Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thinking about trying weed? :/?

Question 1
Thinking about trying weed? :/?...  Hey guys. I'm kinda curious about trying weed. I know a couple of my friends smoke it, and Ive always been curious. The only thing that worries me; I don't want to get caught, and I don't want to be addicted to it. My family has a lot of drinkers and smokers, (cigs), and I've seen what alcoholism and cigs can do to you with prolonged use. My dad was an alcoholic, along with countless uncles and such.

I've done some research about it, and I want to be mature about this. Opinions?
Thanks for the answers guys. To the first answer; I know. I hate smokers, it's just disgusting in my opinion. But.. if I try it, I'll only do it once or twice. I don't have a job, too young, so I'm not even gonna have money for it. I really don't wanna get hooked on it, like I said, my friends smoke.

And yeah, it is an herb. I'm NOT doing any other drug. I refuse, and am not afraid to say no. I've said no to pot before, but... ya know. :3
Thanks for the answers guys. To the first answer; I know. I hate smokers, it's just disgusting in my opinion. But.. if I try it, I'll only do it once or twice. I don't have a job, too young, so I'm not even gonna have money for it. I really don't wanna get hooked on it, like I said, my friends smoke.

And yeah, it is an herb. I'm NOT doing any other drug. I refuse, and am not afraid to say no. I've said no to pot before, but... ya know. :3
Sorry about that double post.
@David, I know they're not related..but I meant Ive seen people abuse drugs, and it tore apart my family.
My grandma's husband was killed by a drunk driver, my uncle died at 40 something from a fucked up liver, etc.

Again, thanks for the answers guys.

1)   Ugh, just don't even get started. Let me tell you this as a girl, it is such a HUGE turn off for me to see guys doing drugs, period.

AND for the people who said it's not addicting, that is totally untrue. I have quite a few friends who got started on it thinking, "it wasn't addictive" as well and they can tell me as of now that it is hella addicting. They have tried to quit for so long, but no luck thus far. - ♫ɑɱʏ♥


TRY IT! (: - Osama

3)   try it you'll like it and if you have control over your body and yourself you wont get addicted to it - boricua(787)

4)   Well you just have to think about the big picture. If you do this think about the consequences and the loved ones that can get hurt in the process. Say you get caught, you dad/mom can get into serious trouble and pay a fine. Or say you like it and keep on getting addicted... there goes ur piggy bank money. But the upside is that you may hate it and never try it again. I can only provide you with this information but the decision is up to you. - Harry Pham

5)   i feel the same way.. - Visa!

6)   You should good experience in my opinion. And its not addicting. I'd say try it just once if you'd like, but only do it if YOU want to do it. Mhm k :) Its a herb people not cocaine, (now thats another story) Anyways be safe kid :) - KennyKens

7)   I wouldn't do it if I were you, I mean you should be proud that you have resisted this long. You should be proud if they ask you to have some and you say no. Although some people do try it just because their curious and nothing happens to them (they don't get addicted) doesn't mean that youre not going to get addicted too. Everyone is different, but I wouldn't do it if I were you and if your'e asking a question about trying it or not means you're not ready either. - hptk

8)   Marijuana is not addictive. Anyone who tells you different has never smoked it.
You can't overdose. There are no withdrawl symptoms.
Not getting caught, that's your own problem

And anyone who gives you the "there's more tar in marijuana than in cigarettes" argument is also barking up the wrong tree. A cigarette smoker is going to smoke anywhere from 15-30 cigarettes a day. Most people only smoke maybe one or two joints. So a smoker takes up to 300 hits of smoke into their lungs. The pot smoker, maybe 10-20, because joints are quite often shared.

Marijuana has nothing to do with alcoholism, btw. - David E

9)   weed is not physically addictive. it's mentally addictive only if someone's been on it constantly for a long time, so don't worry about that at all. tell your friends you'd like to try it and likely, they'll know where to go to not get caught, so just hang out with them and take a few puffs if you feel like it. if you want to try it, go ahead. - Marisa

10)   Im going to come right out and say it.........It will RUIN your life the old saying 'curiosity killed the cat '. every family including mine has problems consisting of drinking and smoking. But you have to be better than that. From the sound of your question it sounds like you totally no better then this, you need to not be pulled into bad habbits ...and stay on track in school and make life easy andbetter for your kids.........just think about what i have just said when you think about trying weed.

Make life better for you and your future family ...get an education and keep your mind straight - B360

11)   Hey. You should only try marijuana if you want to. Marijuana is not physically or psychologically addictive unless you carry an addictive personality. Its fine in moderation, but since your father was an alcoholic, addictive personalities run in your family, so be careful with that. For most, marijuana gives a calm, relaxed feeling and can relieve aches and pains. Every drug effects everybody's body differently, so it is possible to be allergic to marijuana or have a negative feeling from it. A lot of people feel very paranoid when they first smoke, so you need to be somewhere that you feel comfortable, such as someone's house if you know anyone who smokes indoors. If you're not stupid about it, you probably won't get caught. Don't smoke in a public place like a park, unless you know its very desolate and calm. Smoking in a very public park is a very good way to get caught. I smoke at the park around the corner from my house, but only because it has a good layout and not many people are around, I smoke where people can see me, I don't hide in bushes, but I'm not obvious about it. Joints and blunts are best for smoking in public, but it can be done with a pipe too. Don't act paranoid or stupid when you're stoned, and you'll be fine. Just sit back and relax.

And if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine. You don't have to try it right now, you have a long life ahead of you and have plenty of time to try it. Just don't try it too late, I've noticed that when people try marijuana after a certain age, they tend to end up on an awkward road. Your teen years are your experimental days, unless you're retired. - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

12)   From many experiences, weed, can be good and bad. Yes, it does in fact depend on the quality of the weed. For stoners, any weed does the job for em. But I don't like to spend my money on weed that much. When I dated my ex, of course (one of the tons of benefits being a girl -_^) I got smoked up all the time. I noticed that mids (average weed) cause my sinuses to erupt with problems. I would get so paranoid, feel like everyone was watching my every move, and you know how it is when you try to "think" about breathing. If you think about it, you can't really breathe well. My anxiety sky rockets with mids.

HOWEVER, if you get quality dank ganja, lol. You will be in for a surprise. I felt like clouds were carrying me every step I took. All colors and the nature (while outside) amazed me. I always feel the energy of the trees, the flowers, the critters scampering here and there, and the sun.... You notice things that while sober... You pass off as normal everyday shit. But QUALITY weed makes you realize the beauty in simplistic things. Yeah, yeah. I know it sounds like I'm tripping. But it's the truth.

Weed (quality does in fact take a toll on everything) affects everyone differently, whereas, good ol' booze... Let's just say you can expect the same outcome for most people after 5+ shots.

Weed is most defiantly not addicting. They've proved in many studies. I used to buy it a lot but I just got kinda sick of it.... I don't have the money and I just don't feel I need to smoke weed everyday. Unless you find a legit regular dealer, you will be walking on egg shells with the outcome of the weed from it's quality, how it was grown... cured... etc. - Michelle

13)   The most dangerous part of smoking weed is the legal danger not the physical or physiological dangers. If you smoke it enough you can get brain damage but the dangers are far exaggerated. Marijuana is safer than Tobacco and alcohol because it is less addictive and people tend to smoke less of it than tobacco and alcohol. The main thing you really have to worry about when smoking weed is getting arrested. Also because marijuana is illegal assessing it's dangers will not be as accurate as it could be because those conducting experiments will be biased against it. Also the government has refused on many occasions to recognize research from scientists that shows marijuana to be very safe. - Human

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Question 2
how do you buy drugs?...  how do you buy drugs?

1)   from the dealer - dvbrown

2)   what type of drugs? you can buy good drugs that help you if your in pain in shoppers - H

3)   With money.
Last time I checked, interpretive dance was not an accepted method of drug payment. - [The Doctor]

4)   I go to a pharmacy with the prescription from my doctor. To do something like buy them online is really risky especially if you have any other names in your address book. - fifthwheel948

5)   You go to work - get paid by a boss - then you find a dealer - and he gives you drugs - then the cops show up and bust your a$$ and send you to jail where you belong.

For prescription medicines- find a pharmacy - and once again you need MONEY - which comes from employment (not the DSS). - Lee

6)   Find a suspicious looking male, preferably in a black hoodie and sagging pants. - orysya12

7)   the real question is why would you want to - = )

8)   If your clueless you dont buy them from a stranger. - Thedude27

9)   The basic problem here is that drug dealers are not nice people. I'm told that once upon a time, there was a golden age when the first wave of hippies could buy marijuana, hash, speed, acid, and whatever else was on offer that week from their friendly neighborhood dope dealer.

Those times are long gone. There was too much money to be made selling drugs. Small-time and amateur drug dealers were driven out by professionals, who were driven out by the representatives of larger and more ruthless organizations, who subcontracted the work to up-and-coming junior members of large, ruthless organizations. That's who's out on the corner now ... unless you're unwary and unlucky, in which case the person on the corner could be a plainclothes officer. Either way, you can wind up in a world of trouble.

If you're determined to buy drugs, though, could you do one thing? If you're going to encourage drug trafficking and all the secondary problems that go with it, will you please do it in your own damned neighborhood? Don't drive ten or twenty miles in order to wish the problem on someone else. - T. Nielsen hayden

10)   RX - Fake anxiety until a doctor gives you a benzodiazepine, or be in severe enough pain to get prescribed an opiate.

OTC - pick up some bendryl and take 800mg of that for a scary trip, or grab the larger bottle of robitussin cough (and cough only) for a mindblowing DXM trip.

Illegal - Make shady friends, have them hook you up. - UnshadedColors

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Question 3
Is K2 Herb safer or just as safe as marijuana to smoke while pregnant?...  I don't want anyone saying I am a bad mother or anything like that because most people don't know that it is moderatly safe to smoke marijuana during pregnancy. Its actually alot safer than smoking cigarettes. I was just wondering if there are any certain chemicals or unatural substances that may not be good to smoke from the K2 stuff during pregnancy. Please don't anwer this question unless you have done your research first. Studies have been done on marijuana during pregnancy and it has no effects on the fetus. But if I wanted to switch to this K2 stuff would it be safe?

1)   why even risk it damaging your chid. Nothing bad can come from going au naturel - Jableh

2)   K2 might be legal, but it hasn't gone through much actual scientific testing like marijuana has. We don't really know the long-term effects of it, especially on pregnancy.

There's actually been a lot of concern about the stuff being much worse for you than real weed, but there's no real funding to find out.

Just because it's legal, it doesn't mean it's good for you, or even better than weed for you in any way, just that it hasn't been around long enough for enough people to get uppity about it and whine about it being legal.

You can do tons of research on the safety of weed, but very little has been published on K2. There are many side benefits (aside fromg getting high) to smoking weed, but none have been found with K2. Right now, there's more research pointing to it being bad for you than not.

If you're concerned more about your health than the law, I'd keep smoking weed over K2. I've known people whose parents smoked weed all through being pregnant, and not a single one of them has been unhealthy or defective in any way. That being said, I still don't recommend smoking anything while pregnant, but if you're going to do it anyway, go for the weed. - SombreHippie

3)   Why do something with even a remote possibility of hurting your baby? You're talking about getting him or her high before he or she is even born. Everything Mommy does, the baby does too. - Dan S

4)   When you smoke cigarettes and pot, they have certain effects on your body. One of these effects is a sudden fluctuation in blood pressure and heart rate. By creating this fluctuation in blood pressure and heart-rate, then you do run the risk of harming your child. Your child may also go into cardiac arrest as a result of these changes in blood pressure and heart rate. There's no "safe" smoking. When you smoke, you inhale carbon dioxide and the oxygen content of your blood becomes reduced. This deprivation of oxygen in your blood goes to your child and your child can have a low birth weight.

The above are all correlation or potential effects. There hasn't been a lot of scientific studies on cannabis and fetal development, so you'll find a slew of essays saying possible side effects. - when tested in mice, pot makes for misshapen babies. However in moderation, no strong coorelations between cannabis and child growth retardation have been noted. - pot may equal premies, however inconsitant outcomes make for an inconclusive result. Since this is from the Cannabis Medical Organization, I'm sure it has *no* bias.

You're old enough to make a baby, so you can accept the responsibility of nurturing that child. Generations before us did blow, smoked and drank while pregnant. Some of us have grandparents who used to use a little rum to shut up a screaming baby. I'm healthy, my mom is healthy, my grandmother is still alive and healthy. To some degree, our generation is treating women as "precious" and going overboard with organic diets and shoving multivitamins down our throats. Women have been giving birth for a very long time. Malnourished women have been able to give birth. The human body is incredibly resilient.

You aren't going to find conclusive data on the effects of pot while pregnant because marijuana is illegal and there are many variations between strains. They can conduct tests involving extracted THC, but that wouldn't show the effects of all the other cannabinoids that exist in marijuana. - miss_j

5)   You'd be much better off doing weed instead of k2. I've done just about all of the individual entheogen components that make up K2, however the ingredients have not had the testing and experience in everyday that pot has.

"Canavalia rosea, Clematis vitalba, Nelumbo nucifera, Pedicularis grandifolia, Heimia salicifolia, Leonurus sibiricus and Ledum palustre"

I actaually had a sorta bad experince with Nelumbo nucerifa (sacred lotus) stamens... I have also done pedicularis densifloria (Indian warrior, different but similar to grandifolia) are pretty strong tranquilizer. Heimia salicifolia (sun opener) claim to fame is the ability to cause lucid dreaming but I didnt get any effect from it.

Anyways, I would DEFINITELY Stay away from K2 you have no idea what those things would do to your baby. And obviously if you dont smoke anything thats the best idea. But between the 2 I would pick Weed everytime. - Thedude27

6)   DON'T SMOKE IT! You don't know what K2 could do to your baby! There are many women who have smoked marijuana during pregnancy and had healthy babies - but you have no idea what K2 could do.

Myth: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Damages the Fetus. Prenatal marijuana exposure causes birth defects in babies, and, as they grow older, developmental problems. The health and well being of the next generation is threatened by marijuana use by pregnant women.

Fact: Studies of newborns, infants, and children show no consistent physical, developmental, or cognitive deficits related to prenatal marijuana exposure. Marijuana had no reliable impact on birth size, length of gestation, neurological development, or the occurrence of physical abnormalities. The administration of hundreds of tests to older children has revealed only minor differences between offspring of marijuana users and nonusers, and some are positive rather than negative. Two unconfirmed case-control studies identified prenatal marijuana exposure as one of many factors statistically associated with childhood cancer. Given other available evidence, it is highly unlikely that marijuana causes cancer in children.

Mann, Peggy. The Sad Story of Mary Wanna. NY: Woodmere Press, 1988. 30.

Fried, Peter. Quoted in “Marijuana: Its Use and Effects.” Prevention Pipeline. 8:5 (1995): 4.

American Council for Drug Education. Drugs and Pregnancy. Rockville: Phoenix House, 1994.

Swan, Neil. “A Look at Marijuana’s Harmful Effects.” NIDA Notes. 9. 2 (1994): 16.

Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education. Marijuana – Effects on the Female. Atlanta, GA: PRIDE, 1996. - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

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Question 4
marijauna vs alcohol?...  which do you think is more dangerous. i would say marijuana is vastly safer especially because it is impossible to overdose. i think alot of people have the wrong idea what do you think?
joe your such a dumbass. pot can be used in moderation too and doesnt cause car crashes and hundreds or thousands of deaths a year
calling people who smoke marijuana "potheads" would mean that anyone that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic? explain that joe you fucking ignorant peice of shit

1)   Alcohol is worse, only if the marijuana isnt laced with anything...
weed is just a natural plant
doofus - Brittany Coyle

2)   Yes, of course you have the "marijuana is safer" mentality. But marijuana is for potheads and alchohol can and should be used in moderation, and can have at least some degree of value.

To be honest, I don't think about it much because I have more important things on my mind.

Hmm. You call me a dumbass, when you're the one coming on here asking about marijuana? Okay, I'm leaving this discussion so that you can consort with the other little potheads and derive the answer you want to hear.

Marijuana cannot be used in moderation, as far as "recreational" use is concerned. It can't be used at all. But I have bigger fish to fry and more important ways to spend my time than engaging in pothead discussions. - Joe

3)   Doing too much of anything is just a bad idea. But more people overdose on alcohol because it is far easier to do than with pot. Alcohol causes more deaths by its over consumption let alone car accidents or a pilot crashing.

DUI or DWIs can also cause accidents but not at the rate alcohol does. It's worse for your health and only small daily amounts of alcohol have had any scientific backing for any positive effects on your body as opposed to the medicinal uses for pain management for marijuana especially for chemotherapy patients.

I'd say the argument is split half and half. One thinking the one and one they other. Just like every other policy based question in this politically unmovable atmosphere. - Skaven Knight

4)   The only reason weed is illegal is because of the logging businuss and paper business, and oil industry. you may thank your local ahole republicans, and your local stupid democrats. - Robert Zoidac

5)   Marijuana is safer. If anything, you'll feel sleepy and want to take a nap. Marijuana is not dangerous to your health unless you have an allergy. Alcohol can disorient you much more and make you sick, even die. People get their stomachs pumped from alcohol poisoning all of the time, nobody ever goes into a hospital from an overdose on marijuana. Besides this retarded cop (LOL its actually quite funny, this is 911 call.) - [ ★♏ . A I R ]

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Question 5
how are homeopathic remedies made?...  

1)   you'd have to start w/ an ailment.... uggg

buy the "Encyclopedia of Natural medicine",
you'll learn a lot. - Todd

2)   Homeopathic remedies were traditionally made using highly concentrated plant extracts, usually by using alcohol or by boiling for an extended period of time. The idea is that like brings attention to like. In other words, if you have a headache that seems to be third-priority to your body (and it's just not being cleared up fast enough), you can take a very, very small amount of something that induces headache symptoms to bring the headache further to the top of your body's priority list. Homeopathy focuses on the body's extremely effective natural healing abilities, and suggests that much of the reason behind a problem not being resolved in the body lies in the fact that a person's systems aren't always completely organized.

Anyway, that's what I've read on homeopathy. Just reiterating: to make homeopathic medicine, people use tiny (almost insignificant) amounts of a plant or its "active ingredient." I don't think it's all that common for homeopaths to use laboratory-synthesized materials, but I'm sure there are some products like that out there. The actual medicine comes in a lot of different forms, but I've been seeing mostly milk-sugar tablets at my local health stores. - ThinkDamnit

3)   a little bite of the snake that bit you. your allergic to hay weed let's say. they take a small amount of hay weed and put in some alcohol. they then take a little bit of that solution and mix it with alcohol again. then they take a little of that solution and mix it with alcohol. and they do that 100 times for 100x solution of hay weed. if they want a strong level they do it 1000x which is actually weaker but in homeopathic medicine the weaker it is, the stronger the medicine! - John Whittington

4)   You start with a 'mother tincture' of an active ingredient that is supposed to cause similar symptoms to those you are experiencing from your condition. Homeopaths believe that 'like cures like'.

You then dilute this tincture in water or alcohol, then dilute it further. There are different scales for the different dilutions. The 'C' scale means a 1:100 dilution is made. This is then repeated; so in the typical case of a 30C dilution this is done 30 times. The dilutions are 'succussed' or shaken between steps.

The 30C remedy is a dilution ratio of 10 to the power of 60, or a 10 with 60 zeros after it. So the remedy will have no molecules of the original ingredient left as it has been diluted beyond the molar limit, but homeopaths claim that the water has a memory and the 'energy' of the ingredient remains in the remedy.

Of course this is complete bunk; it has zero scientific plausibility and homeopathy cannot beat placebo in well designed clinical trials.

In fact, a 30C dilution would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for 4 billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original material to any patient.

Reminds me of a short scene from 'The Outlaw Josey Wales': - Gary Y

5)   I was waiting for Gary to answer just so I could write "Gary has your answer" ;) - Tink

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