Will a dime of weed get me high?... I'm gonna smoke by myself for the first time and I was wondering if I would get high. I only smoked twice and only gotten high once. I only got 10$.
I weigh 160lbs and I'm 5"10.
I might get blue cheese, Kush, OG, or northern lights.
1) no it wont but dont try it it messes your life up and causes argument between family and friends - Connor Price
2) HELLyeeeah,pickup on some bomb ass northen lights,or og;if you only smoked twice,,YOULL be STONED!it would probaly get me head shifted,&ismoke like erryday xD - Troy
3) Yes it will, i reccomend OG you should get stoned try to use a bong papers only let you get about 13% of the thc bong gets you about 70% and a vaporizer will get you a massive 90%... more % of thc = greater high - red eye jim
4) You can't buy a dime of Kush, OG, or northern lights for $10. That goes for $20 a gram/$60 an eighth. - emehms
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Question 2
what cheap medicine with no prescription can give you high?...
1) Faith - YayFace1
2) dexromathoraphan u get it in nyquill and robotussin thats about the best u can get - Geddy S
3) coke and aspirin......been tried for decades. - tlworkroom
4) guy above me is right try something with about 120 mg of dmx and take about 4 of them - red eye jim
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Question 3
Is Xanax ever prescribed as a sleep aid?... Ambien, Sonata, Lunesta, pretty much anything you can name doesn't work for me, but I'm prescribed Xanax and whenever I take it I sleep like a baby. Would any doctor prescribe Xanax as a sleep aid?
1) I'm a doctor determined to strive diligently to eliminate the human suffering, heal the
sickness, regardless of any hardships, I'm persistently pursuing the cure.My profession is
specializing on research of the cure methods of headache,migraine,dizziness,insamnia, or
any other symptoms caused by cervical spondylopathy. I have been studying and experimenting
in this field for dozen of years. By my painstaking efforts, I have invented a medicine
which has outstanding curative effect on the symptoms above. And the medicine is truely
approved by all the patients who took my medicine. If you have interests, or want to try
one course of treatment. Please send me a message to email:hebe_laufeitong@yahoo.com.cn ,we
will have further communicaiton. - 刘飞彤
2) Sometimes for a very short period as it is very addictive.
Have you tried restoril?
Actually there are other (non prescription) things too;
namely melatonin, valerian and l-tryptophan.
in fact there is a pill out that contains all three. - ChiMom
3) I understand, I sleep walk (unsafely) on Ambian and Sonata. When I take my Xanax I have no problem. You can talk to your doctor, depends on your relationship with him. It is often abused so it's not really likely to be prescribed as a regular sleeping pill. And if you continue being prescribed Xanax for anxiety or panic attacks, take breaks from using it every night because you can build a tolerance. And then your doctor may cut you off if you are needing continually increased dosage or quantity.
I do have another something, I take 1500mg of GNC's GABA (I don't like other brands I've tried). There are other herbs as well but personally haven't had much success with the others I have come across.
There are some other prescriptions too that I have found, not specifically for sleeping but has that effect. Usually other anti-anxiety prescriptions. - AtLarge
4) That would be in appropriate use for it because of it addiction potential....it really is for short term use like panic attacks.
Have you had a sleep study done? If not I would suggest it. - Tink
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Question 4
I have a sore throat can I workout?... when i workout its usualy light cardio and more weight lifting.. so can i workout? i only think i have a minor sore throat and dont feel real sick- at least not yet-will i get worse?
1) Your immune system goes down during the workout. It would probably get worse, hold off for a day and get some vitamin C - Effy
2) Your belief that you can be remotely diagnosed by strangers over the internet is probably not a wise one. There is NO WAY for us to predict whether or not your condition will get worse if you work out. If you feel fine except for the throat, then you will PROBABLY not worsen if you work out. But you might. We don't know, and we can't know. - choko_canyon
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://cadmedans46.notlong.com/AAnYNx0 - Thalia Schaudel
4) I recently saw a segment on ABC saying to keep working out, because it is beneficial to your body.
However you do not want to expose others to your health issue. - JJ Bear
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Question 5
Can i take my naproxen generic 550mg pills and drink alcohol?... I have a perscription for a generic naproxen pain killer, 550mg, for cramps i get during my period, and I am a young girl so I have relatively no health problems. Can I drink alcohol while taking these pills. I take them every 8 hours, should I skip my pill tonight and drink? or still take it and will it not affect me?
The only problems I have found would be increase in chance of stomach bleeding and uclers, which ive never had problems with that and i dont think i will in the near future.
Just need some advice before i royally screw up!
1) hi - Ines
2) 550 mgs of naproxen is not easy on your stomach and liver all by itself. Do yourself a favor and don't combine the two. Either skip the drinking or skip the pill for the evening. - justin
3) well, with any drug, you should avoid alcohol for various reasons. naprosen shouldnt react with a drink, but there are some things to consider. 1, naprosen builds up in the body, and as an NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug, like Motrin) and skipping a dose may cause the effects to lessen, therefore slowing the effectiveness of it as a treatment. 2, alcohol interacts differently for each person when they are on a medication.
that being said, it might be a good idea if you do decide to drink, to limit it to a small amount. hope this helps your decision. - Jason
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