Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to cure nee pain?

Question 1
How to cure nee pain?...  

1)   Knee* - wuttt

2)   You spelled knee wrong. - Sparkle Snapper

3)   Is your maiden name hurting you? Oh wait, you mean KNEE pain...take some Advil or Tylenol that might help. - Christine

4)   You need some details. Start with whether you mean knee. - Eclectic

5)   Ice pack if you bumped it. - Purple Glow

6)   Go back to school, learn to spell KNEE, get smart, and maybe, just maybe, you won't run into things anymore and hurt your knee. Good luck - TexasUSA

7)   Go back to school, learn to spell KNEE, get smart, and maybe, just maybe, you won't run into things anymore and hurt your knee. Good luck
Haha, you just made my night.
On a serious note, take enough of an opiate analgesic for the pain (and more for fun of you want), and rest it, occasionally attempting to move it through it's whole range of motion so it does not cramp up. - David

8)   I'd recommend a shrubbery. - Nate

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Question 2
I can't swallow pills. Help!?...  I'm 13 and I still can't swallow pills. I hold it in m mouth for hours till it's liquid and tastes horible, I have no clue what to do. And mu parents just yell at me to take it. Help!

1)   Your pharmacist can supply a pill crusher which makes swallowing them much easier. - WilliamG

2)   My parents used to put mine in a little bowl of pudding or inside a marshmallow when I was like 8 :D - Jesse B

3)   Try putting it in a glass of water and chug the whole thing, don't even think about the pill! Unless you have to dry swallow it, then I don't know what to say D: - :)

4)   Try drinking a big cup of water with the pill and don't think about a pill being in your mouth. Hope it works. - Magdalena

5)   You have to put it in your mouth and drink a glass of water really fast but while watching something like tv so it distracts you and the pill goes down on its own. Or you can crush it in a spoon with a little water in it like liquid medicine. - just wondering~

6)   use your imagination..before swallowing...imagine that the pill is a small berry that should not be chewed but gulped and its helpful - sunyoung lee

7)   Put it in the back of your throat and chug a big cup of water...that's how I learned....I'm 18 and I still do it like that.... Some pulls are easier than others

Try putting it in a piece of bread roll it up and eat it

Some say putting it under your tongue and chugging water works

Whatever you do never crush your pills and mix them with any flavored drink. It Tastes crappy itll make you throw up.

Good luck - fresa_lvr

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Question 3
Im getting bullied by garden gnomes...?...  well lately these garden gnomes have been robbing my house and stuff, they think i dont notice but then i see them in the morning with a tv in their hands and stuff, then they write rude words on my windows and throw stones at me, one of them, which i called Albert isthe ringleader, he tried to drown me the other day..
So my end question is, is do you have a solution to stopping this onslaught or is there some kind of thing like ant powder, but for making gnomes behave and becoming mature?
And who the hell is going to writea 5000 character question...

1)   Haha...are your serious? - fruitloops:]

2)   Just grab a golf club and whack the bastards. - Kitty Cannibal

3)   Somebody who wants to rant all night about their fictional character gnome friends that are trying to kill them could possibly go 5000 characters. But i would suggest with going with the anti-gnome cream certain retailers sell, its only $39.69 and a whole tube last for at least 3 months. Your welcome brother. - connor

4)   omg, this happened to my uncle who was a fish. well, first you have to gain confidence to stand up to these bullies, i mean, look down on them for once, i mean, gnomes are real ugly and you can just insult the ring leader Albert in anyway, say his hat is too pointy or his nose is too big. maybe like start chipping off parts of his body until he agrees to stop victimising you.. dig him under the ground until he raises the white flag.... - Kerryn Nicoley

5)   put a cardboard box over each gnome in the yard and cover it with wither dog or cow muffins.
It knocks them out cold, then in the morning use a snow shovel and flip them in the gutter for the trash service to handle. - Carl P

6)   Yeah I agree with conor the cream works best. It sure did put my gnomes in place - Matt

7)   Call Chuck Norris. - Hippie Punk

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Question 4
need help quiting drugs ?...  need help trying to quit im addicted to benzos and painpills been to rehab and it just aint workin anyone got any advice?

1)   Yeah, go back to rehab.
Lots of people get frequent flyer miles before they finally "get it". - Tink

2)   Smoke weed. - Gumby

3)   I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I've been addicted to intravenous opiates for about a year and alcohol for about 4 years. I've been to rehab, detox, and addiction counseling, none of them worked. I used to shoot up about 3 times a day and drink about 15 drinks a day, I'm now down to drinking about 8 drinks every 2 days and shooting up every 3 days and I'm continuing to decrease. What I found to be very helpful was simply gradually cutting down on frequency and dosage and using OTC codeine to help with withdrawals. I've also attended numerous hyponosis sessions, they help quite a bit. It's a slow process but I believe it's the best way. And one very, very important thing is you truly need the desire to stop. If you're just trying to quit because people are telling you to, you'll never get there. Once you get to the point that you really want to get off of it, it's downhill from there. - David

4)   I think you should go to a drug counselor or family member for help and making sure you stay on the right path. Take their advice. Then I think you should google meditation techniques. It can be wicked frustrating at first but once you got it, it feels great. You can even kinda get a high from it. What it will do provide a deeper relaxation, make your reality better and give yoiu some positive vibes. Then I think you should find an activity that would be better to than drugs. - Hippie Punk

5)   pray pray pray,especially when you are feeling like dirt,i smoked crack for 7 years,drank to blackout for 20,i hit the bottom of bottom,and still craved a high,i prayed for about a year for god to make a change,i knew if i kept getting high that i would graduate from jail to prison,that really didnt scare me,but did make me more aware of what i was doing was illegal,and i was a two time felon,so the next would surely be prison,for a year or two,you have to want to stop ,or at least be open for change,i promise if you dont give up on god,he wont let you down,sooner or later,you will get a high at things you never would dream,i still want to get high,right now as a matter of fact,but i think through the high,or drink, and know where it will get me,pick up the bible,and get yourself the blue book,(bill wilson) a.a.,trade the drink for pills in the book, there the same,if you do go back to rehab,(i been to 6) find one that is NOT state run,they can only tell you what the government want them to tell you,find a private run rehab,they will break you down and build you up the right way,sounds like you have taken the first step in addmittance,dont for WE addmitted ,that means you are not alone,SORRY FOR THE SPELLING,good luuck my friend,and god bless your journey - tony

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Question 5
How long until my friend can pass a pee test? BA 10 points Tonight?...  Ok, so my friend smokes a little pot at night about an hour and a half before he goes to sleep. Not much though, maybe 3-4 small hits off a joint. The stuff he smokes is not shwag or crappy stuff its got some crystals and stuff. Hes 5' 10" about 175lbs. Very active, works and works out everyday. He recently did his usual little bit of smoke one night around 11pm, the next day at around 4pm, he took a home pee test he bought from CVS after drinking a lot of water and the test read negative...NOT INCONCLUSIVE, it was a fairly clear negative, so the water did not dilute the test enough to make it inconclusive. Anyway, before he goes to take the real test, which will be the same exact take home pee test as he passed at home after smoking less than 24 hours earlier, he wants to know if that makes sense or if it was a fluke? Can he smoke his little bit tonight like normal and drink a bunch of water again and pass the pee test tomorrow? Best answer will get 10 points tonight.

1)   why would he risk it? - THE KARMIC KOALA

2)   Don't risk it but my mom surprised me once with a pee test and i told her that i didn't have to go because I had smoked the night before and she gave me and hour so I drank a TON of water and passed it :D i was so relieved. - Theleastinterestingman

3)   NO. It can last in your system up to at least 1 to 2 days. The people who give the test have a lot better equipment so he should not smoke anything tonight because most likely it'll show up on the test. Just tell him to stay strong and tough it out until after the test! - Sean

4)   No, it usually takes at LEAST 2-3 weeks, or so I've been told. Water does not dillute it especially if he smoked the day before, it was probably a crappy test. You need to give it al least 2 weeks, 30 days being the best option though depending on which kind of test is used. - tayy.

5)   Don't do it! If he wants to keep his job and be able to continue to buy pot. He should skip it tonight. drink alot of green tea and pickle juice just to make sure. Plus, he doesnt even smoke really. - Jacob Metcalf

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