Monday, February 21, 2011

What tea helps you go to sleep?

Question 1
What tea helps you go to sleep?...  I wanna get a good night's sleep tonight.

1)   Codeine Tea - Captain Tom

2)   Being tired. Music helps me and no lite in da room also helps. Gluck :) - Jj Bear

3)   chamomille or lavender. - TheBestDarnDaddy

4)   If you go to your local co-op you can find these herbs on the cheap but if your just going to the grocery store look for the following. Chamomile, Valerian, skullcap, passionflower, and hops. Valerian is the strongest and is likely to invoke lucid dreaming and give you a good night sleep. - JaminB

5)   Hi,

If you heat up milk and put some honey in it, it calms you and your stomach too and makes you this...

Infants often go right to sleep after breastfeeding. When an adult enjoys a warm glass of milk they may just be taking an unconscious, nostalgic trip back to this “happy place.” Who doesn’t enjoy a good suckle?

A study published in a recent issue of Neuroendocrinology Letters found that infants go to sleep faster after feedings. While no research has yet examined this phenomenon in adults, it’s not unreasonable to suggest that milk-guzzling grown-ups are unconsciously reminded of an infantile state which causes them to drift off.

So, if you enjoy drinking a little of the white stuff to make you pass out, go right ahead. It may be possible that you have conditioned yourself to the behavior, and drinking it really does help you sleep. There’s probably not much going on chemically—it’s more like a placebo effect. But remember, the only way for a placebo effect to work is if you keep on believing.

Sweet Dreams! - JP

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Question 2
Is it better to snort adderall or just eat it?...  

1)   As much as i am against drugs, my friends say that snorting is just painful and does essentially nothing more. so pop away, sir. - fluffy

2)   That depends. Hnw soon do you want to die? - TheBestDarnDaddy

3)   In my experience with amphetamines you dont really need to snort them to get euphoria. You still get some form of a rush with snorting, and also reach a higher peak plasma concentration. Snorting gets more into the bloodstream when it comes to amphetamine, as the acidic stomach destroys some of the drug. It isnt too painful to snort, and if you have brand name IRs it tastes like candy. If you have extended release eating is the best option, because it is a bitch to crush up those little beads, and if you dont crush the beads it wont work. - Mat

4)   You're breaking my heart. - Franzy Pantz

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Question 3
why is Pepto-Bismol pink?...  I was very curious to know why Pepto-Bismol is pink?

1)   better than brown or black - Jay

2)   Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is naturally pink but I'm sure the manufacturer adds artificial coloring to enhance its appearance. - Violet Sunshine

3)   Why is the sky blue, why is the grass green. Who gives a fucking shit - Captain Tom

4)   Hi,

Artificial colouring - read below for more!

Each mL contains: bismuth subsalicylate 17.6 mg.
and Nonmedicinal ingredients: benzoic acid, D&C Red No. 22, D&C Red No. 28, flavour, magnesium aluminum silicate, methylcellulose, sodium saccharin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, sorbic acid and water. (these ingredients add to flavor, color, and preservatives)

Bismuth subsalicylate occurs as white or nearly white, tasteless, odorless powder and contains about 58% bismuth. It is insoluble in water, glycerin and alcohol, therefore, it is artificial coloring which is responsible for its distinctive pink color. - JP

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Question 4
Marijuana user, need to cleanse system for new job.?...  I have been smoking almost everyday for about a month. A job opportunity just fell into my lap and I need to get clean quick. I started drinking a lot of cranberry juice and water. I have about a week before I have to test. Any suggestions?


1)   yep- you're gonna fail the piss test. you don't need to be smoking weed! especially every day!!?? - 2wise4u

2)   Go to a smoke shop they have cleaners.depending on how long and fast you want to clean your system their prices vary.pretty expensive so save up your money. - Jake The Dog

3)   excersize and cranberry/apple juice. and water. run alot! sweat! niacin pills everyday. purchase niAcin at gnc or supplament stores. - Justin

4)   I am not a marijuana smoker but I would like to offer a little, to you I used to smoke cigarettes for years (20 plus). And I prayed and asked God to take the taste of cigarettes and he did, I think if you pray and drink lots of water, cranberry juice and whatever else is healthy I am sure that you will be fine. But don't just do this for this test do it as a lifestyle change because you will always have some sort of a problem where this drug is concerned. What if when you get the job that they want to do a random drug test, then there will be no prep. time like you have had for this test. Pray about it and make an effort just to eliminate the drug altogether. This may not have been what you wanted to hear but this is what you need. I wish you blessings and I pray that you will get the job. - Jane M.

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Question 5
Which easy to obtain, natural teas put you in a good mood?...  I'm not talking about "getting high" or any of that type of stuff. I just want to know which easy to obtain teas put you in a good mood. I've had a few people tell me St. John's Wort, and it did work, but I was wondering which other ones there are?

1)   Not many easy to obtain teas really improve mood. Anything with caffeine, you can get coca tea on amazon and it has cocaine which is mood lifting as well. Few teas have any significant activity - Mat

2)   There is this new age store where i live. I get all sorts of amazing stuff there. Try to find one. Pretty much any tea you get from a store like that will do the trick. - Evona

3)   Hi!

Herbal teas that can help you get happier
Anti-depression herbal tea

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - also available as a sweet (especially in the Netherlands, where it's called 'drop').

Old folk remedie that turns out to be effective.


Chocolates make you happy :)

Chick Peas - healthy and contains a type protein that makes you happy
Real powerfood.
Chick peas literally make you happier. They contain an amino acid (that's protein) that just helps you become happier. Like all beans, chick peas are healthy as well.

Beans contain protein B vitamins (folic acid, niacin, pyridoxine and thiamine), vitamin K, and don't have as many calories per serving as lean meat does. The calories beans do have come in the shape of 'complex carbohydrates'. That means the body has to work to degrade them. This is good: getting your body to work is always good. In this case it's good because it means that your sugar level will not just go up and then down, but will go up slowly and stay up on a healthy level longer. Because beans take a long time to digest, they help you lose weight or maintain your figure. Beans contain natural fiber which is good for the digestive system. Human beings can survive off beans and be fine.

I wish you happy and healthy!!! - JP

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