Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is there any homeopathy remedy for Polyp growth in inner nose & for cardio myopathy?

Question 1
Is there any homeopathy remedy for Polyp growth in inner nose & for cardio myopathy?...  My wife is suffering from inadequate blood pumping due to harder heart muscle. I am suffering from polyp growth in my inner nose. Is there any medicine in homeopathy? I am not interested in allopathic treatment because all allopathic doctors suggest for surgery.

1)   no
It sounds like you're both going to die soon if you don't want to have medicine.

As a mature adult that is your choice to make of course. - Nitram

2)   more dependency upon homeopathy is not good if you are suffering from some series problem then you have to take allopathic treatment. - Nancy

3)   Homeopathy is an ancient belief that has since been shown to be nothing but water. Anyone who still sells this nonsense is a disreputable scammer.

Follow a properly qualified medical doctor's advice. - dave

4)   Please send your wife to a doctor. Homeopathy has nothing to offer you but placebo. Also there is no such thing as allopathy, this is just more nonsense made up by Hanneman (sp?). - Michelle

5)   For your polyp in the inner nose take Calc. Phos. 30X potency tablets. Take 4 tablets half an hour
after every meal i.e. breakfast, lunch and supper. It should set right your polyp. Good luck and God
bless. Cheers! :o) - Sudhakar B

6)   I'm sorry to tell you that homeopathy will not be an effective treatment for your wife's cardiomyopathy. Neither is homeopathy an effective treatment for what is an anatomic problem, i.e. your nasal polyps.

Follow your doctor's advice and you will get better. Your wife will also have a better chance if she sticks to what her doctors tell her. Do not follow the advice of homeopaths whom I doubt even knows how to diagnose cardiomyopathy. - angrydoc

7)   Oh no no NO. In short, homeopathic preparations have no effect beyond placebo. They contain no active ingredients, and for the same reason do not work either.

Regarding the polyps: There are steroid nasal sprays and drops that will usually shrink the polyp. If that does not work and it's causing you problems, Polypectomy is probably the way to go, many hospitals will do this with a local anesthetic, rather than GA. But this does depend on the size and number of polyps. The only downside is that there is a chance the polyp will grow back.

Regarding Cardiopyopathy: There are three main types- Hypertrophic, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiopyopathy. - All affect the hearts ability to pump blood effectively around the body. You don't mention which one your wife has and neither am I privy to her medical history, so this advise is very general, in most cases, there is no cure for cardiomyopathy however, there are a range of effective treatments that can manage symptoms and improve QOL.

AltMed has nothing to offer for either of these problems.

Edit: Note, Sudhakar B cannot substantiate his claims with any evidence. - Rhianna

8)   Cardiomyopathy is often treated with Hawthorne, CoQ10, foxglove. But you will need a naturopath or other doctor to give you ideas on the dosages and exact preparations. In the meantime, keep seeing your doctor. Don't try to treat this without a doctor of one type or another.

Polyps -- talk to a naturopath about possible zinc supplementation, Calcarea Carbonate, Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory), and using a nettie pot with some salt.
As uncomfortable as they are, polyps are not life-threatening. - jaclyn

9)   Sudhakar B has suggested you take homeopathic Calc. Phos. 30X potency tablets. I have a few problems with this.

Homeopathy is supposed to be about treating the whole person, and about treating the cause of the disease. Prescribing remedies via the internet, and without a full consultation is bad homeopathy.

The 30X tablets will not contain one molecule of active ingredient. 30X is a dilution ratio of 10 to the power of 30; meaning the original substance has been diluted 1,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000 times; way beyond Avogadro's Limit. A drop of this dilution is placed on a sugar pill to make the medicine. So they are clearly not going to have any effect beyond a placebo.

Perhaps the polyp is not life threatening, but if you avoid proper treatment for the cardiomyopathy you are putting your wife at serious risk. - Gary Y

10)   no use of homoeopathic medicines follow this method for 20 days by avoiding all negative foods mentioned herrein..see my profile.

Disease or financial setback or family proble, is due to placement of planets in bad places in the person's horoscope and also due to hereditary causes..a soul can enter into the womb of a woman whose sins match the sins of previous birth of this soul..this is secret of creation..a soul cant take birth in a wealthy family or pious family,if it has got previous sins..
.when your forefathers have these diseases you will get them...sometimes due to sins of your forefathers and foremothers ,diseases are caused...when there are such sins ,your horoscope will contain placement of good planets in bad places...diseases may develop in a person due to sins of that particular individual...sins means viiolation of natural law...eating fast foods,nonveg,sweets etc come under this category...evil thinking and evil doing come under the category of serious sins..
such sins and doshas in horoscopes can be repaired or modified by doing tapas or penance...

it is due to eating wrong and negative foods and negative style of life... follow this method for two will improve from 15th day...
holistic healing method..
when the body is having a disease, the patient should not be given a nutritious food... he should be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day... but he can take unlimited fruits(not sweet) and uncooked vegetables... this is also called semi-fasting method...during semi-fasting, the bodies energies will be conserved to fight and throw out the disease...that is why , patients are asked to stop so many negative foods ...all high nutritious foods are negative foods for sick people...
a person requires so much culture and intelligence, to understand the basic principles of holistic healing ... this is part of yoga and spirituality...this is great indian science...
i am telling you about indian thinking, which the new generation has forgotten or is ignorant of culture...though this is called hindu thinking , these methods are prevalent in china,egypt japan,and east asia...
that is why , i am doing this service to sick people in yahoo and otherwise,for the last 25 years freely, to awaken people of their slumber...this is great indian method,which does not require any expenditure to cure any type of disease...

Holistic healing method....

1avoid milk ,curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,horlicks,,
sweets,sweet fruits,
fish,eggs,f,alcohols for 30days.these are all
negative foods for a person with disease...unless these
foods are stopped ,he or she cant clean the body,blood
and nerves...persons without disease can take them...
2.daily eat 300 gms of uncooked cucumber( or 60 gms of uncooked bittergourd or 300 gms of blackgrapes containing seeds.)

4daily eat 20 gms of ginger uncooked..
5.daily eat 30 uncooked leaves of ponna ganti aku-telugu(ponnan kanni keera-tamil) and 20 uncooked leaves of coriander..
and 3 betel leaves..(after one week take 6 betel leaves) can eat rice items,wheat items ,ragi balls,jowar items of food..dont take ragi malt.
7,you can take daily oranges,promagenates,watermelons,pineapp…
good wishes,
k.umamaheswara rao

2nd method:-
colour ray therapy of sunlight-----(this is part of holistic healing)
the sunlight has got 7 colours... red and yellow colour rays have got healing property to cure most of the diseases.
purchase a sheet of red colour celliphone paper from a local book shop or paper is transparent and glazed. it will cost rs6 or 7...divide into 4 pieces...each piece should measure 5in by7in.
then lie down in sunlight ... keep one of the pieces of yellow coloured silaphan paper on stomach , so that sunlight falls on the red or yellow paper (which is placed on stomach) should not wear any banian or shirt,when you lie
down in sunlight...
allow the sunlight to pass through the paper for 7 min...then yellow or red rays will enter into your body and clean all ailments in your body...after one week ,you can increase the time to 10 min daily(for elders) and 6min for should not be used for children less than 3 years.
many diseases like blood pressure,sugar,arthritis,pains
,ulcers,acidity,skin disease,virus
fevers,cold,bronchitis,piles,fissures,… will be cured with this me - Umrao K

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Question 2
Is Cancer really just a fungus?...  I heard that cancer is really just a fungus and that doctors lie and say it is cancer so that the drug companies can make more money.

Is this true.

Did I really just watch my Dad die when I could have just sneeked a tube of Lamisil into his feed tube. why did it take so long for me to 'know the truth'

yes and no.
I know full well what cancer is and lo_ is correct that I was referencing an earlier disgusting point

It is true however, that I watched my father die of cancer recently and to be honest I'm far more offended that this cretin trivilizes what we went through as a conspiricy. I'd like to ask him what experiance he has of cancer. I'd like to get into his head and find out why he does this.

1)   Hope you are being serious cos if u arent then it's a really heartless unfunny joke insulting everybody out there who suffers from cancer.

If you are being serious then, no, cancer is not a fungus, it's an uncontrolled growth of cells in an area of the body, which can form a malignant tumour, or a non malignant one, which may or may not spread via lymph or blood to other areas of the body - rrh

2)   No.

The idea that cancer is fungus came from an Italian guy, Dr. Simoncini. The hypothesis went something like this:

Cancer is white
Fungus is white
Therefore cancer is fungus

Actually I shouldn't really even dignify that as an hypothesis.

There is no evidence that cancer is fungus. Not all tumours are white either and even if cancer were some kind of fungus; the treatment Simoncini proposes, sodium bicarbonate (!!) is totally implausible and wouldn’t work anyway.

Edit: Here, this guy smacks his claims down pretty well - Rhianna

3)   No Cancer is not just a fungus
cancer is abnormal speedy growth of body cells
i - Shailendra

4)   That's great news. Now I can cancel my melanoma surgery, and treat them with Canesten instead. - Gary Y

5)   Poor little stupids. They don't study Mycology and know nothing about it. So you can't blame these medical wanna be's on here for talking about something they know nothing about. Listen to Doug Kaufman and he will lead you in the right direction concerning "Fungus" and our health. - Know the Cause

6)   Good grief.

Looks like you drew him out. Wanna bet his other accounts will answer the same thing so as to make it look like he's not the only believer in the cancer-is-a-fungus silliness?

Oh and by the way, cancer is not a fungus. I challenge anyone who believes that to show proof in the form of histopathology reports. - angrydoc

7)   @rrh, as someone who's in remission from cancer, I'm not insulted by Angelhil's question as I know he's playing devil's advocate to expose a piece of altie nonsense that has been repeated at least twice on this board in the last 12 hours or so.

The myth about cancer being fungus originates with an Italian doctor called Tullio Simoncini who claims that cancer is a fungus that can be cured by baking soda .

He bases bases his 'theory' that cancer is a fungus on the fact that whenever he sees a cancerous tumour in the body, the lumps are "always white." And fungus is white. That and that alone. You couldn't make it up.

Following the death of a patient whom Simoncini had treated at a Dutch clinic, his license to practice medicine was withdrawn in 2003, and in 2006 he was convicted by an Italian judge for wrongful death and swindling

Rhianna has provided an excellent link.

Here are two more: - lo_mcg

8)   drug companies are making billions if not trillions of dollars a year on their fake cure for cancer. why should they tell you the truth? there is a massage that gets rid of the problems of cancer and it goes away on it's own. the massage is called lymphatic drainage massage. the lymph system is the immune system of the body. when they cut out lymph nodes they are cutting out part of the immune system! why would anyone allow the doctor's to cut out part of their immune system if they knew what the doctors were cutting out? go to a lymphatic drainage massage technician. the future is in the hands of the technicians. - John Whittington

9)   While I can understand (barely) the kind of sick individual that would propogate this lie to chase a profit, what kind of deluded idiot would then go and repeat this as fact across the internet?

Maybe someone who is so blinkered by stupid conspiracy theory nonsense and paranoid delusions that they are unable to know the truth when it hits them in the face?

I really don't know, but to unnecessarily risk the life of someone they don't know by deliberately telling lies is pretty disgusting. - dave

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Question 3
Why don't doctors believe FUNGUS is cancer?...  Read about it here and you too will know the cause.Cancer is fungus
by Dr. Tullio Simoncini
Among the many books that try to give an answer to the problem, the one given by the oncologist Tullio Simoncini distinguishes itself by its simplicity and its innovative ideology.

The book “Cancer is a fungus” describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. The growth of the fungous colonies, together with the reaction of the tissue that tries to defend itself against the invasion, causes the tumour. This is a simple and solely extracellular phenomenon.

Therefore, there is only one cause of cancer: candida, which, according to the anatomical branch concerned causes different histological reactions. This is the reason why there are so many types of tumours.

At the moment, sodium bicarbonate (in a solution of 5% or 8.4%) is the only remedy capable of making the tumours disappear completely. In order to get the maximum of damaging effect, the sodium bicarbonate should be brought into direct contact with the tissue. This can be done by bringing a special catheter into the arteries that go to different organs, or by using the conventional endoscopic methods.

Doctors lurking in this section constantly ridcule something they know nothing about. They are not taught this because "The big Pharma" pays for their education through grants. This conflict of interest is going on everyday and in everyway. They know very little of "Mycology" because keeping you sick is where the money is. They ridicule alot of the information that we evolved with for thousands of years and call it "BUNK" a dog instinctivly knows what plant to eat when his stomach is upset. "How is this?" "Evolution" The same principle applys to human beings. We evolved in knowing what plants are good for us through thousands of years of trial and error. But these medical personnel lurking in this section believe they have alll the answers. The "Big Pharma" know that unless they can patent something theres no way to make money off it. So they ridicule anything standing in their way of profit, including teaching up and coming doctors to abide by their profit making techniques. It will be the down fall of all of us health wise unless we wake up to this travesty . Get on the enternet and look up "Doug Kaufman" and make your own dicision after reading. Look outside the box and you too will "Know the Cause"
Wake up "Flizbop" They've got you brainwashed too! Look outside of the box and you too will "Know the Cause"
Dr. Simoncini further explains his theory and reveals more of his research. This respected oncologist shares his heart with regard to many suffering children that he has watched die of cancer, needlessly. His heart was broken for these children and explains how God enabled him to perceive that cancer was fungus and could easily be treated through raising the pH of the body and he explains partially of what he does. His method, although to date has been very successful, is still being researched for all different types of cancers.
Angrydoc, Why do you get so defensive when your money is being threatened. If you would take the same ammount of time ridiculing natural methods as you do trying to promote your killing drugs you would be a believer too and you too would "Know the Cause"
Hey Dave, Everyone knows the "Big Phara" have all the money and can hide anything they want. You are the gulible one!
Yes mcg I do remember.. I used oregano oil which is a powerful fungul fighter. Poor little stupid!
NO Dave, What is a SCAM is you people pushing these drugs on people without trying to find a cause of the dieases. Old people that can't even buy a loaf of bread because their prescritions are so high they can afford little else. Also compounding meds on top of meds to relieve the side effects of the one before. and turning these old and young people into walking Zombies. and killing hundreds of thousands of people a year that take their meds religiously because you guys told them to. That is a SCAM my friend. People all over the world are learning about a more natural way to treat dieases without filling their bodies with toxic chemicals and you call them stupid. These people know they work because they experienced it first hand. But you'll never hear it on the 6 oclock news because the pharmaceutical industry has got the media in their back pocket. Wake up dude! You ain't right!
mcg, Simoncini is not perfect but I supose you and your medical muppets are. He has lots of proof and I hope people read what he has to say and come to their own conclusions because I tell you what. If all we got is what y'all have to give we are in DEEP trouble Babe. Just look at the statistics and read "Dead Doctors don't lie" and you too will "know the cause"

1)   Because it isn't.

You've obviously never lost a loved one to cancer, you're lucky.

When you get to see someone pass away after trying every conventional and alternative treatment under the sun, we'll see how much you stand by your silly theory. - Flizbap 2.0

2)   <Flips through pathology atlas trying to find fungal mycelia in biopsies of tumors. Finds none.>

Yeah right.

The histopathology of cancers is quite well known. None of them show fungal parts. They will show weird looking cells that arose when normal cells mutated. Please show evidence of this fungal cancer aside from this one book.

edit: Instead of answering my very reasonable request that you provide evidence for fungal cancer, you go on a tangent about money. I always knew you couldn't provide any. All you have is a big mouth. - angrydoc

3)   How can cancer be a fungus?
Cancer is caused by a genetic abnormality within the cell. The reason there are so many different types of cancer is because there are so many different types of cell.
Damage to the cell's DNA causes the cell to reproduce abnormally fast. The cell no longer retains its own function. The growth can become malignant and spread throughout the body via the blood stream or lymphatic system, or it can remain as a benign 'lump'.
So where are the spores in this simple explanation of cancer and how it can spread? Don't all fungi have spores? - Pyrexia Fi

4)   There are current theories that candida is the start of most cancers because it eventually affects the ability of the cells to effectively communicate and replicate. There is also a theory that all parasitic disease be it bacterial parasites, viral, fungul or just plain parasites like worms, can affect the body in such a way that it cannot protect itself effectively, so the immune system doesn't clean out abnormal cells before a cancerous condition begins.
The candida connection makes perfect sense. Candida infestation causes the alkalinity of the blood to change and then the immune system is overwhelmed that cancers can develop.

As far as Candida being the absolute only cause of cancer, not all naturopaths agree with that either. Radiation, pesticides, aspartame, and other things can also allow cancers to begin to grow in the body by overwhelming the immune system. I was just at an alternative medical conference the other night that talked about the connection of root canals and breast cancer. That is not related to candida, but rather mercury.

I do believe system wide candida can cause cancer. But so can other toxins and radiation. Anything that weakens the immune system to the point it is overwhelmed and unable to protect the body can eventually allow irregular cells to develop and turn into cancers.
added-- You have had experience with sodium bicarbonate? I know a few naturopaths who use peroxide, but hadn't heard of the other. They use a an IV that has a few things in it, so perhaps that is one. It is important to keep the alkaline level in the blood to prevent cancer, so it would make sense that a strong alkaline might be used. I know they also use peroxide because some cancers are anerobic, and cannot live in a high O2 atmosphere. For the same reason they use a hyperbaric chamber.
Thanks for mentioning the NaHCO3. It is always nice to learn about new things. - jaclyn

5)   The question you should be asking yourself is "why am I so gullible?"

Big Pharma hasn't got an omnipotent stranglehold on every country on the planet, so why is this 'treatment' not used by anybody, anywhere, ever?

Because it's such an obvious scam. Only the truly naive and gullible would swallow this laughable piece of baloney.

Your embarrassment continues.....

Edit: Oh dear, do you also believe giant lizards will come down from space and rescue you? Mental....

*Thinks* are 'Big Phara' part of the Egyptian conspiracy? - dave

6)   Simoncini is not 'widely respected', and he bases his 'theory' that cancer is a fungus on this alone: all the tumours he sees are white, and fungus is white, so cancer is a fungus. You couldn't make it up.

His license to practice medicine was withdrawn years ago following a patient's death, and in 2006 he was convicted for wrongful death and swindling

There is no evidence of his method being 'very successful', or having any success at all.

Hey, remember when you told us you had skin cancer for years, which you cured with a few drops of essential oil? - lo_mcg

7)   Because it's not and it's trivial to tell them apart.

Given how often we sequence tumors at this point, you think someone, somewhere would notice a vast number of fungal sequencing coming up time and time again.

Oh, and the only really effective antifungals are all pharmaceuticals, so your entire argument is bunk at every level.

Not to mention how easy it is to isolate and grow Candida. In all seriousness a high schooler could do it. - Weise Ente

8)   Simply because the flaws in this logic are too numerous to count.

Definitively, cancer cells (of all kinds) have been widely studied and clearly identified. The types of cells, the genetic content (ie: "self" cells!), even the mechanism by which the cells "forget to die" has been studied. These very simply are NOT fungal cells.

Cancer is not candida.

Can candida play a role in cancer development? Sure. These possible mechanisms are fairly well understood.

Is baking soda the best method to treat the issue (as a means to address pH)? Not at all! One can only very slightly alter GI pH with baking soda, and doing so actually makes a climate that's more hospitable to candida (because stomach acid will kill the fungus!) And the belief that you can widely change the pH of all body tissues by consuming baking soda (or any acidic or basic substance) is based on a misunderstanding of the homeostatic processes. - Dr. T

9)   Because there is no evidence there is. Simoncini is a tool. His "hypothesis" is unsupported and the treatments he advocates are implausible.

@ Dr. T: This is nothing to do with this question or answer and I'm not taking a shot at you, but quick question. You and I both come from quite a strong science background and out of all the alties, you're the least crazy and some of your answers are reasonable. However, I've seen you promote woo numerous times on here- e.g. acupuncture and vitamin C for colds and even stomach acid in one recent answer. So..without wishing to seem de ri-gueur, what did you do.... spend years studying science, only to completely disregard it later? Thats one hell of a cognitive dissonance wouldn't you say? - Rhianna

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Question 4
Hostility, Why are some medical professionals so Hostile to certain forms of Alternative Health care?...  I've noticed that when pointed questions regarding 'accepted' medicine are asked here there seem to be a significant number of hostile 'western medicine' types railing against the mere questioning of their 'acceptable' brand of health care, regardless of the fact that western medicine seems to be failing on so many fronts, except profitability.

I want to know where the hostility comes from? Who cultivates this mindset in the 'western medicine' paradigm? Is it institutionalized brain washing? Are they simply not strong willed enough to question their peers and go along with the foolishness of branding themselves 'earthly deities' above questioning or social scrutiny?

1)   It has become institutionalized, but the basis is - after careful review - financial. Doctors and the large pharmaceutical companies want to maintain elitism in order to be able to continue to charge the fees and prices that they do.

Take for instance, homeopathy. (Disclaimer: I am married to a homeopath.) Homeopathic remedies are intended to CURE illness. Most western ("allopathic") prescription medications are used to SUPPRESS symptoms (so you need to continue to pay for the Rx).

The hostility has evolved into a defense mechanism. In this way, they can attack with derision rather than exert even the a small effort to learn about these very effective "alternatives." - jrabkin1

2)   Because using treatment with no evidence behind it wastes valuable time and money that could be much better spent on a treatment with PROOF of some degree of efficacy. - Flizbap 2.0

3)   I would imagine that it comes from a strong desire not to see gullible members of the public given false hope with wacko 'treatments' that cannot possibly work, sold by under-educated, non-qualified conmen who are only interested in milking their customers dry, even if the person is suffering from a fatal condition and cannot possibly be helped in any way by the treatment being proffered.

Jus' a guess though...... - dave

4)   Hostility comes from the horror of seeing alties giving bad advice to people who really need help. Bad advice that comes from a refusal to study science and look at evidence and instead relying on fallacies such as the "medical establishment is in cahoots with big pharma!" or "the ancients knew the secrets of health."

You notice hostility but I notice a refusal from alties to face the issue: does alt med work? Instead they ask pointless questions like this.

The best way to shut skeptics up is to provide proof of your claims. Where is the science? Where is the evidence? - angrydoc

5)   Because them saying any thing positive about alternative medicine, is like taking away from their profits. In U.S. medicine is business, I am from Europe and practically every doctor will suggest alt med and then western med. We use a lot of herbal medicine you can buy only in pharmacies or herbal stores and if this does not work, the the doctor will prescribe med. - Ms know it all

6)   I wouldn't call it hostility and neither is conventional medicine failing- on the contrary actually..And even IF conventional medicine was failing, this STILL does not demonstrate efficacy of AltMed.

In particular, myself, AngryDoc, SkepDoc and Dr. Frank are health care workers, we also come from quite a strong science background too,- we are all too aware of the dangers of AltMed as well as the implausibility of some of the ridiclous claims made here. Just by avoiding conventional medicine and pursuing activities that have never been demonstrated to work, actually puts peoples health at risk. Also, some of the claims that are made here are simply dangerous and should be counter pointed.

Check out this lady who wants to give her child 35% H2O2, for example:;_ylt=Ah1W.iOb8.PlfbfMib7vg.7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100825122553AAXMDMV&show=7#profile-info-GSfS9Gdyaa

Our comments are there, take it or leave it, but dangerous and false claims made by the AltMed brigade should not go unchallenged.

Edit@ Noor: While we are committed to persevering everyone’s' right to freedom of choice, this must be balanced with the risk to the vulnerable and gullible in society. AltMed isn't without risk.

Also, AltMed is not a "relatively new field ". Most of it is very old and most was invented in a pre-scientific era. These practices have been left behind because they do not stand up to scientific scrutiny.- There is no evidence they work.

And I wouldn't be so quick to discount the need for scientific studies This is a stupid comment. Scientific method removes bias, this makes medicine safer and more effective. This is the best method we have of determining what works and what doesn’t.

You are attacking scientific method and the need for it, simply because you don't like the results. That’s childish.
Er regarding profit. Newsflash! The alties do not provide their "services" free of charge! This is also completely irrelevant as to whether or not something actually works.

You cannot claim we are hostile simply because we challenge your woo. We are mostly very polite, however I accept that arguments do ensue. - Rhianna

7)   I wanted to ask this question too. I don't why they don't leave well enough alone. Go their separate ways and let people who choose natural medicine live their life and be happy. It is seriously ridiculous that they have nothing better to do then put down something that is contrary to their beliefs and mentality.
It is a relatively new field and with anything new there will be a backlash of naysayers who don't want to accept it. But in time an equilibrium will be reached and people will see that you don't ALWAYS need scienctific studies to prove something works, you can see it's "proof" from the happy customers.
It's like believing in God. It's not about scientific proof. - noor

8)   I think they want to have solid evidence behind medicines. Mis-diagnosis and treatment could and does prove to be fatal in situations where it doesn't need to be. Someone could try a "Anternative Medicine" and cost themselves precious time, in which a proven cure could have solved the problem (cancer). - mike

9)   Because most of them have been shown repeatedly to not work at all.

Their promotion and use endanger lives. - Weise Ente

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Question 5
Does medications we take get tested on animals?...  i want to know because i am against animal testing.

i take adderall,ranitidine,buisperone,sertraline,and levothyroxine if any of those are tested please let me know because i take a stand against animal testing.

1)   they would all be tested on animals during development

look up the MIMS drug book - may have further info - over the hill

2)   All medications are first tested on animals for safety before they are tested on humans. However, rest assured that they were treated humanely and did not suffer in vain. Mistreatment of test animals is unethical and I understand that laboratories have people that look into this all the time.

You and millions of others benefit from animal testing and those medicines that you are taking now exist because they were tested on animals first. We need those medicines. Can you honestly tell a sick person that they don't deserve the chance to get better just because you think using animals for research is wrong? It is also dangerous for you to contemplate giving up those medicines just to make a political point. Don't stop taking them or you might get hurt. Please.

If you want to take a stand for animals, volunteer in a shelter, adopt a rescue animal, be an environmentalist and a conservationist. Be an animal welfare supporter, not an animal rights nut. - angrydoc

3)   I can assure you all of them were.

Animal testing has to be done before a drug can move on to clinical trials in humans, so it's a safe bet all drugs were tested on animals.

In fact, all of medicine pretty much is too. A lot of what we know about physiology comes from vivisection of animals done centuries ago. - Weise Ente

4)   Of cause they don't test them on animals, that would be so wrong? What if a pig or a cow died?
No, they definatly don't test drugs on animals. They make the drug, and hope that it doesn't kill hundreds of people. But if it does, it is taken off the marked in some years, depending on how many complaints they get, (most likely not many LOL).

A great man one said to a dumb bitch; "Retarded question, requires retarded answer." - Rune K

5)   Most likely they were tested on animals...maybe can help you find safe alternative therapies for your illnesses. - noor

6)   Yes. Before drugs go to clinical testing on humans, they are tested on animals first.

To be clinically cold, testing on animals is certainly better than testing on us humans. However, no one "likes" doing it, but there is no other way around it. Try not to be too emotional about these things. And do NOT stop taking your levo. - Rhianna

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