Friday, February 4, 2011

can I take homeopathic sleep remedies during benzo withdrawal?

Question 1
can I take homeopathic sleep remedies during benzo withdrawal?...  Ingredients are hyoscamus niger.
kali phosphorcium
ignatia amara.

1)   Yes it is
I could thank Terry J for correcting me on my syntax - at least I didn't forget to start my sentences with lowercase letters instead of capitals

Let me correct my initial answer - 'Yes, you can'

I would like to point out that homoeopathics are neither 'chemicals', nor habit-forming, nor diluted into oblivion - merely diluted beyond Avogadro's number, which I am sure can be checked out on the internet - Leanne Lucas

2)   I don't think Leanne Lucas even read the question, based on her syntax mistake. "yes it is" doesn't fit as an answer to your question. Can you take them? yes you can safely take them, there are no drug interactions involving those plant materials, and benzo withdrawal. Will they work for you? they might not be effective since the benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms are quite powerful and even dangerous, and homeopathic medicine isn't known for its potency, or specifically working for every person who tries it. Most studies will show Homeopathy is no more or less effective than Placebo effect. You should see a physician if possible, to wean you off properly instead of going cold turkey and taking other chemicals instead which, if they're even effective, might be as habit-forming as the drug you're trying to get away from! What I mean is, if the homeopathic remedy really works for you, then you might find that you can't get to sleep without it after substituting the benzos to get to sleep!

I wish you best of luck! - Terry J

3)   of course you can. However the ingredients of a true homeopathic medicine is only sugar and/or water. Take as much as you like, be careful though not to get water toxicity if you overdose on it - Nitram

4)   Oh, yes. There can never be an interaction with true homeopathic "remedies" (i.e preparations that are diluted into an oblivion) as it contains no active ingredients.

But, back to reality; Benzo withdrawal is frankly a bit*ch to manage. Which Benzo are you taking exactly?

Best advise is to see your GP so he can put you on a controlled withdrawal program, or refer you to a community addiction team who can help.

Homeopathy aka nothing, won't help. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

5)   It's very unlikely that it has even one molecule of the ingredients listed. You'll be effectively taking just water so unless you're susceptible to the placebo effect, then it'll have no effect whatsoever.

"nor diluted into oblivion - merely diluted beyond Avogadro's number"

Given that the word 'oblivion' means: "the state of being completely forgotten or unknown", then diluting these ingredients beyond Avogadro's Number is effectively diluting them until these ingredients are unknown in the solution, i.e. they are no longer there.

This is an apt and accurate way of describing a homeopathic 'solution'. - dave

6)   Sure you can,
the only thing homeopathy cannot cure is spiritual retardation.

(at least not the retards still wandering around in this category). - SmartAss

7)   Sure you can. Hopefully your remedies were selected by a professional Homeopath. Homeopathy has a lot to offer in terms of help for overcoming withdrawal symptoms and can make your life a whole lot more comfortable.
Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine with over 25,000 volumes of "cured cases" that have been published. It's the second largest system of medicine practised worldwide. Arguments that it's not evidence based are nonsense, and drug company shills should know that 80% of drugs aren't evidence based and unlike homeopathic remedies, they can kill and maim people. The double standard is obvious. - thenoseknows

8)   Yes you can. But the homeopathic remedies will not have any effect on your sleeping pattern, apart from what can be attributed to the placebo effect. - JLI

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Question 2
How to pass a drug test!?...  Hey I'm 150 pounds and I smoke maybe 2 or 3 times a week. The last time I smoked was 6 days ago and I think I'll be getting tested within the next few days for my job. How can I make sure I pass? Any help would be great I'm really nervous.

1)   Not do drugs at all. - Andy Andrews

2)   Well...the easiest way would be not to use drugs.... - Nostrils

3)   Don't do drugs?
I think you're probably in the clear for the smoking it should be out of your system, but just in case drink lots of water - Teagan Johnson

4)   THC is in your blood for a month. The absolute minimum is two weeks - but that's rare.

There is nothing to take that can help - people will advise niacin and other wonderful treatments but they don't work. I can promise you that.

The only things that can affect thc in your blood are metabolism and fat reserves.

Very active, very skinny people can shrug it off in about two weeks. The rest of us about a month, like I said. - Mick

5)   Hmmm really....?
I think the best thing to do is dont do drugs - Osian

6)   a drug test is after all a test to see if one uses drugs or not. if you want to be honest and pass the drug test don't do drugs period. - Winters child

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Question 3
Will you sign this petition to help make cannabis legal?...  Cannabis helps those with schizophrenia. I would know, because I have suffered from a mild case far before I started smoking marijuana. In my experience it has helped me become LESS paranoid and not so depressed. I have done a lot of research on cannabis, weighed the pros and cons and have found it to be much less addicting and FAR less harmful than tobacco or alcohol. It has helped me stop smoking cigarettes and I now only drink on rare occasion.

There are many medical uses to cannabis and it does not have to be smoked. If it was made legal then it could be made into an over the counter drug (very much like California's progressive law).

Like any substance that can change chemical production in the body, cannabis can be abused. This should not be a deterrent. It is time to put taboo aside and help individuals enjoy medical usage of this herb. Cannabis is not a cure all and it is not a miracle from God, but it can be used for a greater purpose than underhanded drug deals.

I have honestly seen families torn apart because of the MISUSE of substances in general. That includes prescription pills and occasional alcoholic consumption. Should we make over the counter medication illegal? Of course not. Why should it be different for cannabis?

Medication is necessary for many people to function adequately. To make it illegal would be a gross injustice to many people with mental and physical disabilities. That is why I would not make medication illegal. Alcohol is so ingrained into our culture that it will never become illegal within our lifetime. The subject of legalizing cannabis (pot) has to do with other substances. I call it compare and contrast.

1)   Bud ftw - chrisitanO

2)   No I won't. If you want to use it for legal reasons, go to california. Otherwise, find other legal herbs that can help. - imagorite

3)   i'll be happy to. you'll see my name on that petition soon - Steven Kunkle

4)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Nevil Izaguine

5)   only if prescribed by a doctor for a specific disease with quantity limited. no over the counter. - older

6)   I'm number 5196 - PsychoVisuals

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Question 4
Did I take fake ecstasy?...  Hi all:

This morning, I took one hit of ecstasy. I feel good - great, in fact - in the way that I generally feel great on adderall, but I don't think what I paid for was real MDMA. Is there any way of telling? And what does a real "roll" feel like?

Forgive my ignorance, but any help would be appreciated.

1)   did anything happen, if not then probably not - Partycat Isback

2)   Here is some help....maybe the next ecstasy pill will be laced with a lethal does of poison or a toxic carcinogen that will leave you brain dead...It does happen.... - BATMAN™

3)   It is a great idea to ingest pills that could be absolutely anything, maybe it was corn starch, or blood pressure medication, estrogen, or prozac. Maybe next time it'll be rat poison! Yay illegal drugs! - MacG

4)   You feel energetic, have an all body buzz starting about 45 minutes after taking the pill and ending about three or four hours after that, you want to dance and feel close to anyone you talk to with a total lack of animosity, you also have less inhibitions. Fake E's (or X whatever you call it) usually contain ketamine and will make you want to dance but not really be able to find the rhythm or keep up with it. You do get a comedown after most times on 'E' but the first time I took it there was no serious comedown, the second time (and every subsequent time) I have felt weak and completely the opposite of being on 'E'... Antisocial, tired etc.

EDIT: 'E' is relatively easy and cheap to make, the only time that you get fake 'E' in the UK is if the dealer didn't want to risk a controlled substances charge and so gave you a lower classified drug or a designer drug instead. A friend got picked up with twenty pills, was arrested but when the police tested them they turned out to be (an effective) designer drug which was not illegal. The police gave him them back after a week. People don't put rat poison etc in them because they will end up on murder charges rather than just distribution charges. Some people don't think about the outlandish claims they make on here... No dealer/producer wants to go to jail on a murder charge over some pills that cost £1 each wholesale (buying over 1000 at a time), they don't put poison in them. It is just scaremongering. - The Naked Troll

5)   it is risky
play safe
lol - Krazy Yuppie

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Question 5
Has anyone heard of or used Turmeric?...  I had bronchitis last year which last for about 3 miserable months. For the past few days I have had the same symptoms and I would like to stop it before it gets worse. I went to the docs but they say that there is not much they can do about it. So now I am looking into natural remedies. The one I have heard a lot about is Turmeric.

If I am on the right track with this stuff, what are some suggestions? Pill form, liquid, etc?
Please, if you have had traditional medical training, don't reply. I have spoken to enough MDs. None of them have helped at all.

1)   When I was younger I had bronchitis and everyday my mom gave me turmeric mixed with honey, I don't quite remember how much of each but together it was one tablespoon full.
Good Luck and I hope you feel better - Ella jane Boise

2)   No, Turmeric won't help.

Most cases of bronchitis are caused by viral infections. Bacterial infections are a less common cause. It will resolve on it's own.

Seek medical advise if you have trouble breathing, develop chest pains, have a high fever, cough up blood or if your sputum becomes dark and/or symptoms fail to improve

If you have recurring bouts of acute bronchitis (i.e more than 2 episodes in a short space of time) your Doctor will need to refer you.

Edit: Yes, but can't help either. If it worked, it wouldn't be alternative. - Rhianna does Medicine Year 1

3)   put three tsps of honey to a small plate .and mix it with raw ginger juice and warm it up in the micro for couple of seconds and sprinkle a pinch of black pepper powder and take when you need it. - bandu_abey

4)   My first question would be, why haven't they been able to do much about it?
Do you have a chronic underlying condition that makes you more prone to it?

The evidence on turmeric is that it 'might' be good for certain forms of inflammation - certainly nothing that is going to help with bronchitis. If you want to try an herbal, you could try thyme (warning: it tastes awful) or Osha (not the Occupational Safety Health Administration, but an herb from western America - which is officially my nomination for 'second worst tasting thing on the planet). The former can be found in a tea called "breathing thyme" by traditional medicinals, the latter is quite difficult to find. Those 'might' help - and by might, I mean that I wouldn't bet a ten spot on it, but it probably couldn't hurt.

Also, I would excercise to the extent that you can (so long as you are otherwise reasonably healthy) - it helps your lungs carry things away.

Edit: Hey, have you tried a sauna? So long as your doctor says youre good (it can be stressful to the heart and the lungs) it might be worth trying. Not much different than artificially inducing a fever - which couldn't hurt for a short period. I try to do it every week or so... - Tink

5)   The best way to get to the root of your problem is to see a practitioner of functional medicine. These people are interested in finding out the root causes of your individual symptoms (something a GP wouldn't know how to do) and a proficient one will carry out the appropriate biochemical tests, investigate dietary factors, etc. Certainly in my own practice I find that in a session lasting between two and three hours I can generally achieve an accurate enough assessment to enable me to put a client on the right track. If you try to assemble a list of natural remedies for a named condition this is as unscientific as traditional medicine, which pays no attention to individual differences and hands out the same prescription drugs to everybody.

Turmeric is valuable in a lot of inflammatory conditions but from the information you give I can't tell whether inflammation is a major issue in your case. I occasionally give it to clients to help thin the phlegm. It is best taken in high potency capsule form. However, I would generally expect very high doses of vitamin C and a supplement called NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) to have better results. A number of well conducted clinical trials has established the efficacy of NAC in reducing lung congestion. - Howard C

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