Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are you risking death by colon 'cleansing' ?

Question 1
Are you risking death by colon 'cleansing' ?...  I was quite interested to read a new report that has found no benefit to the practice of 'colon cleansing':

"A search of the literature using the terms 'colon cleansing,' 'herbal colon cleanse,' 'colon detoxification,' and 'colon irrigation,' yielded no scientifically robust studies in support of this practice," wrote Ranit Mishori, MD, of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and colleagues, in the August Journal of Family Practice."

I was then shocked to discover the extent to which the activity actually hurts and kills people:

"Most reports in the literature note a variety of adverse effects of colon cleansing that range from mild (eg, cramping, abdominal pain, fullness, bloating, nausea, vomiting, perianal irritation, and soreness) to severe (eg, electrolyte imbalance and renal failure). Some herbal preparations have also been associated with aplastic anemia and liver toxicity.
Case reports also have noted back and pelvic abscesses after colonic hydrotherapy, fatal aeroportia (gas accumulation in the mesenteric veins) with air emboli, rectal perforations, perineal gangrene, acute water intoxication, coffee enema-associated colitis and septicemia, and deaths due to amebiasis."

The report mentioned that under educated 'practitioners' are a likely factor in many of these incidences (probably not that surprising if you can imagine someone without any medical training trying to ram several inches of PVC tubing up yer arris).

With zero benefits and such a long list of possible hazards, I'm wondering why anyone would subject themselves to such a procedure?
Hi ladies! Yep, weather is glorious, a bit of a breeze wouldn't go amiss though. They're harvesting mint behind my house so everywhere smells of minty summeryness :)
That's your justification Marc? You've sunk to a new low, an absolutely legendary post!
Lmao! Appeal to Authority comprehension FAIL!

1)   You clearly have never had severe constipation.

If you had, you would understand the reasons that people would try such methods.

Same for anything. Don't judge. - TTC

2)   I saw that article, and was going to post a question about it.

People often forget that, as well as being utterly useless, can carry risks too. This needs to be brought to peoples attention more.

Lovely weather isn't it?

Edit: Can't wait, Lo!

Cue, the quacks and the fallacious, "conventional medicine kills thousands a year..." That reminds me, where is Stormy? Haven't seen him for a few days.

Edit: Lol@ Marc and Mr E's answers, utter perfection. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   I knew it was pointless, I guessed it was harmful - but I had no idea how harmful and dangerous.

I have no idea why anyone would subject themselves to it; even not knowing the risks.

TTC, I've had constipation as a side effect of chemotherapy - and there ain't no constipation like chemo constipation; crawling on the floor wishing for death is no fun. But at no point would I have contemplated 'colon cleansing'. And how is pointing out the dangers of something 'judging'?

Rhianna, tomorrow's weather looks nicer - 10f - 15 degrees cooler and some rain; nice! Too hot for me today

EDIT: Marc your logic is bizzare. Someone who 'has an EMPIRE, has been on multiple national and international television shows, has advised world leaders and has consulted some the the worlds elite', and is so filthy rich they own an island, must be right and worthy of respect, and whatever he's selling must be effective and worthwhile??

I suppose you're a big fan of Rupert Murdoch too? - lo_mcg

4)   I guess the fact that one of the world foremost and successful motivational speakers has got it wrong. I guess the fact that Tony Robbins, who has an EMPIRE, has been on multiple national and international television shows, has advised world leaders and has consulted some the the worlds elite does not know what he is talking about. Tony Robbins has lead massive amounts of people down the path of health, wellness and success. He owns his own island in the south pacific where he takes people through a journey of health where he included colonic irrigation as part of the process.

I would much rather follow the example of someone like this than a few armchair critics who wouldnt know health if it bit them in the arse.

For anyone who actually want to know more all of the info about this process is on his website.

Edit: WHy is it ok then for skeptics to refer to Mr. Barrett as a reference since he has been on multiple talk shows and made appearances before distinguished bodies? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, no? - Marc

5)   Your reading to much cr-p and believing it. One has to go through the cleansing procedure before they get a colonscopy. It is a very common procedure. Check it out. - Genegee

6)   There is a reason why the enema which is medically approved for occasional use is 4 ounces. The colon simply isn't meant to hold or be flushed with several gallons of water. The practise of colonics is a vestige of the early 20th century zeitgeist that was tinged with superstition ("wearing red flannel will improve rheumatism") and an utterly shocking ignorance of human anatomy and physiology ("the average intestine is full of five years worth of undigested red meat")

The colon IS a self-cleaning organ. A single dose of laxative makes the colon squeaky-clean enough that the walls can be examined during endoscopy - so obviously flushing it out with large volumes of water is completely unnecessary. Any bowel irregularity demonstrates a need to examine the diet, and /or a physical to determine the cause of the difficulty. Quite often bowel habits are influenced by factors much higher in the digestive tract or other organ systems entirely. "Colon cleansing" is not going to effect either of those factors. Furthermore, a change in bowel habits is one of the more insidious symptoms of cancer that people tend to rationalise - when in reality they should be speaking to a doctor. [People who suffer from chronic constipation as the result of another medical condition are often the LAST people who should EVER consider flushing the bowels]

Sad thing is, most people are poorly educated to the risks associated with the practise, or they would never have one done. - Tink

7)   no. you are risking death by having a colon which is partly paralyzed by nerve interference and half- dissolved toxic medications, turning it into a toxic sewer that poisons your blood. - Mr E

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Question 2
Is it possible to supplement too much fiber?...  My best friend has been experiencing really bad, frequent stomach aches that cause her to be bed ridden and vomit up to 8 times in one day. She has had these symptoms since early this year and has had them at least twice a month. She has had a blood test done and X-rays and her primary physician cannot find what is causing this. We live together, and I know her habits. She secretly supplements with large amounts of fiber powder (BeneFiber), eats the pro biotic yogurt Activia twice a day, and drinks plum and prune juice every morning. Is it possible that she is supplementing with too much fiber and overloading her digestive system? She has admitted to taking laxatives before to lose weight, but I am pretty sure she has stopped. I am a Dietetics student and cannot help but wonder if this is what is causing her stomach cramps and sickness.

1)   Why can't you help? It's supposedly your field of expertise. Leave her be, if she's going to mess around with her body like that instead of just eating properly it's her own fault.

Tell her to eat some fruit and veg - Nitram

2)   you need to take your friend to doctor. 8 times vomiting is something i am worrying about. ask her to take light food without too much oil and spice. you have not mentioned quantity of fiber powder she takes. - Holy Crystals

3)   Too much fiber can cause constipation by binding. Additionally abuse of laxatives can cause constipation problems as well. SHe should see a GI specialist and a dietician. - Marc

4)   Well, as much as I hate to say it, it sounds like she may have stopped taking drug-based laxatives and has switched to attempting to use excess fiber as a natural laxative to lose weight (which is a REALLY bad way to lose weight due to the health concerns that she's probably already seen).
It sounds like she's basically eating too much fiber that is bulking up in her stomach and expanding to the point where she's throwing it up so her stomach doesn't burst (just like if you eat too much too fast and you puke). That would certainly explain the stomach aches and the vomiting and hopefully it's not worse (as that can be stopped by not doing it), plus it would make sense why the doctors haven't found anything physically wrong with her.

If she's trying to lose weight like this, you need to talk to her or get her to talk to a professional (at least a counselor to work through why she's doing it). It is NOT safe to use any form of laxative to lose weight, especially at the rate she's going. If she doesn't take your advice or a professional Nutritionist/Dietitian, then she may get the most help from a counselor or someone specializing in eating disorders (which is essentially what this is if she can't/won't stop). Good luck and I hope I helped!

[edit]: Oh, and to answer your main question... yes, it is possible to get too much of anything and it seems that she is no longer supplementing with fiber, but making it a main staple of her diet and getting WAY too much of it. - oldtimekid2

5)   Excessive vomiting is not caused by taking fiber, especially not inulin (the ingredient in benefiber). I suspect the issues which caused her to take the fiber and abuse laxatives in the first place are worsening to the point of crisis.

She needs to see a a real doctor. - Tink

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Question 3
How long should I wait to eat after a salt water flush?...  After doing a salt water flush, how long should I wait to eat? Also, am I able to exercise after doing it?
And (my last question, sorry I'm really curious!!) how frequently should I do a flush? Do I have to do it every day this week?

Haha I have a lot of questions... Thanks!

1)   the salt water flush "cleaned" out your intestines. If you did a total fast your stomach is empty and light very light food should be re-introduced. Orange juice, salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers. The next day will be okay to break your fast.
But as for your colon you can start back to eating when you're ready.

NOTE: you're gonna want to use CELTIC SEA SALT, not Processed, Regular Iodized Salt. - Jabril

2)   Unfortunately there's no benefits and plenty of risks, you haven't actually 'flushed' anything. Sorry you got scammed :( - dave

3)   never do them. The sodium can kill you. There are no benefits and you could die from it. - Nitram

4)   Personally when i do salt water flush i prefer to fast that day provided it is done in the morning.
Next day the fast is broken by taking fruit juice diluted, sweetened with little organic honey.
After two days gently introduce easily digestible fruits. Continue eating fruits every two hours.
Last meal should be at 6p.m. I prefer not to exercise but a gentle walk is helpful if you want to
exercise at all. Salt water flush should not be done every day. I prefer you do it once a month
and if you are really exercise and watching what you eat then it is preferable to do it once in
four months. In yoga we have this flush which is more elaborate and goes under the name of
SHANKAPRAKSHANALAYA. Strictly speaking this is done once in four or six months only.
There will always be some NUTS on this forum and you don't have to take their comments
seriously. Just ignore them.
Good luck and God bless. Cheers! :o) - Sudhakar B

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Question 4
how c...k can be enlarged and stiffness can be obtained ?...  sex problem

1)   1. Get a picture of me.
2. Look at how f*cking attractive I am.
3. ?????
4. Profit. - Cpt. Price

2)   Im not sure how you wanna enlarge your penis but take some viagra if you cant get a stiffy. - unknown

3)   Your size is your size. There are no pills that will make it larger. There is a surgery to lengthen your penis but I haven't looked into it much. If you're having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, try an herbal supplement like Yohimbe. Try getting an erection alone to rule out nervousness. If you're still having trouble you should consult your doctor because it could be a health issue like low blood pressure. Good luck. - John P

4)   Hi jugnoo is running horse,

okay for stiffness first - ginseng, cayenne capsules, Maca, Horny goat weed, or any popular Male propriety blends at Natural Health food stores e.g. Pyton (Vitamin Shoppe)

enlarged - jelqing techniques augmented with M-Drive (GNC or Vitamin Shoppe), Libigrow, Leverage, Growmax, Blue diamond. Also Vacuum pumping if wanting to spend the money. - Jabril

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Question 5
Do detox foot pads really work?...  With all of the garbage people are selling out there, its really hard too know if something is useful and really actually works. I was researching these japanese detox foot pads, I was wondering if anyone has tried them? Did they work and what was your result?

1)   No, they are a total scam - altmed even altmedders won't defend

One of their ingredients is wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid) - it attracts and absorbs water in the same way those little silicon packets that come in electronic equipment do.If there is any moisture around, wood vinegar will absorb it and make a brown mush. The other main ingredient is basically sugar, which obviously gets sticky in sweat.

Ben Goldacre suggests the following experiment - take a patch/pad and squirt some water onto it, then pop a nice hot cup of tea onto it and wait ten minutes. You'll see a brown sludge forming - the same brown sludge that is supposed to be the 'toxins' from your feet. There are no toxins in porcelain... - lo_mcg

2)   What Lo said.

A well disproved scam of the same ilk as ear candleing, homeopathy, reiki etc. - dave

3)   Anything claiming to detoxify your body is a scam. You have kidneys and a liver for that. The whole "detox" industry is ridiculous. - dcslmt

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