Tuesday, October 5, 2010

If you have ADD, please answer my question!?

Question 1
If you have ADD, please answer my question!?...  So, I posted this question earlier today, but I didn't get any responses and I know that there are a billion people in this world with ADD so I figured I'd try posting this question again to see if I get any responses this time...

My doctor just diagnosed me with ADD the other day, and I am a Sophomore in college, unlike a lot of people who are diagnosed at a younger age... He prescribed me "Vyvance" which I guess is a newer version of Stretera and Aderol. I didn't take it today because I'm really nervous about what it will make my body feel like, considering that a lot of people use these drugs illegally to get high off of. I keep envisioning myself being a different person if I take it... So can anyone who doesn't use it illegally tell me what exactly it makes you feel like?

1)   Well i take Aderall XR 30MG, i take it in the morning legally.
It does give me a little bit of ephuic feeling, just take the pill.
It should help you, so just take it. And most people that get high off
ADD pills crush them then sniff it. - Phillip

2)   I know it's not the answer you want but in the last few years have linked ADD to food additives and coloring. People improved when they eliminated these things from their diet. - Esmeralda

3)   I know exactly what you are talking about. I too have ADD, and I have learned OH LOOK! A SQUIRREL! - sunkissed

4)   If you're talking about Lisdexamfetamine, which is Vyvanse, the worst things than can happen are severe addiction (only if used for long periods of time) and misuse can lead to death. Bascially? Don't abuse the medicine and you'll be fine. I'm taking ADD medicine and, despite what my friends say, it isnt just a way to "keep kids down." for me, it actually helps me focus. You should do some research ( As always when taking a new medicine-allergies, etc..) and see if Adderal is better for you. - Qiao Z

5)   I have ADD and I was also diagnosed my sophomore year in college. I tried so many different drugs and to be honest they did make me a different person. One of the medications Concerta, made me so calm and emotionless that I just didn't even care, Focalin was 99 bucks a month and I didn't feel a difference, and Aderall made me an angry aggressive person. I finally gave up on medications and I set out to find a different way to deal with it, what I found ,is that I have background noise, like tv I focus like a mad woman, during lectures I draw and I'm absorbing more information than I ever have. Also, I bought this pen that records my lectures and it has an infrared camera that copies my notes and you plug it into the computer and you can review your notes and lectures, and when you click on something in your notes it takes you to that part in the lecture its amazing its called the pulse smart pen. I suggest that if you choose not to take drugs, which I suggest because no one knows the long term affects you know? I used to be a D student I started meds and became an F student. my GPA got as low as a 1.29 I went off my medication and in one semester I got my GPA up to a 2.62 and now I'm a 3.7 and I've become a perfect test taker just by studying with the tv on, and drawing and coloring during lecture. I want to be a doctor so I'm really happy I've learned different ways to deal with it. - <3

6)   I haven't taken meds for my ADD in a long time but adderol and stretera are basic forms of speed in our case it'll slow us down enabling us to focus on whats in front of us as opposed to whats all around us and yes you may feel a slight change hence the reason i no longer take them. However these drugs make chemical reactions in your brains chemistry to calm you down which can cause nausea restlessness and blackouts so my best advice that i can give to you is to try your first dosage in the privacy of your own living space!Good Luck and if they make you feel like shit sell em' $2 a whack - Dave

7)   add fake - Mike William

8)   I believe with others that it is more diet related. Doctors make lots of money from keeping you in a state of 'allegedly' being sick. In days gone past is was called - hyperactivity - and that's just what it is. I saw it when I was a kid and noted then that as soon as a 'certain person' was given cordial (no matter what the colour) the kid was uncontrollable. I also noted it in some foods that was injested. I say look at the cause, doctors only use a band aid solution. - Tracey MacDonald

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Question 2
How long does a marijuana high last?...  This is my 3rd time smoking and the high is lasting extremely long. Almost scary long. I smoked at 12:45 and its now 8:45. That's 8 hours! Should I be worried? I still feel tingly and shit when I move.

1)   it lasts about 8hrs ive been toking since i was 13 now im 19 it only lasts me 2-3hrs but i enjoy it except wen people dont take out the stems that shit makes your head hurt after the high
thats also true maybe ur paranoid ?? - giant

2)   Its not unusual to feel high for that long is its only your 3rd time smoking. I cant comment on the tingly feeling, but marijuana is a safe drug and shouldn't cause that. It may be from being too paranoid, which can be a side affect for some people. - Joe

3)   Your tolerance is just really low and you probably smoked medical. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just enjoy the high. If it gets "boring" just eat, it will lower your high.

Most highs last 30 minutes to a few hours. - Cheshire420

4)   I recommend you to see ----> http://all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Jane

5)   Oh yes - marijuana high can last for quite a long time - 8 hours is pretty long though.

If you find that you drag the "high" around with you even after a couple days - you might figure that you're one of us who can't take marijuana. I know I couldn't - and my father couldn't either. It just affects some people strangely. Might be genetic.

So anyway - proceed with caution - mostly it's harmless - but I know that for myself, it really made me feel goofy for days and days. There's no shame in quitting. - Vulcan

6)   Thats how your first highs are. after you have done it a couple more times its still pretty good but your highs only last like 4 or 5 hours. - ¿KS?

7)   That's quite odd but maybe it was some dank stuff. I would imagine that quality stuff would have longer lasting effects on a new smoker. Maybe you just need to sleep it off. - iNoob

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Question 3
a list of the amounts of marijuana?...  could u like put the amounts dealers sell, like for example "5 grams = 80$" or omething im not really sure about all the amounts and how many grams a fourth is and all that thanx!

1)   depends on dealer....regular weed is mainly like $10 per gram...kush weed on the other hand ranges from $15-$20 per gram....and a gram is a tiny little baggy - chris

2)   Why are you asking? Are you a cop or something? - sir smokesalot

3)   I'm not too sure dealers would want to post their info on the internet. And besides, they're high, they're probably too stupid to post it anyway. - Artemis

4)   Well, I deal with weed as far as ounces.
1/4 ounce= $50-60
1/2 ounce= $100-120
3/4 ounce= $150-180
Ounce= $200-240 - Emery

5)   $50 for 1/8 of an oz (3.5 gm) $100 for a 1/4......usually.... If it is compressed and has seeds...much less... maybe $25 a 1/4. Most importantly, don't let anyone make you feel bad for obtaining some of Mother Nature's good ol' weed;) It's your best/safest option to alter your current state of mind... Good Luck!.. - Maurquellus Wallus

6)   Mid grade (regular) bud:
$5 per gram
$25 - $30 quarter, 7 grams
$80 - $120 ounce, 28.3 grams
Dank (high quality):
$20 per gram
$50 - $65 eighth (1/8th of an ounce, 3.5 grams)
$90 - $120 quarter

Prices where you are may be different. - iNoob

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Question 4
What does a salvia trip feel like/how long does it last?...  I've decided that I want to try salvia soon, and was wondering what I'm gonna be getting myself into!

1)   It usually lasts about 15 minutes.
You will trip and hallucinate, so have a buddy near by to make sure you're ok.
Sit while you're doing it, do not stand up or you'll fall over cus of jelly legs. Some people say the "fell to hell" when they stood up.
Just relax and don't freak out if something makes you trip bad, you'll be ok.
All you need is one hit and you'll be good. Hold it in for a few seconds to get a decent head change.

Be safe and responsible! - Cheshire420

2)   It all depends. Some people's first trips hurt (headaches, etc..), some don't. What you want to do is be with a buddy you can trust, make sure they are sober and are watching you.. A dark room or outside in a park is a good place.. It is a pretty extreme hallucinogen so....yea..... Oh, and it typically lasts 10+, depending on the potency, minutes but it'll go by pretty fast. Have fun.. - Qiao Z

3)   I tried the legal Salvia that they sell in herbal shops and it is very trippy. I did it outside on a table with friends. My mouth was morphing into the table. Don't do it where it is warm out. You get insanely hot! im not kidding. Another trip i had i saw landscapes that were not really there. Its okay but it only lasts like 5 min. And alot of times it is uncomfortable. You have to be in the right mood for it.

It has stopped working for me now though. I either have to buy the stronger extracts or get illegal salvia. - ¿KS?

4)   you'll trip for about fifteen- twenty mins and like the other guy said have a buddy with you should be fun depending on your weight and the dosage your taking either way stiil fun!=) - Dave

5)   When I tried it, it only made me feel a strange kind of dizzy feeling. One of my friends had the same experience as I did; however, three other people I know had intense hallucinations that were overwhelming and caused panic. They described the overall feeling as highly dysphoric. I guess it was cool to try it with friends around, but salvia itself isn't anything special at all. The most intense effects lasted about 5 - 6 min for the three that had hallucinations. - iNoob

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Question 5
good marijuana strains for med purposes?...  so i have really bad anxiety and might be getting xanax but if i can id rather get weed, so i was wondering what the best strain(s) are for treating anxiety? thanx!

1)   Personally I'd go with G2 strand #17 Just dont plan on goin anywhere for a while =) - Dave

2)   white widow is very good medical i hear - Scotty Keene

3)   id go with extreme double og kush that my friend cured my cold,migraines and the next day dam i felt soo good and energetic - giant

4)   Since marijuana has different effects on different people, it may or may not be effective for your anxiety. Indica and sativa are the 2 basic types of bud. Indica dominant strains will produce more of a relaxing body high, while sativa is more of a mind stimulating buzz. Purple kush and northern lights are two examples of indica varieties. - iNoob

5)   Maybe this will help: http://forum.grasscity.com/medical-marijuana/147139-disease-specific-mmj-strain-list.html

GL!! - Jillian Galloway

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