Monday, December 13, 2010

should i smoke salvia?

Question 1
should i smoke salvia?...  I've heard some bad stuff about it but i've also heard if you smoke a low dosage 15x or 20x it's pretty cool. Have you smoked it before? What's your oppinion?

1)   It's a waste of time and money. - Laura A

2)   My opinion is don't smoke. - Scientistjd

3)   No - VeXed Reaper

4)   Do it with some drunk friends who won't take it but will film you take it. and make sure they mess with you and get it all on tape. Post it on youtube, and email me when you do. - Shaboopalaboopy

5)   Yes, it shouldn't last but 10-15 min if there is a bad trip but make sure you have a friend to make sure nothing bad happens. :) I haven't personally tried it but I have heard stories. - dgibbs

6)   I'm going to copy and paste what I answered for another question, with some added details.

I've smoked it twice. 10x with a bubbler. Freaked me out pretty badly. The first time I did it, I "woke up" in this world entirely made up of ridges of multicolor children's toy plastic that filled my entire field of vision, no matter which way I "turned". I had no idea where I was, who I was, or why I was there, and I'd forgotten that I'd smoked anything at all. It's like I regressed to some infantile mental state. My boyfriend later told me that I started laughing this strange, deep laugh a few seconds after taking the hit and lying down.

The second time I tried it was a day after my first experience. This time, I remembered the moment I broke through. As I was lying down, I had the sensation that I was just a slice of that plastic and I was sliding out of some larger mass. I also "heard" somebody say something to the effect of, "welcome back, we've been waiting for you" and I returned to a more developed version of that plastic world where every memory I had and every instance of reality was just a slice of plastic that I could view once it was pulled out. But I also felt like I had no control over my body, and I'm not even sure I had a body or an identity in that space.

When my boyfriend took it, he said he felt like he was running across different pages, and that each page was a different reality with different scenarios and memories. When he came back, he was terrified and didn't know if this was just another reality that would disappear and whether I would disappear with it. It scared the crap out of him and he hasn't taken it again.

TL;DR: if you're serious about trying it, do your research and mentally prepare yourself. It can be enlightening but it can also be very scary. - Glory Box♥

7)   These people on here are stupid obviously

You have to smoke it a certain way to get the effect.

You put it in a waterbong, and light it with a torch lighter. only way to get the full effect.

And yes, it's pretty fuckin cool. The 120x is absolutely INSANE AND OUT OF THIS WORLD. Trust me.

I started with the 20x and I tripped the FUCK out on that shit too. It's fun, but have someone not on it around you, because you'll be so so so so fucking retarded on it. - Zach

8)   I'll tell you the truth, and not just an anti-drug rant.
I have smoked it a few times. All were positive experiences except my first time. When I first tried it, the only thing i'd been experienced with was weed. Big mistake. Salvia is a very intense psychedelic. If you have no experience with other psychedelics, you might freak out. Smoking only a little at first might help you ease into it. The good thing is it only lasts about 10 minutes, but while you feels the effects your perception of time is really distorted. I've had trips where 10 minutes felt like 2 hours. Just remember that you'll be fine and you'll have a good time. - Gumby

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Question 2
do you breath in your sleep?...  Do you like just not breath or do you breath????

1)   No, your body shuts down completely. The body is put into a somewhat semi-clock mode. After sufficient sleep or rest the body restarts and starts the day over. - Rohan P

2)   Nooo we don't breath, we eat.... Smart one.... Haven't u ever heard somebody snoring?? They are breathing... And how would u live if u didn't breath?? - Rachael

3)   If you don't breathe, you are dead. So unless you are dead while sleeping, you are breathing. - adore_wocky

4)   u do breath
its unvolountary or u would die - bassel

5)   Breathing is an automatic bodily function like your heartbeat - Pablo

6)   Obvious troll is obvious(I hope).

Yes. - Nate

7)   yes 100% sure! - Saisharan P

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Question 3
would smoking one month old weed make me sick?...  okay i left my pipe out on the back deck for about a month with a bowl in it , would it work or make me sick do you think? it doesnt seem moldy or anything..

1)   YEs it would i had a bad experience once. i was throwing up for 3 weeks - Tj Blanford

2)   Well if its been exposed to the environment that long there could have been small bugs getting into it and bringing bacteria in. The high temperatures would most likely kill it but if its been sitting out that long isn't it really dry by now. I wouldn't trust it. - ♀Morgan☻

3)   I'd smoke it. - Nunya Bisnes

4)   no if it didnt get rained in or whatever - Took

5)   No. I promise you it will not.

I smoked a sack that had been left open in my mom's pantry for over a year. It was dry, but I got stoned and no after effects.

And I know for a FACT that you won't throw up for three months. That person must've also been on acid, and THOUGHT she was throwing up. That's the only way that would make ANY sense. - Zach

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Question 4
Can I mix Sleeping pills and Caffeine?...  I had a lot of work to do today, and overdid it with the coffee (2 larges!), but I need to get back on track with having a good night's rest, and I want to know if it is dangerous for me to take sleep aid pills to help me fall asleep at a reasonable hour tonight. Thanks!

1)   It's not going to hurt you. The caffeine will be out of your system. - lildevil112878

2)   No they wont interact,but if the caffeine is still effecting you they may not be as efficient. - Alice

3)   Done it with not only Coffee and sleeping pills, but also ECSTASY and sleeping pills afterwards to get some rest.

Of course we all know drugs are bad for you, but this should prove that you're gonna be just fine, I promise. - Zach

4)   - no, lol.
- caffeine is a wake up booster & sleeping pills R design 2 make u sleep.

- it would be like asking an asthma person 2 smoke 5 cigarette a day 2 cure they're asthma, lol. - yars63

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Question 5
Why vaccines are bad?...  Give me intelligent answers, I need to present a powerpoint in class and wonder what the Yahoo community had to say about the subject. Why would vaccine compulsion be bad? Why are vaccines harmful to the human body?THank you

1)   If you seriously research medical history you will find that the initial reception to vaccines was not a good one. Scientists and researchers do not universally accept it as valid today either.
The most compelling evidence against it is the fact that viral DNA and RNA injected into the human organism can have serious effects that are not presently forseen, and that this may be responsible for the upsurge in chronic illness.
The history of medicine is more of a history of what went wrong than what went right. The most anyone can say is that something fits the theory of the moment, but that is usually proved wrong in the future.
With adverse vaccine reactions that are worse than whatever disease they are purported to provide protection against, they're not worth the risk.
Improvements in public sanitation were more effective in reducing epidemics than vaccines -- the research shows that diseases like cholera, typhoid, diptheria and polio were all on the decline before vaccines were trotted out.
You can find a lot of info. on vaccines at the National Vaccine Information Centre. - thenoseknows

2)   No... vaccines are good. Not bad. They save lives. They eradicate disease. Risks are minuscule; far outweighed by the benefits.

Do not fall for scaremongering and lies of the anti-vaxxer movement. They are bad. They kill.

Here are some resources for you: - Gary Y

3)   People with weak immune systems can still catch it. Um the major one I would think is that. Mainly is that the vaccine companies were keeping out illness in vaccines and giving them out to people even though the illness had already been eliminated. I'd research that part seems like it make a good powerpoint hope this helps :P - Bailey Theriault

4)   Mandatory vaccination programs get in the way of nature by saving the lives of people too stupid to get lifesaving vaccines without being forced to do it, and allowing those people to become old enough to reproduce and make their own stupid children. But that's about it.

Vaccines are NOT harmful. Yes, they have adverse effects in some people, but this is nowhere comparable to the diseases they protect against! The overall effect is that dramatically much less people are harmed from vaccination, than from not being vaccinated.

No more polio in modern countries thanks to the vaccine!

Rotavirus kills 500,000 kids in countries without access to the vaccine yearly, but kills virtually no children in countries with access to the vaccine.

Diphtheria used to kill tens of thousands of kids a year in the US, but kills basically none nowadays that the vaccine is mandatory. It's also combined with the pertussis vaccine, and pertussis is a disease that can kill younger people and result in months or years of pain and lung damage for older people. The shot also protects you against tetanus, and nobody ever said tetanus was fun.

In developing countries, lack of access to the MMR vaccine means hundreds of thousands dead. Thanks to more vaccination efforts, the death toll went down from 733,000 dead in 2000, to 118,000 dead in 2008. There's still so much more to do, but thankfully, those in developed countries with access to the vaccine don't have to worry about measles death, or rubella, or congenital rubella syndrome.

Last year in the US, over 300 unvaccinated children died from influenza.. mostly because parents are too scared, lazy, or just plain caught up in this "natural parenting" nonsense to protect their children. Influenza kills about 250,000-500,000 people every year, mostly those who are unvaccinated.

Hep vaccination means that you are much less likely to die of liver failure or liver cancer than your less fortunate counterparts in less developed countries, because you're less likely to ever develop it.

The meningitis vaccine prevents some types of the most dangerous form of meningitis, bacterial meningitis. Hundreds to thousands of children and young adults contact bacterial meningitis every year in the US, and of them, 10% or more will die, and those that survive often have long-term disabilities, like loss of limbs, seizures, hearing loss, blindness, intellectual disability, and other pretty awful things.

The HPV vaccine dramatically reduces a girl's chances of ever being told the words "you have cervical cancer." Think about that, we have a shot to prevent a form of cancer! How cool is that!

The chickenpox vaccine might seem "pointless" because most children recover just fine, but the vaccine prevents you from giving the pox to people who might not recover, and it also protects you against developing shingles later in life. Shingles is a resurgence of the pox virus in your body months, years, or decades after you first got the pox, and it is an extremely painful condition which can cause months or years of severe nerve pain.

Yes, vaccines have risks. But the horror that nonvaccination results in is absolutely incomparable to the minute risk of mass vaccination.

Vaccines save lives. Every year, all the time, where-ever we can get them. Vaccines save lives. - Z

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