Monday, July 4, 2011

What are some of sings that will show I am growing tall?

Question 1
What are some of sings that will show I am growing tall?...  I am 13 yr old I am trying to increase my hight I have been doing I am 5"1 I streches,swiming,cycling,jumpropeing,jumping, having a good diet

1)   you need also sleep and good sleep at least 8 hours or more, thats when you grow - Alfred

2)   Everyone else looks shorter, when you look up the ceiling looks closer, when you look down the floor looks further away and when you're speaking to people a cloud drifts past your nose and makes you sneeze. - Robot Devil

3)   All that exercise will do you very good. Just make sure you don't do too much of it. Also make sure you get a long good night sleep especially on the days you do exercise and make sure you stretch before/after. Exercise, sleep well, and eat right. - Mint Breeze

4)   stretch-marks and growing pains - skittlesss

5)   The best thing to do is to pay better attention in english class.

Also, the ground will look farther away. -

6)   you will only grow as tall as your genetics allow.
NOTHING you do will change that.
If you could change that, there would be no midgets in the world.
You can eat healthy and get plenty of exercise and rest to grow to your full potential though.
You CANNOT do anything to get taller than your would have anyway except painful expensive surgery to lengthen bones.
Anyway, you won't stop growing until you are much older. - ckngbbbls

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Question 2
how to drink vinegar for health reason?...  Is it true it helps un-clog arteries? And does it help skin and hair? What kind should I drink and how much & how often???

1)   Drink a glass of vinegar before going to bed at night. - Jefferson Carter

2)   It's a strange one with Vinegar. It sounded as disgusting to me as it probably does to you the first time I heard it, but it's very common practice in Japan.

Personally, I would stay clear. It's an acid, and a very strong one at that. It may have some purposes for cleansing the stomach, perhaps, but I think the bad more than out weighs the good on this one.

If your desperate to give it a go I'd suggest Vinegar Apples drinks etc, but only in very small doses but as I said - I don't know conclusively from a medical perspective, but it's not something I'd be prepared to risk.

For skin & hair there are a million good alternatives, from a class of water with some fresh lemon squeezed into it, Omega 3 vitamin tablets or just good, healthy food & fresh fruit.

If your still adamant about using vinegar I'd really suggest you speak to your doctor first - may save you some serious problems in the long run.

Good luck! - Giovanni Soffietto

3)   I can't see how it could unclog an artery unless you injected in to you - which is fatal.

I like vinegar on some foods, I use olive oil and vinegar on my salad. I don't know if you eat canned salmon or not, but try chopped onions and vinegar on it. (Not too much a bit). It is also good on souse (a lunch meat). My grandmother used to make her own souse (from chicken). It's easy to make. When you cook chicken and let it cool, remove an toss the yellow fat. Keep the brown-clear gel. Heat it and remove the small particles. That will gel when it cools. Dice some onions and brown them with some garlic. Add the onions, Dice green peppers, add. Chop up whatever you want and add. Allow to cool. Eat cold as a lunch meat. A drop of vinegar works well. - Robin Spake

4)   I drink 1 or 2 TBSP of Bragg's ACV in 8oz water twice a day. Yes, it even promotes weight loss. Make sure to dilute it well or watch out your teeth!!! ! - .

5)   Yes, one of the best do all remedies in alternative medicine. Google ACV TESTIMONIALS TO SEE FOR YOUR SELF WHAT IT CAN DO.
yOU NEED TO GO TO THE [sorry caps] health shop and buy a raw one ,with the MOTHER in it [natural cedament in the bottom.] Gives you energy and good for skin thrush is germ killing also Great for your skin. Use it in your dressings on salad and drink it in water. [about a tablespoon in a litre botle tastes ok.
Look it up now. - Andyboy

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Question 3
Has anyone read Suzanne Somer`s book on alternative cancer treatments?...  And what was it she used to beat cancer?

1)   yes. - beanybby74

2)   To beat her stage one breast cancer, Suzanne Somers used conventional cancer treatment - surgery and radiotherapy.

She now makes a big noise about having refused chemo; but for a stage one, very small, er+ tumour treated with minimal surgery and 'belt and braces' radiotherapy, chemotherapy is very unlikely to have been recommended or offered. So her honesty must be called into question.

She now claims to have 'cured' her own breast cancer with alternative treatments, and makes a mint selling vitamins and supplements which she claims will prevent and treat cancer.

And all the vitamin pills and 'immune system boosting' stuff she's grown rich on didn't stop her from getting a serious case of disseminated coccidioidomycosis - her fantastic immune system allowed her to get a severe infection from a fungus that apparently almost killed her.

She has done so little research on the quackery she peddles to other people that she was unaware that some preparations she sells and takes contain steroids, and so delayed her treatment and was temporarily misdiagnosed because her doctors didn't know she was taking steroids.

In her risible book, she recounts the conversation with the doctor who said 'You should have told us you were taking steroids', and she still denies she was or ever would take steroids.

Erm..she was and is taking cortisol as part of her "bioidentical hormone" cocktail; clearly she doesn't know that all oestrogens she is taking are steroid hormones, or that cortisol is a corticosteroid.

And of course this queen of all things natural fills her face with botox and the like.

She's making a fortune from exploiting people's fears and the desperation of vulnerable people; she had an early stage and therefore easily treated cancer, and used conventional methods to put it in remission and then lied about it; she's a charlatan and she's almost certainly putting lives in danger.

Don't bother with the book; it's turgid, badly written and full of misinformation. Here's a good review though:

EDIT: @Hope Floats: the difference between Somers' cancer and the other two you mention is that Somers had stage one breast cancer - long term survival rate: almost 100%.

Farrah Fawcett had late stage anal cancer - 5 year survival rate: 20%.

Patrick Swayze had pancreatic cancer - 5 year survival rate even when diagnosed early: 5%

What all three have in common is that their cancer was treated using conventional treatments. Only one of them was dishonourable enough to lie about it... - lo_mcg

3)   Suzanne Somers used a combination of treatments,the number 1 thing being Mistletoe,or a drug made from the actual plant Mistletoe.This was the difference between her treatment and Patrick and Farrah`s. - Hope floats

4)   I have not but if you are looking for good information go to Dr Lorraine Day also has excellent videos Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore, and You can't improve on God, they are talked about in the website. I used a black salve to get rid of my cancer, but there are much easier ways in the website, ways I did not know about at the time. - angela

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Question 4
How much do the anti nausea braclets cost and where can I buy one?...  and do they really work?? my mom keeps insisting that they dont work

1)   Nausea can be a deficiency symptom if you don't have enough of vitamin B3, vitamin B5, and vitamin B6, so if you just take a vitamin B-complex supplement (it's like a multivitamin, but only has the B-vitamins in them, like vitamin B5, vitamin B6, etc..) that should help you get over your nausea.... google for more info! - skittlesss

2)   I agree with skittles, esp pregnant women with a little B-6 can stop morning sickness. Keep in mind that B vitamins work together, and taking one can increase your need for the whole family, if you can find a naturally balanced B vitamin supplement, instead of chemically balanced. Taking one or two or three b vitamins for a few weeks is safe, but not for extended periods. Your best sources of B vitamins are 100% whole grain breads, wheat germ, always keep in the freezer, liver, and plain yogurt, with no fake or added sucrose. With the yogurt your body can make its own B vitamins. I don't know about the bracelets, they certainly could not cost too much, if you can find out what they are made of..copper probably, you can buy a copper bracelet at a thrift store for just a little money. Copper is a golden bronze color and will not be attracted by a magnet. - angela

3)   lol...take your mom's advice - she's obviously more savvy than you. - Nate

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Question 5
Massage therapists!!! look!!!!!?...  I've been looking into massage therapy for my main career choice.
But I really want to talk to a licensed massage therapist before I make it my official choice.
So, how do you like the job?
What don't you like about it?
What should I know before getting into this?
And any tips?
Thanks tons to anyone who helps (:

1)   No qualification is required. Undergo proper training @ a good and reputed master.
Caution--A female massager should limit her services to her sex only. Male should serve another male only. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

2)   Even though I'm an RN, I went through a massage training program... just because I wanted to... so even though I'm no longer a practicing therapist, maybe I can help.

Therapeutic massage is a very rewarding profession, but it won't make you rich. I really enjoy watching people who got on my table hurting get so much benefit from the massage. I once had a 83 year old woman who was almost in an auto accident the afternoon after I worked on her tell me that she would never have been able to avoid the accident if she hadn't been so relaxed and pain free from my massage.

One down side is that many massage techniques are hard on the therapist. They are very prone to repetitive injuries... injuries from the increased wear and tear on certain joints.

You'll likely have to go to work for a spa or chiropractor or something like that until you build up your client base. That means you'll be splitting your income with your employer. On the other hand, you won't have the overhead costs and have to deal with advertising. It is also safer to work with a group. As a woman, there are some obvious safety issues if you go into practice on your own. "Some" men will have other expectations than just a massage. That doesn't mean you can't work on men, just in a safe environment.

A lot of businesses are welcoming massage therapists to set up chair (and even table) massages for their employees. I think that will be a good business for therapists in the future.

Good luck. - kathy_is_a_nurse

3)   I disagree females work on females only. In many states where peoples minds are still in the gutter, like Kansas where you have to get your liscence at the drugs and narcotics section of the gov't! and it is only legal to work at funky massage parlors the city people go to to get extras after time...well, that shut down, finally! but in Florida it is respected as health care, and it took a lot of lobbying to change the laws. You can work for a chirpopractor under his/her liscence and do not need one, but pro won't last long as you break down the muscle spasms that keep pulling peoples backs out of place, they get better, and the chiro will run out of repeat customers. One told me it cost him too much to look at my face, yet he went into some other modalities to increase his income, and was proud to keep getting people well. One thing you seriously need to consider that they will not tell you is you can only do it for a while, it will eventually ruin your hands, when they start swelling up every night it is time to quit or you will have problems all your life. I preferred to quit and save my hands, what was left of them lol, and forgo the 3k a month I was making. Make sure they teach you body mechanics so you are not putting stress on your body, always use a massage table. I loved doing it and got a lot of people well, I mainly did neuromuscular therapy, where I would break down muscle spasms, and also polarity treatments, to balance their energies. Use a natural oil, like olive oil, do not use mineral oil, as it goes into your body and absorbs your oil soluable vitamins and excretes them from your body, a sure way to get old fast, and not good for customers either. - angela

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