Thursday, July 14, 2011

Homeopathy is an example of ?

Question 1
Homeopathy is an example of ?...  

1)   a scam. also known as the placebo effect. or "alternative medicine" - phil latio

2)   Quackery. - Dan van

3)   Before I give you some answer, I must say your question is a very stupid one.
Don't take it personal, it's just a fact.

Homeopathy could be an example of energy medicine.
I do however not know homeopathy, and its efficiency.

The quality of medicine always depends on informing your clients.
So a good homeopath can be very interesting as he/she may give you new insights if you are still ignorant.
Some say it works at the causal level, well they are somewhere right, but not completely.
The problem is the dynamics of the mind and attitude.
Therefore it's very important how exactly you inform.
That's really an art, not a technique, just as homeopathy is. - SmartAss

4)   Qackery of the highest order - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

5)   Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine where the practitioners treat patients using highly diluted preparations that are believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms similar to those exhibited by the patient. The collective weight of scientific evidence has found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo.

Keep in mind that in the context of homeopathy, the term remedy is used to refer to a substance which has been prepared with a procedure and intended for patient use; it is not to be confused with the generally accepted use of the word, which means "a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieves pain".

So, It's basically a big large serving of Pseudoscience. - animefan749

6)   An alternative system of medicine that isn't based on a wit of science or even common sense, produces no results, and attracts people who both are lacking in education and have had bad past experience with conventional medicine. - Tink

7)   the power of suggestion. You may as well wear a magic rock or pray to Chaac Muul. - Kaviani999

8)   A topic that instantly generates a flood of polarized comments by proponents and opponents. The reaction as seen time and time again is the same as the clanging of the bell at a boxing match. - Rick

9)   You can say that homeopathy is an example of something that looked right 200 years ago, but with todays knowledge has turned into a real money spinner for quacks.

And here is an elaborated explanation:
Homeopathy has been around for approximately 200 years, and it hasn't evolved as our understanding of physiology (how the body works) and physics has increased. The law of similars (like cures like) is a core principle in homeopathy. From present day understanding of physiology we know, that this principle has no biological basis, but this was not self evident 200 years ago.

Another core principle is, that the effect gets stronger the more the remedy is diluted (and shaken vigorously (succussed)). From present day knowledge, we know that nothing else in nature gets stronger when diluted and succussed. But again this was not self evident 200 years ago. Today we understand, that something that has an effect in concentrated form will not have this effect if sufficiently diluted. And homeopathic remedies are so diluted, that not a single molecule of the original substance is present.

Nowadays many homeopathic remedies are adminstered as pills. I am not sure if they did that 200 years ago, but it is an absurdity of modern homeopathy. At some point in the manufacturing process, a drop of water (the diluted and succussed remedy) is dripped on the pill, which is then left to dry. Today we understand, that when the pill is dry, the water has evaporated.
Many diseases waxes and wanes (Regression to the mean), so if a homeopath says it can take some time to work he will be correct in many instances, but not because of the remedies. Part of the effect some people experience from taking homeopathy is attributable to the placebo effect (Attributable to expectation, conditioning, endorphins etc.). To know if homeopathy works beyond waxing/waning and placebo you have to do "Randomised blinded placebo controlled studies". When you do that, it turns out, that homeopathy can't do anything that any other placebo can't do.

So homeopathy is based on 200 years old ideas, that present day understanding tells us are wrong. The pills are without the "active" substance (The pills are dry), and studies without bias are unable to demonstrate any effect beyond placebo of the homeopathic remedies. But that doesn't stop some people to stubbornly cling to it. - JLI

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Question 2
I burned myself accidentally with a heating please!?...  It red and blotchy on the area that i had the heating pad and in one area it looks like it blistered and then popped. It hurts really bad and i could use some advice!
I cooled it down with cool water and got a soft warm (clean) towel and gently rubbed the area (that seemed to help the pain) and for the open blister i put some antibiotic cream on it and then a bandage over that. The pain has stopped and the redness has gone down a lot (almost gone). Thanks for all the suggestions.

1)   Place the area under cold running water for at least 10 minutes, don't waste any time do it now. Then go and seek medical treatment. - Mike

2)   go visit the doctor . that's what i'd do instead of questions about it ! seriously - Samuel Manohar

3)   Sometimes blisters come with a second degree burn, but they almost always come with a third degree burn. In any case, it's better to be safe than sorry, just soak the spot in water under the running tap (at a lewd temperature) and go see your doctor.
If the closest medical assistance is not as close as you might wish, take a spray bottle with water with you to moisturize the wound and avoid fabric being in contact with the burnt spot for too long. - A K

4)   Start by thoroughly cooling it, cold water if you have nothing better.

Either seek medical treatment or get a good burn ointment, preferably something Silver sulfadiazine - Jeroen Wijnands

5)   I have experienced cool Aloe Vera gel is soothing for burns of most types. Is suppose to be speed up healing too. - Sharon H

6)   Swipe it with tooth brush or with honey. take a tablet to relief the pain such as Panadol. - Yara Jeff

7)   Nothing is accidentally. - SmartAss

8)   depends on how large the area is - a partial thickness burn that is larger than say the palm of your hand can be more dangerous than a smaller deeper burn.

Rinse the area under running water for several minutes. Apply antibiotic ointment to blisters that have opened, apply a gauze dressing with tape. Repeat that twice daily. If redness appears see a physician - the worst part about burns is that they are so vulnerable to infection.

If it is larger than a CD case in size I would suggest you see a physician - burns are actually very serious injuries - if it starts to redden more, or becomes more inflamed really, please see a doctor for some antibiotics. If it's the size of a heating pad (even a small one) I would suggest you go to an emergency room. In burn treatment, they use something called the "rule of 9's" to assess how dangerous a burn is in terms of all of you - a burn the size of a sheet of paper can be life threatening. - Tink

9)   It's been 3 hours since you posted your request. If there hasn't been any change for the better, go to your doc now. And a reduction in pain by itself doesn't necessarily mean improvement. You stand a chance of infection, neurological issues and more. - Rick

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Question 3
i just found out my son smokes marijuana. i instantly locked him in the closet and told him he wont get out?...  until he agrees to sign a contract stating he will never smoke toxic or deadly substances again. he seems to think it is all a joke and that he can just smoke pot whenever he wants without any risk or serious injury or death. unfortunately our school system isnt educating our children about the dangers of you have any tips on how to set this crazy kid straight?

1) - mycoollife

2)   As a comfort to yourself it's been proven its less harmful to your body than alcohol... But don't tell him that.

I'd be more worried that when the kick of the weed goes he'll move onto something stronger.

Scare him somehow, take away his laptop or something he uses continuously and get home drug tests or something.

Show him the reality of the drug!! Find out where he's getting the crap from and what friends are encouraging him to do it.

Threaten rehab.

Hope you succeed! Locking him in the closet is damn funny! - James

3)   If you make a minor sign a contract it will be invalid anyways because he's a minor. It seems you've been greatly misinformed about the use of marijuana. It does not kill brain cells nor is there any danger of long term health issues associated with smoking THC, the chemical found in marijuana. It may be a good idea to keep him away from it if he in in school since it does cause short term memory issues. - C.C.

4)   Tobacco related deaths worldwide annually - 5 million
Alcohol related deaths worldwide annually - 2.5 million
Deaths from prescription drugs worldwide annually - not stated but in the USA, based on a 2000 study, 106 000 deaths annually - taken as the doctor directed

Marijuana related deaths worldwide annually - 0

The war on drugs - what a joke >>> - ƦєdAиgєℓ

5)   Unfortunately, our school system didn't educate you either if your spelling, misinformation, punctuation, and usage are anything to go on.

And there's a loophole in your "contract" but I'm not wasting the calories on explaining it. - Kaviani999

6)   That's never going to work. Your son will come out of the closet, one way or the other. - Beardog

7)   Well he can only buy pot if he has money, so cut that. - amazoncore2

8)   FYI marijuana isn't bad at all. Intact I think it should just be legal. It can be used as a medicine that helps people. I don't categorize it as a drug because it's not at all like the other drugs. Check out a medical marijuana site or do some research before you talk down about marijuana... Thank you. Legalize it! Ps why the fuck you locking him in the closet?! That's fd! What is this? Harry potter? Lol - J - D1ZZL3

9)   Marijuana is only bad if you SMOKE it not all the ways you get high off of it...
other than smoking it it's not harmful. - The Nomathon

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Question 4
safe painkiller in pregnancy?...  safe painkiller in pregnancy send brand name

1)   What pussies are there in the world.Soon you will want painkillers for taking a shit too....get real. - Green Beret - Russian

2)   don't ever take anything, even over the counter, without asking your doctor. Different people have different sensitivities, so what might be perfectly safe for others may not work for you. - im2bizzy

3)   tylenol or acetaminophen. thats it. - nickmay85

4)   I Dont Think There Is Any Safe Pain Killer To Take During Pregnancy Sorry But If Your Having Pains During Pregnancy You Should See Your Doctor - destinee silvas

5)   Your Having Pains During Pregnancy You Should See Your Doctor - Rana King

6)   To the best of my knowledge, no safe pain killer available in allopathy. Prudent to see a local homeopath, instead. - Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi

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Question 5
I am suffering from constipation and acne, i need any homeopathy remedy for it...?...  I am 20 year old, i m having acne from last 7 years...
I m suffering from white head & black heads, i often get constipated and that time i get big pimples containing pus in it...
Please help me to get ride of constipation and acne both..
Thank you.

1)   Constipation is due to bad food habits, less intake of fluids and absence of sufficient physical activities. If such condition is prolonged, it results in dryness of the intestinal tract and non-peristaltic action of the intestine.No desire for and no ability to pass stool until there is large accumulation. Alumina and Bryonia are better remedies for you. Take as much fluids as possible and avoid dairy and spicy foods. Practise regular physical exercises in the morning. Just before trying to pass the stools, drain the portion of anal surface with one litre of warm water. Consult your doctor for fistula and piles. - SRIRANGAM G

2)   Constipation is due to bad food habits, less intake of fluids and absence of sufficient physical activities. If such condition is prolonged, it results in dryness of the intestinal tract and non-peristaltic action of the intestine.No desire for and no ability to pass stool until there is large accumulation. Alumina and Bryonia are better remedies for you. Take as much fluids as possible and avoid dairy and spicy foods. Practise regular physical exercises in the morning. Just before trying to pass the stools, drain the portion of anal surface with one litre of warm water. Consult your doctor for fistula and piles. - Sujata Karmacharya

3)   Unfortunately homeopathy is a sham treatment and will have no effect on your conditions.

Consult a properly qualified medical doctor for advice. - dave

4)   While I believe in homeopathy and the remedies listed may help, my recommendation is to simply increase your fiber and water intake. This will help the constipation and will help cleanse the toxins out of your body thereby aiding the acne as well. And eat things with natural fiber, like fresh fruit and vegetables, not all this manmade fiber stuff. - redhead

5)   eat healthier, and less sugar - Ryan

6)   Homeopathy is nothing but sugar pills. There are no active ingredients, and the pills to not have some magical capacity to "remember" or "know" how to treat any symptom.

See a real medical doctor - a medical doctor does not prescribe superstition - to treat your conditions. - Tink

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