Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is there a once a month pill to cure alcoholism and make a person quit?

Question 1
Is there a once a month pill to cure alcoholism and make a person quit?...  If there is, what is it and is it effective?

1)   Nope. Alcoholism is a clear case where there is both a physical and cognitive component. Medications can help with the physical withdrawal, however, there is no medication that will change the thought and feelings portion of the disease. - Tink

2)   You'll have to go to Russia--they give alcoholics shots there--and with those shots they quit and stay sober for one year.....I've always wondered why we don't have that here. I've heard that they got something like that in Germany--but I am not sure yet. I am going to Germany in 3 3 weeks and will find out...... - What Will The Spill Kill?

3)   If there is, I've never heard of it in 20 years heavy drinking trying to find what works. I recommend the book Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey. It's not 12 step recovery, it just tells how to stop. It works.The only way to "cure" alcoholism is to make a commitment to abstinence (from alcohol). Forever. Period. - katiearies474

4)   If you are willing to go to a friend lives near one that has a 80% success rate....the average success rate for rehabs nationwide is less than 10% I believe...except for AA, they have a pretty high success rate, not sure what it is. Please feel free to email me and I will send you the info. - Mo

5)   therapy eft look up metapyhical causes under mysticboads health everything you need to know

you can't cope with your emotins so you turn to outside source for stability, eft can get rid of those feelings instantly, as can changing your diet, medidation, yoga, shamanic healing, accupuncture - Heehe Ehee

6)   there is no magic pill for alcoholism ... the magic ingredient is YoU.

x - Minx

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Question 2
why did my dr. give me so much medicine? PLEASE ANSWER.?...  Well before i found out i had a viral infection my dr. thought i had really bad allergies so he gave fexofenadine and a antibiotic z pac and that only lasts like 7 days. Well he gave me fexofenadine about 2 weeks ago and i still have like 18 more days left of taking it. Why did he give me so much?

1)   OMG. Your doctor needs to go back to medical school or get an education. If you do have a "Viral infection," giving you an antibiotic is the complete wrong thing to do if you are trying to eliminate the viral infection! ! ! Antibiotics cause the "B" cells of the humoral immune system to turn on to create macrophages from particular white cells. These macrophages are like pacmen that eat the bacteria. The problem is that when you turn on the "B" cells, you turn OFF the "T" cells! ! ! The "T" cells are responsible for killing VIRAL INFECTIONS and Cancer! ! !

Did the doctor take a blood test to see if you had an elevated histamine reaction going on? The only way you can be allergic to anything is if the toxin has a protein in it. If you have an intolerance to something, the allergy medication would not affect that.

I cannot tell you not to do something a doctor tells you to do, but I can tell you that I would find a real doctor who is not a guessing-game kind of guy. It sounds like he gave you so much because he is hoping he guessed right.

good luck to you - onlymatch4u

2)   With antibiotics it is necessary to take all of the prescription because you need to make sure that the virus is completely out of your system. If you don't take the whole medication or stop taking it the chance of the virus reoccuring or returning is more likely. If this occurs it can come back twice as fast and twice as bad because it could have mutated and the antibiotics could have no effect on the virus. - Sbh7884

3)   cause hes trying to kill you - ilovetrees

4)   He clearly wasn't sure what you had.

Fexofenadine is just an antihistamine. It will alleviate the symptoms of a viral infection as well as allergies.

The antibiotic was to cover his bases in case you had a bacterial infection. He apparently didn't want to spend money and time on lab results, which is unfortunate but too common. This sort of behavior contributes to antibiotic resistance.

He wasn't guessing. He gave you everything.

Also, ignore the science denialist. About everything he said is factually incorrect. To show you how wrong, here's a quick deconstruction of the erroneous claims:
"Antibiotics cause the "B" cells of the humoral immune system" Wrong. They kill bacteria.
"turn on to create macrophages from particular white cells." No, B cells make antibodies.
"These macrophages are like pacmen that eat the bacteria." This is actually mostly true. Which is surprising.
"The problem is that when you turn on the "B" cells, you turn OFF the "T" cells! ! ! The "T" cells are responsible for killing VIRAL INFECTIONS and Cancer! ! !" Not true at all. There are many kinds of T cells. Only Tc are really antiviral and directly kill infected cells. Th2 is the extracellular/antiparasitic response that activates B cells. Th1 is good for many intracellular pathogens. They turn on macrophages. None of these are mutually exclusive responses. All can be activated. Antibodies kill viruses too. Th1 help tell cells to activate antiviral pathways.

"The only way you can be allergic to anything is if the toxin has a protein in it." No, allergies are the immune system, typically antibodies in this instance, recognizing harmless things. It does not have to be a toxin or even a protein. Ex. penicillin isn't a protein.
"If you have an intolerance to something, the allergy medication would not affect that" Allergy meds are for the symptoms. The cause is hard to treat. Desensitization with allergy shots is the only currently effective treatment.

This is the worse section to ask a serious question about medicine in. You get crazies. - Weise Ente

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Question 3
I have a concern about my affects with weed...?...  I smoked about two very small hits of weed I got. I felt the effects as expected about 2 miuntes afterwards. But a night later I started feeling the affects as if I just smoked again....Is this normal? When will I stop feeling it?

1)   It's either it was laced or it was just some really good sh it :D - U going 2 my BBQ?

2)   don't worry bro, its mental, like when you take 2 tokes, you think your high, if you pretend you didnt smoke you won't feel it. So shutup and smoke up lol - Spencer

3)   haha mine usually wears off after four hours - ilovetrees

4)   yeah sounds like good weed XD or your relaxing and you can feel it better - Josh

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Question 4
pregnant with really bad cold which cough mixtures/syrups are safe to take or?...  any homemade remedies - please no honey it makes me sick - id prefer an over the counter medicine avail in uk thx

1)   Is Whole Foods available in the UK? If so try Cough Expec, it's all natural cough syrup. - WindyCity

2)   I wouldn't trust what anybody on here might tell you. GO SEE A DOCTOR. It's not worth risking the health of your unborn baby. - pleasure 2

3)   No chemical is safe for pregnant women. Use clear saline solution to clear your sinuses, menthol vapo-rub for your chest and beneath your nose, a steam machine to clear your sinuses, and Chamomile tea with lemon juice. All of the aforementioned were recommended by my M.D. as I do not take chemical medicines other than ibuprofen. And I am healthier than all of my colleagues. - humynism

4)   It's best to ask your doctor or a qualified naturopath. - Patti

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Question 5
any suggestions for home remedies for sore throat?...  i've had a sore throat since about friday. at first it was something mild, thought it was nothing. but now i can barely speak :/
anyone know any home remedies for this?
i would greatly appreciate it

1)   gargle warm salt water, warm tea, ice cubes, those types of things. - Dazed and confused

2)   mix salt and warm water and gargle in your mouth then spit it out. that should help...if not see a doctor - hi

3)   Honey and lemon juice with hot water is always good remedy to clear up a sore throat.

If you want something stronger to kill off a throat infection, actually alcohol helps a lot.

1 teaspoon honey / 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar / lemon juice
Mix and drink slightly warmed or in a glass of hot (not boiling) water.

At night time add in 1 tablespoon of spirits (straight whiskey or vodka)

Vodka can also be used as a mouth wash. Some gargles like Listerine contain alcohol and can be used instead for killing bacteria. Salt and Vinegar mixed in water is another option which works but tastes gross!

Drink lots of orange or lemon juice - fluids during the day. Honey Lemon Tea is also a good option. Hot drinks tend to be better for losening the throat.

Hot soups are also a good meal for a sore throat. - dload

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