chemicals cure Gary's pneumonia and was it a conspiracy?

Question 1
Did toxic chemicals cure Gary's pneumonia and was it a conspiracy?...  I am sure that if he and his ancestors would have taken care of themselves on all domains, he would never have had any pneumonia.

Wouldn't it be a great idea to somewhere force people again to take care of themselves and listen to the signals that can lead them to a really fulfilling life, instead of having so many people waste their lifes at having the illusion of curing people's life?

1)   Don't play Jesus. People are not yet ready and will come and crucify you, for they still can't face the mirror. - Johanna

2)   You should ask Gary to show evidence and if he dares to show it (which he won"t) then
say that is not proof enough. The doctor was a quack, beginners luck etc.,
Then see if he can wriggle out of it. - Sudhakar B

3)   You're completely right. But we won't need to force them. Aquarian times will take care of that ;) - omoikane

4)   I think we tried that at one point.
A lot of people died needlessly.

You can be in perfect health and smallpox will still kill you.

Edit: Wait... "ancestors would have taken care of themselves"'re advocating Lamarckian evolution? - Weise Ente

5)   no. the cause of his problem is still completely intact. it's just a matter of time until respiratory symptoms return when you have sufficient nerve interference to a lung present. - Mr E

6)   Riiiight, people who take care of themselves NEVER get ill and certainly NEVER without their permission.

Come on now, youre being silly. Any healthy immune system when it comes into contact with a pathogen (or one of it's close relatives) that it has never practice with, will get infected. End of story.

All you folks who are so against medicines very often make stark fools of yourselves in your hypocrisy.
How many times would you be dead if not for antibiotics? - Tink

7)   If you mean antibiotics, then yes, it did cure Gary's pneumonia.

"I am sure that if he and his ancestors would have taken care of themselves on all domains, he would never have had any pneumonia."

It doesn't really work like that.

Edit: Tink, I need to talk to you. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

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Question 2
Is it safe to take these expired pills?...  I bought these a few years ago when I had a hard time sleeping and just found them again. They are Simply Sleep made by Tylenol. 50mg tablets. I'm once again having trouble sleeping and am curious about taking them. Says they expired in 10/10. Hopefully I get a quick response. I need to be up in 5 hours for an interview lol.

1)   Take half the normal amount..... May work more/less with expiration - Paul Shields

2)   they could still work but most likely they wont. give it a try it cant harm you. - Matt Gallagher

3)   just get new ones from the store - joe

4)   Don't take them. The chemicals and ingredients have expired, they may not work in the way that they should and give you bad side effects or make you sick. - Miss Lula

5)   Sorry, Not really safe.


6)   Do not take them. They have been expired almost a year.

Medication has an expiration date for a reason. Would you eat a can of soup that has been expired for a year? Not likely. It's the same idea. - Spunky

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Question 3
How can I lower my heartbeat naturally? I am 35 and my heartbeat rate is always about 90.?...  I do yoga and meditation and try to stay calm.

1)   A deficiency in magnesium and vitamin B1 can cause a rapid heartbeat. - skittlesss

2)   Stay hydrated. Drinking water isn't just good for your skin and your digestive tract, it helps keep your blood flowing through your veins as well. Eight glasses of water a day is the general rule, but you should increase that if you live in an extremely dry climate, or routinely engage in extreme physical activity.
When you've got to go… This may be a little bit delicate, but it's really important to your heart, as well as your kidneys, to relieve yourself when you feel the urge. Don't hold it. A full bladder stresses your entire circulatory system, and can increase your heart rate by up to nine beats per minute.
Get some rest. An Australian study that involved rousing volunteers from their sleep many times a night (often with loud noises) found that being startled from sleep can increase your heart rate by 13 beats per minutes.
Even without being rudely awakened by loud noises, however, sleep is an important part of fitness and health. Weight loss, for example, is almost impossible without regularly getting about eight hours of rest each night.

Get a massage. Massage, meditation, a warm bubble bath – anything that puts you into a relaxed state also reduces your resting heart rate. A British study even found that when volunteers received hour-long reflexology treatments, their resting heart rates decreased by an average of eight beats per minute.
Exercise regularly. Cardio is the key – aerobics, running, biking, swimming – anything that gets your blood pumping is good, and it also increases the efficiency of your heart, reducing the number of beats per minute required to keep your circulatory system functioning whether you're active or resting.
If you're already exercising routinely, consider increasing the intensity of your cardio workouts: if you're already walking, jog. If you're a jogger, start running. The trick is to vary the pace: do three minutes at 70% of your maximum heart rate, followed by four at 90%. - Saleh

3)   you need to ask your doctor urgently. - Nitram

4)   nerve interference to the heart can cause this. see an hio method upper cervical specific chiropractor. - Mr E

5)   You don't want to do that, it could kill you. I also have tachycardia because my blood pressure drops so fast and so low that my heart races to pump faster to maintain a necessary minimum BP to keep me alive. So if I were to take anything to stop that I would die. Drinking baking soda in water helps me because I have adrenal failure which means low aldosterone levels, which is responsible for body fluid balance.

Get yourself tested POTS and adrenal failure, although they do botch up the tests a lot. Google and join forums and read about all this. - .

6)   I agree with Mr E and Saleh.

Take magnesium - it is a natural muscle relaxant. Aerobic exercise, as hiking and walking will lower your heart rate and make your heart work more efficiently. Massage and chiropractic work also. It will take time, but it is worth it in the long run. - mrs A

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Question 4
How do u break your ankle?...  Bad enough to be in crutches

1)   Play streetball against the dudes from the AND 1 Mixtape tour - King D

2)   DONT!!!!!!!!! you will regret it. It is sooo painful :( the cruthches hurt ur arms and its hard to get around. I had an extra bone in my foot and had surgery to get it removed. And it was hard to get around school, home, stores everything! Worst thing ever - Shizzle

3)   Errrrmmmm. Don't. And if you really need to break something then go for the leg, break your ankle and it could hurt for the rest of your life. Stuff like falling out a tree feet first can do your ankle. Nasty 2 footed tackles in football (soccer) do it as well - tell 'em to aim for you leg instead. - Jon B

4)   You put enough stress on the bone until it fractures.

Good luck! - Nate

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Question 5
what is a good natural way to boost my Libido? (10 pnts for best answer)?...  I've just been having trouble 'getting it up, and getting it hot' for a long time, due to prescription meds that really messed me up. I've been taking Zinc daily for years now, i take 30 MG, it it helps, especially when it contains arginine in it, but i've tried taking pure arginine and it gives me the WORST headache ever!!! I have a bad re-action to it.

What are some herbal vitamins that have been shown to greatly increase a persons arousal response? I hear that Horny goat weed, and Gingko leaf are two, I've tried Gingko, couldn't tell if it helped or not, didn't take it enough.

Does anyone hear know of a good solution to my problem? cause I'm suffering over here!

@first poster; I'm actually type O, not sure what that does though...

1)   Are you blood type A?Blood type A has the thickest blood,and the arteries and veins can get clooged very easy,especially from eating meat,becasue type A doesn`t make enough hydrocloric adic to digest it.It impairs circulation.Eat raw fruits and veggies and sprouted grains.Peatnut butter and spirulina for protein.Yohimbe for men,but not for women.Maca,DMG and rosemary may help circulation.Damainia. - justin tyme

2)   Try more foreplay, it does the trick for me! - Jon B

3)   Yohimbine (extract from the bark of the yohimbe tree). Extensive research studies show that yohimbine helps with impotence. Yohimbine's primary action is to increase blood flow to erectile tissue. Research studies also show that yohimbine helps to reverse the sexual dysfunction caused by using SSRI antidepressant medications.

Yohimbe >>>

There are more natural remedies listed here....

Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction >>>

Nutrients for increased libido are magnesium and zinc.

Minerals that boost libido >>> - ƦєdAиgєℓ

4)   looking up naked pictures of your mom on the internet usually works for me - Chandran Daddylonglegs

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