Friday, December 31, 2010

How can I get my mom to listen to me?

Question 1
How can I get my mom to listen to me?...  I really believe I have a skin picking disorder. I've looked it up and read about it. I use to bite my nails all da time until I got braces then I stoped because it hurt when I had the braces on. I always pick my scabs. I started when I was about 12 and ever since then I never could stop. When I get bored and start looking at my scabs I just have to pick them. Also when I get stressed, sad or mad I noticed I start picking my scabs. I do this every other day or 2 days. I just can't help it and I can't stop. Maybe it's just a bad habbit. My mom just tells me to stop and u don't want your skin to look ugly and dark marks on your skin. I did one time try to stop but i just can't. Maybe she is right but I really think I do. What can I do to convince her?

1)   backhand her and when she falls to the floor stand above her and say "what do you think now, woman?!" - ThatOneGuyOverThere

2)   Punch the b1tch. - Ken W

3)   try talking to her calmly about it and say you would really like to know. Tell her your reasons for doing it, then she may want to talk about it and help out. - bri bri

4)   Just go up to her and say you want to have a serious conversation. Say it's important and you need her. I hope i helped. - Lauryn

5)   You might be suffering from a form of OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) Tell her straight you know yourself better then anyone else and see a Doctor, if you do suffer OCD some meds can help. Although it also might be a phase or a really bad habit, when you feel the need to pick at your scabs or skin do something else until the urges pass this can sometimes help break the cycle. - Tyrant

6)   Eh, frequent scab picking is a fourm of self injury (like cutting). That's why your mom wants you to stop. Maybe you need therapy?

The only thing I can tell you is to tell your mom it's just a bad habbit and leave it at that. - Kate

7)   Talk to her about it. I have the same issue, I've gotten better with time but my mom has always done the same. You should also tell her that she's helping when she does that because it stops you right as you're doing it. While the lectures aren't fun, every time she starts in, just be nice and take the advice and also repeat your situation. You should also ask her about seeing a dermatologist because they can do an assessment on your skin and possibly help heal it so that you eventually will do less or no picking at all. For nails, my cousin used to bite hers bloody - even chewing the layers off of the top. She now goes to get a fake set put on every time her current acrylics get worn. In this way she lost most of her drive to chew and they actually protect her real nails. It can cause nail fungus as well as nail bed damage if not replaced properly so if you chose that method find a really, really good manicurist and don't go for the cheap stuff. They make polish that is bitter to help with the chewing if acrylics aren't your choice but you have to always use it. In the mean time, buy yourself facial cleansing cloths to put in your purse and extras at home/work/other places you frequent. Not just for your face though, keep your hands clean with them - soap and cleansers can dry your hands. I have some of the target brand exfoliant cloths on my night stand so if I am laying there and I think I forgot to wash my face, I can use them instead (because I know that once I'm comfy I would rather just skip it). By always keeping clean hands (and especially under my nails) even if I do touch my face, there isn't new bacteria to transfer. But you have to be very vigilant about hand washing and keeping your face clean. I reset my make up after about 6 hours because the oil and dirt builds up. This way I know it hasn't had time to sit in my pores and create new pimples/blackheads which lead to scabs later that will drive me to pick. Plus I look fresher :) because your face will absorb the makeup itself and eventually settle in lines or creases that form with facial expression. Yes it's true, even young people without wrinkles and lines can look bad in makeup simply because it begins to settle throughout the day. - ¤ nOeLaNa ¤

8)   Go to Sleep and dream - Wally Wally

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Question 2
I have a really bad sore throat and cant swallow..what will make it feel better?...  I have had a fever and a sore throat for 3 days. I randomly get chills I take aspirin and such for those. But the sore throat just wont go away! I tried salt water...didnt help. So please help me!

1)   If you drink alcohol! This always helps me a Shot of tequila! - Fernie S.

2)   Go to a doctor. You could have strep throat. You need antibiotics for that. - MissJessica

3)   Honey is fantastic. - Dark Mind

4)   see a doctor soon, you might need Rx antibiotics

in the meantime, get some pure liquid honey, and get it on the back of your throat for as long as you can, then you can swallow it. Undiluted honey is very antibiotic, and its healthy for you too. - Democratic China

5)   Raw honey. Manila honey is the best, but you probably won't find any locally. Raw honey has a lot of things in it that get refined out to make it look clearer. A lot of honey is diluted with corn syrup to make it cheaper. So, the best would be : Manuka honey, then raw organic honey, then organic honey. Other than that, try gargling with hydrogen peroxide. If you are lucky enough to find raw organic honey, take a tablespoon and let it dissolve slowly in your mouth, do not just swallow it. And don't drink anything for 15 minutes afterward. - Robert G

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Question 3
What is Speacial K like?...  What is doing Ketamine like?

1)   special. - WishIwereEnglish

2)   not as nice as coco pops but healthier - lexx6004

3)   it makes dogs calmer before anesthetic is given.
but,also makes many dogs hallucinate and howl for hours!
its used for sedating cats too.
no, not for humans,but don't try it alone.
go or - b_bardi99

4)   Do you mean Special K? It's not to my personal tastes but it's well advertised and some claim to like it. I prefer oats myself, YMMV - Nitram

5)   kinda burns... takes a few min to kick in...once itdoes sit down lol it linda.made the roos spin..there was a laptop on my counter and it was not moving but the light was flying around the room haha made me not want go move..and kinda nauses - Hello Kitty!!

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Question 4
Is there a alternative medicine to insulin for diabetes?...  
No Name I like your source name. I have used it many time in person but never in chat. LOL
I'm type 2.
I have heard that cinnamon and vinegar can help but neither is a replacement for insulin.

1)   Not if you have Type 1 (aka Insulin Dependent Diabetes) If you have type 2 (aka adult onset, non-insulin dependent) then there are other medications that help the pancreas work better, and make the body more sensitive to your own insulin.

It goes without saying that proper diet and exercise are extremely important. There are no "alternative" treatments that have been scientifically shown to work for diabetes, anybody who tells you otherwise is lying or misinformed. - No Name

2)   Not for type 1. Yet. Type 2 is completely preventable and reversible with diet and exercise.
You can find some excellent articles at and Natural News with research links. - thenoseknows

3)   just watched this video where 6 people were dramatically helped 4 type 2 and 2 type 1. it's about food so it can't hurt to watch or try.
good luck

Raw For30 - Similar - dbobo

4)   insulin is not medicine, it is replacing what your body no longer produces or produces erratically
Lowering your weight and getting more exercise can lessen the amount of insulin you need.
Same with controlling your blood sugar. - ckngbbbls

5)   NO. And don't do ANYTHING without your doctor knowing about it. Be very skeptical of CRANK advice you get on the web, especially at places like mercola or naturalnews. - Gary Y

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Question 5
what are some cures for nausea?...  

1)   I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to - Eleonora Orsi

2)   Chamomile tea, ginger, probiotics, the B.R.A.T. diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast). - Zero.Nova

3)   pepto bismal! - sophia

4)   Take some warm water with lemon or eat little pieces of ice. If that does not work take a little bit of peptobismol or take some antacid (prevacid.) Go to bed if you can and keep drinking water. You should be OK in the morning. - Gloria A

5)   chew on a small piece of ginger - Indigo

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