Friday, September 10, 2010

is marijuana 100% natural?are there any additives?

Question 1
is marijuana 100% natural?are there any additives?...  how do you think god intended for us to use it? smoke it, eat it, drink it as a tea?

1)   i think god most definitely intended us to smoke that shit and eat that shit and get high from that shit any way possible. - obsidian

2)   If you grow it yourself, yes it is natural. Although if you try to buy some, there is a good chance it's laced with something.

If there was a god I believe he would want us to use it medicinally, not for recreation. - Mike

3)   Depends on who and where you get it. Yes - Jim

4)   Although i don;t believe in god, I think it was meant for anything we thought of it to be used as. Eating it would be more natural in my eyes. Smoking it is the "traditional" method. Tea form is a bit of a more complex process in my eyes. Although it is common to drink tea from a boiled herb, it seems a bit more unnatural to me.

All in all, to each his own. - Dead Legs

5)   yes, its 100% natural and fine for you. no additives unless its laced with chemicals to add weight, its a sleezy thing dealers do. i dont believe in god for the second part of the question - Void Of Suicide

6)   It's unlikely to have any additives at all. It's possible for it to be laced but this doesn't happen very often because there's not really any money in doing this. What you get is almost always pure.

It may have had pesticides applied during its growth, and be grown in NPK fertilizer with hydroponics, but this is no different than the tomatoes you buy in the grocery store. - CrocoDuck

7)   Its natural as long as you don't get it from some shady dealer who laced it with something. - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

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Question 2
Which do you prefer? Alternative medicine or modern medicine? And why?...  

1)   Alternative...Because using it you can fix a sprained ankle, avoid malnutrition and not get hooked on drugs.

Modern medicine is only useful if you need stitches or a bone set properly other wise it will kill you slowly expensively painfully. - Slinky

2)   This is a very interesting question!

I prefer - alternative medicine. Believe it or not - and I'm actually a medical student. In med school - there really isn't any focus on the benefits of alternative medicine. We are taught to believe all these drugs are the solution. With their multiple side effects - it's almost a complete joke. You take additional drugs, to combat the side effects of other drugs! It's vicious. I've been told - basically - there is no concerns with immunisations, no benefits from acupunture, and when ever an alternative form of treatment is suggested - it's also put to the far far far far side. Totally disregarded.

We have just become a modern western society that is obsessed with 'quick' pharmaceutical fixes. The drug companies have far too much power out there! People are no longer in the mindset of relying on what nature can offer, or what benefits there are from simple, healthy nutrition. People find changing their diet - obstaining from processed, toxic foods full of perservatives, artificial colours - too complication, too addictive, and too difficult. The food industry doesn't help either - additives are in literally so many/if not all prepackaged foods.

It's pretty crazy - all these anti-depessants causing increased suicidal behaviour. We hand out anti-depressants like crazy. Also the fact that with all this chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer - we are causing so much damage, and we in fact cause the patient to become even sicker to overcome the cancer. Surely, one day, an alternative and natural treatment can be arranged! And even then - will the pharacuetical companies allow such a revelation to be revealed? :P

I think I may have gotten slightly carried away. :P - Sarah

3)   I will take the diagnostic capabilites of modern medicine, and appreciate the holistic approach of alternative medicine, but decide upon which treatment route to take according to the diagnosis. - Tink

4)   if the cause of the problem is correctable, common sense dictates that this is what is needed. regarding illness as compared to injury, most of medicine focuses on cover-up, but typically ignores correction of the cause altogether. in fact, they are completely ignorant of the cause of most illness, much less able to correct it. obviously, one must go outside this hopeless approach of mere symptom suppression to alternatives that do actually correct the cause so health can return. - Mr E

5)   My preference is anything with sound, scientific evidence supporting it. - Nate

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Question 3
What Foods Help Cure Strep Throat?...  PLease i know antibiotics (or however its spelt) are a way to cure it. But before i go to the doctor (which i probably wont) i want to know what foods will help cure it. And anything else that will help cure strep throut.

Please help me out :)

1)   gargle peroxide and do get to the Doc. - Rogue

2)   white alsatian sage. take a leaf and chew it until the oils start mixing with the saliva in your mouth. when the sage is masticated in small pieces, swallow the juice in your mouth in small sips. there is a nervine in the sage that will numb your throat, and it will heal itself! you can find it in any store that sells native american products. also on reservations if you know any one on the res. aho. - John Whittington

3)   Hydrogen peroxide will not help. It only kills about 30% of the germs in your mouth. COCONUT oil contains fatty acids that kill staph and strep germs. A very good thing to do is to gargle with coconut oil and then spit it out. Then do some "oil pulling." Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for about 2 minutes and then spit it out. Do not swallow it because it contains the bacteria you want to get out of your body. You can do this as often as you like and is a natural thing that will not harm you in any way. The active fatty acids that do this are caprylic (8%) and capric (7%) fatty acids. These are anti-bacteria, anti-viral, and anti-fungal fatty acids used in many medicines to do this job.

good luck to you - onlymatch4u

4)   If you truly have strep throat then you need to see a Doctor and get a rx for antibiotics. It's the only way to cure strep throat. Untreated strep can lead to serious complications including heart and kidney damage. Worst case scenario in untreated strep is death.

Unless you've been tested you won't know for sure, go see a Dr - Annie D

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Question 4
how would you get rid of the smell of smoke ?...  my grandma smokes , and she pretty much killing us with it the whole house smells like itt , and no one cares except me , is there anyway of getting rid of it ? getting in off your clothes , get her to change her mind aboutt it ? she been smoking till she was maybe 16 , she like 70 somethingg now , sadly she lives with us .

1)   Get rid of grandma, problem solved. - Ralelen

2)   She's not going to quit. I doubt at her age she cares. So get some neutra air and start washing and drying one outfit at a time and get dressed right before you go out and it should at least help how YOU smell outside the house. I used to do that when I lived at home. - Audrey

3)   Open the windows, spray Febreeze everywhere. After all of those years - I highly doubt she would be willing to quit. - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

4)   perfume, air freshener, why doesn't she smoke outside? - I love you!

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Question 5
what is the fastest, least painful way to kill ones self (no blood please)?...  if i ever really do want to (i dont want to right now) i want to know how so i dont mess up my suicide.i'm scared of alot of pain and especially doing it quickly. so injections or pills i could take that have a low price? (all im really looking for is a blood free quick and easy way to kill oneself, no bullets, no knives, no guilitines.)
ill go somewhere peaceful, and leave a message so they will not waste a year or so looking for me. that seems the best way in my opinion.
answer my question!!! shouldnt i have the right to get the answer i want like right to knowledge or something?! stop telling me i shouldnt do it and let me know how!!!!!!


1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Please call. - AnnaBelle

2)   You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Tad Sydney

3)   Suicide is never the answer -- it is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. No matter how you see your hopeless, to you, situation -- it always changes with enough time, and especially with effort.

But, you know this I'm sure.. I won't preach.

Fact is, there is no direct evidence of what hurts and what doesn't (if anything doesn't hurt) when it comes to death. No one has come back from a successful suicide and reported how the various methods were. So the honest answer is no one knows.

However, you want a painless, fast, and cheap way of eliminating yourself.

It just doesn't exist.

I know it is hard to stomach that there is no 'easy' way to off yourself if you don't want to live anymore, but that is the way it is.

There are sure fire 99% ways that you are against.. for good reason -- Like shotguns, or 50 story buildings and so on. Then everything else is usually a pretty low probability of success or maybe a 50/50 chance.

Think of it this way -- If you 'fail' at your method, say with pills, or injection, and so on -- It is VERY likely you would go into an ischemic state .. (lack of oxygen to the brain) and end up alive, suicidal and WORSE off. IE: Severely brain damaged, and so on. How would life be then? Many are impaired where they couldn't/can't take their own life because they are unable to move or have the intelligence capacity to do so from their failed attempt.

Many people take pills, or poison and end up in the hospital with organ failure. A common one is kidney failure that does NOT repair itself in many cases. Then these people have to have dialysis (filtering of the blood by machine) several times a week for life. A miserable existance, all for what?

Then you have heart damage that completely changes the rest of your life.

Basically you are more likely to fail, and ruin your health and have MUCH more to worry about for the rest of your life.. and then you would be wishing you could only be where you are NOW.

I don't know your reasons, or situation -- but I do know we have ONE life.. you can kill yourself another day -- why not go ahead and do things you never have before, try things to improve your situation that you think won't work but what do you have to lose? It is just another day right? And what happens if things do miraculously improve through the efforts?

Then what?

What if you actually did commit suicide TOO early and you eliminated your great life you had just around the corner?

Really, suicide is not the answer.

And, I am not just discouraging you here with the methods and likelihood of success vs. there is no 'painless/easy' way. Do all the research you want,.. you will come to the realization.

I am not sugar coating anything here, being real.

You will be ok eventually.. things ALWAYS change. Even when things are great in life,.. they will change. Same goes for insanely hopeless bad situations.

Hang in there, and start being resourceful and use that spontaneous, bold, suicidal spirit to do bold, scary, fear invoking things that move you AHEAD in this life, and just maybe in your suicidal existence lead to a fulfilling and happy life you could have never imagined.

It happens all the time! - Jared

4)   There isn't.
Hanging hurts unless you snap your neck right, feel yourself suffocating.
Drowning would be very painful.
Overdosing doesn't generally work and is also painful, I've tried it. Its a very miserable experience.
Burning would hurt.
Cutting would hurt and make a huge mess.
A bullet would be an excruciating amount of pain, even if it was only for a millisecond.
Alcohol poisoning involves puking your guts up..I guess if you're drunk enough it wouldn't hurt you.
There is no easy way out...Either way you need to toughen up and learn how to deal with life or toughen up and be willing to feel some pain. Maybe not be so selfish and have self pity and put a ton of people through the pain of losing you, and start thinking about how bad other peoples' lives are. - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

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