Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why are Mds hostile to alternative health care?

Question 1
Why are Mds hostile to alternative health care?...  This question has been asked. It seems to violate some poor sods sense of self. I'll simply ask for reasonable answers not the standard 'hate' and malice that has been the typical medical response to this question. I want the medical profession to look at themselves good and hard and ask yourselves why this question is so disturbing to you. Then I want you to ask why does it have to asked in the first place. That is the real question. Weisse Ente. Quit your complaining.

1)   I'm hostile to all forms of idiocy. Purveyors of alternative health care offer nothing but false hope and conspiracy theories. To the vast majority of people they provide nothing more than a placebo for a disorder that likely needed no intervention, but for the people suckered in by the likes of Hilda Clarke they are a real danger for they deprive them of life.

I take some lessons from quacks. Mainly, they taught me the importance of sincerity and a caring attitude. Physicians can learn from this because it was primarily the paternalistic and arrogant nature of many physicians that lead to the rebirth of quackery. Fostering an environment of shared decision making and an empathic attitude are highly effective tools in patient care. That's why people seek quacks, that's what doctors need to do to bring them back to sanity. Either that or we can wait for more people to rely on quackery. Honestly, the fastest way to expose these scam artists is for legions of truly sick individuals to die by their incompetent hands. - Round 2

2)   Nobody has a problem with this question I'm sure (though obviously if it was removed previously then a Yahoo! moderator has a problem with it and has already explained this to you.)

My answer:

If it works, then MDs use it and it's called medicine.

If it doesn't work, it's usually taken up by wackos and used to extract money from ill and gullible people by providing false hope to those who are desperate for a cure.

MDs having a problem with disgusting conmen who seek to exploit the sick? Well! Whatever next! - dave

3)   Many doctors get "incentives" from the drug companies to prescribe the medications that they do. As such, those doctors are not likely to endorse any treatments other that the drugs they write prescriptions for. Having said that however, unfortunately when it does come to alternative health care, there is some very good stuff out there, but there is also some very very bad, and some which are just out-and-out scams. If you are interested in a particular product or procedure, research it thoroughly before buying it or using it. - MarcapPub

4)   You're ignoring the fact that the majority of AltMed has not only never been demonstrated to work, it's completely implausible and great swathes have actually been disproven too.

As I keep saying, any hostility comes from lies the alties often tell- denigrating mainstream medicine is a routine part of marketing for many of them. And the fact avoidance of mainstream medicine, in pursuit of something thats never been demonstrated to work, puts peoples health at risk.

People like yourself prevent medical progress. - Rhianna

5)   Your other questions are creepy...Mds know what helps and what is there to just take your money or even cause harm. The real question is, why are you so paranoid? - april

6)   you mentioned weise ente but i like him, but i think rhianna has a crush on him because when i emailed her and asked her who her favrouite skeptics answers are she said dave and weise ente. go figure. - Sally

7)   Because it doesn't work. Simple as that. It's only alternative because evidence does not support its use.

When your goal is to save lives, it tends to help to only use what we know works, not nonsense like homeopathy. - Weise Ente

8)   As long as quacks continue to push unproven, untested, and dangerous "treatments" on people, I will continue to be "hostile" to alternative "health care."

As long as quacks continue to say that anecdotes and stories are all that's needed as proof of their claims I will continue to be "hostile" to alternative "health care."

As long as quacks continue to accuse skeptics of being paid shills of big pharma, of being "close-minded", of being "threatened by alt med (yeah right) instead of showing proper proof of their claims I will continue to be "hostile" to alternative "health care." Such accusations are mere distractions from the real issue: does alt med work?

You mentioned that alt med was being hindered in its research efforts but you do not mention any research that shows anything useful from alt med. Cite a paper, show us the text and skeptics here will gladly look into it.

Edit: @michelle s: Provide proof of your claim please. You must know that just saying something doesn't make it real. - angrydoc

9)   They are hostile because alternative health care offers natural remedies for many medical issues that they would normally perscribe pills for. Pills=kickbacks. HMO=kickback. Do the math. - Michelle S

10)   Because most alternative cures are nonsense and do not work.

The vast majority of doctors DO NOT get kickbacks. It is illegal. - Flizbap 2.0

11)   The real answer is that they aren't used to being challenged. As for proof Angry doc, when the medheads quit censoring the outcomes of research and truly look at alternative or non-pharmacy based care in a non-biased and objective manner will there be 'proof'. As for proof of alternative or non-pharmacy based care all one need do is study human physiology. The body does most of the work itself. It regulates every aspect of its daily function including body temperature, heart rate, breathing and digestion as well as assimilating nutrients as either energy or as building blocks to regenerate itself with. The 'alternative' view point is often 180 from the Medical or allopathic view point. Where the allopath or outside in doc looks to address the symptom or the end result of a pathological process by means of pharmaceuticals or surgical intervention, the alternative practitioner looks to the self healing aspects of the human condition to find the 'reason' for why the pathological process began in the first place.

To clarify this point think of the triangle of fire. You need three things to start a fire, Fuel, Heat and Oxygen. The Allopath will put the fire out, but the Fuel, Heat and Oxygen are still present so the pathology will eventually return. The alternative practitioner views the process and removes one of the causes from the equation thereby disrupting the mechanism that fed the pathology in the first place. The process is not dramatic and often is not noticed by the patient for weeks before they realize the flair ups of whatever they were dealing with are no longer flaring up.

The truest function of any doctor is to do as little as possible while allowing the body to heal itself. The doctor of medicine, especially the diluted, self indulgent types, will look at the body as an imperfect physiological mistake and attempt to correct the mistake as they see it. There was an article in National Geographic titled 'The down side of up right' that depicts this self indulgent mindset quite well. A very diluted and egotistic view of how nature made a mistake in human design.

It is this point of view that causes the allopathic practitioner to place his/her view point above the viewpoint of 'lesser' practitioners whom they censor and ridicule as 'non-scientific' or 'unproven'. when the deck is stacked in favor of your delusion ego tends to dis-allow any contradictory points of view that will remove the veil of certainty from their deluded and egotistic selves.

Its all egotism.

Enuf Said. - bend_dc

12)   md's have spent a lot of time and money going through medical school and don't want it to be for nothing. also the drug companies have spent a lot of time and money to bring out their medicines and don't want it to be for nothing. so i guess it is because of all the time and money that everyone concerned has put out and don't want it to be for nothing! - John Whittington

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Question 2
assuming your a Reiki adept without formal training how does one get certified?...  I've been doing what is essentially Reiki, at core, but what i do can be done over distance. I think of it as psychic healing, as I just envision a outline of a person and have the person I'm going to heal in my head, and then I just focus my energy to the section of the outline where the person is having the trouble/injury/illness and they tend to get better rapidly.
Excellent responses so far, I understand everything your saying, and I've seen his challenges, but I don't know if my ability would pass muster given that it's a over time thing(but a 3 day recovery from a severe stroke with minimal impairment is not bad.) Also, healing like what I claim is bogus, I thank you, you sir must be a athiest or agnostic since you cannot believe the myth of jesus christ. And that's a good thing, I'm a orthodox athiest myself, I have faith that jesus *may* have been a psychic with a god comples.

1)   You give lots of money to a Reiki master who will then teach you how to pretend to manipulate magical energy.

If you think you are able to psychically manipulate something that has never been shown to exist and has zero plausibility, to heal people who are nowhere near you then I'm afraid you are deluding yourself.

If you think I'm wrong, a million dollars could be yours if you were to take James Randi's paranormal challenge: http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/1m-challenge.html

At least then you will be able to afford the Reiki lessons... - Gary Y

2)   "I just focus my energy to the section of the outline where the person is having the trouble/injury/illness and they tend to get better rapidly."

No you don't and no they don't either. You're deluded. - Simon

3)   Aaatma Namaste ( my salutations to ur soul),
You are not clear what is ur question .i think u can get answers for each and every question from Pranic Healing why cant u go for the nearest Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Pranic Healing center, where u can learn more about the energy healing and energy medicine and pricisely know the flow of the energy where u require to redirect
with regards
Naarayana Rao DV
Blessed Pranic Healing Instrument - NaarayanaRao

4)   That's brilliant. If you are looking for a way to get certified, check out www.reiki-evolution.co.uk It is a great website. They teach japanese reiki and they also teach/show you the difference between eastern and western reiki. I did my training with them to master degree and I thought they were excellent. First degree is spent becoming familiar and working with energy. Distant healing and working with intuition in reiki is taught at second degree. You seem to be doing that very well already! It is basically all about letting energy flow where it is needed the most when you are envisaging the recipient. Energy in reiki is sent to someone with the intention that it works for the highest good of the individual. Keep doing it and don't give up. It is entirely up to you if you want to become certified. If you do, I wish you good luck with it all! - Katie

5)   Reiki is bullshit

You're lying and dishonest or deluded. - Rhianna

6)   Total fruitcake behaviour, but anyway......

Reiki is basically a scam, anyone can print up a certificate and put "Grandmaster Flash, Reiki 12th Dan Origami Ftw Mo Fo" on it, frame it, put it on their wall and point at it when anyone else questions their powers.

It means no more than any other nonsense trotted out by the other reiki delusionalists. - dave

7)   um go to a school to learn bout it? and it takes time to learn all bout it...baby steps....
one day at a time. - Julie R

8)   I did my first degree Reiki attunements and received a certificate, and I also did second degree Reiki attunements, (which include learning distance healing) though I didn't get the certificate ( The Reiki Master's head was in the clouds!)

I would say that there are so many different types of people offering Reiki attunements. Certainly in my area attunements and courses are offered at varying prices, often quite cheaply. However I would say form experience, that there are many different qualities of Reiki training. Some give a weekend course and off you go! Other will charge a lot more but take your personal development and handling of energy much more seriously.

I wonder why it is you feel you need a certificate? Is it to set up professionally, or just to validate that you have healing skills? Or is it Reiki in particular that you actually want proper training in?

Reiki is just one vibration of healing energy, and all of us have the ability to channel healing intentions via spirit, earth or universal energy. Many practitioners start with Reiki and find their skills develop in different directions... Many other people, like yourself have discovered their gift spontaneously, or through meditation and personal discovery. In my opinion they are completely valid healers without any certification.

If you are looking to set up a business, then maybe you need something for insurance that is recognised. If you are not so concerned with this, word of mouth will bring people to you and I don't believe that a certificate is proof of anything other than attending a course. It does not supersede the actual experience of a healing from someone with a true gift.

If you approach a Reiki master that you feel you resonate with, then the chances are you are sufficiently developed to be fast tracked through attunements 1 and 2, which you may find increases your energy. (Usually a period of many months or a year are recommended between First and Second Degree attunements to give time to assimilate the energy)

There are many other types of energy healing available, why not expand your skills and go for training in something slightly different from what you do already? You may get a certificate for this new skill, and use it to validated the fact you are a trained healer, while integrating all your talents into your own personalised treatment.

I hope you find what you are looking for, and are not disheartened by sceptics who have obviously little experience of the metaphysical art of healing.
xx - palemoon

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Question 3
Why do md's ostracize germ theory denialists?...  

1)   Well given the copious amount of evidence to support the theory, it’s quite hard to envisage how any sane person can deny one of the best established theories in the history of science. The problem is, whenever I've tried to refute a germ theory denialist, I generally find it's akin to pointing out a brick wall in front of them, and the denialist saying, " what? there’s no wall there!"

It's very disconcerting. - Rhianna

2)   Probably because denialists are as unreasonable and deluded as Flat Earthists.

Edit: Not insane enough that I have to vote my own answers as BA though! - dave

3)   I dont know but dont listen to Rihanna. I asked her to look at my penis yesterday because there is a problem with it, and she wouldn't. WTF kind of nurse or doctor or whatever she is does that?

and DAVE! Your insane!

dave i only did that because i had no points left! you skeptics keep reporting me. - Fight the system

4)   Seriously?

Because they are as wrong as flat earthers. They are wrong on a scale barely humanly possible. They make creationists look sane by comparison.

And given how dangerous infectious diseases are, they are dangerous. - Weise Ente

5)   Does Bn stand for brainless nitwit? Do you actually think that a sane person with an infection would go to a chiro and get his neck cracked and expect the infection to magically go away? Maybe you do,most don't. - massage therapist

6)   Germ theory denialists stubbornly cling to an outdated and disproven paradigm of medicine. The germ theory has been proven by many scientists such as Pasteur and Koch. - angrydoc

7)   Same reason Physicists ostracize theory of gravity denialists...? - Flizbap 2.0

8)   it's what they go to school for. would you have them any other way? they can't help it. leave them alone. shame on you for hating on them. - John Whittington

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Question 4
Vitamin C and colds question?...  Will a high dose (1000mg) suckable vit c reduce the length of time you have a cold for if taken a few times a day?
A common cold will cure itself in about 2 weeks if you take a treatment of some kind for it.
It will cure itself in about 14 days if you DON'T take any treatment for it.
(This made me laugh) I guess at least I had a giggle although full of cold.

1)   Yes. With any viral infection it is recommendedthat you take 4000mg of vit c in divided doses for 4 days and then halving the dose for a furthmer 2 days. Your body will excrete what it doesn't need. It is also important to take a good multivitamin as your body needs all vitamins especially zinc to fight off infection. - Aceirill

2)   No. If you take 1000mg of vitamin C a few times a day all that will happen is it will pass through your body and be flushed down the toilet. Plus it could also have an irritating effect on the lining of your stomach.
Taking a vitamin C supplement every day can do no real harm but supplements should not be confused with treatments. - Alec Leamas

3)   No, there is no evidence to support this. There is no data to suggest it prevents colds, cures it, or even shortens symptom duration....even the chewable kind in whacking great big doses.

The common cold virus is self limiting and will resolve in spite of anything you do...usually in about 5-10 days. - Rhianna

4)   Only if taken before you have the cold itself. Vitamin C, Echinacea and all those other products build up your immune system, but are only effective if taken before you get sick. Once you're sick, it will take about 9-10 days to get better, whether you treat the symptoms or not. - anna

5)   30/40/50 years ago it was common knowledge that yes, vitamin C in large doses (1000mg at least twice a day) would not only make it harder for you to catch a cold, but also would help alleviate the symptoms if you did.
Today it is conceded that there's not much assistance offered by vitamin C except that by taking it, you feel like you are doing something positive. This feeling itself is healing.
A common cold will cure itself in about 2 weeks if you take a treatment of some kind for it.
It will cure itself in about 14 days if you DON'T take any treatment for it. - Driver T

6)   It'll have no effect at all (unless you have a really REALLY poor diet). - dave

7)   no
it help BEFORE you get cold better,
[it eases the symptoms only]
if you take medications for it= it last 1 week,
if you do NOT take medications, it lasts 7 days.
you can take 3000 mg / in 3 /1000mg morning/ noon/ evening - M S

8)   yes use them mornings lunch time and dinner time plus bed time
and use juice and some lemon in water to make it taste better..... - Julie R

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Question 5
From an alternative skeptical point of view: is it wrong for females to masturbate.?...  

1)   why would it be wrong? - JEFF

2)   Why would it be wrong? It's a natural and common part of life. - Fitz

3)   why would it br wrong...it's only touching your body, if you didn't touch your body you'd never have clean hair,skin, etc...you'd also never touch anyone else. - Chrys

4)   No.

It's normal and physiological. Everyone does it. It's all good.
Don't feel bad about it.

Excellent Dave! - Rhianna

5)   Is it wrong for a MAN to masturbate?

I think it is personal preference if you want to or not. You cannot expect your lover to please you if you yourself do not know what you like or dislike or where to touch??? I don't think it is wrong. - Aceirill

6)   Not "wrong", no. But if done excessively you face 2 problems: desensitization, and/or the growing inability to reach orgasm without direct clitoral stimulation.

Some people also become addicted and masturbate obssessively (as in several times a day), but that's more psychological than physical. - anna

7)   Completely normal, though don't do it in public as apparently 'that's wrong'. - dave

8)   According to Wikipedia, “In 2009, the U.K. Government joined Holland and other European nations in encouraging teens to masturbate at least daily. An orgasm was defined as a right in its health pamphlet. This was done in response to data and experience from the other EU member states to reduce teen pregnancy and STIs (STDs), and to promote healthy habits.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masterbation

Consider that masturbation is extremely common among both sexes and has been throughout history; there are medical and psychological benefits to masturbating; it allows one to explore their sexuality and release sexual tension without risk; and many animals of both sexes are known to masturbate.

There is no evidence of a causal link between masturbation and any mental disorder, it does not lead to compulsive masturbation.

Its totally normal, natural, healthy, and even necessary. Not to mention very pleasurable.

No, there is absolutely no sound reason for it to be wrong for females to masturbate. - Gary Y

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