Monday, January 3, 2011

does weed stop affecting you after a certain point?

Question 1
does weed stop affecting you after a certain point?...  can you only get so stoned to the point where smoking more is just wasteful and inaffective (meaning you cant get any more high)? or is it like alcohol where can you keep getting more and more stoned the more you smoke?
pot overdose? lol, you're funny.

1)   its like alcohol - Cossie

2)   Nope. U can get stoned whenever - Morgan

3)   If you smoke for a long enough period consistently, you will get to the point where you don't really get "high". I used to smoke pot all day everyday for about a year. I was at the point where It'd just feel normal no matter how much I smoked. In the beginning, I was never able to drive high, but after a certain point, I'd be able to function just as I would without any pot. - Steven Ham

4)   It doesn't stop. You'll always be baked every time. Dude, don't do it. It may be healthier than tobacco or alcohol, but there is no healthy drug. Weed will soon ruin relationships with the people you know and love. That is the effect it will have at a certain point. - NwG_Str8Edge*tayswiftyboi*

5)   no. you just OD. die. the end. that's why drugs are bad. like if you drink too much you could die from like liver poisoning. Have you heard of the band Sublime? they're from my town (Long Beach! woot!) but the lead singer ODed on pot in the 90's and so he's dead. so be careful what you do... :)
sorry if I sound kind of crazyish. I'm just warning you that if you overdose on anydrugs you can hurt yourself. and the people around you. so just play it safe and dont hurt your loved ones - koolnoodles

6)   You are correct. You get an effect to a point and then no further.
At that point you are just burning your money.
With alcohol you can keep increasing your dose, right up to and including death.
With cannabis, you can not overdose.
Now then, as for your use of the word "stoned".
Stoned is to cannabis as drunk is to drinking.
When done correctly, in either venue, no one should ever be able to know you have consumed it.
Oh yeah, me, I have been using it for 40 years.
Here is a link I think you will enjoy.
Think about it.
Cannabis prevents Alzheimer's.
And thats the rub. It is a preventative, but it is not a restorative. - Doug

7)   First of all no you can NOT die from weed. Nobody has EVER died or ODed on weed!!! What an idiot! Second of all yes after a certain point you will no longer get any higher (I'm assuming you mean in 1 setting?) If you smoke 4-5 joints in 1 setting you will stop getting "higher" and just get a headache and be to the point where you cant keep your eyes open any longer! If you wanna get as high as you can then try not get to the "over doing it" point otherwise yes it's wasteful to both the weed and yourself! - Love my babies!

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Question 2
I'm thinking about smoking weed?...  I'm fourteen years old, and recently I have found the want to try marijuana. I've been offered weed before by a friend but I turned it down. Now I'm thinking about it again. Any advice? (please don't tell me it's unhealthy or illegal, because I already know these things)

1)   Okay, if you know it's unhealthy and illegal, why do you wanna do it? Wow, I'm losing faith in the generations below me. If you smoke weed, you will lose many friendships and your family will hate you. - Tia

2)   Not really any advice. Except you might not feel anything the very first time. Have fun and don't be stupid with it :) - Love my babies!

3)   Ok, I won't tell you what you already know. I'll just say don't be a fking idiot. Why would you even think about smoking pot at 14, at least wait until your 21 to do something stupid. Don't be an idiot, be smart. - Duncan Dufva

4)   As a habitual marijuana smoker I must tell you that Marijuana is a wonderful and beautiful thing, but personally I believe you as a fourteen year old should not start smoking quite yet.

Although it produces quite pleasant side effects,does not impair you to the point alcohol does and does not directly cause cancer(as of recent studies) you are only fourteen years old and although you may not believe it, chemically your body and brain are not developed fully and because of that I believe any chemical substance entered into your body can be detrimental(they even say children should not intake caffeine because it stunts your growth).

My personal opinion would be to tell you to wait a few years, wait until you are seventeen or eighteen years old and then try smoking pot, although great things can come out of marijuana, negative things can also come out of this and I would not suggest risking becoming a burnout until your body and mind are fully developed and in tune. - Mark

5)   Don't listen to any anti-drug answers. Saying it rips apart families and kills brain cells is 100% untrue. However, don't listen to extremely pro-drug answers. They treat marijuana like god.

I smoke weed once or twice a week. When I started I smoked it every day (Not because it was addicting, but because it was fun and it being a new thing I was enjoying it) until I slowed down after 2/3 months. Now I smoke it just a couple times a week at most to have a good time with friends. I recommend trying it. It's always good to try new things and have fun. That's what life is all about. However, don't start skipping class and smoking it all day. That's what I did (I'm in 15, so this is coming from a fellow high school student) and it's a stupid idea. Now I smoke it if I'm with certain friends after school or on the weekends. You might not like it, and never do it again. That's totally cool, tons of people are like that. But if you do like it - just don't let it take control. It's a real fun thing, but there is such thing as too much of a good thing. - Kastour

6)   Marijuana can be fun, and enjoyable, and great if done in the right setting and reasons. As a continual smoker off and on for the past 20 years I have yet to have really any real side effects. I do not cough, My lungs are fine, I think the worst part of it was my guy from all the munchies lol.But at your age I would wait. right now your body and brain are still developing, and if you start weed too soon, it could adversely effect your development. All those stoners people that sound like they are ALWAYS high, started at 14... Just saying. Wait till your 18ish, 17 even, before you start using marijuana. 14 is a bit early. just a little friendly advice from a veteran of smoking:) - fstmny4

7)   I have been using cannabis for over 40 years.
It should be in everyones medicine box right next to their other supplements.
I have a daughter who is 12. We have had the talk.
Heres the deal. You can't do anything until you are 25.
No drugs, alcohol, cannabis, Nothing.
The reason is that at 25 is when your brain stops growing.
This is why you usually can't rent a car until you are 25.
Aside from that, this is a very healthy thing to do.
But if you do it, the key is that no one should ever be able to look at you and know that you have done it.
Stoned is to cannabis as drunk is to drinking. - Doug

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Question 3
Question related to weed, help!!?...  In the state of PA how much trouble would you get in for a first offense of smoking weed.
Second part if you are a U.S. citizen what trouble would you get in for smoking weed in Jamaica?
I am under the age of 18
Ok I am under 18 I am a U.S. citizen in Jamaica if I were to smoke weed what could the punishments be, what are the punishments for having a gram and being high and all that stuff?

1)   If your under 18, probably just a program. If your older, probably a fine plus court fees. - BigEgo

2)   Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor in PA. It can get you a big fine or some jail time. I'm not sure about Jamaica. - Sebastian L

3)   I don't think you can get in trouble for "smoking" weed unless you are probation it's only possession. - Love my babies!

4)   You can NOT get in trouble for being high, only for being in possession of the weed or a device to smoke it with (pipe, rolling paper etc). If your causing a scene or acting stupid, you can get public intoxication charge, which is just a misdeamenor. You would be held liable for whatever the laws are in Jamaica. Contrary to popular belief it is NOT legal in jamaica, and does come with a hefty fine and possible jail time. Just because your american doesnt mean your immune... - fstmny4

5)   Dude, are you kidding.
Don't ask us.
You are solely responsible for knowing the law you are going to violate.
And that is just here in the states.
When you go abroad, you are in a whole new country.
All of the rules have now changed.
Your ass is theirs.
And no, that you are under 18 will not prevent you from spending some time in a place you really, really don't want to be.
Oh yeah, no bible thumper here, I have been using cannabis of over 40 years.
Now where the hell did I leave my keys???????? - Doug

6)   Well, if you're not caught smoking or possessing don't get anything. Having under an ounce (in most places) is just a fine and it's on your record as a misdemeanor. Having it on your record multiple times is when you get in the big trouble. I don't know about Jamaica. - Fruit

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Question 4
I'm having trouble speaking? Help?...  I'm 17 and I noticed when I'm talking for a period of time or I'm excited I say a word but I wanted to say another word like instead of risk I will say list... Basically any word that sounds like the word I want to say, what could this be??

1)   woah...
sounds like a type of dyslexia - your friend

2)   Look into the mirror and try to say it. - Jack

3)   can't remember the name of it but it happens to a lot of people so theres nothing to worry about - Dylan Valadez

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Question 5
Benadryl as a sleeping aid?...  I heard that it works but what version of Benadryl should you buy just for a sleeping aid only?

1)   Its not sold as a sleep aide, its an anti allergy medicine, that has a slight sedative in it to help you relax and get sleep during allergy attacks. Using it to self medicate for sleep is dangerous and not responsible. Try looking into something natural, Warm milk, Melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical we all release from our brain when it thinks its time for bed. People working odd shifts can have melatonin issues, which cause you not to sleep as regularly. Perhaps buying a melatonin supplement is a better option. - fstmny4

2)   benadryl is actually prescriped as a cheap sleep aide in some cases where the use is not long term..regular generic benadryl works just fine.just be sure to use it for short time and devote 8 hours to sleep. - martini

3)   Personally, my wife and I use Melatonin.
Benadryl always leaves us with a morning hangover.
Go to the drug store, wal-mart, etc and get a bottle of 3 mg Melatonin.
Take 2 tablets 30 minutes before you are going to lay your head down.
You will sleep. And if an emergency happens, you will wake right up, no problem.
Oh yeah, Melatonin is a natural hormone we a secrete when we sleep.
This just sort of gives it a jump start.
ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz........................................................ - Doug

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