Friday, August 27, 2010

Where can I Buy sleeping pills?

Question 1
Where can I Buy sleeping pills?...  Ok So Im 14 years old And i have been having big problems tring to fall asleep so can anyone tell where i can buy them and i live california btw

1)   Any store sells them over the counter. - bannana77

2)   Advil pm, Tylenol pm...
anything else you shouldn't take unless proscribed.
See a doctor. - Danielle

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Mark

4)   drug stores - Sakura Cha

5)   In the drugmart or thru prescription from a doctor.. Some convienice stores might sell it.. - starcraftstrategist

6)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Tawnee Widerski

7)   Get some melatonin from the supplement/vitamin aisle in your local supermarket, completely over the counter. It's a natural hormone which occurs in your body, which regulates sleep. Just take 1 tablet before bed and you should start to feel sleepy in 15-20 minutes, maybe longer depending on your stomach contents. This is much safer than and just as effective as Benadryl or Tylenol PM, because your body already makes melatonin, you're just taking more of it to get more sleepy. - chuckboris

8)   Try melatonin. Find it among the vitamin supplements.
It's not particularly strong, but it will help. - ωαlκєя112 Phillies are Hot

9)   From me!!

(I am a pharmacist...)

Seriously, please do speak to the pharmacist at any drug store/grocery store before you choose any product. They are there to help and will be happy to help. There are several legal, safe, and inexpensive options for sleep medications available right in your local drug store.

BUT: Many over the counter sleep medications interact with other meds and supplements and can complicate existing conditions. Also, regardless of however mature you may be, 14 years old is still physiologically a child, medically speaking. Over the counter meds may not be formulated in concentrations appropriate for your body. An overdose of sleeping medications, over the counter or otherwise, can be lethal. NEVER mix them with other meds that might make you drowsy and NEVER mix them with alcohol.

As a side note-when treating insomnia most doctors encourage good sleep hygiene, habits and stress management before resorting to sleep aid meds. 'Just something to think about if this has been going on for awhile.

If you have a moment, take a look here:

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Rest
Dr Tess, PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy) - OIMTess

10)   Try Amazon: - Zombie

11)   Sleep Naturally and Wake Up Refreshed!

Even losing sleep a few nights a week can significantly impair your ability to function and decrease the quality of your life. You know by now how you feel without a proper sleep: fatigue, irritability and a loss of concentration are high on the side effects list for insomnia.

* Helps you Relax
* Combats Stress
* No Known Side Effects
* 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
* Helps Stimulate the Sleep Process
* No Prescription Necessary

An effective stress remedy

Studies have shown that insufficient sleep is the leading cause for stress related diseases. Your 7-9 hours of downtime every night actually help you eliminate stress, regenerate your energy levels, repair any damages in your body and recover or fight off diseases. Stress and a lack of sleep can cause a variety of health related problems, many of which can be serious. - Bachao Nahi

12)   Im not sure, but theyre must be a lot of places to buy pills obviously. - Kevin Leal

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Question 2
Is there a natural / herbal product that brings down High Blood Pressure?...  Wondering what natural product (tablets, herabl teas etc) maybe available, as I suffer from the occasional bouts of high blood pressure, and sick of getting treated and having to stay in the hospital every few months...
@Sylvester: looks like we both may have heart probs. which is weird in itself because most people think I dont have one.. Anyway if your contacts can help that would be great
@House: you're a shi+.....
(keep up the good work) TU for the old codger
@House: AGAIN!!!! You're a dirty old man.....hehehehe

1)   i don't know but have starred your question incase one of my contacts can help

i am suppose to be taking blood pressure tablets but i don't affect me too much

xxxx - Sylvester

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K

3)   high blood pressure is caused by blood clotting and cholesterol build up that would block the normal flow of blood in the arteries and veins, therefore that clotting or the cholesterol must be remove there is natural ways to remove that naturally this is proven and approved i'll give you the link ..

get well :) - Kesha Rufin

4)   I would tell you but there's a good chick flick about to start :-P


Seriously though, all i know is stay away from salt. Salt raises your blood pressure. I watched Angelina Jolie today in her new movie Salt, and my blood pressure went up for sure. - Dr House is in the house.

5)   You should use norvasc, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Marget Remy

6)   Sure there is:

take you tablets from the doc tho.

Drink lots of water
Change your diet
Do yoga to reduce stress. - lakegal

7)   Soak fenugreek overnight and eat it with the water for a week. - Do we love stars

8)   Nope.

Now you said you have occasional bouts; short term spikes in BP are not though to be the same risk to health as chronic BP which is always high. If there is a concern over your BP, go see your GP and see if he'll do a 24 hour study, this will determine if there is actually any problem with you BP or not. First line management is lifestyle changes- so lose weight if overweight, stop smoking if you smoke, limit alcohol consumption, reducing salt intake may help and exercise. If BP remains high despite this and is within treatment range, you'll need anti-hypertensive medication.

AltMed has nothing to offer.

It's also worth having blood work to exclude secondary causes for high BP . - Rhianna

9)   There are a number of herbal and homeopathic remedies that are well known for their ability to control high blood pressure with great success. Unlike conventional medicines, which do not always address the root cause, natural remedies can do this without the risk of side effects or addiction.

In keeping with a holistic approach to health, Naturopaths recognize that high blood pressure may be a sign or symptom of imbalance in the body and thus recommend a combination of lifestyle changes and natural remedies to remove the causes of the high blood pressure, rather than simply just treating the symptoms.

Remember to always source your natural remedies from a reputable company in order to ensure safety, efficacy, and correct therapeutic dosage.

Herbs such as Hawthorn, Passion Flower, Guelder Rose bark & Ginkgo Biloba

- help to balance and regulate blood pressure
- address some of the contributory factors causing high blood pressure
- target blood vessels which have become constricted
- improve the heart's ability to pump blood effectively
- treat and prevent plaque build up in the arteries
- Promote coronary artery health and integrity
- Support healthy pumping action of the heart and the maintenance of a regular heartbeat

This they achieve by dilating the blood vessels and reducing their resistance to the blood flow. Because they reduce heart palpitations, they have a splendid calming effect on the nervous system.

You may get more info here - Ang Lee

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Question 3
Are there any natural remedies for headaches?...  

1)   Tie a long sock around your head with a good amount of pressure, it should be gone within a few hours. At least it does for me. - Nikki

2)   Yes, there actually is. One is rolling your feet on a water bottle. - Inferno

3)   coffee. water. many people are dehydrated, and don,t know it. coffee has a therapeutic effect on circulation. try them both. - David

4)   Sleep. - blahblahblah

5)   -Apparently rubbig ice cubes on your forehead
-sleep (depending on the type of headache/situation)

There are some suggestions at this website:

Unfortunately, headaches have many different causes so treating them (especiallly naturally) can be difficult as the root cause can affect the best way to treat it.

She seems to have a good idea with the headache diary (to track your causes)


P.S. Cofee dehydrates... If your headache has any relation to dehydration, KEEP AWAY from the coffee.

If you have a headache because you're tired, reach for apple juice first before trying the coffee. (Apple juice actually has boosting/re-energizing effects without dehydrating you/stripping you of calcium.) - Marianne

6)   Massage pressure point that is in between your thumb of either hand and your first finger. You can tell you have the right spot because it will be sore to the touch. When you don't have a headache that pressure point does not hurt.

In addition: drink more water and put a cold washcloth or an ice pack on the back of your neck. - debtinx

7)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fioricet. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Carrol Plett

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Question 4
what will happen if...?...  If there is only one doctor in the world who knows how to perform a certain operation, and in a crutial point of the operation, where nothing can be undone, the doctor gets a heart attack and dies in the operation room...what happens to the patient?

1)   eat potatoes? - blaahh

2)   The patient's operation is not completed. - dave

3)   If i was that doctor i would leave notes prepared previously how to perform that surgery for the rest of the staff..and if not there is google and books and the anesthesiologist would try his luck as well...!! or bye bye to that patient - u-SEE

4)   he doesn't have to pay, he also doesn't get to sue. - Mr E

5)   You try your best to do.God will bless him!!! - LEE

6)   Ummmm..He be dead!! - Know the Cause

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Question 5
Whats wrong with Docters and Nurses, they sit at home and watch cartoons. whats wrong with angrydoc rhianna?...  maybe if they spent less time watching cartoons they might learn about FUNGUS being cancer and be able to cure our cancer

1)   If your lively-hood depends on you believing one way, It will be hard to accept anything else that is detrimental to your way of life. Poor little stupids! - Know the Cause

2)   Why is it everytime I log on, there's some tripe from you and your various accounts?

Couple of things:

1. Doctors and Nurses’ have time off from work just like everyone else. What we chose to do with it, has nothing to do with you. AngryDoc and Rhianna like cartoons and comedy… it makes us better people.

2. Also, we are not medical research Scientists. Researching cures for cancers and various other diseases is done by Scientists, people like Weise Ente and Mark on here, etc. It's a lot of thankless hard work and Scientists really don't get enough recognition for the work they do. Doctors and Nurses are merely the front line health care workers who prescribe, diagnose and treat, etc.It's Scientists who do all the hard work and know a lot more than us.

3. Cancer is quite clearly not fungus.

4. Until you have some evidence to prove at least one of their core philosophies as being plausible and true; STFU and stop posting crap on Y!A.
@ KTC: Again, our livelihood does not depend on a specific type of treatment. To be blunt, what we "believe" is irrelevant.

@ AngryDoc: This explains why they took Charlene Werner seriously. - Rhianna

3)   When I or Rhianna watches cartoons, we know it's fantasy. When you watch those Doug Kauf-quack videos, you can't tell he's scamming you.

So Rhianna watches TV on her days off. What's wrong with that? - angrydoc

4)   Don't y'all get it?

This person is a troll. He only posts to get a rise out of you. - AKA Inverse Mushroom Cloud

5)   Lots of folks watch TV. Nothing wrong with that.
However, getting your medical education from YouTube is quite questionable.....

Still trolling hunh? - Tink

6)   I've reported this question. Y/A is no place for personal attacks.

This is a re-post of several questions you've removed because you don't like the answers. So now you've posed under a new account so you can answer yourself... and as a "bonus" you added a direct insult to two individuals.

Inappropriate. - Dr. T

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